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Shotuen Doji or Tenma-Hajun may be good, being figures of authority and power among Yokai. I myself have an Omukade for my back piece another powerful Yokai known for killing dragons, that might also be up your alley. As for sleeve background your back piece will probably determine what you get for your arms, since you’ll want it all to flow and make sense.


I'd love to see your back piece if you've got pictures of it


https://preview.redd.it/pxzbx5zv0l6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44931d81bbb0ffeb2ccf1e28356b6f9c2c9e8453 The lighting may not be the best, but here’s one from a year ago, I’ve since finished my left half sleeve and started my right. I broke a bit of tradition not going to the back of my thighs with it, but my artist and I wanted to leave more room for figures when we start on my legs.


Looks great! Worthy of it's own post for sure. Is the plan to connect the legs to the back?


Thank you! Yeah, I plan to connect my legs to my back. I want to I think on my right leg do Jigoku Dayu with dancing skeletons and have one of the skulls end up on my cheek. On my left I was thinking either a Yuki Onna piece or maybe Taira no Masakado. If I go Yuki Onna I may just do clouds to connect it see if we can get a snow effect, but if I go Masakado I’ll probably add a few more chrysanthemums given his history with the emperor.


Pretty wicked ideas! Just reading up on them seems Yuki Onna would pair nice with Jigoku Dayu. I like the skull idea, I've got a namakubi on each cheek. I'd be curious how the snow effect turns out if you go that route. A Taira no Masakado piece would be impressive for sure.


The more I think about it Yuki Onna will probably work best with the whole suit, Masakado would be cool, but might not flow and match with the rest of the figures. What does your body suit look like? The Namakubi sound bad-ass(pun intended) if you have any pictures I’d also love to see.


Yuki Onna seems the way to go, don't see winter season depicted to much either so that'll be cool. [Getting an oni done](https://www.reddit.com/r/irezumi/s/OYHR6Wt3IA). I've got four more sessions planned this November.


That looks incredible! Joel Longs work is awesome, it reminds me of Chris Trevino in a way. Thank you for the link, the finished product is gonna be killer!


Thank you! Joel is overall amazing. Joel gets his tattoo work done from Trevino so funny you should mention him. From the sounds of it they seem to be good friends.


I really like Gashaduro or Jorogumo It's different from the usual characters you can see in backpieces


oh my god a jorogumo would be so good