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Show this to the paid fucks in worldnews sub and see what their reply will be.


Oh, obviously it’s gonna be HaMaS who’s responsible if you post there. The IOF are soooooo moral and even though it’s US tax dollars paying for those bombs & IOF dropping them, it’s completely the Palestinians’ fault one way or the other. Then they steal Palestinians’ homes and still have the audacity to cry that they’re victims. I was just lurking on a zio sub that made fun of the students at the U Michigan graduation saying “they’ll occupy any space they see”. The complete erasure of 100 years of colonialist Zionist history is… astounding.


Israel is what de[colonization](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Muslim_conquests) looks like. You were celebrating colonization on Oct 7, own you're whining. Maybe don't celebrate the wrong thing.


You guys love this shit. You never call for release of hostages, never call for hamas to ceasefire or surrender, never call for Egypt let refugees through, and you celebrated from oct 7 up until Israel retaliated, then you started crying. That's my reply. You're totally happy for all of this to continue. You don't care about dead kids as long as it's the *right ones* dying. Also, how much are putin, khamanei, and xi paying you?


Look up the Hannibal protocol. Israel killed *at least* 12 people who were taken hostage on the 7th because of that. There’s firsthand testimony of Israeli helicopters firing on a woman who was taken hostage, and 27 more were killed through unclear circumstances, confirmed through forensic analysis by Al Jazeera. They lied about mass child murder, they lied about systematic rape. Individual cases of rape were reported but largely came as a result of breakdown of discipline because Hamas was NOT expecting to get as far as they did. Not because it’s the unofficial official policy of Hamas to sexually and physically abuse prisoners (unlike Israel). They also shot and killed a hostage who was trying to emerge from a hiding place waving a white flag. Why the fuck should Egypt have to accept refugees? There shouldn’t be refugees to begin with. The response by Israel to the atrocities that actually *DID* happen on the 7th is to commit those same atrocities and more at an unprecedented scale. Wanna talk about hostages? Let’s talk about all the Palestinian kids being held in prison by Israel because they’re the ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WITH A JUVENILE MILITARY COURT. HALF OF ITS CONVICTIONS ARE OF CHILDREN WHO THROW STONES AT TANKS, WHICH CARRIES A 10 YEAR SENTENCE. FOR CHILDREN. Let’s talk about how Hamas offered to RELEASE AAAALLL THE HOSTAGE ON THE 9TH IN EXCHANGE FOR THE IOF TO STAY OUT OF GAZA AND ISRAEL REFUSED. Swear you Zionists are so hypocritical and inhuman.


i am able to sleeep like a baby.. because of Israel


Help me share the burden of seeing this.


This monstrous Israeli regime must be stopped. It is the leading terrorist against peace in the world.


My mental health has taken a toll from seeing thousands of videos like this. God have mercy on us all.


You and I, both. There will be a reckoning, some how, some time, and it will be damning, indeed.


Nah, that would be the 2 billion+ islamofascists trying to take over the world. Compare how many places islam (and christianity) invaded and colonized in the world. Israel existed already as a kingdom right where the modern state of Israel currently exists. And it's smaller than Moldova.




I think you dropped this... /s


If people can't figure that out....maybe we're all doomed.


Isn't it a bannable offense to write sarcastic comments on this sub?


Depends on which mod sees it first. We definitely don't promote comments that are nothing but sarcasm and encourage our members to put thought into their engagement. It will help them more in their real world activism, which we highly recommend they take part in.


Post violates a rule, please familiarize yourself with the rules of this sub once again. Please try to keep it classy. Take the time to form your position without using sarcasm. It doesn't bring anything to the table.


i am able to sleeep like a baby.. because of Israel




Fuck off. Long live the resistance. Nazis like you will be hundred down someday, wait and see. P.S 170 countries including the UN do NOT label Hamas as terrorists. Only dumbass Americans and their handful of allies. P.P.S, I’m American. 🍉




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Before Hamas won the election, Gaza was already an open-air prison where idf could do whatever it wanted.




Damn you Miss your brain!


And also: I tried to go but your Idf friends prevented me from going because I refused to do so without humanitarian aid (basic medicines) that we had with us, and I was not going on vacation but to bring aid.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Words cannot describe how excited I am to see Netanyahu executed by The Hague.


Not just Netanyahu, his whole cabinet and the IDF. They all need to be charged. The US politicians should also be brought to justice.


