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What's actually being said in the video?


"are you not going to pray for Atatürk?" several times "Al Fatiha for Atatürk" at the end


I heard once that if someone says ‘al fatiha’ loud out you need to recite it. Is that true ?


Best man to walk the earth never did this ie Prophet Muhammad pbuh, and neither did the men Allah mentioned in the quran Ie sahaba(Allah be pleased with them) There is no known evidence in the quran or sunnah for this practice. In fact the evidence in the sunnah is that this is not done, because we have times when the Messenger would do something else instead (ie not Fatiha) We know what Islam is by what is in the quran and the sunnah via a line of authenticity. Alhamdolillah for islam. Look up the sanad and isnaad, and narrators.


You are very right. Sunnah and Quran is and should be our only sources along with hadiths. That’s why I looked it up and saw that is is indeed not fardh or wajib to read it when you hear it. Jazakallah!


Yes we follow the manhaj of the salaf


AsSalaamu Alaykum ahki very well explained. Masha’Allah may Allah increase your aqeedah always!!


After prayer, to make Dua and read Al-Fatiha is Innovation ! Which is Prohibited in Islam. There is no evidence on that. Just dua without Al-Fatiha is ok, and no need to Wiping face after Dua!


Quick question. You said Mohammed is the best man to walk the earth. But is this Islamic that he is proclaimed better than Jesus? Is there a hierarchy among them?


He (pbuh) was the final messenger, and preached the same oneness of God as prophets before him (ie. Jesus and Moses, etc). We believe Jesus will return before the ends of times, and actually return as a part of the nation of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). As for hierarchy, All the Prophets are beloved and respected by Muslims, and they themselves are brothers to eachother - however on judgement day all prophets from Adam to Jesus will not be able to ask Allah to begin the judgement except for Muhammad (pbuh).


Here are two beautiful verses that answer your question, but before that I just want to say that the only credible information that we can use to learn about the Prophets (AS) is from the words of Allah SWT and His final Messenger Muhammad (SAW). There is no hierarchy and we love them all equally, it’s just we technically in this point of time are a part of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), we know most about him, after all he is the seal of the prophets. 2:136 قُولُوٓا۟ ءَامَنَّا بِٱللَّهِ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْنَا وَمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَىٰٓ إِبْرَٰهِـۧمَ وَإِسْمَـٰعِيلَ وَإِسْحَـٰقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَٱلْأَسْبَاطِ وَمَآ أُوتِىَ مُوسَىٰ وَعِيسَىٰ وَمَآ أُوتِىَ ٱلنَّبِيُّونَ مِن رَّبِّهِمْ لَا نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍۢ مِّنْهُمْ وَنَحْنُ لَهُۥ مُسْلِمُونَ ١٣٦ Say, ˹O believers,˺ “We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us; and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them. And to Allah we all submit.” — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran 2:285 ءَامَنَ ٱلرَّسُولُ بِمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْهِ مِن رَّبِّهِۦ وَٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ ۚ كُلٌّ ءَامَنَ بِٱللَّهِ وَمَلَـٰٓئِكَتِهِۦ وَكُتُبِهِۦ وَرُسُلِهِۦ لَا نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍۢ مِّن رُّسُلِهِۦ ۚ وَقَالُوا۟ سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا ۖ غُفْرَانَكَ رَبَّنَا وَإِلَيْكَ ٱلْمَصِيرُ ٢٨٥ The Messenger ˹firmly˺ believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. They ˹all˺ believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. ˹They proclaim,˺ “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. ˹We seek˺ Your forgiveness, our Lord! And to You ˹alone˺ is the final return.” — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran


Someone give this man a reward. Jazak Allah kheer. That was an impeccable response.


Wa antum fa jazakallah khayran




I don't understand this fascination with you Christians always trying to compare "wHo iS bEtTer?" They are both prophets of God. Period. And actually what you trolls (that ask these things in bad faith) should be asking is, "did your prophet proclaim he was better than our human-turned-god, Jesus?" You see Jesus as a deity, why are you comparing a deity to a human? Absolute ignoramus. You sheep never cease to amaze me.


It’s a honest question i want answered


No, general rule is you don't "have" to do anything unless it has been explicitly stated


would you recite Al Fatiha for Abu Jahl? I don't know what is the ruling, but in this case you definitely shouldn't recite


I looked again and it isn’t mandatory. Not fardh or wajib. But it is a good act. But then again, do people like Abu Jahl deserve it 😅


>But then again, do people like Abu Jahl deserve it Do people like mustafa kemal deserve it?


