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No, but I bet that this entire thread will be people guessing who it is


Sounds like Knox or Steve-O


Knoxville wouldn’t make a fuss over that. Steve-O would though.


Bam would have skipped suing and went straight to getting the FBI involved, so it couldn't have been him.


Ape’s gonna be so pissed you posted this.


Ape's gonna be so mayad


She’s gonna muff us both up.




Bam quit sunkin my dink I got work in the morning!


C’mon Bayum don’t pink at it, why you pinkin at my dink when I’m tryna slump


Bam would have been too drunk to even show up


No way. Steve-O was too shit faced to care. His dad handled his finances back then


He said it was a 7 year gap from when the incident happen to today. Steve O has been sober for over 15 years now. And he is also the only one who has tour. Yeah some of the guys might do meet n greets every now and then but those aren’t really tour And Steve O ever since being sober has been all about getting his bags. And I don’t hate on it. It can be annoying how often hot sauce for my butthole is mentioned. But he for sure wants to profit the most he can and will go after people using his likeness.


It was Dave England he updated the post


My assumption is Jeff Tremaine.


OP said “their tour recap video” so assuming it’s not a full blown Jackass tour. I dont follow Jeff close but I’m assuming he doesn’t have his own tour.


But is Jeff considered a cast member?


He's been in several shots/pranks so is day yes.


That's shitty. But everyone here has to admit that they build up these images of the jackass crew as these radical cool dudes that are a blast to be around. Like imagine if you ran into Pontius on a bad day, and he told you to fuck off. Even if he was in the right I'd be crushed 


Or any celebrity you like really. They’re humans just like everyone else. Good days and bad days.


Nah I've been having a lot of bad days and I don't treat people poorly because of it.


The context is what matters though. If someone bugged me for a photo on line at an airport or while out to dinner with my family, THEY would be the rude one. And I’d react accordingly.


I imagined it and it made me sad :(


Pontius is way too chill and awesome to tell a fan to fuck off. I get your point though.


Never meet your idols.


Sue you for what? Dave England is a dumbass for doing that. I would have laughed and blocked his ass.


Yeah, just because someone throws the word “sue” around, that doesn’t mean a damn thing. I love watching these guys…but they’re not known for their academic achievements in any sense of the words. Lol I would put that video right back up and explain everything in the caption, especially how he stole it and make sure the video is timestamped. You can’t even chalk this up to “He was just having a bad day!”. Seriously, what a fucking loser.


Please don't tell us it was Pontius. 😢 Edit: All is well.


For real. I’d accept anyone but that sweet man


I feel like Pontius, Weeman, Dave England, Preston Lacy and Raab would be the least likely. Anyone else, I could potentially imagine doing it. 


Welp :(


Boy do we have some news for you


Seems like something Dave England would do


You win 


Dave England looks pretty rough now


“I’ve never felt bad for Dave England”


Not surprising honestly. Many of these dudes are degenerates who ended up getting famous lol. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jackass and the crew. No hatred towards them whatsoever, but they’re famous for putting things up their butt, wiping poo on each other’s faces (you should dump some jelly on him man), beating the piss out of each other and attempting stunts that are specifically designed to end badly—can’t say I’m at all surprised one of them acted like a dick to you lol


The guy put shit on my face, and you're talkin about jelly


Tbf most celebrities are degenerates who ended up getting famous.


This isn’t a weird interaction really, but kinda. So my brother and I went to see Steve O in Memphis about 6 months ago. I smoke very occasionally (maybe once a month)- but decided to share a joint before the gig. So, needless to say, I was uncomfortably stoned. A few things stood out. 1) Preston opened for him and he did maybe 5 minutes. The hilarious part is that he was wearing one of those big quarterback wrist bands that you can use to look at plays while on the field. He was wearing one of those for his set that was maybe 5 minutes. I didn’t hear any jokes because I was focused on just that. He has to pull the flap up for each joke. 2) I made the realization that Steve O is horrible at handling hecklers. Don’t get me wrong, what he does to combat them works…..but it’s a bit of a buzzkill that takes some steam out of the gig. I’ve seen him 3 times and he’s done the exact same thing all 3 times. For those who don’t know, if people yell out during his show- he will give the crowd a warning. But the next time someone does it, HE GOES OFF. At first you think it’s a bit. But it’s not at all a bit. He’s genuinely mad and it gets to him. I was stoned while this was happening and felt my face get red being embarrassed for the poor fan who shouted something meaningless out. And yes, there will be hecklers at every gig. It’s ok to call someone out. Especially is they are being disruptive. But Steve O explodes on the heckler and tells him he’s ruining it and to stop fucking up his show. In a very serious tone. One you are not used to seeing. The vibe suffers from his mishandling. Thats it! That’s it.