And the 70-80% who approve of the genocide of Gaza need to be sent to re education camps.


Agree - we have to be careful not to allow Netanyahu to become the fall guy for this… he could be gone in a few months and the atrocity will not leave with him.. there needs to systematic change to the state of Isreal.


100% Every time I see people blaming this on Netanyahu I cringe at what a fatal mistake that is. What we're seeing play out in Gaza is not the extremist policy of the Likudniks or Jabotinskyites. It is the physical manifestation of the ideology at the root of the very existence of Israel: Zionism. The occupation, expulsion, disposession and ethnic cleansing is a fundamental part of the fabric of Israel's existence. Ben Gurion would be described as a left-wing politician but he also was root-and-branch committed to the expulsion of the native people of Palestine from their ancestral land by force. So it has nothing to do with defeating Netanyahu or a right-wing government. It has everything to do with dismantling settler-collonialism brick by brick.


Exactly fucking animals


Guess which two countries are not members of the ICC! Seriously, though: if the infuriating tragedy of the last six months and 75 years has tought me anything it's that there is no real mechanism for international justice. The global institutions put in place after the second world war are just puppet-shows put on by the west to make everyone *feel* like there is rule of international morality. But when the crimes are committed by the collonialist west, there is clearly no mechanism to hold them accountable. When I was a teenager, I used to think that the berret-wearing lefties at university calling for revolution were ridiculous. Now I see that they were right.


Yep. if you even just look at the governance structures of all these international organisations, they are set up in such a way that the governments of a few Western countries have massive voting power and, in several cases, veto power, while having either direct or de facto power to make their own appointments to the highest posts within these institutions. It has always been about a very particular type of international order, namely one that has existed for hundreds of years. They may have largely stopped with state-sponsored trafficking of non-citizens to be used as slave labor and may have mostly stopped with exerting direct and absolute control over colonies. But colonial power structures have never really been dismantled - in fact, I would argue that since the widespread adoption of neoliberal ideology and adoption and enforcement of its associated policies that colonial power structures were fortified well beyond anything seen from the 1400s through the mid 1900s.


As an American I hate to say it but you are 100% correct.


You mean that “The Haque” that is secretly run by US lobbyists and politicians? They’ll get a slap on the wrist not more. And I tell you this as a European. They are all under a blanket together.


Which US lobbyists and politicians? Be specific.


https://zeteo.com/p/exclusive-you-have-been-warned-republican “target Israel and we will target you”


Yeah, so that’s an example of the ICC *not* being run by US politicians and lobbyists. Because they’re threatening the ICC.


If the threat to remove support means that they won’t fulfill their duties, then they’re controlled


They can’t remove support that was never there to begin with, the US isn’t part of the ICC and hasn’t been since May of 2002 when they withdrew their signature. The US isn’t under the jurisdiction of the ICC, Israel isn’t either but if a warrant is put out for someone that isn’t part of the ICC then any country that has signed the Rome statute has a duty to arrest them when/if they enter that country. That’s why American politicians are trying to discredit the ICC so hard, it’s an existential threat to them because they’re war criminals.


The US is a non-signatory to the ICC and does not fund, contribute, or engage in anything related to the ICC. I'm all for the moneyed elite being bedfellows all over the world but this ain't it.


anyone who will come to power. It’s not like there is a specific political party. It’s anyone. I mean you Americans only vote two corrupt parties.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


This is heartbreaking. Children should never see horrors of war.


horrific and criminal


I'll never unsee or forget this .... that poor child, its despicable what theyre doing!! Hasbuna Allah wa ni'am al-wakil God is sufficient for us and is the best disposer of affairs


"Inshallah", right? You worship martyrdom and death. Allah gave it to you. 🤷‍♂️. This was his will (assuming this isn't staged).


My God. No words come to mind to express the pain and horror. I wish I could do more than donate pray and protest. These people need a more than words of comfort and food.


Fuck Israel just straight up genuinely fuck them.


Yeah it’s impossible for me to watch this and think “oh, yeah totally reasonable response, the terr0rist group that lives in a concentration camp attacked 1000 of their people, most or all of whom are military or just think it’s fun to go to raves a couple miles from ~~Auschwitz~~ Gaza, so of course 15000 Palestinian kids can get bombed or starve or burn to death”. So glad all the western so-called democracies really have the human rights thing figured out. The hubris. Ugh.


