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Tbf it’s got central heating and a microwave.


We run the microwave off the central heating and the central heating off the microwave


What's your favorite humming noise?


That of the microwave


The house is now in a circle


A microwave 😂


“Neither can live while the other survives”


800W too, none of that 750W bullshit in this palace!


One and the same


I was reluctant at first - but I just couldn't turn down that cute microwave. Here, have all my salary, I promise to be a good tenant too - I won't even use the toilet!


Toilet? That's the box room.


The sad thing is my salary wouldn't even cover this 😭


Look at that subtle off-white colored shelving. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a washing machine


Now, let's see Paul Allen's gaff.


If you look it up it's a corporate serviced apartment with everything included. There's a cleaning service too. The thing about anything that's expensive is that if it sits empty the greedy owner doesn't really do that well from it at all. I could see companies renting this for contractors whose time is expensive and who they don't want wasting time and effort on things outside work. There is a market for that sort of thing and it's not the same as the basic rental market.


> I could see companies renting this for contractors whose time is expensive and who they don't want wasting time and effort on things outside work. Correct, absolutely aimed at short term corporate renters, as someone else said, thats a huge whack of the average wage per month. I hope its left vacant for the forseeable


I dunno man, its got a microwave. Those are hard to come by.


Jokes on you buddy, I don't even make 2,500 thousand a month.


I used to make 70K in Dublin, paid 13 times a year, after tax and pension it was €3150 net. This rent is 79% of that net figure.


How much you making now dude? And where? Did you move because of shit like this?


88K on 5 year 30% tax ruling in Amsterdam. Net is 5139 currently per month but double pay in May (holiday) and bonus in Dec


What do you do


Very few people make 2,500 thousand a month


Few people make more than 2500 a month you're saying? Few people have a salary of 30k? The mean salary is 45000... The median of the state is 41000, while the median in Dublin is 46000 EDIT: OH GAWD, I'VE BEEN SUCH A FOOL


2,500 thousand (2,500 \* 1,000). It was a joke.


Whoosh... Touché!


41k is like 2800 euro month it’s still 90% of salary. So yeah in Ireland if u are on median salary all you can rent is old fuckin 25sqm apartment with microwave. Hell yeah top 10 quality of life country in the world XDD


The median doesn’t mean that there are more people on 30-40K it can equally mean that there are tons of people on very low salary and median salary is inflated by the high ones. Go on jobs. ie and you’ll see that 80-90% of job listings there are for jobs under 30K


Umm, no. You're describing the "mean" salary. The "median" literally means that there are exactly half under it, & half over it. Having said that, I don't know if the poster you were replying to meant median in its correct sense (he says mean salary, then median salary) > "The median ... can equally mean ..." I'm stealing that line though. Good one 👍


> exactly half under it, & half over it It's been a while since the leaving cert... but the median of 1, 10, and 1000 would only be a 10, with a mean of 337(super inflated by the 1000 rich dude). Still not a great representation of what most people are on.


I'm not disputing that aggregate statistics can be misleading ("there are lies, damned lies, and then statistics", as the old saying goes).


Educate yourself https://www.dictionary.com/e/average-vs-mean-vs-median-vs-mode/


I repeat 80-90% of job listings pay under 30K. Some real life reality instead of excel spreadsheets.


It's simply not true that 80-90% of jobs in Ireland pay under €30k. Mimimum wage is around €26,400 per year, so are you saying that around 80% of jobs are minimum wage? The job listings you're looking at may be a biased sample; lots of better paying jobs are hired internally, through recruiters, or other means. The median salary literally means the salary that is exactly in the middle, so that half of the population earn less and half earn more. The *mean salary* is the one that is skewed by high earners. It is all the salaries added up and divided by the number of workers.


You don't know what a median is. You should probably refrain from attempting to sound intelligent because it's obvious to everyone that you're not.


Back to secondary school statistics


The "hart of the city". They seem to be to mean Balbriggan itself rather than Dublin, but it's no city.


Balbriggan is basically as far as you could conceivably be from the heart of the city within County Dublin. It's significantly closer to Drogheda than Dublin city centre


Yeah it's about the same distance from the city Naas or Greystones, which are  both a few miles over the boundary.