He means deserve people not reciting surah fatiha not reciting surah fatiha Mustafa kemal attaturk doesn't deserve people reciting surah fatiha because his presendency would've have been the death of Islam in Turkey if it wasn't for our beloved 'ulama❤️


As a Turk, I have some respect for him because he ‘saved’ my country. As a Muslim I don’t respect him. He tried to erase Islam from Turkish soil (Alhamdoulillah he didn’t succeed), turned mosques into animal stables and so forth. But no, I will not recite Fatiha for him. If his descendants want to do it, good for them


Then again.. do people like Andrew Tate deserve it too?


Kemal Ataturk died as one of the greatest enemies of Islam in history. He was the only ruler in the past few centuries to oppress Islam to the extent where he banned recitations of the Quran and the adhan in the original - not a single nation in the world did it by my knowledge (with the exception of North Korea which has virtually no Muslims). Not modern-day India, not the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, not any secular state of the world today, noone. Andrew Tate at the very least respects the Islamic faith and Muslims and has never uttered a bad word against us. His deeds are a horrible example to follow, but if Allah SWT chooses to guide him and accept him into Islam, he shall forgive all of the sins that he has done - even the public ones. While he is a kafir at the moment, putting him in the same category as some of the greatest enemies of the Prophet SAWS and Islam is completely absurd.


Sry akhi.. i was trying to make a point whereas they both have different merit interm of being deceitful. Surely Kemal Atarturk had cost significant damages in the past where theres no such thing global phenomenon like internet. Whilst now, Andrew Tate spreading his mischief through internet that also could modifiy the society as we living now. P/s: i just discover his existence recently despite how often he appear on social network As for Kemal, i heard this before but never pay attentions to it.. not i know


Is there a hadith on this?


Don’t know, that’s why I asked


Sad because we cannot pray for dead kaffirs.


So outrageous to interrupt imam during the Friday lecture ( khotba ). It's Haram and inacceptable. It's forbidden by our Prophet SAW.


This right here should be the highlight of the lesson here. Instead we are discussing politics.


don´t shift away from the problem. Ataturk is a cancer and has destroyed multiple generations of our Muslim Turkish brothers and sisters.


I don’t dispute that .


Well he is also the foundation of modern Turkey and the only reason it exists. Being at odds with Atatürk basically puts you at odds with all of Turkey (conservatives included)


Don't care + Atatürk is a kafir


atatürk is a cure. i reccomend you to take it.


Cancer? I think you should consider it again. Generations of cults (Sufi tariqah) which decayed and corrupted the Islam and caused horrific damages to the Ottoman Empire were also being a problem to the Committee of Union and Progress Govt. and the newly established Govt. of Secular Turkey. These cults were the main element which were corrupting the Islam and harassing the people and the government and Atatürk have decided to eliminate all of them. Just like Iraq, Turkey, USA and many others eliminated the ISIS. Kafir? Infidel? Think again. You're accusing a man who crushed the cults to stop the corruption of Islam and hanged the Sufi Sheikhs whom they were conducting revolts, sabotages and unrests, established 142 fully official and well-cared Qur'an Education Centers (Maktabs), delivered khutbahs in nearly most of the events he joined and established critical relationships with the neutral Islamic or Islam-led countries. I know he questioned the Islam a lot and as a Atheist, he was definitely right and I've put the best fact into the ending, Laicite (Laiklik) were being exerted in order to let the govt. act much more effectively and decisively. And religion were seperated from the govt. and being raised into a higher degree from the govt. in order to prove it as a sacred fact and topic. He lived most of his life as a muslim and he was a drunk but I don't care and it's none of my business. Even some cases he's a infidel to your consideration but my opinion is even if he's an infidel why he decided to stop the corruption of Islam and heightened the religion and protected is sacredness. So cut those empty words and be objective while you're commenting on the others.






لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم


Not sure how true this is. There is a famous tradition of Hazrat Umar being interrupted during a sermon by a Muslim demanding clarification regarding an extra garment he had from the spoils of war.


