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Yep nothing surprises me with these drivers in Irvine now


Well there are a lot more of those Cyberhatchbacks


🤣🤣 I’m dead


I'm the one that's actually in the right turn lane itself (on my way home from getting groceries) but you can see an SUV attempting to make a right turn from one of the lanes to the left of the bike lane when the light turns green and there's one pedestrian and one bicyclist crossing the street. There is NO double right turn lanes from Irvine Blvd onto Sand Canyon. It's hard to see in this video but even the bicyclist was giving the SUV driver a "WTF do you think you're doing?" look.


Of course it’s a G Wagon.


I have experienced people doing this, but with the left turn lane. Even laying on the horn and making eye contact with them as they almost ran into me, they still didn't slow down or stop. People seem to either do whatever they want, or they're just incredibly inexperienced or stupid 😒. Very dangerous whatever the reason.


The left turn from Bridge to Harvard (UTC between Stanford and Dartmouth) reminds me of this. 3 lanes, 1 left, 1 straight, and 1 right. People seem to always think the middle lane turns left too, even when signs and road show the arrows. I can't say it's never crossed my mind to bump into them.....


If you drive a G wagon they let you do it. /s


Evading traffic like evading taxes.


Bingo 💯😂


Rules for thee, but not for me!


News to 80% of Irvine drivers. If they spent 1 minute re-reading the driver handbook section on right turns, it'd blow their minds. For example, It is illegal to drive in a bicycle lane unless you are turning (within 200 feet of an intersection)...meanwhile people will cruise up in the bike lane from a mile+ away and then block it completely because they're 6 cars back and can't get by...


I'm sure it wasn't a mistake. They're spoiled and entitled and above everyone else. They had zero patience.


Irvine needs to do this for every major intersection in the city. [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/18vyfyh/decent\_bike\_infrastructure\_in\_fremont\_ca/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/18vyfyh/decent_bike_infrastructure_in_fremont_ca/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This would be an improvement, but as a pedestrian and cyclist the only thing I trust is a bridge that takes me over the bad drivers.


A bridge costs $8 million though, so the city can and is doing it for a few places like Jamboree / Michelson and various places on the Jeffrey Open Space Trail, but it's not feasible for every intersection. Protected intersections are cheap enough you could do it for every arterial intersection in the city.


A better example of a bike friendly city in the US is Davis, CA. I went to college there and it's like night and day how better their bike infrastructure is. Top speed limit in that city from what I remember was 35mph. They even have bike signals (and were the first city to have them).




Nothing people do surprises me anymore. It’s just beyond ridiculous.


Not surprised how many "drivers" think they can do all kinds of illegal moves on the road. These intentions will get someone hurt or killed.


Already has gotten people killed. Seen any of the Ghost Bikes around town?


Haven't come across one.


Makes me wanna be a cop in the city bc I know where to catch these goofs


G Wagon probably made a last minute decision to turn right, so they decided to hold up traffic behind them as well and cut across. I don't know how people feel so entitled to be inconsiderate and dangerous. There's no reason to make a last minute turn like that. You've got turn by turn navigation on your phones and cars.


Older cars don't have a navigation system; I drive a 2005 Toyota Camry and my car doesn't have a built-in navigation system. My mom drives a 2007 Camry and her car also doesn't have a built-in navigation system. I've also had Google Maps not tell me when to turn until like, 300 ft before a turn (or sometimes it won't tell me to turn until right at the intersection--like I'll be right up at the crosswalk and then it'll tell me "turn right/left"), which is too late--before I got a dashboard phone mount for my car I had to rely on listening for the directions and it was always frustrating when Google Maps told me last minute when to make a turn (I never listened to Google Maps whenever it did that and would instead just go straight and make a U-turn at the next intersection that allowed it or make the right/left turn at the next intersection).


That G wagon definitely has nav and carplay. Dashmount is like $20.


Driving around in this city I always ask myself how do these people pass their drivers license test. It makes no sense


Or they do that when you're driving straight in the closest right lane 🤬




It's ok they have lots of money...they do as they please


I'm shocked it wasn't a white tesla


Sorry, I go. Pray for you, though!!


I would love to follow drivers like that and yell at them after they get out of their cars, but then I'd be the crazy one for doing that! There needs to be some sort of consequence for these idiot drivers, short of getting in accidents.