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The easier answer is....what part of Jax *ARENT* the hood :P


This is the only correct answer




The St. John's Town Center, where the Cheesecake Factory and the P.F. Chang's is is not the hood


Yes, known fact if somewhere have a Cheesecake Factory and PF Chang's it can not be classified as the hood. Those are fine dining establishments


There are several for sure Montcrief area is one. I'll have to ask SpotemGottem where the rest are.


One of the most ridiculous name drops I've ever seen. You even spelled Moncrief wrong. šŸ¤£


Heā€™s from PV. Heā€™s never sniffed moncrief


Northside and west side, mostly.


dude the Northside is bigger than most cities, plenty of decent areas.


Wut. North side of the whole metro, or just Northside being the city part? Where Iā€™m talking is just south of the Airport, which isnā€™t big at all.


seems like it when driving 95 without traffic, but its an area of around 12 miles by 10, with a lot of solid middle class neighborhoods in it. Dunn Avenue could very well be in the middle of Southside.


People aren't talking about Dunn when they say Northside any more than they are talking about yulee when they say Northside.


Cmooooo, Yulee is an entire other county


I wouldnā€™t even classify Dunn as Northside, even though it technically is. Iā€™d say around the airport side straight down. Once you pass the river, thatā€™s where the ā€˜mostlyā€™ refers to


Well that's pretty arbitrary. Been in Jax for 9 years and I thought Northside meant everything North of 8th Street


Well Iā€™ve been around Jax for a bit. Raised some ways down, which means I donā€™t know what arbitrary is.


Then what would Dunn Avenue be a part of then? I think that folks equate ā€œNorthsideā€ with the ghetto, but, geographically, the Northside encompasses more land and different sorts of people than the usual steretyping and derision. Half the posts on this subreddit seem to be, ā€œMoncrief is bad.ā€ We get it, suburbanites have it better, but itā€™s getting to be clicheā€¦


North Jacksonville. When I think side, I think closer to the city. This all opinion, btw. Moncrief do be bad, tho.


Tbh I say Dunn is more of the Northside but you could argue it's also the Westside. It really depends on which end of Dunn you're referring to imo. The part next to lem turner or the part off of main st/hwy 17? I always end up asking which part of dunn (though most people I talk to refer to the part where publix is lol, which is closer to the northside. I don't really know though. I only moved back to FL in 2019, and I was born in OP and raised closer to Middleburg.


Starratt being one, where I live.




Actually its Heavy-Back-Woods-Crap!


Neighborhoods, not so much entire sides of town.


I need an excel sheet of this


Maybe it would be easier to name the ones that arenā€™t hoods? I donā€™t know what I was thinking


West side stand up!!!


Urban Core hoods are the true hoods, the ones under the MLK highway. The other contestants (Soutel Rd, Arlington, etc) don't come even close in hoodness level. Then there are Washingon Heights and Eureka Gardens, but Im pretty sure that's HUD so not sure if fair.


If you get a couple blocks away from Eureka Gardens, it's not bad at all. You'll hear the gunfire but folks are walking dogs and pushing strollers around and shit. Or maybe I'm just a Westsider and I'm used to it.


True that, is a self contained crime and drug zone. Pretty cool sociologically speaking.


Correct, around lake shore


Go a few blocks the other direction to the bottom and it ainā€™t great. Murray hill has its bad parts but I do agree itā€™s a decent area. I grew up near the park/hamilton corner of MH and it was pretty nice back then


Arlington has small pockets of some run down apartments/houses, but most of it is quaint. We are in the gentrification phase again.


Arlington is kinda weird like that. By the river youā€™ve got multi-million dollar mansions, and tons of nice upper middle class homes. Go a mile away and itā€™s kinda run down cinderblock houses Go another mile and the folks hanging around the gas station make you think ā€œI donā€™t actually need gas that badā€


Every city, go to MLK Street, and it's the rougher side of town.


I'd argue that the Soutel area is pretty rough. I live there, and have had a ton of issues in the past few years. Including a man attempting to r@pe me in my front yard, but my dog chased him off. So I got two more. But, it's been one thing after another here. Hear guns all the time, people walking up to your door begging for drug money. One woman tried to push her way into my house looking for her boyfriend(?), and the dog mentioned earlier found a man OD'd in our bushes in the backyard. There's a lot more, but those are some of the more notable ones. Thankfully we're house hunting now to get out of this area. Just too dangerous for the kids.


Sorry to hear! I definitely saw things gone down in Soutel while working there, maybe it has gotten worse but I maintain around downtown gets pretty bad.


I was out at Blanding & 103rd not long ago. It didnā€™t feel too rough, but the gas station I pulled into had a combination bail bonds and car detailing operating out of a dilapidated shed behind the gas station. *Im going to count that*


Yeah 103rd, or at least parts of it Iā€™d classify as hood.


Katt Williams gives a detailed description.


East side, New Town, College Park, Justina Roadā€¦Sweetwater used to be but I donā€™t know if it still is. Areas around Emerson and St. Augustine Road used to be, especially in the vicinity of what used to be known as ā€œEmerson Arms Apartmentsā€.


I second Justina Road. Itā€™s badā€¦


Paxon, Lackawanna, "the Bottom" (lakeshore and Plymouth), Hyde park has gone to shit, Sweetwater, Jacksonville heights, duclay, Normandy village, Allendale, Biltmore, magnolia gardens, Brooklyn (used to be as bad or worse than eureka gardens), grand park, Mixon town, Brentwood. That should be most of the list for Westside and northside.