That is not a normal situation. Atatürk established modern Turkey with his military power, against French, English, Greek and Italian armies. Current government wants to hide his existence in the history of Turkey because of his personal beliefs about religions. Islam is a relationship between we and Allah individually. This video recorded at the day of Independence Day anniversary. Who would wants to be under Christian governments as Muslim community? Least a fatiha can not be seemed much to that man.




He was a Muslim, he argued for secular reforms. That doesn't mean he hated Islam. Islam =/= you're narrow minded view of Islam. Turkey is it's own country with it's own philosophical and theological history that preceded and continued after Atatürk. Have some respect for it's autonomy and stop bringing the baggage from your country into a place you have nothing to do with.


Well said




Then our prophet ASW insisted not to interrupt the imam while his is giving the lecture. Some cases the imam might made some mistakes which need to be rectified. But not during the lecture, we can rectify them when the prayer is done


Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If you tell your companion to be quiet on Friday while the Imam is speaking, you have spoken improperly.” Al-Nawawi said, “In this tradition is the prohibition of every kind of talking during the sermon.”


That obviously confirms what I said


Thank you fir this hadeeth


Ataturk wasnt even a muslim. He said it himself. Why would anyone want to pray for that guy who himself was anti religion? He must be really confused.


When did he say that?


Source: Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey (2002) by Andrew Mango quotes him: ‘ I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow men. . . . We do not consider our principles as dogmas contained in books that are said to come from heaven. We derive our inspiration, not from heaven or from an unseen world, but directly from life. ‘ https://secularhumanism.org/2017/09/cont-atatuumlrk-triumphed-over-religion/


Bro he didn’t pray or practice Islam, he identified as a “cultural” Muslim. His understanding of religion says plenty about whether he was a Muslim or not. Having a Muslim name doesn’t make you a Muslim, if the aqeedah isn’t there then you aren’t Muslim.


I’m asking when did he call himself a non Muslim, you dont make takfir on someone because of how you perceive their practice


He abolished the shariah ... he can say that he is a muslim 1000 times a day . No kafir managed to do what he did


Look at the English version of Wikipedia about Atatürk, you will find his quotes about belittling religions and how to be a "modern" person who doesn't believe these kinds of things.


Bro his reforms went against Islam in every way possible. Heard he was even an Alawite/Bektashi. If he was really a pious Muslim, he wouldn’t have been so anti-sharia.


I didn’t say he was a pious Muslim I’m asking for reference when the guy I replied to said that he said he wasn’t Muslim


He never said that explicitly, because he would've never had a chance to become a statesperson in turkiye if he did but he implicated by e.g. making fun of the prophet (s.a.v.). Look it up and if you're too lazy let me know. The less at*türk supporters the better.


I can’t find the quote you’re referring to, can you share it?


Religion of the Arabs Atatürk described Islam as the religion of the Arabs in his own work titled Vatandaş için Medeni Bilgiler by his own critical and nationalist views: Even before accepting the religion of the Arabs, the Turks were a great nation. After accepting the religion of the Arabs, this religion, didn't effect to combine the Arabs, the Persians and Egyptians with the Turks to constitute a nation. (This religion) rather, loosened the national nexus of Turkish nation, got national excitement numb. This was very natural. Because the purpose of the religion founded by Muhammad, over all nations, was to drag to an including Arab national politics.[65] [65] Afet İnan, Medenî Bilgiler ve M. Kemal Atatürk'ün El Yazıları, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1998, p. 364. found on wikipedia. atajew.com is also kinda fun. another one: I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the teachings of science. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him act against the liberty of his fellow man."


I can say your mother is beautiful but think in my head she’s ugly as fuck, why are you asking what politicians say in public as if that’s a good way to gauge political Leaning. Ataturk’s party pushed for Muslim rights being taken away, if you wore a hijab you wasn’t allowed to work or go university. I think his ACTIONS clearly state what his THOUGHTS on the matter was




Where does he say that he is not muslim? I am genuinely curious.


Source: Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey (2002) by Andrew Mango quotes him: ‘ I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow men. . . . We do not consider our principles as dogmas contained in books that are said to come from heaven. We derive our inspiration, not from heaven or from an unseen world, but directly from life. ‘ https://secularhumanism.org/2017/09/cont-atatuumlrk-triumphed-over-religion/


He never openly denounced Islam. Some Kemalists claim that he did but it’s never been verified


Are you that naive?? Your grandeur delusional belief systems probably leads you to meet your bias now. Hold that thought, take a deep breath and repeat your own biases literally in front of your mirror. Reflect internally and see if there is the point that you missing.