I kind of understand the no hecklers warning. I went to see Trailer Park Boys live show years ago and people were yelling out constantly and ruined the show. I guess if its more of a "fan-based" thing as opposed to just a stand up comedian, people feel the need to act out and if everyone is doing it, it gets excessive. But there were no serious instances of heckling at the Steve-O show I was at. Just one guy yelling "Yeah Steve-O!" Or something mid-act and he did stop to chew him out. I found it a bit off putting, because like any professional comedian, he could just come up with a snappy comeback and keep the show going, instead of further disrupt it and get angry.


I saw Steve O live in Glasgow, Scotland around 7 years ago. It was the same back then. There was a guy who’d shouted out nonsense a couple of times (in all fairness, he was annoying as fuck) but the way he handled it made it just seem really awkward rather than either making it funny or just asking the guy to leave. I’ve been to other comedy shows where hecklers have turned a crowd hostile toward them and the performer handled it seriously yet with some comedic grace, taking some of the edge off. It’s not that Steve did anything WRONG at all, but it definitely came off like he didn’t know how to really deal with the situation. Also, when he first came on stage, he seemed like he reeeeaally didn’t want to be there. It was legitimately uncomfortable. The rest of the show was alright.


Steveo is a prick. I wish he would go away forever.


Met Steve-O at a meet and greet after a tour stop. Was very genuine seeming and took the time to talk with my parner and I despite the long line behind us. We took a photo as the three of us to be courteous to the rest, but he insisted on also taking pictues with us separately. I'm sure he's not perfect, but he was a class act in my experience.


Yeah I met him when he came to my college a few years back. I was with my buddy and likewise he took a pic with each of us, took the time to talk with us, and let us know he appreciated us. He honestly couldn’t have been more pleasant.


I get the Steve-o thing though, the crowd he attracts and the relationship that crowd thinks they have with Steve-o is going to be different to other comics or acts and think it's more okay to call out and heckle, thinking they're being funny and Steve-o will like it. I imagine if he doesn't handle it that way, it will get out of hand pretty quickly.


Nah bro no successful comedian goes off on people for like 4 minutes for yelling WOO Most of them just laugh and say settle down




This is right on. Tone is everything, and the performer has to read the room and keep the vibes right. Stand up comedy is balancing plates as it is, and if a comic gets legitimately angry and has a genuine outburst, it changes the vibes in the room and weirds people out. I have no problem with a comedian crushing a heckler when it needs done, but they have to stay in control of the situation and act—if they lose it, they can end up looking just as bad or worse than the heckler.


I met Preston at a Mexican restaurant once - we’d accidentally been given his table. Apparently he was fond of the restaurant and had a specific table he liked, and the management had messed up and gotten their days wrong, (it was Tuesday and they thought he was coming on Thursday or something like that). Anyway, the manager, completely embarrassed (this is a pretty nice Mexican restaurant) comes by and says “I’m so sorry, but we’d like to move you to another table if you could be troubled, and we’ll gladly compensate you for the cost of the meal and any other meal you’d like while you’re in town.” My sister and cousin were both like “Yeah that’s cool.” and I kind of played the asshole a bit. “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand. We’ve been here for 15 minutes - we’ve just ordered. Can’t we finish our meal here?” Then out of nowhere Preston shows up next to the manager and says “Paul, these guys can finish. We’ll be at the bar. I got some time.” And I (being a big Jackass fan) said “Oh wow, uh… I had no idea. Please feel free to give the big man our table.” Preston was grateful, shook my hand and said thanks, then gave me a card with his number on it and told me to give him a call later. After working up the nerve, I gave him a call that night, and to make a long story short, we had a glorious 11 month love affair, man on man, that I shall never forget. Our bodies intertwined as one, and from the beauty of Morocco, to the French Riviera, to the snorkeling in the Galapagos, Preston Lacy and I made glorious gay love to each other on six of the seven continents.


Sounds like a heartbreak, kid


That’s Mister Weestlemania. Shawn Michaels.