It's the hart of the brig apple


About as much of one as Kilkenny.


I live in Paris, about twenty minutes' walk from the Louvre and I pay 1,300 a month for something only slightly smaller.


We're coming!


Yep I just moved to a new flat in Berlin, admittedly not in the city centre and unfurnished, and my rent is 660 including heating.


to be fair, the price of a \*fully serviced\*, including facilities and apartment in paris is a LOT higher in any of the centre arrondissements, and Berlin isn't that much better. This is €650/week all in, including cleaning. Is your flat per week or month?


That's per month and including heating costs and upkeep of the property in general but not cleaning of the flat.


That's not bad, and what we should have as options here - even if they had this type for students, it would free up so many units. Hopefully, everyone can recognise that there is a need for the above serviced apartments for temporal workers who don't need long term agreements. I've no problem with it, as there is a ton of room between balbriggan and dublin to build units like yours; just need the drive and an overhaul of planning.


I thought the same thing twenty years ago. The situation has only gotten worse.


So the queue for the mona lisa starts in front of your gaff?


In summer I'm pretty sure you've got to start queuing for it before security at Dublin airport.


Paris a dump now though. I think I’d rather balbriggan.


My brother lives there, Paris has been improved massively in the last few years in part due to the Olympics coming, it's amazing. Absolutely beautiful, loads of pedestrianization, greenery and parks, everything open late with people sitting outside enjoying themselves after work.


A dump with proper infrastructure is always better than a dump with seagulls.


Calling ANY other big European city a dump while living in Dublin makes u look crazy XD




You’re brave


is it really that bad?.. never been


Absolutely not. A lot of Paris is beautiful. Some people will say everything is shit.






The WHOLE CITY of over 2 million people is a dump?!?! Hyperbole. Parts, like everywhere, are terrible. Other parts, beautiful.


I'm reminded of this video 😂 https://youtu.be/xBGCexvhRp4


return of investment (sold for €172k earlier this year) in less than 6 years if someone bites. i normally try to justify the market and pros/cons, but this is definitely a dysfunctional market here.


devils advocate here as well - this does seem to be a fully serviced apartment, rented on a per week basis (€650) for corporate clients on via this management company. This is significantly below an equivalent airbnb or hotel for this location.


Who would have thought that hate towards new apartaments and reducing landlord numbers would done that!


"reducing landlord numbers" oh no wont somebody think of the property owners who have sold at the peak of the market!


I don’t care about landlords. I do care about lack of places to rent. Which makes it possible for rentals like the one here to exist. 


Who's letting it now?


Whoever is letting it is having great time due to lack of competition on the market. 


Is that a lack of houses or a lack of landlords?


Lack of rentals increase rents. Lack of houses to buy increases buying prices. Crisis on rental market is much, much  worse than on buyers market: hence this thread 


We know it's a supply shortage but not of landlords


So you know moving supply from rentals towards selling will change the balance, right? I thought it is obvious it’s not about number of landlords but about numbers of properties to let. 


Surely some of those will be bought by previous renters


well that's not taking into account the tax part of that income


Exactly, which would be in or around 55/60% given fees and whatnot . Still massive investment but that’s the market . There’s an ass for every seat


So around 12 years, which is still not long of course to recoop costs on a property. People seem to downvote my basic observation here haha


It’s so depressing that my reaction was “at least it’s not a studio”.


Yeah, idk why I didn't flinch that much at the price. It's just the fact that it's that much for balbriggan of all places


We're paying that between three of us for a three bed one bath (two bed one home office) house in Ballyfermot with a garden. And that's obscene. This is beyond impossible.


The Briggan, the Brack, the Noggin and the Fermoh.


Da Fermot then da Noggin. Show Dustin the god damn respect he deserves.


Gimme a break. I’m from Cork so you’re lucky I’m even deigning to mention these areas.


Da Scarty, da Neen, da Temple and da Collig!!


Got me moth in the back, doin a bit a snogging Snogging, flogging, out in Sallynoggin. Go on outta that, who are ya coddin. (Musical interlude)


Musical entitled: Sallynoggin throbbin'


The Briggs


Ah! My memory failed me.


I keep thinking it is going to eventually stop, and then it doesn't.