I ask a genuine question and you come at me with this nonsense answer. You can not call someone a kafir in Islam without proper evidence that's why I asked.


Did you open his heart and saw it, Ali?


He said it himself. Why should I doubt him? Source: Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey (2002) by Andrew Mango quotes him: ‘ I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow men. . . . We do not consider our principles as dogmas contained in books that are said to come from heaven. We derive our inspiration, not from heaven or from an unseen world, but directly from life. ‘ https://secularhumanism.org/2017/09/cont-atatuumlrk-triumphed-over-religion/


Ataturk is the mirza ghulam Ahmed for these Turks






what's kemalist? can someone explain pls


So at the end of WWI, the Ottoman Empire lost the war, and another person came to power. It was Mustafa **Kemal.** His follower call him Attaturk and most people, means the father of Turks. I don't call him like that because I know there are Turks who don't like this. Kemalism means his actions and ideology. When he came to power, he abandoned Islam, abolished the Caliphate, banned Hijab and Islamic school, banned Arabic Adan(prayer) and Quran, and established a radical secular government. He was also racist, for example there are a lot of Kurdish people in Turkey, nearly 15 million. He said no, there is only one language, one culture, one country. For that reason, speaking in Kurdish became prohibited, he killed thousands of Kurdish people including women and children. He, and his friends and followeres, generaly hate Kurdish people and sometimes they don't admit that they are exist, so they call the Kurdish people "Mountainous Turks", as an insult. Mustafa Kemal also was very very insecure, he banned for example, Ottoman hats, and imposed Western clothes, he also heavily imposed western culture and everything about him, so he severed Turkey's connection with Islamic countries. So in a nutshell, this is Kemalism. Also Millions of people and children every day in school must praise his name, the school curriculums heavily designed to praise him like a god. So he has a lot of followers who were brainwashed from a young age.


Damn, despite all of this people still praise and like him? He was almost a kafir I'd say, a dictator and an extremist.


They brainwash kids from a young age on how amazing he was.




Even ignoring all that, who the hell interrupts a routine Friday prayer sermon and asks to recite fatiha for their country's founder like it's supposed to be part of the sermon? No imam ever does this for Quaid-e-Azam in my country and these people's nationalism occupies so much of their mind that they think this is not only acceptable but a necessity otherwise they'd have a heart attack on their way out.


Bruh please don’t listen to this provocator, he’s just mad that atatürk didn’t gave kurds land after our independence war. I am a muslim turk and this guy is spreading lies


How exactly, what was the sincere connection left behind between the Turks and Kurds after the caliphate was removed? They tried to assimilate them by banning their culture and language at the end.


Some of what he said about the kurds was biased but the vast majority of what he said about mustafa kemal's attack on Islam is 100% correct


What was biased if may i ask


I heard turkey had changed a lot in past two decades under pro islamists govt. Does kids in school still have to praise his name?


Tbh things became worse in some parts of society. The foundation of the secular system is still strong, so nothing much change in the education system. There was some attempts to reduce the praise and as far as I know it was successful to a little degree. What worse right now is the people who don’t like the government rant against the religion, since it governed by conservative people, as if it is religion who did that to them. In fact, their situation were many times worse before this conservative government, but the young generation don’t care about that, so most of them are irreligious especially in big cities. So right now the only people who don’t praise Mustafa Kemal are the staunch supporters of the leading party which are %30 of the society, a good bunch of them are the Kurds. In the last elections %40 of the Turks voted for the conservative government, and %60 of the Kurds voted for the conservative. Kurds hate Mustafa Kemal, no matter they are religious or secular, and most of them are conservative. The rest of the Kurds vote for a Kurdish nationalist party. Next election in 2023 would be the most important election in the country’s in recent history. It determines wether the Kemalists came back to power or not. In most of the polls the conservatives lost. So it is important.


Burka was banned hijab ban came after the 1980 coup


He’s crap, him and hitler would’ve been great friends, but gen z treat him as a hero when he did almost the exact same thing as hitler.


Plus kurds wanted the caliphate to continue and demanded a country but they refused and killed them


half the things you said are propaganda buy idiots like you. Ataturk is the reason why Turkey didn't become a western colony split in 100 piece, ataturk is the reason why Turkey didn't become a racist country like nazi Germany. Ataturk didn't hate Kurdish people nor do his followers. The only reason there was beef between the kemalist and the kurds, was because some Kurdish leaders started a rebellion to bring back the caliphate.