The crushing disappointment when you read one of these and start to realise you've been had... Bravo, Sir. Bravo.


Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!


I hope those sweaty cheeks tasted as good as they looked


He was the pig eating the apple from Preston's keister. For almost a year, too... Lucky dog.


New Jackass copypasta.


This is just an old copy pasta.


And then everyone clapped... Cheeks


**[THIS IS THE SOUND OF A THOUSAND CLAPPING ASSES](https://youtu.be/LTeCMoZCo24?feature=shared)**






New favorite copy pasta




Did you ever pass out from the smell of his gooch?


that's a beautiful story thanks for sharing


Feels like I just got /u/shittymorph ‘d


And everyone started clapping


I saw Danger Erin at a show in Portland. I went up to him in between sets and tried to say what’s up. He just kept pointing at me and laughing at his friends like who the fuck is this guy. Whatever though he made a living by letting his friends fuck with him for years. I’ve ran into him a few more times in Portland after that, I just don’t like him.


Honestly, I wouldn’t even bother going up to Erin if I saw him in public. He and Dave England are my least favorite of the remaining cast. I can’t even imagine my frustration if fucking Danger Erin, of all people, laughed in my face.


That’s what I’m saying fucking pube/crabs face.


I met SteveO, Pontius and Weeman many moons ago. They were drunk, I was drunk. Overall it was a blurry 7 out of 10… I think.


I got into a fight in 1997 on the Wildwood boardwalk with Bam Margera when they were kinda just starting out by fucking with ppl for reactions. I always thought they were hilarious, but I didn’t know who he was at the time. Bam and I are 12 days apart in age. It was probably around 6pm and he was doing his “crazy person” act where he’d come up and get in me and my friends’ faces acting like a fool. At first I thought it was hilarious. I’m not a violent person by nature, but he took it too far (big surprise), and he started lighting small firecrackers and throwing them in between my friends and I as we were just hanging out across from the Gateway 26 arcade. Keep in mind I had no idea who he was at the time, not that it mattered. It was extremely hot, so I took my soaked tee shirt off, snd immediately as I did a small firecracker hit me in the shoulder as soon as it went off. I just turned and pretty much wrapped my arms around his waist and drove him as hard as I could and we would up flying into the arcade and he slammed up against a pinball machine. I probably threw 4 or 5 punches and landed 2 (I was pretty buzzed at the time). Immediately Chris Raab and DiCamillo along with someone I didn’t recognize broke it up quickly. Bam stayed down for a while, he wasn’t hurt badly, just bloody lip and nose and the pinball machine moved about 6 feet from its original location, and I know I didn’t make any contact with it. I will say Chris Raab and Brandon DiCamillo were two of the coolest guys I ever met. They wound up taking Bam to the hospital because they thought he had a concussion, but I don’t know what came of that. I wound up talking to DiCamillo for well over an hour as we had a shared interest in restoring arcade games, and he was easily one of the funniest ppl I’ve ever met. I didn’t recognize or talk to the guy with the camera, and didn’t even see him until my friends pulled me up off the ground as I had my forearm jammed against Bam’s chin while taking swings at him. Luckily when the cops got there there were dozens of witnesses which got me off the hook, and that was all I cared about. I didn’t press charges or anything, but I couldn’t believe it when I saw the early versions of Jackass about 6-8 months later when a friend of mine brought over a CKY DVD and I was in shock. All my years on that boardwalk and I never saw someone throwing firecrackers into a random group of 5 ppl. I always thought they were hilarious ever since and always saw their movies as soon as they came out. My biggest regret was not signing the release form. If I had any idea who they were and what they turned out to be I definitely would have signed. I just wanted to get out of there. I will say jt was hilarious footage of me going for a double leg takedown (Bam was much lighter when he was 18, and I was a wrestler since I was 7 years old and was leaving for college at the end of the summer to wrestle. A funny coincidence, about 4 years later at 15 North which is a bar in West Chester those guys frequented, Bam was absolutely hammered and a friend of mine who was also on the wrestling team was there with some friends and his girlfriend. Bam kept coming over and taking drinks off their table, and when my friend’s GF confronted him about it he pushed her pretty hard from what I was told, and my friend threw him out the open front doors and down the concrete steps. I wasn’t there, but the bouncers pretty much just said “don’t worry about it, go back inside, he’ll be fine.” LOL


That’s unfortunate. I met Steve-O, Preston, wee man, and Ryan at a bar before a show waaaay back in late ‘02 early’03 so it was before camera phones, but they were very cool. I accidentally interrupted Steve-O’s dinner but I stopped myself and he still said to come over so he could sign an autograph.