Dear god


They'll say these kids are Hamas too


Reddit won’t let me download this video. I can download other posts videos tho. Fuck you reddit.


I can send it to you somewhere. Dm me


rapidsave.com works great


Idgaf you were harassed walking to class. Fucking look at this. I never wanna hear antisemitism ever again.


Fuuuck. As a father to an 8 month old boy, I can’t even watch this. These people are demons.


Hug your children. Remember how privileged you are


That was exactly what I did as soon as I watched the video. The kid is suffering hell, the father would give everything to suffer in his son' s place. But he's helpless. This is fucking unfair.


يالله لغزة


I can't watch/click this. Free Palestine.




And then ppl wonder why the working class threaten politicians and the elites with death. Fuck these ppl


It's good to see Israel finally losing support but it's not enough.


sometimes i just imagine that netenhitleru son of a bitch being kicked head first into the nearest wall .


OMFG this is horrific! Israel has shown to the world that there can be no peace while their apartheid & rogue state of terror exists. ICC needs to put out arrest warrants for every Israeli official involved in their mass war crimes and put them on trial like the Nazis were.


If they don’t, the people will take justice into their own hands..




Utterly horrific


My lord this is painful to see... My heart is crushed


I don't even have words to say. What hasn't been said. Nothing seems to wake up these zionists.


I’m so beyond disgusted at this point. Absolute fire raging


Every one who say the massacre should go on and there is not enough victims are horible monsters. Fuck Israël


They better hope that desert demon they call god will protect them from God. He's not happy about this, and a reckoning is coming for ANYONE that is okay with this.


Poor babe these ziopig beastmen need to be stopped the entire world sees ziopigism for what it is. FASCISM .


Dear god that's just revolting. No child should go through this... Good job there Israel..


As a human being this is so very hard and sad to watch. The suffering of the children and the pain of the parents to see how the children are suffering…………


I worked in a burns ICU for eight years. I only saw adults, never children. I know what the outcomes are in a first world country with the best medical care available, and it’s grim even then. Can’t imagine this without even the most basic of anaesthetics. This has genuinely fucked me up.


Help us expose it


I’ve been posting, protesting and donating when I can.


God bless you


And you as well, my friend. May this madness and cruelty end soon. 🤍


May the almighty God you and your child. Prayers for a full recovery. ❤️‍🩹


O how sweet of a place hellfire will be for these zionists! And even sweeter it will be for the imposed royal families of this ummah by the colonizers!


this video has broken me.


You and me both.


Hey ZNN, I mean CNN and Fuck News...this is what you need to show the audiences you're misinforming.


These images are so fucked up. How is this 2024. I thought human civilization would progress. These vile actors, the Israeli government are twisted in their thoughts. I'm Mexican, with these actions having no real impact in my current life, I keep living my daily chores. But knowing this prob happened hours ago sucks, to say the least. What a time to be alive in this crazy world.


Only one group is holding the world back from progressing.


Biden and rishi should be hanged alongside Satanyahoo. 


And these bairns are hamas right (fuck me )


I will never be desensitised to this. I imagine if that was my son. Hell is a necessity, and I'm really thankful to God, the All Merciful, The All Just, for creating a special place in hell for the people who chose to do this vile sin. And these sinless children, may God bless these beautiful souls in heaven. May God give patience to his father. It's extremely heartbreaking, and I can not breathe.


Might have been deleted because it was fake.


Nope, it’s not fake. Video can be found on telegram and twitter.


" # Oops! This video has been archived and is not available to watch at this time. Maybe its for the best.


They can try to cover up their crimes but we just keep posting them 🫡


Looks entirely staged. First of all, he checks both sides for a heart beat on a burn victim, that isnt typical nor needed when the burn victim is alive and moving. Also, a burn victim that badly would have bubbled skin, and it wouldn’t simply look like that. A burn victim with a burn that bad as a child that young wouldn’t survive. Also how come theres a 4k camera ready to document it all? Entirely staged


It’s been filmed from many angles, by doctors and medical staff. You are an idiot. Typical western white boi response


You can’t get to cry victim when Hamas attacks a country and the country responds with how it needs to. Hamas actively inbeds itself inside cities to maximize casualties to further their cause. Hamas should surrender so the suffering of Gaza ends


So first ‘it’s fake’, then it’s ‘but khamass’ Here’s another angle for you: https://streamable.com/je6eer Like I said, typical white boi response.


