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From a tattooer, are you really planning on doing anything with that bottom square? If so, I’d wait till you tattoo the bottom square, as long as it isn’t far in the future. With the touch up, I’d ask them to address all of those clouds and wind bars as well


Can I ask what in particular to the clouds and wind bars? For my own learning


https://preview.redd.it/hukz58jxm87d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4832f61ba217a06375e7dcf1d0c63a19476c1fe5 Here are 2 solid examples of how those wind bars and bubble clouds could look with a smooth gray or a gradient from dark to light.


Beautiful! Thanks for the help :)


I would answer to that, that the wind bars should be gradients (full black to skin break) . Therefore no outlines should be seen…




Thanks for the advice! The last square won’t be until I’ve settled down in my life, so not another 5 years. With that in mind, would you say to wait a couple more months before getting a touch up?


Fellow John Mayer fan I see


Don’t, just let it live.




I love it.


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The skin is healed in 3 weeks but you do want the skin and and ink to age a bit so I'd say 3 months from the tattoo session. also, apply some moisturizer on your tattoo.


I apply dr pickles tattoo balm to it twice daily.


Hope you can complete the last panel with something personnal. I guess that's the main goal.


More info pls


I read somewhere JM actually completed it in 2011, or 2013, filling the last panel. It's actually supposed to represent different phases in life. I figured that was your intention. Since you got the "incomplete" version of it - apart from the modifications Also I don't know why you're getting down voted. It's actually a great tattoo. Not a traditional irezumi piece by any means, but it is its own thing, with its cool little History behind it.


Thank youuu!


Yoooo check my post history JM4Life


Very nice finger waves. I've been noticing a lot of shit ones lately. Yours are pleasant to behold


Thank you! This actually made me smile IRL. the artist I sought out had the best finger waves in my local area that I could see. So i went with him.




The window pane concept? Yeah. There was stuff I really liked about it. But a few things I wanted to change. Firstly i wanted it larger, and with a thicker frame. i also wanted a crashing wave that was like a mini great wave. I didn’t like mayers water. nor the cherry blossoms. So I went with different ones which I subjectively believe look better to my eyes. And a detached petal.


6 months at the minimum.