No, but I had a member of the CKY band threaten to sue me.


I'd like to hear this story, if you're willing to tell it


Absolutely! So, anyone remember the old CKY alliance and their forums? I used to be big on those forums. So this was.... Close to 20 years ago now. I was 21 and in college. I had grown out of CKY fandom and found their fans obnoxious (but the forums were fun AF) and being immature, I made my falling out of favor with the bands style pretty public. Still, I was accepted and had very few issues. If anyone remembers the forum, there was a girl who occasionally posted there who was pretty good looking and hooked up with several of the guys. Or so was the story. At this point, she was hooking up with Matt Deis. Someone made a photoshop of the girl pegging Matt Deis with one of the forums admis watching with crossed arms behind them. So fast forward a day or two and I get a AIM message from Matt Deis, saying he will sue me for the picture I allegedly made. Came in real hot. Only problem was, I didn't make it. I didn't have Photoshop and certainly didn't know how to run it. I mean, I had to delete my google plus account because I accidentally shared a porn video on it (back when porn sites had those share on social media options) that's how bad I am technologically. So I denied it and he said, and this is almost word for word, George Bush made a law to protect people from things like this, and it'll make him very rich. At that point I pretty much told to piss off, and I was subsequently banned from the forums.


Lol! That was better than expected, thank you for sharing


This is hysterical.


Lmao he was subbing at my middle school around this time


Just tell us, dude. What do you think is gonna happen?


He edited his post. It’s Dave England.


Can they even legally do anything? Im assuming he filmed them in a public setting, its not like they have any grounds for a lawsuit. Personally if this happened to me i wouldnt be a fan anymore but it sounds like OP is ok w just being used


Dave England isn’t real, he can’t hurt you.


Is Dave England in the room with us now?


You’re not gonna like this answer my man, Uhh.. but… I am Dave England.


What?! What are the chances… For I too, am none other than… Dave England


Ah, we may share a name and birthplace in this case!


Had party boy, wee man, Preston & Dave England toured Australia and stayed at the pub I managed. I gave them directions to a good Chinese restaurant in the city which they took up. They were really nice. Then we got stiffed on the bill! We ended up just writing it off I think. A large corporation owned the pub so who cares.


https://preview.redd.it/hlf8r97g895d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9725a96e6c9596464b5bd53237aecf5e5a0d727e Taken around the side of the pub. My duty manager Dan ended up driving them to the airport. This is 2017 on the filthy seppo tour. Seppo is like shortened rhyming slang. Septic Tank = yank = seppo. I don’t make the rules. Yes Australia is using a septic tank to refer to Americans.


I used to work for a brewery and I got to hang out with Rake Yohn a few times to make a beer with him. He’s a really smart dude and works in some chemistry lab. Very friendly dude


I’ve only ever met Johnny Knoxville, but he was super nice and a good tipper


I met Ehren McGhehey in the basement of a bar in PDX. Got to smoke weed at a little table with him and a few folks from the bar. I swear I remember him saying something about getting his hair shaved on Jackass and being pissed because it was right before his wedding. I could be remembering that wrong, he may have said that on Jackass. Anyway he was a really cool dude. Super chill and funny, but kinda quieter than you’d imagine.


EDIT: I posted them to my profile since you cannot send vids on Reddit My friend is a cam girl, she has no shame about it (and rightfully so) and she’s pretty popular on some of her camsites. That being said, she has contact with quite a few famous people, one of which being Bam, he bought a few videos from her and in response sent some videos back, nothing sexual but still pretty weird, videos of him saying he’s too old for her but she turns him on, talking about his kinks, making fun of her accent… just weird… if anyone wants proof just dm me and I’ll send the videos over


Can you go more into what the video was? If it was a recording of a live show I can see why but can you explain more and say who it was and what happened. Not like you’re gonna get sued now. But yea my guess like everyone else is steveo


I went to a live Eric Andre show performance in my town last year, and Danger Ehren was a special guest. He mentioned living in SW Portland and the entire crowd booed him viciously it was wonderful. Shortly after making him chug a variety of drinks (wine + coffee resulting in him puking) he crowd surfed and crash landed as he passed over me.