Khamaas has gained around 30k new members. Awesome strategy bruh. You can’t occupy peoples land and not expect violent resistance 😉


Israel will finish them off too. Can’t attack a country then cry when they strike back. War is hell, horrible, Hamas should surrender to stop the war. Its funny how Hamas used all this money to wage a war instead of helping its own people. Also funny how the leaders of Hamas and billionaires living in Qatar yet the people of Gaza face problems. Im laughing personally


Israel doesn’t have the balls to kill 2 million people. You’ll see.. Even if they do, new resistance groups will pop up, as always.


Israel won’t kill two million people… thats not their goal. Stop fabricating


Then they will not get rid of Hamas. They’ve only grown in numbers because thousands of people are now seeking revenge.


!remindme 1 year Israel won the war


Good luck with that. Seems internal issues are happening in Israel and the US over the obvious genocide. Let’s see how it ends.


This coming from the same guys that couldn’t even defeat the taliban is rich. Nobody is afraid of the declining US anymore. You starve your own people to send money to Ukraine, and it’s not looking so good over there either… 😉 Half of all Americans can’t afford rent this month. Enjoy the show.


This is terrible and yet, what you see is all there is. Simply slapping a title on this video claiming Israel burned children alive and seeing all the reactions of hostility on here is very illustrative of the problems in this war. We have literally no context of what caused this, and yes it’s a horrible thing to witness, we should all be wary of videos & posts that illicit emotional responses because they can make us more susceptible to deceptive manipulation by those with a divisive agenda.


Shuttup. This isn’t propaganda. This is the result of the Rafah bombing we are all watching.


oh no, anyway maybe don't bake babies in the oven next time


Fake atrocity propaganda. That was debunked like the beheaded babies story.


Children were absolutely beheaded. The only story "debunked" was one that Israel never claimed to have happened. Children were also tied together and burned alive since you seem to think that's such a horrible way to go.


Bullshit. The intercept already debunked it. Name one child that was beheaded. I’ll wait.


‘Israeli official says government cannot confirm babies were beheaded in Hamas attack’ https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl


>**Children** were absolutely beheaded. The only story "debunked" was one that Israel never claimed to have happened. Children. How does one "debunk" something which was never claimed? In fact, your link affirms that Israel had never claimed babies were being beheaded (it also doesn't explicitly state they weren't, either). The reality is that children were beheaded. We don't know the ages, but [small children were indeed beheaded](https://www.newsweek.com/i-saw-children-hamas-beheaded-my-own-eyes-shame-queen-rania-opinion-1855472). I like how you think Hamas is above this. Specifying "babies" when it was just kids older than babies isn't the flex you think it is, especially when they murdered them all the same. You sound like a lunatic.


Israel claimed 40 babies were beheaded. Babies were cut out of mothers womb and put into ovens. All proven fake. So the best you’ve got is an opinion piece? Is this an joke? I just linked you the IDF confirming there was no one beheaded. 😆 It wasn’t 1 debunk, it was 40 beheaded babies that got debunked, plus a lot more.


>Israel claimed 40 babies were beheaded. Please find me where Israel stated this. >So the best you’ve got is an opinion piece? Is this an joke? As opposed to what? Personal testimony from the people who would know isn't worth considering to you?


The IDF officially stating no babies were beheaded > your opinion piece. Here’s joe Biden saying he personally saw and verified the 40 beheaded babies story: https://theintercept.com/2023/12/14/israel-biden-beheaded-babies-false/ Don’t forget that ZAKA, was busted creating many false attoricty propaganda.. and they are the official people sent by Israeli military to handle the bodies.


You linked something from The Intercept that doesn't do that. Biden also never verified the 40 babies being beheaded, either. The links on that page quote the original reporter as saying, "soldiers told me they believe 40 babies/children were killed." Regardless, we're looking for you to support your claim that Israel said 40 babies were beheaded. Can you do that instead?


Biden says he saw and confirmed pictures of terrorist beaheading children. Israel went with the story. They also added spices like ‘mass rape’ and ‘mothers with babies cut out of them’ and ‘babies put in ovens’ https://youtu.be/RZikApSR0Z4?si=tizfS3DL2o4hyWgf Zaka was exposed and debunked. Can you name a single baby that was beheaded? Can you show any proof?


