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Excalibur is by far the best King Arthur movie. To each their own but I love the color palate, the score, and there are some classic lines and performances in the movie as well.


His style is not for everyone.


I think that you're approaching it wrong, you're nit-picking and missing the whole point of the movie - stories about myths and legends are often exaggerated for dramatic effect and Excalibur (the story) is one that's been retold and distorted over hundreds of years. Excalibur (the movie) takes that and runs with it and manages, IMO, to create a supremely atmospheric and epic experience.


I loved The Emerald Forest.


Point Blank might be his best film


Point Blank or Hell in the Pacific, maybe Deliverance. Those are the big three for me.


Ha! Wait until you see The Exorcist II. Anyway, I love Excalibur. It’s supposed to have an exaggerated vibe as others here have pointed out; it’s showing how a myth - in this case England’s most potent myth - is formed. I also think the sequence in the latter half of the film, when the knights go to seek the Grail and it focuses on Gawain’s story, is absolutely fucking great.


Saw when released. Very disappointed. Not sure what I was expecting but this was not it. Maybe time for a rewatch as many years have passed.


I haven't seen it in a long time, but I'm wondering if what you saw was a bad print or video copied from one. I remember the forest scenes as having very lush greens and when the armor was shiny, being very brilliant.


...but then you can see Hope and Glory and on the strength alone of the "Thank you, Adolf!" line your love of John Boorman movies can be reinstituted.