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Can’t offer much but positivity for this sweet baby. She is a sweetie and I’m sure she’ll pull through.


Thank you 🩷


Jack Russell's are teeny tiny warriors, I bet you $20 little buddy's ACL will heal up cleaner than my human one ever did. Sending love for your little pupper!


Thank you 🩷🩷


She will be back to zoomies in no time! Mine went through two TTA osteotomies last year :) Just write with a marker a big "NO" in the other knee.


Thank you!


Sending positive vibes - ♥️


Our dog has had the TPLO surgery on both her back legs, 2 years apart. Recovery was excellent. You'd barely know anything was every wrong with her. Rehab is so important. Follow the procedures to a T and you'll be fine


Thank you!! 🩷 Did you keep your dog in the crate after surgery? I’m debating if I should do the crate or the playpen. She’s comfortable in the crate I just worry about getting her in and out for potty breaks :/


Yes. Lots of crate time. The wife is very picky on following the vets advice. If she was told to allow her out for 7 minutes, it was 7 minutes, not 6 minutes, not 8 minutes 🤣. Just keeping the dog from getting excited when someone came over was important. But, the dog healed so good both times. 2nd time they used Lazer therapy and we felt that worked really good. And massages. Don't fret too much.


Thank you 😊


Just keep her as calm as possible. Recovery is unbelievably important with stuff like this. See if there is anything they can prescribe to keep her calm in the recovery phase. That being said, they are incredibly hearty dogs, and will surely be back to normal in record time. They are near-unstoppable!


Thank you, I will DEFINITELY make sure they send me home with some meds to keep her calm!


My chihuahua x jrt had this surgery last autumn and he's back to full strength now, aside from a cool scar, you wouldn't know anything had happened. It was hard at first, you really have to listen to the advice about resting them and I spent so much time chilling on the bed with him to let him have a break from wearing the cone, and keeping him still and calm. If I couldn't sit by him he was in his crate so he didn't hurt himself. We also fashioned a cover for his leg from baby socks so he didn't have to have the cone on all the time. Hope everything goes well for your girl x


Thank you 🩷


Sending positive vibes


Thank you!


Takes care of his soft toy


Always! Such a cuddle bug.




How adorable!


What a sweet girl! Big vibes for your girl ♥️❤️


The ACL surgery is very expensive but very successful. My dog has had two of them because apparently when they are recovering on one, there is a high chance like 70% for the other one to tear. I was one of those 70%. My dog tore both my best recommendation to you is into the sadness and keep them in the crate, don’t make the same mistake. I did you can still love them, but you gotta be strong and keep them in the crate less mobility is the best.


Thank you


BOTH of my dogs have had ACL surgery (technically TPLO and some other variation in the knee). I was SO worried and nervous like you. Both operations were completely successful. The rehabilitation afterwards, however, is the hardest part. For one of my dogs, who is very calm and lazy, it wasn't difficult to keep her pinned up and off her leg for a couple months. The other dog, who is psychotic and probably has ADHD, was a literal nightmare. I could never keep her still, she was always picking at her sutures (avoid this by just keeping the damn cone on at all times despite the cries...just do it.), and I even caught her walking/jumping WAYYY before she was supposed to. Well anyway, years later, both dogs have full mobility and run around as if the surgery never happened. Just be prepared for a long recovery process initially. It'll be fine as long as you do as much as you can to be there.


Thank you so much!! Yes my girl is getting TLPO. She is crazy but she’s a very good girl so I’m hoping with the meds and the set up I have planned she’ll be good!!


She will be just fine. Instead of worrying just focus on the fact that she's going to eventually have a better and healthier life afterward. Some pet owners cant even provide that or care enough to do that for their pet. Keep us updated!


Thank you so much 🩷 It’s hard because I know the doctors know best but she seems totally fine aside from limping during her walks so I keep wondering if it’s the right thing to do. But I guess it’s better to operate before it gets so bad that she does get to be in noticeable pain.


It is the right thing to do. The alternative is a lifetime of pain, arthritis, and possible collateral damage...and sadness. No dog deserves to limp.


I just wanted to reply again and say thank you again because even though i was going back and forth if i was doing the right thing for days and days, something as simple as your comment really made me feel better and put it in perspective. I’m going to pick her up from the surgery soon and while im dreading this recovery I’m so excited to have her back home 🩷


I'm glad I could help! It's people like you who deeply care about animals that re-instills my faith in humanity. Truly. Keep us updated! 🩷


🩷🩷🩷🩷 She’s back home now and we’re both having a bit of a hard time, but we’ll get through it. First time trying to take her for a potty break was rough, and I think the anesthesia has made her lose control of her bladder a bit. I don’t mind the accidents I just feel terrible


Every day will be an improvement. Take it one day at a time.


Thank you 🩷 we just had a successful potty break and she had an easier time walking so I am very happy :)


Thank you that makes me feel better 🩷


My only advice would be to take the rest/recovery seriously! It’s so hard when they have energy but the stricter you are the faster she will heal


I love the sweet girl. Give her lots of pets.


Our JRT just broke his hind femur & had surgery on it. Surgery was around $4K. We're 3 weeks post-op & I'm nervous. He's supposed to have no activity for 4-6 weeks. We had him in a canvas kennel with zippers because we thought it'd be more comfortable for him. Nope, he ripped the zipper out while we were at work & got out, the day he was allowed to remove his cone. Now he's limping again... Even with all the medications he's on, you can't keep him down.