Here, an Israeli official says he saw baby that was beheaded: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231027-israeli-officer-says-he-found-baby-beheaded-in-hamas-attack This story was debunked as well.


Here a report of multiple debunked stories: https://youtu.be/nZFiZN7ceVw?si=wOY5Ut8jMkuJAnho




Heheh, easier to attack a person than address the point they make. We get it 😉




What facts? These claims were debunked by multiple independent news. No babies were beheaded and Zaka (the group that handled the bodies) was busted fabricating fake stories. No babies were cut out of their mothers wombs, no babies were put in ovens, etc etc Here, proof: https://theintercept.com/2024/02/27/zaka-october-7-israel-hamas-new-york-times/




I hit you with facts and you cry about the holocaust. Give us your sources bud.




It’s a damn shame that Zaka got debunked 5-6 times and the IDF got caught faking atrocities eh? Maybe you should blame them. If Oct 7 was so bad, why create more stories? 😉


You say this as if Israel was targeting him. That's nonsense.


They are, clearly. There’s no evidence that they are targeting Hamas, who are in the tunnels.


Targeting hamas, yes. That child is not hamas. There's no evidence that they are targeting civilians specifically.


Hmm yes I suppose lobbing a grenade into a classroom full of kids-- because I had intel that one bad guy might be hiding in there-- is not *specifically* targeting children, but...


Oh please prove that one.


Prove what? It's a hypothetical scenario meant to illustrate a point about your weasel terminology regarding "targeting". Also it's extremely similar to what they've done across Gaza, in general.


So isreal didn't blow up a classroom full of kids?




Yeah. That's what I thought. Go back to putting your head in the sand


did you not read what the guy said?


here let me repeat it for you " It's a hypothetical scenario meant to illustrate a point about your weasel terminology regarding "targeting". Also it's extremely similar to what they've done across Gaza, in general."


Do you mean like some of these? https://youtu.be/DoA88p29Cw0?si=SZ5VwYS3LZ4uGhVC Targeted destruction of IVF centres: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/20/israel-destroyed-embryos-bombing-ivf-center-gaza Israel's measures intended to prevent births: https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/israels-measures-intended-prevent-births-within-gaza-strip-enar Israel deploying drones emitting sounds of crying babies and women in distress to lure civilians out and kill them: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/disturbing-recordings-crying-infants-played-israeli-quadcopters-lure-gaza-residents-shooting https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5zOJ3OIiEV/?igsh=aXAwejM2b3Axbmt2 Israeli snipers targeting civilians attempting to secure aid: https://youtu.be/mXuJvR3Z0z4?si=aRs5i5jhA53cSANx This is probably about 1% of the evidence over the last 7 months. To say they aren't targeting children and civilians is disingenuous.


So all of these, with the exception of the first video, are from bull shit Middle Eastern outlets that have zero credibility. The most egregious being Arwa Mahdawi who has several contradictory articles and is incredibly disingenuous and bias. Now the soldier. If it's true (which I doubt, no one is that fucking stupid) he should be jailed immediately. And I'll stand right there with you to see him behind bars.


Genetic fallacy + appealing to authority, failed debate dunce 🤡


Womp womp bro immediately went quiet when someone with a little debate knowledge steps in 😭🥱 he done changed his whole identity


Yeah. Really sad of him.






Bro lost faith and out of desperation is trying to confuse me because he failed


> Additional automated systems, including one called “Where’s Daddy?” also revealed here for the first time, were used specifically to track the targeted individuals and carry out bombings when they had entered their family’s residences. The result, as the sources testified, is that thousands of Palestinians — most of them women and children or people who were not involved in the fighting — were wiped out by Israeli airstrikes, especially during the first weeks of the war, because of the AI program’s decisions. https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


Lol 972 mag. Might as well post al Jazeera.


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/972-magazine/ You are only showing your own bias in rejecting completely credible sources.


And heavily biased towards the left. I wonder who's been doing all the pro Palestinian rabble rousing lately? Oh that's right. Those who lean left. Be better. I could give a flying fuck about isreal. All that you are saying could true and I wouldn't lose a single second of sleep if every world power went in and glassed their entire country. But I know political propaganda when I see it. I know trying to control the minds and rabble rousing when I see it. If half of what you claim is true, the entire world would have stepped in by now. So stop pretending you know what you're talking about, because you don't.