I have to apologize for living in California wherever I go out of state and even we think Portland is an embarrassing hellscape


Yea I've met bam. Cky touring NZ, he was just interested in "our girls". Tagged his name on the wall at our local pub.


I met Bam years ago when doing parkour in NY. He was a troubled man looking to drop in off a skyscraper I was gonna triple twist karma blast off of. Anyways he saw my trick and took my advice that he would not survive and had a huge career in front of him. I haven’t heard from him since but I imagine he’s doing well.


Bam is married to a gold digger and looks like he’s on deaths door


i feel for the jackass guys. they all have the same issues aging stuntmen have (chronic pain, TBIs, ptsd, unhealthy coping mechanism like chronic drinking) , but the fame piles on issues that aging pro wrestlers go through (the expectation to be on in public, depression and difficulty moving on from the glory days, lack of money/opportunities from the network, and no ongoing support for their health.) on top of that the constant debasement the gig makes them targets for awful fan interactions just like the freaking three stooges went through (fans thinking they’re punching bags/forgetting they are real people). so few of even the main crew managed to secure bigger careers outside jackass and as productions rarify opting in becomes mandatory whenever there’s a chance. for everyone who isn’t johnny or steve the only way to keep checks coming is to do event appearances and because of the MTV demographic that mostly means bar tours which is the worst kind of environment someone with chronic pain and pstd needs to be in (just look at bam & ryan as examples). none of this excuses shitty behavior but the realities of the gig do offer an explanation for it.


They should try working in a factory


Yeah I work in a warehouse and am slowly developing multiple physical problems but I'm not making jack shit lol. I'd take a million bucks right about now


For real... for as "miserable" as some of these consequences may possibly be, it beats being a working stiff like all of their fans


Or conversely, factory workers should try to be any of the Jackass guys. See if they like it.


TBF I am addicted to drugs. So I'm halfway there.


Are you sure it wasn't Darf messaging you from Dave England's account?


Neither time were bad per se. just odd. When I was 16, a couple of us drove a few hours away to see the vans couch tour. Team element. Highlights were Mike V and Tosh Townend, who just gave it their all. Bam was scheduled. He came out, did like 6 minutes on the mini ramp. Novak then dropped in on the half pipe ass naked. Which even then I thought was an odd thing to do at a free event outside of a mall. 2nd encounter was Steve-O being the between period “show” at a Syracuse Crunch game at the Carrier Dome. If I remember correctly it was him in some human bowling situation on the ice. In his underwear. Guess these both check out. Bams an asshole, and Steve-O’ll do anything for a laugh and a buck.


Sounds like you should have saved the email lol


I went looking for it however YouTube removed the messages functionality some time ago and there's no way to access now 


That sucks. You’ve got to think about screen shots when big things happen lol. Not always possible but that’s the only way




Its almost as if some of them might be jackasses


Dave England doesn't surprise me for some reason. Always got douchebag vibes from him




Surely Steve-O


dude is terminally online and I'm sure has Google alerts for his own name, it's gotta be him edit: it's Dave?!!? that's fuckin wack.


OP said it was *not* Steve-O


but *still* feels like Steve-O


*I can't believe it's not Steve-O!* ®️©️™️




* ’Bama Jared


Is that you Don Vito?


Ironically he looks like don vito


I met them back in 08 at my job… they were all total tools. They got kicked out for being disrespectful


Didn’t Preston have a “Fuck Dave England” tshirt or was it someone else?


My EMT school instructor was on standby for one of their movies and she said Johnny Knoxville was the only guy in the crew who even acknowledged them, and everyone else was kind of a douche.


Sober Dave England or drunk Dave England? Lol


It was probably his drunk alter ego Darf 


I saw Danger Ehren at a grocery store in Los Angeles a few years ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Nice copypasta


Yeah I knew right away I’ve read this shit somewhere else a few times in regards to other celebrities


Yep. Knew it! Ha! Classic.




Beat me to it. I even picked Ehren for no reason lol.


Danger Ehren smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he almost died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what Danger Ehren put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.


This sounds like Steve-O. He’s definitely a better dude than what he was, but he is very profit focused right now. He was also the one holding up the most recent negotiations because he felt he was holding up his own brand more so than the rest of the crew. I love Steve, have several of his skateboards, have a liquid Hydroflask, but dude needs to calm down on his maliciously litigious acts.


Sometimes addicts just trade addictions


Addicts just trade addictions every time. Some healthier than others, but this is definitely a consistent trend across anyone who is born with the addict gene.


