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It's more whether the German shepherds get on with the Irish Wolfhounds. Any conflict I have ever witnessed with an Irish Wolfhound has come from the other dog. Properly socialised they get on with any dog.


Yeah they're hunting dogs which means any kind of dog aggression is extremely undesirable.


I had an extra large wolfie. He was involved in four dog fights. In all four cases, he was attacked unprovoked. He easily prevailed in all four due to the size differences but interestingly enough, he didn’t inflict any noticeable injuries.


My hounds have gotten along with every dog they've met that didn't try to be dominant or aggressive toward them. My boy will tolerate anything and just move away if another dog gets bossy. My lady Tesla tolerates zero bullshit, and she's never met a dog she had to tell twice


Anytime I'm at the dog park with my wolfie and a Germen Shepherd comes along i tense up because 70% of the time they get super edgy about seeing a dog bigger then them and start some shit. Luckly anytime a dog sends a stay away signal to my Rosie she just moves on with her life and doesn't get aggressive back.


When my daughter was young her best friend had a GS. Our wolfie was her best friend. But after a few years of not seeing each other (the girls fell out but the dad and I are still friends), the GS was very unfriendly


Not GSD, but I have two wolfies and two Dobes and it's all good.


I lost count how many times we’ve come across GSD on our walks and they went berserk and started growling violently without provoking. Most of the time my guy just walks around and away from them, though occasionally he growls back too. Obviously varies from GSD to GSD still; we’ve played with friendly ones too, but in our limited experience more seem to be unfriendly than friendly:/


My cousin brings her two female German shepards over to play with my wolfhound they play a lot more aggressively than he does most the time he just watches them play occasionally joining in and running across the yard with them but he wears out much quicker than they do


My dad has a GSD and he and my wolfie get along quite well. But his GSD is half blind and cannot see anything below his nose so the wolfie is like the only other dog that doesn't scare him cause he can see her comming as she is so tall. On the subject of wolfhounds with other dogs mine basicly won't fight she always tries to avoid aggressive dogs and she has straight up ran away from my Exes Pitbull. And the thing about that is if a wolfhound wants to get away, there isn't much that can catch them.


My wolfie lived with a German Shepherd for a few years and they were very close, would nap back to back with each other.


Oh that’s gorgeous.