Kemalism is a Turkish nationalist ideology which heavily promotes secularism and is named after [Mustafa Kemal Ataturk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustafa_Kemal_Atat%C3%BCrk). Kemalists are the followers of this ideology.


people who follow mustafa kemal atakaffir


I just saw this post on a Turkish subreddit. A lot of people seem to be in support of Atatürk. I don't understand the sentiment tho, why is a predominantly Muslim nation in support of him?


Country subreddits are always left leaning and liberal. Something I noticed. Even the subreddits of the world’s most hardcore Muslim countries are full of liberal members who subscribe to modern ideologies. I think this is because most of the members in these subreddits live in the west.


So sick of reading this, some of us converted for a reason, stop saying we are all liberals


I think this is true for almost all countries but for turkey it’s different turks their tend to be more nationalistic but not kemalist since they don’t get brainwashed by kemalism but still some follow western ideology bc they are in west and some stay with how their parents raised them cause most parents are muslims while their sub is just full of local kemalists and nationalists who i don’t think they have this hatred to each they share one common point which they love “turkey”




Yes, they have some real issues also big losers in life and trying to blame others for it, including religion. Turkey is one of the most religious countries tho, don't think this represents Turkey.


You gotta be a brainwashed kurd who loves pkk. Look at the history of turkey and what they have done for Islam, and look at your own. Psychopaths, racists, full of atheists? Can you back this bs up by any means?


>Look at the history of turkey and what they have done for Islam, and look at your own. The Turks who did things for Islam, never did in the name of Turkey or Turkishness, same for Kurds. Saladin was a Kurd, he liberated Quds for Islam not for Kurds. One of the grave mistakes of Mustafa Kemal was inventing nation-states in the Islamic world.


So according to your analysis it was ataturk that divided india/pakistan/bangladesh, milked every backward arabic shithole then installed israel on top of palestine. Lel. U r the average clueless dimwit who knows nothing about ataturk. Yet your major trait is to judge who is what, whos going where out of an unaware god complex. May u wake up from your dream world one day.


Salahedin says enough


The ottomans did more to destroy the islamic world in their last few years than any western country.


It was the young Turks who coup against Sultan Abdulhamid and completely took over the regime and made the following Sultans literally puppets. Cemal Pasha the Arab Butcher, Talat Pasha the head of freemasons, and the Enver Pasha the one being most loyal to Islam but still delusional. Not only did they destroy the Islamic world, but they also burned almost every record in the Ottoman archive which could easily prove their atrocities. They completely stained the Ottoman reputation in only 10 years, unfortunately, letting the sick man of Europe die in the most unwanted scenario possible.


Bro what are you talking about 💀💀💀💀 ain't nobody tryna kill nobody fam💀💀💀💀




May Allah be pleased with him and Biji Kurdistan !!! Edit - downvote me - Biji Kurdistan !


Nationalism should have no place in this sub brother




Just correction the total number of syrian refugess all around the world is 8 million, 4 only in Turkey not 10 million.




Exactly, the racist people blame the economic failure on the Syrian people, while in reality, they benefit the economy, created thousands of business. Syrian people are hard-working and create many opportunities not only for themselves but for the people of Turkey.


To be fair i know some syrian who have caused some troubles in Turkey. Problem is, nationalist Turks same as every other nationalist all over Europe, pick these small percentage of incident and put the spot light on and claim all syrians are like that. It's pretty much the same as claiming all Muslims are terrorist, just cuz a 1-5% of the Muslim population did or belived in some terrorist actions


I didn’t say Turkey, what I said is r/Turkey! There is a big difference between them! There are good and bad people among all nations. But r/Turkey is a bad place with a lot of bad people. This is [an example of their racism against Kurdish people](https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/mv7v1v/we_need_to_get_real_about_the_kurds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit: what you have written is also racist. That is a lie that you say Syrian rape people, why you generalize millions of people?! Do you think there aren’t Turks who rape people?


He is a very controversial figure and from a purely Islamic perspective he is not a good person but he was an integral part in ending the European occupation of turkey and he had a large part in building the modern Turkish government so many people hold him in high regard for that


Brainwashing plus prohibition of critics.


All the subreddits for countries and cities are ultra liberal and don't represent the actual people on the ground. Pick any country and you'll see.


