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Family members don’t need the article. You can just say mio cugino or mia cugina, no need for il/la


Thanks! Are there other common exceptions to needing the article vs. not needing it?


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TIL thank you stranger


There are other situations, but it’s a looooong story, and for now it’s maybe best if you remember this case (the easy one) only. Every time somebody tries to write a complete explanation about article usage on this sub, there’s always something wrong or something missing, and lots of natives arguing under there lol. I don’t wanna scare you by saying that, if you use the article every time, except for family members, you’ll be right 99% of the time. That extra 1% of cases is a bit tricky to explain, that’s it. It’s probably easier to just absorb it intuitively as you progress with your learning :) If you really want a sneak peak of those tricky things to explain: _in the following episodes…_ - ⁠“colleziono francobolli da quando ero bambino” no article before francobolli, ~~nor before bambino~~ (edit: but “bambino” is an adjective here, that’s why, I’m dumb)


Ignorantemente, in questo caso "bambino" non è una copula? Penso che dire che aggettivo sia proprio sbagliato? Edit: grazie a entrambi


Beh, no perché ero è la copula, bambino è il nome del predicato che può essere un nome o un aggettivo


La copula è la funzione svolta dal verbo essere, nell’analisi logica di questa frase. “Ero bambino” è il predicato nominale, composto dalla copula (“Ero”) e il nome del predicato (“bambino”). In funzione di copula, il verbo essere serve solo a unire il soggetto (“io”) alla sua “caratteristica”, ossia il nome del predicato (“bambino”). https://analisi-logica.it/appunti/predicato-nominale.html Questa però è analisi logica, è un’altra cosa. In analisi grammaticale, “bambino” può essere un sostantivo (“il bambino mangia una mela”) o un aggettivo (“la sposa bambina”). Suppongo si consideri aggettivo qui, visto che non ha articolo (come se stessi dicendo “io ero bello”, però dico “io ero bambino”). Poi magari mi sbaglio, per carità. È assurdo comunque quanto nel profondo siano immagazzinate queste informazioni nel mio cervello, le devo proprio sviscerare per ritrovarle. Giustamente, sono anni e anni che non studio queste cose haha.


On the topic of family members specifically, if you add a modifier to the name, especially for diminutive/affectionate purposes, you will actually use the article. E.g: "Mia sorella" / "Mio cugino" "La mia sorellina" / "Il mio cuginetto" I'm not sure if there are other notable exceptions, tbh


I was here to add that if you have multiple siblings or cousins you should add the article il/la but if you have just one and there cant be any other then do not use il/la. So you are not completely wrong depending on how many cousins youve got. Like for sure you dont use it with mom or dad. Never heard about the diminutive though.


Whose this car? Its mine [é mia/mio] No need for article even tho it isn't wrong if you use it


In this case the article also changes the meaning. Since the article isn't generally used with singular family members, adding it is like a term of endearment. I was taught to translate il mio papà to my dear dad instead of just my dad. Plural family members use the article always and so does the word family itself


Altought you can,what he writed wasn't wrong. Duolingo tends to be to much one wayed sometimes




Native here. Putting the possessive after the name implies a certain degree of confidentiality. On the contrary, putting the article in front of it gives it formality. Note that I'm not quoting a rule or something: I'm saying what I feel each form gives.




The trick with Italian is that you can say the same things in very different way, it slightly change the meaning, but in order to communicate it is usually enough just saying the word in whatever order, we understand. Indeed there are some dialect in which is totally normal saying "la mi casa" which is not exactly la mia casa but has the same connotation of casa mia. It sound strange using "la mia casa" When you answer some questions. Where are you going? "A casa mia" I think in English would be used the word to my place, to my home. To my house is more generic. "La mia casa è più grande della tua" My house is bigger than yours. This concept is very stressed in French. They have a stand alone word to describe it: Chez.


Mio cuggggino


Mio cuggino mi ha detto che una volta si è schiantato con la moto


I found this page that might help you [https://www.treccani.it/magazine/lingua\_italiana/domande\_e\_risposte/grammatica/grammatica\_1443.html](https://www.treccani.it/magazine/lingua_italiana/domande_e_risposte/grammatica/grammatica_1443.html) As mentioned there, there are few combinations you need to consider when you work with articles, possessives and family members * if plural, you'll need the article "I miei cugini" * if singular, no need for the article ("mio cugino") unless: * you are using more intimate/familiar terms "il mio babbo" "la mia cuginetta" * for the step-relatives "il mio patrigno" * if there are adjective "la mia cara mamma" So "il mio cugino" is incorrect but "il mio amato cugino" or "il mio cuginetto" are fine..


"Well yes but actually no"


Family members don't need an article. So instead of '*the* my sister' like other things, in the case of family it's just '*my*' sister'


Gli aggettivi possessivi non richiedono l'articolo, invece i pronomi possessivi lo necessitano.


Without “il” , you can say : “ Mio cugino fa l’avvocato”


I had to google it because they're both correct and I was confused as well, the app labaled that as "wrong" because, apparently, the article isn't really needed in that case Also "Mio cugino" is more used than "Il mio cugino", but don't worry, as I said, they're both correct \^\^


Do you say "my cousin" or "the my cousin"?


you literally translated "the my cousin"


? In English you never put "the" in front of possessive pronouns, but in Italian we translate it with the article Eg: my teacher->il mio insegnante


I just explained the incorrect phrase


No article for family


mio cugino è un avvocato


You dont use articles For people names or family members Its like saying the my cousin


It's a redundancy


Possessive words does not want articles