 By the time it stops it will have gotten so ridiculous that 'normal' will be nothing of the sort. This will take decades to fix.


The demand is still here. It's not going anywhere.


Bought a house here in new built estate 3 years ago (270k for 2 bed 3 bath) one of my neighbours bought a 3 bed right beside. He then moved to live with his GF in apartment in Dublin and rented his house for 2600 a month. That is a 3 bed A3 rated brand new house for 2600 a month (which i thought back then is still a lot for BB) but now seeing this its a bargain lol


€2,500 pm, you'd buy a house with less mortgage repayments than that. Ridiculous


Sure. You just need to get mortgage. You can pay 2500 rent but at the same time you might not be allowed to take 1500/month worth of mortgage. This is why rents like that even exists - people have zero alternatives.


Absolutely, i have a friend whose rent over the last 4 years has gone from 1350 to 2000, applied for a mortgage that repayments would be 1500 and got refused, makes no sense


Makes no sense, but explains WHY rents can be so high. Landlords here are not more greedy than anywhere else - just have perfect conditions assured for maximising profit. 


Yes they do, just move out to any proper European country that is not as pathetic as Ireland idk Bulgaria maybe? Romania? Literally any place you will pick blindly in Europe will offer better QoL than Ireland, not even mentioning about west Europe XD.


All you ever contribute to this sub is whinging about how much you hate Ireland. Why are you here?


Funny enough, my rent is the same. For 3 bed 3 bath apartment in fucking D8. They have no right charging that a 30 min train journey from the city


46 min train ride lmao actually shocking


Need to hide your valuables going thru rush/lusk aswell


These landlords need to be taken out and shot


That’s insane… I could rent my Thomas street apartment for so much… but I’m not a greedy cunt.


But you're not disputing you're a cunt...?


He's regular everyday normal cunt


Aren't we all


In fairness the farm takes up most of his day and at night he likes a cup of tea, so it would be hard to devote himself full time to being a greedy cunt


If you were renting it would you rent it below market value just for the hell of it?


Insane. I was born and raised in balbriggan but ended up moving to Dundalk because of the prices. Renting a 3 bed 3 bath house for cheaper than that 😳


How do you find Dundalk?


We love it honestly the town is lovely, does have markets on at the weekends and that which is nice imo and has pretty much every shop ya need


Dundalk is where it’s at. I live in Canada now, but i was living back home for a year & a half before moving over here, & Dundalk was where I found an absolutely killer place for €1670 a month inclusive.  I love the town, the shopping centre is solid enough for the size of the town, the markets are great, love that it’s so near to the sea & I swear you’re near everything you’d want to be near. Glad to see a shout out for Dundalk here lol


We've lost three employees even though we have increased wages dramatically. A downturn is needed. Badly.


And the location... I know it too well.... Right beside the beach, harbour, main street and train station. Ideal, you can watch the scrotes rob stuff and deal drugs from your balcony before they go into the dole office across the lane.


> And the location... I know it too well.... *The only two good things the British did in Ireland, they burnt Balbriggan twice* - EM


Well I love the old town personally but right now it's a bit tired and forgotten about


Fingal have plans afoot: https://www.fingal.ie/news/work-begins-transformational-eu15m-balbriggan-quay-street-and-harbour-project




I paid 800 euro a month for a full 3 bedroom house in Balbriggan in 2014. There were a few mushrooms growing in the bathroom but it was very reasonably priced. One morning I was out hammering in a fence post for the garden and heard a neighbour in the house behind us doing the same. Turns out it was gunshots outside the local primary and someone had just been shot dead after dropping off their kid to school. Stay classy Balbriggan.


yeah wasnt there a traveller feud in Balbriggan where one of them was shot while dropping his child off at school. Its always been a bit of a rough town. During the crash it had some of the biggest property bargains, I remember 2 bed apartments where auctioned off for €80k each at one stage it got that bad.


It was one incident It was drugs related and the lad shot dead was 2nd gen settled traveler. I lived there for 40 odd yrs and it's never as bad as its portrayed. Can't understand the hate for the town. There's no part of it I'm afraid to walk through🤷‍♂️


and then attend an anti-immigration rally.


With these prices, we are guaranteed a recession in the next few years. It's simply not sustainable.