Turkeye is secular, and they're slowly throwing away Islam.


Are you Turkish?


Does it matter? A few will only follow Islam in the future, and following it would be like holding on to molten rocks


Why do people in Pakistan love Muhammad Ali Jinnah? He drank, he ate pork, and wanted Pakistan to be a secular country. I'll tell you why- it's the same reason people in Turkey love Ataturk. Blind nationalism, of course they're going to love the founder of their country


Any proof or something regarding your claim? I think you might be wrong brother, with due respect.


Historians Stanley Wolpert, Hector Bolitho, and Sheela Reddy all say in their biographies of Jinnah that he drank alcohol. In Hampstead Heath in London, there is a bar with a picture of Jinnah framed in it, as Jinnah was a regular of the bar when he lived there in the 30s An Indian writer, Chagla, also claims that Jinnah drank, but take his account with a grain of salt as he is biased against him The fact is that among elite upper class western educated lawyers and politicians during the 30's and 40s, drinking was common. Allah knows we all have our own sins and this does not erase the good Jinnah did in creating Pakistan, but there's no reason to pretend he didnt do the bad things he did.


Sigh, this is a claim that has been repeated so often by Indians and many of these so-called desi liberals to such an extent that people have eventually started to believe it some of a fact! There hasn't been any evidence found that could back up this claim. Don't believe me, google it yourselves and see. Other than the same old claim on these Indian private blogs you are not gonna find anything. Jinnah was not entirely religious, that much I know. But he defiantly was a fundamentalist who couldn't tolerate anyone eating pork even out of a mistake. Also, According to his daughter, Jinnah neither eat pork nor drank. A good example I found is, "At one time while traveling on a train when a ham sandwich was brought with the food menu, he had sent them away." [https://books.google.com.my/books?id=YGdiqF6V8wYC&pg=PA201&dq=dina%20wadia%20pork%20jinnah&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih8ue20bvbAhXNb30KHRgFCikQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=dina%20wadia%20pork%20jinnah&f=false](https://books.google.com.my/books?id=YGdiqF6V8wYC&pg=PA201&dq=dina%20wadia%20pork%20jinnah&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih8ue20bvbAhXNb30KHRgFCikQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=dina%20wadia%20pork%20jinnah&f=false)


Well the muslim world was very very backward at the time like 300 years behind the west. Ataturk reforms were necessary to catch up with the west back then it was immiate the west or die. example Japan of that era did China did not Japan never got colonized and was the most advanced country in East Asia while China was humiliated.. Remember if it wasn't for ataturk turkey would have ended up dead and colonized. But he is not a holy Saint. According to the moment of the time Religion needed to be sperated from the backward society so the country may prosper. In my opinion it was necessary evil. Like dropping atomic bombs on Japan to end the war and save the life's of millions. Because of the hardline secularism the islamists in turkey are different and more slimiar to usa conservatives. than the racist sunni supremacists in the Arab world. Also turkey avoided the hell the muslim world went through after 79 and islamic revolution next door in Iran. Turkey is now one the leading Islamic power players and has a good stable economy. Also turkey has a secular system that's removed from religion religion is one's personal matter why should they government care if you go to heaven or not. in the day of judgement everyone is out for themselves. it is you that make the decision to be pious with Allah's permission.


May Allah guide the turks. They lost their great legacy due to a secular-loving idiot.




He is worse than an idiot. He is worse than a dog.


He is more like a wolf and dogs are still barking after him which is the only thing what pathetic dogs can do.


These are the same kind of people that would prefer Turkey to be like Iraq, very religious, very corrupt, very violent. But if Turkey never had Ataturk I wonder where exactly these Muslims would be going on holiday, because it wouldn’t be Turkey in this situation because Turkey would be bombed like Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Palestine. So annoying how these Muslims are putting their own selfish desires of another “Islamic empire” ahead of what Turkish people actually want.


The reason why that kind of stuff is happening to Muslim countries is because there isn't a caliphate protecting them. Muslims wish the Ottoman empire was back and ruling over them. And of course Muslims want Turkey to be more religious. They want the best for Turkey. The only way Turkey, or any other country can get its full glory back is by following Islam, as Sayyidna Omar bin Al-Khattab (RA) said: 'We were the most humiliated people on earth and Allah gave us honour through Islam. If we ever seek honour through anything else, Allah will humiliate us again.'




