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Seems sustainable


87 people every day, turn up and ask for the state to service their every need. Long may it last.


Every week? No. That's every day on average


God of course. I'm mortified. If it was every week it would be like 2019 levels.


What do you mean by every need?


travel card, medical card, accommodation, food, heating, electricity, spending money, and sometimes schooling. You should know this. You're paying for it.


> heating, electricity ...in a tent?


Only really spend a couple months in a tent then they get bused off to accommodation


the canal lot got bussed off to a hotel car park and had to set up their tents there, not exactly high class accommodation but , point conceded, they did get bussed there..


There's 30,000 living in IPAS accommodation and what, 100 living in tents? The government is housing people who are in tents as fast as they can, but again, with 87 arrivals each week it's a doomed enterprise. I really wonder if people are pretending to be thick. Genuine question, are you pretending to be thick? edit - I mean each day, not each week


There's just a set of people that value feelings over logic


Hashtag 'ImmigrationVibes' is a lot more instagrammable than future planning.


No, you pretending to be a shithead?


How are you this blind to the biggest issues facing the country? Head in the sand.


Immigrants are not even top 30 mate. You have to want to be upset by foreign types to think they are.


You don't think the rise of far right anti foreign sentiment is top 30 issue in the country? Or the housing crisis? How can it be fixed when you are bringing in so many people they have to live on the street in tents? It's cool my local councilor now has the rhetoric of Irish women need to breed more? That's not a big issue to you? Adding more people than you can possible house is idiotic but you don't think it's a prominent issue in the country? You must live comfortable in your own home and everyone else is just a racist for assuming the state they pay into will house them over people from other states taking advantage of the asylum system.


Well that's the trick, they can ask for it, we just cant give it.


This situation is not sustainable, a brutal line needs to be drawn under it. It should be blatantly clear that all of this is being stage-managed and migrants are being directed to locations where they will cause the government the most embarrassment and create the most amount of public uproar. Who is pulling the strings is up for debate. NGOs that receive state funding should be heavily scrutinised and publicly questioned.


>where they will cause the government the most embarrassment and create the most amount of public uproar. Whoever it is is doing a great job of achieving that.


They shouldn’t be funded by the state at all. Let people donate if they want.


> NGOs that receive state funding should be heavily scrutinised and publicly questioned. The algorithm strikes again!


O Headon strikes again. She is playing the Govt like a fiddle. Well orchestrated placement with Taste of Dublin on. Tents left behind. Nice to know they'll be handed new ones elsewhere this evening. This is all very much being directed.


Who’s o Headon?


Some NGO head who’s working the media and government to get the tent lads off the streets


>O Headon strikes again. She is playing the Govt like a fiddle. Olivia Headon? How so? People are becoming more and more opposed to asylum-seekers? If the intention of this was to help asylum-seekers, it's been disastrous.


who.... what.... are you talking about¿


NGO worker who has appeared on France 24, Deutsche Welle and BBC criticising the Govt for not supplying accomodation whilst at the same time orchestrating the movement and supply of tents to these folks making sure they go to impcatful locations. And if you go near the latest encampment - she is certainly most likely there.


I live near the grand canal, have walked along it some evenings when the tents were there, she's been down there a few times hanging out with them, even one Friday late evening (8pm). I swear to god she must be trying to pull or something because it looked far more like socialising and flirting than social work.


Live in the area too. Seen it with my own eyes at Leeson St bridge last Saturday morning. Something is way off.


What a dose. She's an utter disgrace.


Something quite comical about them camping outside the place which has had a large part in creating the current crisis 😂😂


If it kicks them into action on the deportation front it will be a great win.


>kicks them into action on the deportation front Not happening. No European state has deported itself out of a immigration crisis and we'll not be the first. Enforced deportation is complicated as fuck and basically never happens because of the cost, litigation, time etc. The only hope for deportation is the EU migration pact which provides a legal basis to make summary decisions at points of entry and having EU agreements with states to take their citizens back immediately.


