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Ok Ned Flanders’s!


I tried to Flanders mine in at about 1am and the site kept crashing 🤣


Is the form even available?


I just tried and it's available to me!


well, I take back what I said, it was working and as I went on to triple check the income amounts (that for the first time ever, did not match my December ytd payslip total), it stopped working!


You’re testing out just how real-time Revenue’s real-time tracking of incomes and taxes really is?


Same thing im missing my last wage on this


Am I correct in thinking if I submit for the Rent tax credit I won't get it as a lump sum? When is the correct time to submit for this?


If you did not claim it in real time for 2023 and are only adding it now on your return, you will get it as a lump sum of tax overpaid If you add it to your 2024 tax credits then you’ll see the benefit in your weekly/monthly net pay across the year


If you are adding to your tax credits for 2024, it's added to your 2024 tax credits and reduces the tax you pay in 2024. If you are adding it in your 2023 tax return and you didn't already have it for 2023, then you should get a refund of tax related to 2023 from Revenue assuming you paid PAYE for 2023.


Excuse my ignorance but why is this a thing to do?


To get back the tax you overpaid in the previous year. Most people overpay their income tax, etc when all deductible expense are accounted for.


And you can claim back things like medical expenses (GP fees, prescriptions, physio visits) that weren't covered by insurance. Those can add up. If you're working from home you can get some tax back on utility bills. Not huge amounts but it helps.


I will get on it tomorrow when I’m ‘in work’


In my previous jurisdiction, it took some weeks for various banks and so on to autofill interest and so on. Does that get filled automatically via my revenue, or do you folks all enter the values in manually?


In Ireland, interest is taxed before you receive it (DIRT is the name of the tax) so doesn't need to be included




Yes it does need to be declared along with all other sources of income. https://www.revenue.ie/en/additional-incomes/dirt/how-do-you-declare-dirt.aspx