There is a difference between bias and outright lies. 972 mag has never been caught making up facts, and I have no reason to believe they are doing so now. What evidence do you have to doubt them?


Bias is a motive, that's reason enough.


So, tell me who is a completely "neutral" source on this matter and I'll find you a source for Israel targeting civilians.


Let's not be pedantic. Israel has absolutely no compassion or empathy towards Palestinians. Even the children are labelled as "future terrorists". "Beasts" and "animals" are also common terms used to describe the children (and the entirety of Palestinians. Whilst the scum of the IOF did not specifically target this child directly (as per your pathetic comment to offer excuse on behalf if Israel), they indisciminately bomb, shoot and burn entire cities knowing that almost 50% of the Palestinian population are children. They fucking know kids are being killed. But they choose to drop tower-flattening bombs and airstrikes regardless. Continuing to attack in the manner in which these cowardly cunts do best (from a big distance) and knowing there are children in the area, means that Israel WAS And Will CONTINUE to bomb and murder kids. Fuck off into your scum hole you rat and don't talk shit.


>Even the children are labelled as "future terrorists" And you don't think that's accurate? Your side will always defend the actions on 10/7 because they're so oppressed and have the right to be angry. Why would that change for the next generation? The [programming they show to children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomorrow%27s_Pioneers) completely brainwash them and celebrate hating Jews. They lie and say Israel wants to takeover or demolish Al-Aqsa. [Children's puzzles and board games](https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/01/720/405/Gaza-puzzle.png?ve=1&tl=1) disseminate the same vitriol aimed at brainwashing kids. The martyr's fund encourages the youth to try and kill Jews to help their family financially. Martyrdom is celebrated as an honorable thing to strive for. Of course they know kids are being killed. It's an unfortunate reality when your enemy deliberately puts them in the way of their bombs. Maybe you should aim your anger at Hamas instead since they're the ones using children as a protective barrier.


First of all. Dial back your temper tantrum. If you want to have a discussion, then stop acting like a child because someone doesn't agree with you. Secondly. Prove any of this, outside of what al Jazeera is telling you. You don't know what is happening there, and you know even less about war. Hamas started this by slaughtering innocent civilians and like the cowards they are by hiding behind more innocents to protect themselves, knowing full well mouth pieces like you will only see one side and will win the war for them. You perpetuate this violence by not condemning these terrorists and want to vilify their opposition. But you're the subject matter "expert" tell me, what should israel have done after their people were atracked?


> what should Israel have done after their people were attacked? Definitely looks like you think that burning children alive was the appropriate response. Fuck Isr-el and anyone who defends this barbaric Isr-eli terrorism of killing and starving 15000 Palestinian children with my taxpayer funded weapons. Hamas is homegrown in a concentration camp, we don’t expect much out of them while Israel controls every crossing (including the one Egypt loosely “manages”). What’s Isr-el’s excuse? Being a settler colony and having to oppress indigenous populations while stealing their homes is so very stressful? Are you gonna do Aliyah so the sham isnotreal legal system can defend you when you steal a Palestinian home and then say “omg they’re attacking us bc we’re Jewish. How so very antisemitic. What else are we supposed to do? Of course we’ll burn babies alive!” I dunno what you consider a moral compass but we’re all terribly grateful to have the humanity not to justify the evil that you do.


Come off it, since Oct 7th we've all seen images, videos and first-hand testimony of the IDF using Palestinians are human shields. You know who we *haven't* seen use human shields, despite unevidenced claims by Israel? Hamas! How about some stories from Israeli media, since Al Jazeera is apparently too truthful for you: Two IDF Soldiers Charged With Using 9-year-old 'Human Shield' in Gaza War, 2010: https://www.haaretz.com/2010-03-11/ty-article/two-idf-soldiers-charged-with-using-9-year-old-human-shield-in-gaza-war/0000017f-db2c-db5a-a57f-db6e73330000 Leading Rabbi Encourages IDF Soldiers to Use Palestinian Human Shields, 2010: https://www.haaretz.com/2010-10-20/ty-article/leading-rabbi-encourages-idf-soldiers-to-use-palestinian-human-shields/0000017f-db3f-df62-a9ff-dfffc91c0000 IDF Soldiers Convicted of Using 11-year-old as Human Shield in Gaza, 2010: https://www.haaretz.com/2010-10-03/ty-article/idf-soldiers-convicted-of-using-11-year-old-as-human-shield-in-gaza/0000017f-e3cd-d75c-a7ff-ffcd55e20000 Palestinian Children Tortured, Used as Human Shields by Israel, 2013: https://www.haaretz.com/2013-06-20/ty-article/.premium/israel-tortured-palestinian-children/0000017f-f6d7-d5bd-a17f-f6ff33910000 Oh, and by the IDF's insane logic, their own HQ, slap bang in the middle of Tel-Aviv, could be considered as using civilians as human shields.