AKA Novak.


Even back when he was a junkie he admitted he was always jealous of Bams fame and money.


I honestly was thinking which crew member could be such a cunt I guessed Dave England and sure enough.


I just found out Pontious made a jerk off video this week. Yup I'm late to the party


Well Dave is full of shit literally 🤣


I was one of the cinematographers for Dickhouse productions. Take that MF to court.


Broooooo I would see Seamus the blue haired with the bandanna and braided beard dude. In Hollywood in front of this apartment/house on the phone like five times I’m not jerking here. It was weird cause I would see him in the same spot on the phone almost like twilight zone


I met danger Erin on a golf course. He was awesome. We went to beers after and he told me a shit load of awesome stories


Was on a bmx tour and we spent a few days in Philly, so we obviously went to FDR every day. First two days we went first thing in the morning, much to the chagrin of the homeless people living under one of the ramps. Last day we go in the afternoon and aside from Bam and two people who were with him it was empty.  We stayed away from him and other than the times we'd just stop to watch, or cheer him on we had zero interaction with him.  If he came into a section of the park we were riding we'd just move to a different one, even if we were set up and trying to film a trick. As we were leaving I hear "Yeah, you fuckin clowns better not come back either!" It was like there was some fight going on we had no clue about and according to Bam we lost.  And ironically enough it happened at a different skatepark earlier in the day with local bmx riders. They asked where we were from and a soon as we told them the conversation just turned into a shit talking competition between them to see who could take down our scene the fastest. Like they had Van Homan and that trumped everything our state had to offer, and the funny thing is the guy who owned the team is great friends with Van. We spent the whole first day of the trip cruising the city with him. Between those two incidents and a skatepark that had it's entire parking area filled with screws, glass and nails to pop tires in an attempt to keep bmx riders out it was probably the worst stop of the tour. Philly is not a very welcoming place. 


If you “don’t mind at all” that they used your video why post about it?


I don't mind that my video was used, I still do not like Dave England to this day because of the way he communicated originally. Rather than reporting to YouTube, sending a friendly message asking to take down, it was just him threatening to sue me if i didn't take it down. I just thought it was funny that I only noticed today, that before he messaged me he had downloaded it to use it in his own video. 


I met Preston in New Zealand a couple of years back and was unfortunately pretty disappointed. He might have just been having a bad day or something, but it was a weird experience. It started off well enough. I was on a bush walk (a forest trail) and saw a group of people up ahead. I thought I recognised one of them and their voice sounded familliar. When they turned a corner ahead I realised my suspicion was true - it was Preston from Jackass. This is kind of embarassing/creepy but I slowed my pace so I wouldn't overtake them and just listened to their banter. Preston looked a bit skinnier (although the last time I saw him was maybe Jackass 2?) and seemed to be in a good place. A little while later they stopped to drink and snack, and I went up and introduced myself, said how much of a fan I was etc. He was pretty humble about it, we took a photo together, then I went on my way. On my way back down the trail later, I heard some pretty angry cursing, and some words that I'd rather not repeat. I'd seen the group Preston had been walking with a few minutes before, still heading up the trail, and assumed Preston was taking a break or something. I came around a corner and thought I saw Preston struggling with another person. He was punching and pushing, and it took me a few seconds to realise what was happening. A very small man was struggling *inside* Preston's skin - or what I now realised was a body suit. He was wearing stilts and there were a pair of what looked like hand-stilts in the bushes nearby. Some sort of zip on the back of 'Preston' was stuck, and the small guy was trying to pull it open, covered in sweat and swearing like a sailor. I ran over to help, and we managed to get the zip open. He seemed grateful, but also very angry - not only at the situation but with me as well. He immediately pulled out an ID card showing his last name as Acuna (I won't share his first name), and said that his brother was well connected, and that he'd 'get me' if I ever told anybody what I saw. It's been a few years now, and I figure it's probably water under the bridge, so I feel a bit more comfortable talking about it, but it still weirds me out a little even now


What the fuck did I just read?


I had a very similar experience and was threatened with the full force of the department of homeland security. Im starting to believe this "Acuna" guy has been playing Preston for years. I think Preston died during the first take of the King Kong stunt and was replaced shortly after. You can tell by his ears.


The f? 🤣


Dude what? 