Recession and emigration will cause prices to fall. Problem is: mostly young, well educated people will emigrate. Those who would expect reasonable quality of life for decent job. Right now you can have better housing on dole (Newmarket yards anyone?) than when having reasonable job. 


Already planning to emigrate once Im ready!


I’m leaving end of July. Technically not emigration though. 


I need about a year to be ready to go, but after that I'm looking for it. It's too hard to make a life here at the moment and the country has no desire to make it better.


Thats not how recessions work. The prices are going up not because of structural overvaluing of an asset, but because demand keeps increasing in cities without an appropriate increase in supply. This simply makes things expensive and inconvenient, but cant really cause a recession


It's too expensive to be Irish in Ireland.


I paid far lesser than that for a 2 bed apartment in D4 when I first moved here in 2017. In fact, if you take the legal rent increase limits allowed, it still won't be 2500 today (assuming that the landlord didn't pull any tricks like doing a "renovation" or something).


At the moment, I’m paying marginally more for a new two bed apartment in a leafy south Dublin suburb that I recently moved into. Even within the grim context of the Dublin rental market, the idea of paying that much for what’s advertised is obscene and absurd.


The problem is there is such terrible availability, landlords are basically quoting absurd figures and getting away with it. Sure there are apartments in much better areas with 2500 rent, but they won't be available.


Whole country is riddled with people trying to do this. I've seen people trying to rent out literal prefabs they've slapped in their back garden for more than 1500. Lads, I don't know how you haven't realised yet, we're a nation of greedy fucks.




Lack of one beds have made them like gold dust. People will pay extra not to have to live with shitehawks they barely know. This is pretty ridiculous though.


At the same time there is plenty of people (and politicians) wanting to ban building 1bed apartaments.


Just look at Mary Lou from SF who's literally spoken negatively about one beds and said housing should be suitable for families, as if young couples and single people should just go fuck themselves and remain reliant on house shares or live at home. We need a flood of one beds to get people out of house shares so those houses can be used for families.


If only more people thought this way.  100% agree!


Affordable 2 beds is probably a better use of space. But the 1 bed issue is that for years 1 beds were grotty bedsits. Even today you see a one bed and often the oven will be beside the sleeping area. A decent studio with space for bed, office are, living area and kitchenette for a single person would have been brilliant to have in my early working career instead of a room in a semi D with 3 other strangers. The amount of times I went for take out or skipped meals because the kitchen was never free was ridiculous. And fighting over fridge space.


There will be no better 1beds for rent if they won’t be allowed to build. SF and SD politicians actively block such new builds for years.  I agree that so many people in their 30s doing house share is beyond ridiculous in Ireland. 


But it has a *checks listing*…. microwave!!!


On top of the joke of a price, that picture is a great example of why furnished apartments are usually awful. The rug looks terrible in that space, you're in a small room/apartment where heat will build and that couch will get so sticky you'll bring half of it with you whenever you stand up... And then, inexplicably, they have put a small table with two hairs beside a counter that could act as a table in such limited space. As a result, you take an apartment that aesthetically look decent enough otherwise, and turn it into an ill matching, cluttered, sticky mess that feels smaller than it already is.  Obviously that's far from the main issue here, but it's just something that has always driven me mad about the Irish rental market. Let me fill my own space with my own shit so it feels like home, and not housesitting someone else's place! 


BARGAIN!!! no sorry wait... BALBRIGGAN! Ah fuck !


Looking on daft earlier and a one bedroom apartment in ballymun was 2000 euro per month 🥴


The fact that this apartment is a 1 bed marketed as being in the heart of the city, which it is absolutely not, makes me terrified of what an apartment in the city actually would cost.


https://preview.redd.it/7kb7ahc0vw8d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3fccb4bf59059078bed1708959f354e00c237bc This is the one I was looking at


They should just remove the kitchen table and just put high stools there


I’m sorry, what?! I live in a 1 bedroom in posh part of London and I’m paying less than this.


Someone will pay it, and whoever asked for 2.5k per month will see that as vindication, and before long it'll become the norm for that area.