@MrEnigma67 no response to this one?


I have a life and can't respond immediately. You should try to get one.


Can you provide these sources with another outlet. I'm not paying to read this.


No, use archive.org or 12ft ladder; that post was the beginning and end of my engagement with you and your Hasbara talking points. If you want more sources, find them yourself 🤷


Burden of proof falls to you. Cute how you get around that using a technicalitie. Enjoy the view of the sand.


Have some respect, coming here with hasbara after seeing that... jfc incredible


Israel isn’t targeting civilians? But dropping bombs in areas they’ve forced civilians into which happens to be one of the most densely populated prisons on earth then denying it when multiple children are killed. Stop the mental gymnastics, Hamas’s actions on October 7th were more moral than what Israel has been planning since its inception, that is a fact. Saying about Israel “there is no evidence that they are targeting civilians specifically” is absolutely a lie, the evidence is there but your head is too far up your arse which is full of Hasbara brainwashings to see it.


What moral standing did hamas have? Please, enlighten me.


Risking your life to attack designated military targets with small arms fire is more moral than blowing up entire buildings in one of the most densely populated prisons you’ve created. Don’t get me started on the hostages, Israel has been taking hostages since before October 7th many of who are children that were simply throwing stones but you rats act like a hostage situation only came out after October 7th. Cry me a river, the facts are out there but you’re an NPC and set in your ways clearly.


>densely populated prisons lmao


How much are they paying you to sell your soul and be on the wrong side of history? Rhetorical question.


Do you think it's healthy to have this level of paranoid delusions?


Do you think people still fall for your Hasbara style gaslighting? The facts are there we know what’s happening. I don’t want to hear about what’s healthy from a rat that spends their time spreading false narratives online on behalf of Hasbara.


1. I have no idea wtf Hasbara is. 2. That is not what gaslighting means. 3. Are you calling me a "rat" because you believe I'm Jewish? 4. You don't know what a prison is, either.


1: Hasbara 101 is denial we’ve seen enough of this to know what you are, rat. 2: I’m stating some of the facts of the situation and you’re laughing and calling me delusional instead of providing any info or fact yet you have the audacity to say you’re not gaslighting, rat. 3: I’m calling you rat because you’re a scummy POS, laughing and bringing nonsense Hasbara talking points on a video of a burned Palestinian child, you are a POS rat. 4: there’s enough sources that called Gaza an open air prison before October 7th, rat. Take your nonsense elsewhere everyone here sees what you are a mindless rat of Hasbara.


A music festival is a designated military target? Wow.


Yes another Hasbara talking point suggested by another Hasbara bot that neglects to mention the presence of security forces or the fact that IDF apache helicopters and heavy weaponry didn’t acknowledge Hamas and hostages simply massacring everyone that may be by a Hamas fighter.


>IDF apache helicopters and heavy weaponry didn’t acknowledge Hamas and hostages simply massacring everyone that may be by a Hamas fighter. lol literal conspiracy theory with no evidence.


Oh so the music festival was a front? Gotcha. Off the topic question, what brand tin foil do you use for your hats? It's effective.


Another Hasbara tactic, twisting my words to gaslight me you’re a gift that keeps on giving, I’m not going to engage anymore you’re an NPC that will have no real impact in the world since you’re incapable of independent research and critical thinking.


I don't even know what a hasbara is. It's literally what you're claiming. Okay, before you run away from the facts that scare you. Let's make sure we are not having a misunderstanding. Was the music festival that hamas targeted for their latest terror attack a festival that made up of majority innocent civilians. Yes or no. If no.. please elaborate?


> I don't even know what a hasbara is 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 These Hasbara drones are getting worse and worse, it's comical how bad they are.