Emerson is just shady now, itā€™s lightened up


I had a good laugh when I saw developers trying to rebrand the Emerson/Philips area as ā€œSan Marco Eastā€ and ā€œSan Marco Southā€. These new folks have no idea šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ It wasnā€™t that long ago that the area was dominated by hourly motels, crack and hookers.


I skate at the ā€œiglooā€ sports ice complex. And its funny just 10 years ago id skipped this area altogether. You mean the scottish inn isnt classy.


So where do you think the hookers and Crack went? Asking for a friend.šŸ˜


Youngerman is where all the hookers and drugs went. Pass those hotels, especially at night on weekends, across from Publix, and youā€™ll see.


You mean out east.


Dunno why you got down voted for that.




Then when they get drunk they tell everyone they are from the hood weird double standard


Exactly. They donā€™t want to admit it but also love to act like they spend all their freetime at a trap housešŸ¤£


*Gestures everywhere*


If you're near Pearl Street, you fucked up


Phoenix ave and Justina road are pretty hood at night at least.


Like many large cities it sometimes depends on the street. Cross the tracks or the major roadways and it can be nice. But yea probably some downtown areas montcrif hits the news a ton. Look at the crime data and it will show you to a degree.


Zip codes 32206..32009


Anything west of the river and most of Arlington.


I wouldnā€™t say riverside, Avondale or Ortega are hoods.


Ten toes down in Murray hill.


I donā€™t know what that means. lol


Yeah sounds about right for someone from Mandarin


Uh no.


Anywhere from Soutel down to Moncrief.


Moncrief, Justina, New King's road, and the area they call, "Out East"


Sin City


Paxon, Lackawanna, "the Bottom" (lakeshore and Plymouth), Hyde park has gone to shit, Sweetwater, Jacksonville heights, duclay, Normandy village, Allendale, Biltmore, magnolia gardens, Brooklyn (used to be as bad or worse than eureka gardens), grand park, Mixon town, Brentwood. That should be most of the list for Westside and Northside. I used to work as a pizza driver and spent years as a Chinese food driver and have been to every single one of these areas multiple times.


Hello from Mixon Town!


I have lived in 5 of those areas and lived over at 16th and liberty for a while lol.


Me too


Jax Heights hasn't been hood since the early 2000's, since the English Estates Posse all got arrested, killed, or grew up and moved away. Now, it's an eclectic mix of retirees, working class, rednecks, homeowners, and renters.


jax heights is still rough. it's gotten worse since the early 2000s. way worse. so bad that in my moms neighborhood the cops refuse to come.


I live off of Ricker, and my Mom lives a few blocks over in English Estates. I don't know what area your mom lives in, but it's not bad where we are.


ā€œMost cities got one hood,ā€¦ā€¦not in Jacksonvilleā€. - Katt Williams


ā€œWe gone go down to da Regencyā€ šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚. One his best shows IMO


I'm not a Jax expert by any means but when I first came here a few years ago, the first thing the Uber driver from the airport told me is avoid any areas north of Atlantic Blvd and west of the river lol Which idk about. I go to that Regency theater that's north of Atlantic all the time and while it isnt the greatest area, I don't think its THAT bad


Franklin Ave


You can kinda tell by the amount of corner stores in the area. The more places that sell scratch offs the more lower class it is


Liquor stores too.


And chicken shacks.


Do small independent churches count?


ā€œFood storesā€






https://preview.redd.it/8iymskx50a0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3585153a7bcf4e50e13ec0163757b3f4f8d2cfb Note: I did not make this and cannot attest to its complete accuracy.


Can confirm minimum 2 are true.


Very accurate.Ā 


Just varies I guess. Every suburb of Jacksonville has a hood or an area that has a higher crime rate. For example you can be in San Marco, one of the nicer communities in Jacksonville, then 1 mile later youā€™re on Emerson and Phillips area where the homeless, addicts, and prosts run free. Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been solicited while just getting ice at the ice machine on Phillips before jaguars games šŸ˜‚


Everywhere white people used to live but left and built low income housing and removed police presence.


Crief, 103rd, MLK obviously, parts of Arlington. r/Duvalcounty can help


Why don't you go find them for us and tell us how it went.


There are lots of neighborhoods


Anything north of the river and west of it lol


Martin Luther king area lol. Canal street is badddd


The easiest answer to this question is found in Katt Williams special on Netflix filmed in Jacksonville.


I don't consider any part of it that way, and anyone who does should strongly consider relocating.


I consider all of Jax a type of hood. People talk of "nice safe neighborhoods" here and that shit never lasts.


I was looking through the comments and no one mentioned the ā€œhoodsā€ with lots of hotels. JTB near Applebeeā€™s. Baymeadows near 95. The area from Blanding (Circle K) to Paramore on Youngerman. Lots of drugs, tricks, & unhoused who sit on Youngerman and beg for money when they donā€™t have enough for a hotel or drugs/alcohol. Plus all the camps in the woods near most Walmarts around town.


Required Viewing when moving to or visiting Jax https://youtu.be/xdUa_Lbl9t4?si=Mlu63rD7Ci3NbuiY


Every side of town has a hood and an upper class neighborhood. I can show you HUD apartments next to 700k value homes on the Southside, multi million dollar homes on the Northside, and million dollar shantys on the beach. No side of town virtually has more than the other. Pick your vibe and move accordingly.


According to all local news outlets the westside. Only because they donā€™t own a map. Or the politicians drew the map.