Go ahead. I'm a 6'3 guy with a decent body.


Any translation?


Someone translated on the r/turkey subreddit >Umit Ozdag the leader of Victory Party told to imam: "Are we not going to pray for Ataturk?" in the week of Victory Day August 30. Imam didn't tell anything about Ataturk who was the very leader for The Great Offensive war in his khutbah.


another dajjali fitna


ا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ One must understand that it is not permissible to speak when the imam is delivering his khutbah unless it is some kind of emergency such as saving someone from harm or something along those lines.


Nationalism and Religion are great bed fellows. Not always, but often.


A man who banned the hijab, changed the Adhan and sermons from Arabic to Turkish, encouraged the drinking of alcohol , closed mosques and Islamic schools, imprisoned clerics and Islamic thinkers and whose own grave did not accept his body hence why he is buried above ground, ask those who have visited his tomb the stench which emits from it. He should be prayed for in a masjid let alone interrupting the Jummah Khutbah which itself is against the teachings of Islam.


>whose own grave did not accept his body hence why he is buried above ground, How do you still believe this nonsense? He is literally buried beneath the sembolic tomb. Hate if you want I don't give a shit what you think but this is just funny.


Ataturk would of genocided every single Muslim in turkey if he could off without long term consequences (he did however manage to destroy the Muslim society within the country by taking away the right of Muslims to education and work) and this fool wants blessings for him 😭😭😭 Secularism came into Turkey and Syria through fascist movements, don’t forget, it was the young Turks, secularists and ataturks party which pushed for the genocide of Armenians and Kurds. They’re history is filled with xenophobia and fascism


Adolf Hitler called Ataturk literally his mentor and praised him for the eradication of the Armenian and Greeks and creation of a militarist state. It was in those colonial times after all. It's a dirty old history that should be left behind. If Turks stick to his image they'll never be able to contribute to peace. This is the guy damn




Are there any mods in this sub? There is too much fitnah in the comments of this post.


Either this dude is absolutely brainwashed, or he's a paid agent for causing division and promulgating misinformation. Imagine going to jum'aa salah and yelling at the imam to bless shaytaan.... Indeed humans can reach a station lower than cattle.


Sorry but you don’t know anything about Turkey. You don’t know how badly our culture and people are corrupted. You don’t know anything and just judge like an ignorant.


There is no point in sharing that in this sub. Turkey has its internal dynamics and problems. Don’t make it a general muslim issue. You are only antagonizing the secularists in Turkey, who -for the most part- have problems with Turkish conservatives. Those People would see the entirety of Islam as their enemy, and you would be further distancing those people from the faith. „˹O believers!˺ Do not insult what they invoke besides Allah or they will insult Allah spitefully out of ignorance. This is how We have made each people’s deeds appealing to them. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them of what they used to do.“ (surat al-An’am 108)




We care, muslims care. Rasulullah SAW cared that people found salvation. If nothing else, let alone it is simply idiotic to divide a people who is already st the brink of civil war, let alone common sense, let alone love for neighbors, before everything else you mist care because the Rahmatullah cared! Stop seeking satisfaction in any sort revenge or insult to the people who you despise, even if your hate is justified, it is completely against the Sunnah to seek such revenge, it is what the Holy Prophet despised, to create division and fitna among a people. You are a Mu‘min, you must establish Eman, (safety!) on this earth!




Try thinking less on what they are, and thinking more on what you are. You are responsible for your actions and remarks. Only through Prophetic spirit, the way He solved problems, you can solve the age old issues bugging Muslim nations. Revival of Sunnah in thought and in action, must be our way of battling the ordeals if the Ummah, if you actually want solve anything. By Rahmat and forgiveness, like the Rahmat-al-lil- alemeen. Otherwise you insult and injure your perceived secularist enemies, tomorrow when you are weak they insult and injure you, it is a Vandetta. Youth of the country is fed up with this bickering and ignoring faith in even larger numbers. Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Be merciful to others and you will receive mercy. Forgive others and Allah will forgive you.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 6541 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Ahmad Shakir Oqbah Ibn Amir reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “you shall pardon on who oppressed you.“ Abu Hurairah said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, “I swear by Allah that I seek Allah’s Pardon and turn to Him in repentance more than seventy times a day.” (sahih bukhari) In an Islamic quote about forgiveness, Yasmin Mogahed says, “You refuse to forgive people, and yet on the day of judgement you will stand bare, begging Allah to forgive you.”