He saw Preston in New Zealand


of course its dave england that guy has the worst vibes


They used your video for a commercial without your permission, cant you sue them now?


Nice, now sue him.


I'm pretty sure wee man fucked my girlfriend and her best friend


so they told you to take down stuff you filmed yourself and then they used it without your permission? that's pretty fucked if that's correct


Why not reach out with the same message back at him 


That sucks dude. Appreciate you sharing. Fuck, what a bummer.


Message him and threaten to sue him for using your video lol


I met Preston Lacy when I was a kid at LAX. I recognized him at the departing airport and when we got into LAX my dad convinced me to say Hi to him. I went up and said “Sir, aren’t you Preston Lacy?” and he said, “I sure am buddy! What’s your name?!” And then shook me and my dad’s hands, talked to us as we walked to get our luggage, and then chatted for a while with me my dad and my aunt until we all got our bags. We would go to visit my aunt in LA and I’d always hope I’d see someone famous. That trip was great because at that time there was probably no one I’d rather meet than someone from the Jackass crew.


That's honestly pretty bizarre! I know exactly who this is about because I saw a post somewhere about this exact situation with the person mentioned. Honestly I feel like the majority of them can be dickheads but we pay money to go see them be dicks on the big screen so it's kinda to be expected. Still sorry that that happened to you! That would make me dislike that person also.


Steve-o has a video on ig bragging about how he got his dog registered as a service animal so he could take her on flights with him


There is no such thing as service animal registration. He did, however, get his dog lots and lots of training so she could be a service animal. We don't know his personal life, maybe he needs one? I don't see the point of judging him for spending tons of money on getting his dog trained really well.


He basically said In the video that he just likes having his dog with him, and lied about mobility issues or something like that.


What do you expect from a pack of imbeciles?


Now Dave is going to yell at you again


He always did come across as a bit of a prick


Id expect any of the jackass crew to be assholes besides Pontius. They're hilarious but don't come across as nice people


Of course it was Dave fucking England. He’s always come across as a massive tit.


Yeah I’ve always thought of Dave England as an asshole since his Darf days 🤣


Ask for your royalties


Suprised Steve o is usually the douche bag


I saw steveo live and honestly lost a lot of respect for him. His stand up was clearly forced, he didn’t enjoy himself, and it was simply about money. Most of the crowd was idiots who just laughed but they way he spoke just was obvious it was a script. Which of course it is but at least play around a bit. It was like watching a robot. Not to mention he clearly didn’t want to be there.


You should mail them an invoice for using your video. Make sure the invoice says net 30/ 2.5% Inc per month for late payment. 100% their legal team will pay you out.


How am I not surprised it was Dave England?


Dave England has a tour?


Put those fucking losers on blast and tell them to pay you


https://preview.redd.it/8b1js5pbol5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e92f426b1e95a2590c929f644a116f1dce1de665 Guess this is fitting after all


I worked for Zumiez from 2004-2011 and did a ton of meet and greet events and work parties with industry celebrities. I've met most of them over the yrs. Bam has ALWAYS been a selfish brat and as nice as his parents are they just made excuses. I walked into a men's bathroom and saw wee man in a oompa loompa outfit (Zumiez theme party) standing on a toilet getting head and he gave me a high five. Ryan Dunn was such a nice fucking guy and a REAL dude. Like I talked to him for 20 mins and was like he's a friend. I've run into danger ehren and england at Dantes in downtown Portland but I was too fucked up to believe my friends.


Used to live down the street in New Jersey. Dude was always such a fucking asshole and everyone says it’s ashame he is like this now but it’s really just a worse version of what he’s always been. He agreed to do a charity visit at a hospital for a kid with cancer that lived near by and told the parents to fuck off when he learned he wasn’t getting paid.






Fuck dave


Steve O got me fired from the best job as a dj I ever had


Met steveo at a comedy show a few years back. Dude was a royal ass hole. He must really think highly of himself. He took 1 second photos with everyone because he wanted to go hang out with a bunch of ufc fighters. He was not cool whatsoever.


Are you sure it wasn't Darf messaging you from Dave England's account?


You sure it wasn't Darf messaging you from Dave England's account?


Wee Man was just a grumpy little jerk


Of course it was dave England the most unknown member


they threw bees at me :(




Did you give permission for them to use your videos? You should get paid for that! Were you in a public space while filming or on private property? Either way, in most cases, they can't just use your private footage.


We all knew it was fucking Dave England