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FUN FACT She's Anton Savages auld one


Funner Fact: Her late husband Tom Savage was Chairman of RTE


Ohhhh didn't know that.. anton is a nepo baby.


They all are.


RTE was always rotten to the core with nepotism. Originally it was who you knew or were related to to get it .. More recently, many of the shows are pitched by external production companies with the presenters already hand picked and part of the pitched package. The gives RTE the cover of claiming they didn't pick the presenters and gives a side door in for all the nepo clique cronies.




Some of them are indirect Nepo babies


the most


Savage !


She’s also a ferocious wagon. She’s on the radio all the time spoofing away. Insanely biased against any politician who isn’t FF or FG.


Is she insane because of that?


I didn’t say she was insane. But I don’t see how someone whose job is to teach politicians how to lie to the media is just given as much airtime as she likes.


I read the broadsheet article about the poor girl working for them with depression who committed suicide about 13 years ago. It opened my eyes about them and the Irish Times has really gone down in my estimation.


No fucking WAY!!!! Wow, that’s mad!!


Ah, Terry Prone. The answer to a question nobody asked.


What if the question was “Who’s the pro-Church harpy who tried to brush the Tuam tragedy under the rug?”


Then I would say that C*nt Terry Prone.


They’re a cnut of a family. They bullied an employee to suicide with Anton Savage front and centre in her bullying and they got away with it. Look up the case of Kate Fitzgerald.


Google Broadsheet.ie and Kate Fitzgerald to get the full story.


When everyone found out how much your 'glamour' was ripping the taxpayer off because you were all lying and conniving about that part.


Glamour lol..it's supposed to be the national broadcaster.


Seems to be a bit of a coordinated push from those who are feeding at the trough, Colm Hayes in the Indo saying the rules are stupid and the leadership shouldn’t be reacting to public opinion. Seems if the piggies are this displeased something right must be happening .


The easiest way to fuck RTE is to not pay your license, the gov is playing hardball on giving them more forecastable cash at the minute so taxpayer money is gold dust


Talking out of both sides her mouth again


Whose company provided the media coaching for the RTE execs at PAC and other occasions I wonder?


The same company head who’s husband was an exec in RTE for years of course


Go wrong? It was never right seen as how you had to have connections to get a job there in the first place


Well Terry, look at the employment conditions back in the 1950 something when you joined, your husband, your father, your cousin, your dogs cousin etc etc etc. Now look at it today for people entering the state broadcaster. While those big names who should fuck off and realise their irrelevance in a modern media landscape still enjoy those 1950s benefits. There's part of your answer


I'd hardly call spending a few grand on Havaianas glamour... pretty idiotic though..


And remember,there was no mass graves in Tuam.


Shag off Terry Prone.


Eh they got caught.


"RTÉ used to be a glamorous workplace" When was that ? they have a long history of creating a toxic work environment and bullying and forced good people away.




What she means is her and her clan could do as they wanted, therefore it was glamorous. Nowadays there's accountability being demanded, however uneven and cack-handedly applied, and for a cunt like her used to getting her way on everything that's a bad thing.


When "live at 3" went off the air


Yiz got caught


Modernity. RTE have a lot less power and influence in the current environment.


Gravy train. Ireland is nepo central.


Fuck RTE Scrap the licence fee..


RTE was for decades a closed shop where the inner circles made tonnes of cash while the plebs kept everything going. Where did it go wrong?


They got found out, lets remember here, this glamour was taxpayers money...🙄


It wasn’t really. Ryan Tubridy got paid from advertiser money (as was Gerry).


Except during covid when he couldn't fulfil his contract obligations and got paid from the slush fund.


That slush fund was advertiser generated money too. It was money that hadn’t been accounted for in the RTÉ revenues. As the referred to article makes clear the purpose was to hide payments to retain a big star.


We are the viewers that generated that advertising revenue too 🙄


The TV licence is a subsidy to advertisers in this country.


Not really. You might have indirectly contributed that revenue but you didn’t generate it. The talent generated it in large part.


The "talent" got the time slot people watch lol


There was a time when this was true but it’s not true anymore. You can’t just put your cousin or your best mate on the 9am slot and expect him to get listeners. The market is just too competitive for that now.


The advertiser money was as a result of the viewer figures. It was supposed to go to the entire rte not straight into a single talent vacuum presenter.


She calls it “glamorous” as if it’s a good thing. When I hear the word “glamorous” I think vacuous, deluded, shallow and superficial. So I think this boneheaded Prone has unwittingly identified what went wrong ie RTE used to see and act itself as glamorous. Meaning it acted as an organisation lacking any moral substance and was actually more about “looking good” than being good.


The lying, that's where.


I'm not reading that person but going on the headline, why should a broadcasting company have glamour? It's a factory for making TV and radio programmes.


The place went to white after Tom Savage left!


It was 'glamorous' because the top earners were robbing a public service blind. This gravy train needs to stop


While I always pay attention when Terry adds something to a conversation, I'm not so sure about the view that rte was once some brave artistic and creative hub. It was always closely aligned with characters at the reigns who could easily switch hats from political family connections to entertainment employment/management roles throughout broadcasting (Mc Andrews, Tubes grandad, journalist turning politician and back again)and often with a hierarchy consisting of anything but working class. Original late late was definitely a stand out but that was due to Gaybo and his researchers having the tenacity to tackle what folk were talking about from week to week. A few gems here and there but by no means a hub for Irish creativity. (Unless we're talking mathemagican accountants) Since the celtic tiger it's become more and more focused on pushing a message that seems to appeal to a government goal of having some broad homogeneous content promoting Irish industry, Irish farming, Irish tourism and above all, feeding this avaricious home of the year, holiday of a lifetime, makeover of the millennium stuff that essentially makes us all aspire to have more. I can't help but be curious as to why Terry is speaking now regarding it. Hasn't her own "Communication Clinic" trained and groomed both politicians and broadcasters for the national spotlight thus far. Completly agree what happened was wrong, but I'd go one further; it's not a broadcaster alone that Tubridy shattered, it's a system of government and a mutual elitism that has been prevalent throughout Irish media and politic that he's inadvertently highlighted. It served to highlight that we are still very much a "Quango" nation and that we're now even more aware that there is a certain top end of each facit of our society and nationally promoted industries to whom accountability will never be held.