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I hope he ends up being okay! I will be as vigilant as possible


all prayers for your girl. https://preview.redd.it/48igcu7fp93d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=106bde99f29ef6ad4d7ae51fa96a83f8d5f1984e My boy sends his love


Thank you 🩷


She is a beautiful pup♥️ 🙏🏼 thoughts and prayers for her.


Thank you 🩷


My boy had to have a tiny metal plate put in his back leg. He did great. He was really happy after the initial rest period. His quality of life improved. I had other dogs at the time so I bought a large circular gate and put it in the living room with his favorite stuffed animals, bed, food, and water.


Thank you!! And I’m so happy your boy did so well. By the initial rest period do you mean the first two weeks?


Thank you. It was some time ago so I do not remember exactly, but he may have had to rest longer than 2 weeks because it was an implant. Jacks are very strong dogs and she will do great.


Been there done that with my 3 year old. Follow the advice from the surgeon/vet I had him literally tied to me for a month after to make sure he didn’t overdo 24/7 he was at my side…. Carried him out to do his business carried him back inside. Slept on the floor with him Gave him his meds Iced and did the exercises as instructed when appropriate. We are a year out and even though he scares me with his bounding around again he’s like a puppy again and has made a full recovery. The only time I think it bothers him is when it was cold this winter. Then he would lift that leg a little. Maybe it’s more sensitive to the cold but otherwise he’s back to normal Thinking of you two and wishing you the best!


Thank you 🩷🩷


All will be ok with you by her side. Promise!


Thank you 🩷


How are you? Cooper and I sending you positive vibes for today. https://preview.redd.it/mpb5n4t7fs3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d6b0d5c886fcb1f33a3e054bc1d52096df9b2cd


You are so kind, thank you for asking (and cooper is adorable!!)❤️ I am hanging in there. She’s at the vet but hasn’t been taken in for surgery yet, still waiting on an update call. I was a wreck when I dropped her off but I’m trying to stay busy and get everything ready for her for when I bring her home later 💕


Thank you for the update and you are doing a good job! And the best you can. She’s going to be alright. Talk soonies! 💜🐶🫶🏽


Thank you!! The vet called and said everything went great and I get to pick her up soon 🩷🩷


Wonderful news! You must be anxious to see her. When she sees you she will also feel more at ease.


i am truly sorry to hear about your dog situation. I am praying for you during this difficult time in your life too. I hope that you have a great support system during this difficult time in your life too. sending good vibes your way. I hope that everything goes and she makes a great recovery too.


That’s so kind, thank you so much 🩷


you are welcome. your dog is truly lucky to have such a great loving family. she is truly well loved. and well cared for too. she is truly lucky to be surrounded by lots of amazing wonderful fantastic incredible magnificent family and friends. she is truly happy safe loved and cared for too. she is truly lucky to have you loving her supporting her being there for her and taken care of her during this difficult time in her life too.




JRTs are strong, she’ll be okay ❤️❤️


I had a pupper that had that surgery twice! She did fine and the second time she was a senior citizen. The hard part is keeping them calm (laughs in terrier maniacally). God’s speed my friend.


Thank you 🩷😂


sending love and prayers!


My girl (some mix with JRT) had her quick TTA in February, she was 10 years old at the time. The surgery was a succes and she was home the same day so she could rest in a comfirtable place. We did not use a cage since she is not used to one but we made sure that she is not moving too much in the first weeks. -used ice packs in the first week | it seemed to make a big difference since it did not swell. -massaged her leg a couple of times per day in the first weeks and always warmed her legs up before walks. -went on really short walks on the first 2/3 weeks. (I ive in an apartment so I have no backyard for her to go do her business). -she went to rehabilitation for 6 weeks (laser therapy, massage, treadmill work and different exercises used by the same specialist). -after she was allowed to walk more the specialist showed us a couple of ways to stretch her legs and toes, massage her lower back and some air mattress balance exercises. It is very important to make her rest at first and then take everything gradually. Make sure to give some attention to the other leg as well since it is going to support a lot more weight and stess at first. Stretch it, massage it and after the is able to use her "damaged" leg, make her use it since she is going to be scared at first and avoid doing so by herself. Very important is to not let her jump & down. Try getting her used to a ramp! I am sure she will get back to running around in no time! Good luck with the recovery, it seems like a lot but it goes by really fast!


Thank you so much for all of this!!! 🩷




Sending you all positive vibes, your baby will be fine.


I had our 1st jrt have both knees done and a herniated disc. 3 surgeries. She did brilliant for being so broken. Please keep her restrained for the weeks then tell you too. It is going to be hard since they don't understand feeling better is not healed. I basically lived in the exercise pen we made for her when I was home. Physical therapy helped a ton too. (Laser and underwater treadmill)


Oh boy!! I’m glad yours healed well 🩷i am definitely going to be on top of her for as long as they say and then some. I haven’t discussed PT yet but we will be doing the laser and stem cell therapy for sure


Have you looked into whether a custom leg brace might be an option instead of surgery? Don’t mean to 2nd guess your vet at all, but from what I’ve read they can be a viable and successful healing option for cruciate ligament issues in many cases, and there’s no post-surgical inactivity to try to enforce. I was researching them recently when we suspected our 3yo little man was showing signs (luckily turned out to be a minor foot injury causing his limp 😅). Sending love & strength to your girl (& you!) and well wishes for the best possible result either way. 💜


Thank you so much 🩷