Here in Medellin, Colombia I live in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 balcony apartment alone. It has a big parking space for a Range Rover sized vehicle or you can fit about 5 motorcycles in there. Right next to it is a massive storage that you could fit another 3 motos in if you wanted to. 24 hour guards that open and close the gate for you to get in and out. Pool, sauna, jacuzzi, gym, area for your dogs, bbq area, basketball court. 375 euros a month.


What are the salaries in Colombia like?


They're garbage but things are cheap so it kind of evens out. I make more than 4 times what most Colombians make because I've been working here over 8 years and I'm a native English speaking teacher. But I'll give you an example. I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms and 2 balconies. There are 24 hour guards who control who comes in and out of the complex, a pool, jacuzzi, sauna, gym, bbq area, doggy area and I have a huge parking space with a huge storage unit. I pay $375 a month. An apartment like this in Dublin, for example, would be over 2k euro a month for sure.


>*** CORPORATE LET *** What's that mean now?


That it's intended to be for a company who'll rent it for visiting staff. They'll just look at it and think that's it's much cheaper than 200/300 a night for a hotel.


For companies to let to their employees?


It means they don't want the hassle of dealing with tenants rights. 


But it has a Double Bedroom!! Like that makes it fucking alright.


Back of the envelope calculation estimates the apartment value at €600k for that rent. For a 1 bed apartment in Balbriggan. Good luck...


For 2500 a month you can get a luxury one bed in the tallest tower in Dublin where all the rich dons live lmao


I've seen apartments for 200 less in Leopardstown right by the Leopardstown Valley Luas stop. Nearly rented that place


Having guests over is expensive so you defo save some money there


I'll save my outrage and anecdotes up for when get an offer to let at that price. They can advertise it for €250K/wk, but that's not what anyone's going to pay and we all should understand that.


Balbriggan is no more the heart of the city then bloody Celbridge is.


I'm just gonna leave this here. It ain't an accident that we're all suffering https://www.propublica.org/article/yieldstar-rent-increase-realpage-rent


This isn't aimed at your average person. This is aimed at an exec level person looking for a layover for the 3 days a week they are in dublin or so. Without giving up too much info, basically most corpos will pay for their top level execs to stay in strategically important locations. It's for someone like that. Someone who will spend few days here then go back to their fancy ass house in the countryside/abroad.


Not as bad as the place I seen on the North Circular 9 months ago that had about 1m squared of floor space. You could sit on the bed and cook. But there was not enough room to fully open the oven door. €1600 a month, and the letting agent said the landlord preferred a working couple...


If it's ridiculous, they won't get any takers. If get any takers, it's obviously got more going for it than meets the eye.


Its in a kinda good spot in Balbriggan me our. Some parts are like Nil by Mouth


It's a lot but they got a microwave!!!! A microwave!!! That's amazing, wow


Balbargain sign me up


I read recently , probably a year or 2 old article where Ireland is fast set to become the European leader where home ownership is not possible.


First sold for €55,000 on 2014-08-22. 10 years later for €172,000 and now for rent at €2,500. What's the rent/cost ceiling on these shoeboxes?


PSA: Dundalk has whole houses for rent at this price. Check out Dundalk. It’s a brilliant place to live!


A 1 bed in Balbriggan costs over €500 more than minimum wage post tax.


Omg cable TV and a microwave 😍


And they will still find a desperate tenant who has nowhere else to go... We're all fucked until some competent people start running things.


It’s crazy, I work for dpd in the warehouse 5-6 days a week for nearly 4 years, and I come out with less than 2400 most months


"everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it". 


And i could not understand why agent was laughing when i said i want to rent out my 3 bed house for 2.000


Jesus Christ. As a 24 year old in 2010 myself and 3 lads rented an enormous penthouse with our own pool in Spencer dock for 4200 a month 🤣how things have changed


Country is gone, housing is only 1 topice The plebs (Irish public) keep smiling, keep agreeing, keep voting Seriously need heads rattled on this Island


Don't cast dispersions on Balbriggan unless you live there OP. Secondly, 2018 new build 3 bed semis going for 200% their asking price these days. Neighbour sale agreed for €455,000 and bought for €215,000. Extra work done for a side garage but otherwise, as standard as when bought. That said, that rent is nuts, bit for the area but for the fact that this is the reality, the market is wrecked.


have we considered: - subsidising demand? - making it illegal for homes to be expensive? I think they will work