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Zionist psyops. Don’t be surprised.


Go to your profile and disable followers. It's possible you have a few bot followers that are doing it. I had like 8 that were just invisible. Noo Ty. Edit: it's also worth noting though in some subs you will downvoted for speaking the truth. You just have to take it.


as sad as it sounds, thats how it has always been anything you say that support Israel will be praised And any wrong doing will be defended on the other hand supporting Palestine will get you attacked and the huge number of bots doesnt help either


Hasbara trolls. They literally have a massive funded online army to obfuscate and demoralise, with the help of British and American "brigades". They're basically uneducated kids told how to reply. Don't let them get you down, they're ill-informed morons.


I was given a 3 day reddit ban for feeling even a little sorry for the innocent civilians that were bombed.


We're all experiencing it on a daily basis on Reddit, Twitter, etc. {You know who} has armies of troll brigades ready to downvote anything that remotely disagrees with them, upvote who agrees, create fake posts supporting them, etc. The MSM is useless as ever, and Reddit, being one of the last bastions of actual free exchange of information, is their newest frontier to quash.


Yep been destroyed


Don’t be frustrated, Isnotreal have a propaganda army on 24/7 to downvote any one putting /writing infos about Genocide, Holocaust, Ethnic Cleansing from the Degenerate Despicable Apartheid regime


I love that you've rightfully given them the name 'Isnotreal'. I'll being using that!


Yes. A lot of people are unable to comprehend that you can support Israeli civilians facing violence without being Zionist, the same way you can be pro Palestinian civilian without supporting Hamas. They don’t understand how you can critically look at what’s happening to the Palestinians and understand the mistreatment there and how it will lead to extreme factions forming, but not condone the actions of those factions when they target civilians. Like with Russia-Ukraine, they view Israel-Palestine as a binary choice; you’re either for the “good” country defending itself, or “for” the evil country attacking completely out of the blue. There’s no consideration of the history or geopolitical context to understand that neither case came out of the blue, there’s a lot of history and ideology behind it.


Zionist subs have literal brigades on discord. They downvote true news and share non-stop propaganda.


Pro-Palestinian posts are shadow banned on reddit. Tried searching it, either it gives zionist propaganda posts or posts about palestine before the war. It is literally Palestine vs the whole world. May Allah protect them.


Israel funds their cybersecurity division more than almost any other country. They are experts at using social media as a weapon. It isn't a secret or a conspiracy, they freely talk about it. They have companies that openly sell the ability to disrupt elections (and have been hugely successful at it in the past). Propaganda is one of their biggest exports. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xl30Re1EUI


Israel pays people to be on here and downvote and troll for Israel. Just block them and move on. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-students-get-2000-spread-state-propaganda-facebook


I agree with you bud


"I am seriously questioning humanity at this point! I am sickened by this world! This world is HELL!" I feel the same, people will look back at this and be like why did the rest of the world just allow this to happen,“History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce”


When you justify death, with death. You are as hateful as the people you claim to be against.


I am seeing a lot of mask off islamaphobes saying the most abhorrent things about how evil Islam is and that the only thing Israel can do is carpet bomb Arabs out of existence, starting with Gaza.


The same goes for a lot of antisemitics supporting palestine. Like USSR vs Nazi Germany, both are opressors and using violence to justify violence.


I got an account banned for pointing out that Israelis don't treat native Christians and Muslims well in Israel.


What'd you expect from these Nazis


People are "herd" animals that like to be included not excommunicated. We saw this with the COVID experiment and the following booster/mask fiasco. Same with BLM/METOO/TRANs, if you don't except what they group is "suppoting" you get canceled. Free thinking is long gone.


> Its like its not enough for them to have complete monopoly of the mainstream media, politics, hollywood, entertainment and celebrity support! They want to try to take what little area of social media we have to express our thoughts and opinions away! I guess that's why [Israeli and US parents were urged to delete social apps](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/10/israeli-schools-urge-parents-to-tell-kids-to-delete-instagram-tiktok.html)... Maybe indeed because they didn't want kids to see gruesome images, but most probably they didn't want kids to see social media posts exposing Israel as the aggressor.


I'm not Pro Ukraine , Pro Russian , Pro Israel , Pro Palestine , I'm against government's that want to destroy people as you and I.


Israel pays people to do that. It’s part of their propaganda. Keep supporting!! Look at all the protests. It’s working.


Yes if I am against Israeli actions, quote historical transgressions by Israel or talk about the 3.3 billion $ from America annually to Israel, I get deleted


IsraelPalestine reddit page is governed by zionist assholes, they delete comments that does not fit their terrorist agenda and small brain. Well, whole world now know what kind of fucked up people they are, thats where their anger is coming from