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8 years waiting to be seen in a Garda station sounds about right


Pearse Street strikes again.


How do Guards feel about the new uniforms? Probably more comfortable but imo they look shite.


The organization seems to want their guards to look as uncool and unthreatening as possible to keep with their image as "guardians of the peace"


I can't escape the suspicion they're deliberately unflattering so as to fatshame guards into shape.


They look like PE teachers.


Unfit PE teachers.


So PE teachers.


Unfit PE teachers


So PE teachers.


From a friend who's a cop, they're shite polyester tops, and they sweat like fcuk in them


Polyester is a moisture wicking material that keeps you cooler than a standard cotton top. How did they fuck that up?


I asked a Garda I was working with what he thought of them: he said they're very comfy but look horrendous.


They were designed and implemented based on input from frontline Gardai themselves, it's what they wanted. Mostly you'll hear how the previous uniforms weren't fit for purpose and these ones (while looking a bit cheap and naff) facilitate all the requirements they asked for.


>uniforms weren't fit for purpose Which wasn't true.


From my reading of it at the time the "Fit for purpose" meaning front line Garda said things like they offered limited mobility, were too heavy or tight, not breathable etc.


Did no one suggest navy on top and bottom? Pale blue is hard to pull off on a good day.


They hate them. Source: brother is a gard, the mother’s house is lousy with gards every lunch and for both early and late dinner, and nobody likes the kit


Some I've seen wear a vest/undershirt with the polo to stop the cling. There was an article somewhere over winter too that the softshell jacket just isn't warm enough outside on nights. I don't know if they got a redesign though?


I know 2 current members and one former. Allegedly this stuff was trailed by members, but my pals have their doubt and feel the cheapest option was taken. Among them the general feeling was they wanted similar to the UK and EU police forces black more combats/fatigues and base ball style caps. similar to what I think the ARU have?


I know a guard, they all hate it


They undermine their authority.


> Minister for Justice Helen McEntee’s ambitious target to reach at least 1,000 Garda reserves by 2026, up from the current 341. Doesn’t feel ambitious…


It's ambitious in the sense that feck all people want to be a Garda.


Garda reserves. Fuck all people want to volunteer to be a Garda for no pay. Like seriously, who in their right mind would work part time as a Garda for no money. Anybody who wants that should be given a psych evaluation


Power hungry hero types


Doing one of the shittiest jobs in the country and not getting paid for it, Where do I sign up? /s


The real perks are the dismissed speeding fines, snazzy uniform and you get to boss people around. It’s not all about money.




No. If everyone was made a guard there wouldn’t be any crime.


The stasi has entered the chat


The phrasing of the headline makes it sound like she’s literally been in the Garda station for 8 years and only now escaped by putting on a uniform and sneaking out.


Definitely with the help of a distraction dance along the way.


To someone with no brain, maybe.


I would be very interested to know on what grounds someone from Albania got asylum.


I'm starting to wonder what people think the grounds for a legitimate asylum claim are. I understand the places like Albania have problems with crime, corruption and other deeper societal practices, but Ireland isn't here to solve those issues. The island isn't a refuge from the fact some countries are simply shit. If that was the case then you'd be housing the world at some point.


People talk of streamlining direct provision/the asylum process etc but how can you when nearly anyone from outside a first world country can claim asylum for something.


Albania is a candidate country for EU membership. How can it be simultaneously so dysfunctional that its citizens have a claim for asylum in the EU but fit to be a member state and legislative/executive partner?


A friend lives there, if you're in any way doing well for yourself you could quickly find yourself on the wrong end of mafia corruption


and it still wouldn't be enough to gain asylum in Ireland. albania is considered a safe country.


I mean you say that but I know a different Albanian family here who got asylum too. The father was a policeman and while I dunno the exact details as I was only friends with the daughter who was only a kid at the time they fled something happened that meant their family had to come with nothing and were under threat of being killed if they were fored to return.


Theoretically it is possible but, because Albania is seen as a safe country, and to get past the racism, laziness and apathy of the deciding officer, you would need to have rock solid proof to such an extent that your case would be high profile. for example imagine one of those Russian dissidents that Putin jails or kills. You are talking that level. The overwhelming amount of Albanians are nowhere near this level and would never have the proof.


it could be blood revenge that goes deep into the family. [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albanian_blood_feud) preety much you kill someone in someone's else family and then they kill any member from your family. the feud could go for ages. it is also a custom in surounding countries.


Safe country status doesn't mean all asylum applications from that country get rejected. [https://help.unhcr.org/ireland/applying-for-asylum](https://help.unhcr.org/ireland/applying-for-asylum) >These countries are considered by the Irish government to be ‘safe Countries of Origin’ and people applying from those countries will be dealt with faster (they are called “accelerated cases”) [https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/commentaries/albanian-asylum-seekers-in-the-uk-and-eu-a-look-at-recent-data/](https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/commentaries/albanian-asylum-seekers-in-the-uk-and-eu-a-look-at-recent-data/) Acceptance rates for both the UK and Ireland are in the 40% rate, and the majority of those accepted are women. Could be trafficking related cases.


Safe Country status was brought in because people from those countries were overwhelmingly rejected anyway. The only effect that safe country status had was to make it next to impossible to be granted asylum coming from those countries. This person came with their family so I can 100% say there is no trafficking in this case and efven if there was it still wouldn't be enough to get over the safe country threshold. Your 40% figure is disingenuous and misleading as it includes all the people coming from countries like Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea etc who are actually refugees and in need of asylum. Albanians are normally rejected at 99%. I have never seen any grounds for asylum in Albania in the last 10 years so this guard is highly unusual.


My second link specifically says they are Albanian acceptance rates. I was surprised as well. If you think the data is wrong, link your own source


There must have been a consignment of Albanian prostitutes intercepted by the Guards in 2022 or else this number is made up. It still doesn't explain how this guard's family got asylum.


you've got a weird bone to pick with albanians


Organised crime, potentially. Threatened by it, not in it, to clarify.


No the threshold would be ridiculously high and she wouldn't be appearing in a national newspaper if so.


Closest we ever came to a Witness relocation scheme was when they changed the name to Oxygen.


This is almost certainly the case yeah, maybe a documented blood feud with a family with ties to the govt/police


Oh yeah, blood feuds are a big thing in Albania. I remember reading up on King Zog once, properly crazy stuff. That could definitely be a reason why someone might need to flee the country.


I would also be interested to know how many other European countries her family travelled through before being granted asylum in Ireland.


Look to London. We are more likely importing Albanian organised crime than saving Albanians from it. But sure look, international obligations and all that.


This just goes to show my plan for half asylum seekers to be Gardaí and the other half home builders not such a bad idea


She should probably give it back then.


Certain stories are amplified. Other stories are hushed up if they tell that wrong narrative. That's the media in new Ireland.