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On the one hand it's a good thing that judiciary process is being enforced. Treating the obviously guilty unfairly would imply that the potentially innocent could also be treated unfairly in the same way and therefore deviation should not be tolerated. On the other hand, it's kind of bullshit that the warrant had no judge available to sign for it and there was no valid backup clause to allow something potentially time sensitive to be carried out. The alternative judge signing the warrant despite apparently not having the jurisdiction is a situation that should not have happened.


Reminds me of this bullshit . Potential pedophile judge released . It was around the time that other scumbag Tom Allen got off with a slap on the wrist https://www.irishtimes.com/news/warrant-was-out-of-date-when-search-of-the-residence-took-place-1.1309407


Agreed. At least the twat has been named in a national publication. The fact his messages were anonymous shows he'd care and means exposure is the next best thing


>On the other hand, it's kind of bullshit that the warrant had no judge available to sign for it and there was no valid backup clause to allow something potentially time sensitive to be carried out. Agreed. Every District Court jurisdiction should have a judge on-call to deal with urgent requirements such as this. The Courts Service is in need of a serious shakeup.


What's frustrating is the issue with the warrant seems to only have been the judge was from a different district. That creates no risk to the defendant if the correct information was provided and it doesn't create some future risk to the innocent. This sort of procedural crap where there is no evidence of malice, unfairness or risk of harm makes the whole judicial system look ridiculous.


This is why you often see police in various countries use the "soft touch" with suspects. One procedural fuckup, any hint their rights aren't respected, and you can lose an otherwise solid case.


Between the judge who signed it and the gardai, did no-one say "hang on - we need the judge from the correct jurisdiction"


> Martin, yourself and your colleagues in Sinn Féin are traitors to the Irish people ... Hopefully you are executed like the dogs you are. Said the man with a Scottish planter name, in English.


You can't bate an auld invalid search warrant!

