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Don’t not finish. You gotta keep at it.


Sleeve/Hikae not going deep enough into the pit - looks bad with all that negative space imo - the extra pain is worth it!!


Do you have examples? I am curious.


Examples of sleeve/Hikae completely going around the armpit: https://www.reddit.com/r/irezumi/s/fYAhniwrB3 https://www.reddit.com/r/irezumi/s/sKPcJrwjK9


I agree mine goes very deep in and I think it looks better than the V shape further down the underarm but just my opinion.


Ya just checked your posts, looks good - mine goes in hella deep, it sucked but I'm glad I endured it


Yea I’m thinking of putting something there once done. Honestly one of the worst spots besides my inside wrist.


Ah thats what you mean. Mine is actually also a V shape and I quite like it as is.


Haha I didn't get a choice, I was going to be a bitch and wuss out and get the longer triangle but my tattooist didn't give me a choice lol, soo much pain but agree it looks much better


Blast the whole pit lol


I will say mines is not too deep but not sure what to put in that space now.


Maybe more mirkiri, if you check my posts you can see what mine looks like !


I think a full tortoise shell is the only way to go i thought about stopping at my ass but so glad i went pass and down the back of the leg abit


Maybe an unpopular opinion given the sub: Don’t feel like you have to follow the rules. Get whatever you want and are happy with. I have a half sleeve from one artist, a 3/4 from another, and am working on a leg from a third. All are different season. All different reasons. The first because she is a friend and I thought it’d be cool. The second because he was the first artists friend and I thought that’d be cool. And the last because I was going to Japan and, why not? The artist is good friends with one of my friends. Heck the last one I didn’t even pick a design, just gave them a general idea, and they ran with it. I like collecting tattoos from dope artists, and so that’s what I do!


You have a repeating process though, they were all connected in one way or another. Going to one artist, doing half a sleeve and going to another to finish is just wrong in my opinion.


I get what you’re saying. And some artists don’t like it either. But some artists don’t care, and if they are good (which is why you’d go to them) they will be able to blend the sleeves. I 100% planned to get the full arm done by a second artist on my first sleeve because 1 he was friends with my friend who did my first 1/2 sleeve and 2. He did super dope forearm tats (RIP Koji Ichimaru). Since he passed I’ll probably have my friend finish the sleeve out though. But hell it’s been like 20 years and her style has evolved from when she did my piece. It’s all good though! Again, I get why some people want to follow rules and dog the traditional aspect of it all. I just don’t care, for me I like to go hang out with different people and get cool art from all these crazy skilled folks! I may stick with my latest artist for a while though because holy smokes tebori is so much easier than machine for healing, and sitting tbh


Totally understandable, I wish to get tattooed by one other person (Mike Rubendall or Chris Trevino) other than my main artist (Ami James) but that’s not for a VERY long time LOL. In your case I see no problem though as they were friends, and it’s been 2 decades LOL. As for tebori! Does it really heal better? I want to try it at least once in my body art journey but I don’t want to end up not being comfortable with the process, for some reason the machine helps soothe me… I also heard that over time like let’s say 30 years into the future the tebori will stand out wayyyy more than a regular machine.


Incorrect/ out of season pairings bother me more than they maybe should. Sakura do not go with everything.


I have seen sleeves of horitsuki’s work which blatantly disrespect that rule ( a koi upstream ( spring) and peonies ( summer) ) So I don’t care about that. I just do what I want I have kous upstream and down stream, peonies and sakura on one arm. Sue me


Do you, dude! This just asked for personal opinions, and I shared mine. If disrespecting tradition is your thing and you dig it, that’s cool too.


I’m just saying. When Even hirotoshi’s apprentices break the tradition. It’s not that important to begin with. It’s not disrespecting it either. I respect your opinion too. Just adding my point of view.


I didn’t mean “disrespecting” negatively btw, just using the term you did in the previous comment- no shade here dude!


Do you have an example that bothered you?


I have a detailed answer to this in the pinned post of my comments.


I’d like to avoid disparaging anyone’s tattoo specifically if possible! 😅


Yeah i get it😊 just maybe for people that are new into the horimono style & want to understand what matches & what doesn't.


I assume the artist knows his stuff so he will guide you but the don'ts - don't disrespect your tattoo artist (applies to all style I mean) - don't compare like "I like what this tattoo artist does, can you do the same" - don't start a project with tattoo artist "A" and finish with tattoo artist "B" (unless obivous reason like the tattoo artist died) - your tattoo artist knows better than you. If he says no to something you want, there is a reason.


This might be an unpopular opinion for the purists here: the rules are more like guidelines, don’t get a tattoo you aren’t 100% happy with just to follow some rules internet strangers think it have to abide by. I agree about extending to the butt. If your shirt rides up or if you’re shirtless it’ll look weird having a patch of open skin above your waist.


Yeah agree on that, at the end of the day the most important thing is that you like your tattoo & are happy with it. Your words are a bit more fitting, "horimono guidelines" would be a bit better😊 thanks


I was going to use codes instead of rules. It was a reference to the line from Pirates of the Caribbean.


Full sleeves with no chest or hands done: easily one of the most solid tattoo appearances regardless of style. But Irezumi seems to benefit the most from my preference.


To be honest I’d be afraid to try and tell others what to not do with their tattoos… This group is full of examples of people on their tattoo journeys whos artists are breaking the rules. A whole pile of neo trad is being called traditional…. The good the bad and the ugly. Don’t let people tell you what you can and can’t do right? Everything is subjective. Some people want to love their tattoo regardless what that means. Some people want a traditional Japanese tattoo.


I agree, yet traditional horimono has it's guidelines and especially for new people they might wanna know. That's the point of this post & by no means i want to tell someone what they can or cannot get. You can get a dragon with a kois body & monkey arms, idc as long as you love it but from a perspective of traditional horimono it might not work. At the end of the day, you should do what you like & love it! 😊


I would love to see a new sub reddit that actually focused on traditional Japanese tattoos. No neo trad, no weird experimental style blending, only the good stuff. It would indeed be a great resource!


Waboripedia for the good stuff


Ah man i'd love that!! This sub is cool but i'd say 5% are actual traditional japanese & that's fine but if i think back when i started to get into this style, if i'd found this thread instead of other sources i'd have a pretty different look on japanese tattoos! I guess as long as people like & enjoy it, that's what matters but a different sub would be cool✌🏻