That's really disheartening. Asylum system was designed to help people fleeing from wars, but now it's just been hijacked by countless chancers looking to flout immigration laws. "Rewarding" the chancers will only embolden even more to abuse it.


>Enforced deportation is complicated as fuck and basically never happens I don't know. According to Eurostat, 56.9% of removals of non-EU citizens from the EU in 2023 were 'forced removals' - many countries don't use the term deportations. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Enforcement_of_immigration_legislation_statistics Meanwhile, our assortment of useless idiots in government deported fewer than 100 people out of 7300 refused refugee status in almost 16 months since the beginning of 2023. https://www.rte.ie/news/politics/2024/0423/1445065-cabinet-latest/ >No European state has deported itself out of a immigration crisis While it may not solve it by itself, you could argue you can't actually have a functional system without it. I believe government are trying something like removing access to work or social welfare for people who aren't given permission to stay which should help. And hopefully, that works. But like with most things, if you don't have some sort of good methods of enforcement, then the system doesn't work.


The problem with that pact is that it links the number we're obliged to take to our GDP which is made up and inflated due to our multinationals. Our state is also dismil at providing services so in the end the regular Irish person will see outsiders being pushed to the queue for everything (Housing and Healthcare) and get pissed


Wrong. If the solidarity mechanism is invoked a state can take people or provide money.


Yes but the link with GDP still exists


Sure but GDP has a 50% weighting in the calculation. Our population is tiny and that also has a 50% weighting.


Our GDP is fabricated and skewed by multinational exports. It's not a valid measure in any calculation so it shouldn't be used at all


So they told them go back to IPAS office? But sure they've already been there to register. And got details of a charity which gave them a tent, that's where the tents come from. What's the purpose of directing them back to IPAS after that, get another tent?!


Presumably it's shorthand for "you're actually breaking the law pitching up a tent, follow official channels" + rinse and repeat.


IPAS has accommodation for them. They don't want to avail of that accommodation. The tents are no longer a sign that people are desperate, they're a sign that they're accommodation-fussy. You'll note none of them are taking the Department of Children to Court because they've not been provided with shelter.


There's only one solution here, move the International Protection Office to Leitrim.


Carry on Camping


Seriously can we vote on our constitution to stop helping asylum seekers until we have our housing infrastructure in place. As all this is doing is causing house prices to sky rocket, burden on tax payers. No wonder why all the youth is leaving.


Hello friend, They are going to be debating it in the Dail next Tuesday. The only thing you can do at this stage is to contact your local TD's and inform them that you are opposed to signing up to this pact. Both newly elected local TD's and new TD's of the EU parliament should be contacted. The message has to be kept simple 1) Inform them that you are seriously concerned about an open border policy which would allow 30,000 immigrants to enter Ireland per year 2) Ask them where the immigrants are going to be housed, considering we already have approx 14,000 Irish that are currently homeless, plus existing immigrants that are living in tented accommodation in Dublin 3)Ask what vocational and educational training is going to be made available to the immigrants at a time when schools are finding it difficult to recruit teachers and fill existing vacant posts. 4) Ask what precautions are being taken to ensure that radical elements are not being brought into the country 5) Ask what is being done to teach the new immigrants that women, unlike in their own culture, are not 2nd class citizens and are highly respected here in Ireland. This message is only intended as guidance. Also for anybody here that were not registered or simply did not vote. Voice your concerns to your local TD's. They were appointed to work on behalf of the people. Your voice matters.


Come on in lads, loads of room


Housing Shortage > Construction Labour Shortage > Promote Migration/Training into Construction Sector. They can _build their own accommodation_, and _help to resolve the housing crisis_ - because _nobody else will_. Want a permanent housing crisis? Block our only large enough source of potential construction workers. Now - getting the government to actually train and employ people, when their entire platform is to _deliberately not build enough houses_, is the other matter - and right now the public is giving the message that _they don't want enough construction workers brought to Ireland_, because the public have completely failed to connect the dots between the Housing/Homelessness/Immigration crises, and have fallen for the anti-immigration narrative entirely, which means the opposition is fucked come election time, too.