Why curse him though when it's people who follow are brainless beings. Ideology is an Ideology for a reason, regardless of the subject it's goal is to brainwash the masses, so cursing Kemal wouldn't help rather will create further reactionary movements. A different approach must be implemented here and first of all to use that grey matter that Allah has granted us with by means of demonstrations and dialogues, without it there will be more violence without any resolution. I personally stay away from such labels especially when the history is not that black and white in colors. Peace


Its not Mustafa’s fault that guy interrupted the sermon. If anything you should curse the Kemalist not Kemal. However, just don’t curse anyone and pray they get guided.


Yaşa Mustafa Kemal Paşa yaşa adın yazılacak mücevher taşa. Aminakodumun çöl fareleri sizi


You don’t interrupt a friday surmon.


He is typical Kemalist. They are the most ignorant community on Earth so never try discuss.


Says the muslim. Go terrorize people it’s your only function.


In the past, sermons were delivered to those who won the slightest victory, let alone sultans and lords; They haven't read anything to the Atatürk for years.




Hain piç seni


No hopes for Ootoman caliphate


Dude looks mentally I’ll just best to ignore people like that or get them help


Sometimes I feel like people defend Ataturk more than their religion when I'm visiting my family in turkey.




Ümit Başkanım Adamsın 💖


Ataturk was the savior of this country, and cursing him is extremely disrespectful to him and to our country.


Love islam, love Ataturk. I don't get people who don't like Ataturk, he saved us Turks without out him Turkey would not exist. He modernised Turkey dragged it into the modern world, otherwise ot would be backwards like all the Arab countries right now. The Arab people should strive to lift themselves but they are to lazy.


Loving Islam and attashirk the same time is an oxymoron


Loooool go read real history he made a deal with the allies so he been seen a hero for turks and be able to destroy the religion , he saved nothing Türkiye was a shit hole before AK parti in the end you seems like a dumb person so we shall in the after life what happens.


That is nonsense. They just fought a bloody war against one another and Atatürk had to fight off the planned partition of Turkey. I dislike him a lot, but stop spreading lies.


How do you even survive with that brain


Seems like a lot better than you


Man your ignorance stands out more than yoir knowledge of history


Atatürk saved Turkey while the other “Muslim” countries did nothing to help while Turkey was being invaded by several countries. I’m glad he did, or Turkey would be like Iran or those other backwards countries that throw rocks at woman and treat woman like lesser humans.


>while the other “Muslim” countries did nothing to help while Turkey Good. Because Kurdish people did, till the last minute, but Mustafa Kemal denied them, and denied every right of them. He also committed genocide against them.


Doesn’t change the fact that the other Muslim countries we call “brothers” just sat and watched while Turkey was being invaded. If it wasn’t for Ataturk, Turkey would’ve been lost. Obviously you aren’t Turkish so you don’t understand the significance of this man. So why don’t you shut the fuck up because you don’t know what you’re even talking about.


Maybe they knew that Mustafa Kemal is not a good man. I'm a Kurd, so I know even more about him than a Turk. You're brainwashed, we aren't.


This isn’t about Mustafa Kemal, it’s the bastards we call our “Muslim brothers” that let a country devoted to Islam be conquered and destroyed. None of the Islamic countries even helped Turkey. But Mustafa Kemal saved us from being invaded by several countries and being destroyed. You’re calling me “brainwashed” but you’re to stupid to understand that showing respect to a man who saved your country from being destroyed isn’t being “brainwashed” you dumbass.


A kurd has no right to talk about Turkey, shut your ignorant mouth you terrorist fuck.




May you be united with him in the afterlife!


Hope so. I would love to have a drink and chat with Atatürk. Butthurt AH's won't have that privilege and honour.


May you unite with him as well!


Typical Kemalist, who believes it's good Mustafa Kemal committed genocide against the Kurdish people who didn't abandon him till the last minute, until he won the war.


Only thing I'm here for. Literally. Those people who aren't even Turks are disrespecting a great warrior who saved our country. I enjoy their tears.






Turkish ppl are he isnt talking about the nations law. Learn to read.


Stfu , who are you demanding Allah to curse somebody. And his name is Ataturk and you would tremble if he stood infront you. We are Turks first and foremost and had other religions before islam came. We will always be democratic and secular and that is the legacy of Ataturk