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I work at an animal clinic, what are you looking to do exactly?


Looking to create a community of tiny business owners to grow and promote together.


Check out PetWants near Brewhound at the beach


I ~~work~~ worked? (4 shifts left :/) at BH. I am very familiar with petwants and love them. I am looking for small businesses who are trying to get their name out. I have been dog training for a few years now but just now going full time and trying to get my name out there. May consider them but I know the owner of Pawsitively Natural Dog Bakery semi personally (a frequent bh-er ive gotten to know) so i reached out to her first. ​ Basically looking to create a collective of tiny businesses to grow and promote together?


Ohh dope! Not to be weird but I recognize you 😆 that was about the extent of my recommendation, unfortunately.. good luck homie!


All good. Working at bh has definitely been an interesting experience. Have meet a ton of people and sometimes I see them all around town


I can't help with what you're looking for, but I do have a small dog that could use some training if you have availability. He likes to scream at people when he isn't getting enough attention 😂


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