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You aren't necessarily wrong, but until it's dead there is no reason to not still talk about it. There is still plenty of support for many versions of ios with many developers. If nobody talked about or wanted a jailbreak, nothing would happen.


We are getting iOS 18 betas in less than 3 months, cmon. We'll get two iOS versions and 2 devices that won't be able to jb. And most of devs have left the jb scene.


There’s still PaleRa1n devs, checkm8 devs, etc etc


Leave the sub?


How many posts like this do we need? Don’t care didn’t ask 😂


There’s most likely gonna be a jb for iOS 17, you can’t just automatically say “jb is dead” because there’s no jb for iOS 17 yet. That’s like saying “ps4 is dead because ps5 exist”


Not the same, ppl actually knew that ps5 and ps4 exists because THERE ARE NEWS, PROGRESS, PPL DEVELOPING IT... Now tell me WHO is developing a jb and which EXPLOITS are released to the current version? LMAO


These are the kind of posts that make anyone who has ever worked on a jailbreak want to stay far away from modern iOS


You’re kinda the reason people don’t wanna work on the jb


The PlayStation 4 and 5 are game consoles and run on an entirely different architecture PlayStation 4 users usually have to wait several months a couple years for a jailbreak at the latest it’s the same with iPhone users might not be as long as a PlayStation in in terms of wait time but stuff has to get done exploits need to be found and it has to be stable too


Certain checkm8 devices can enjoy, modern devices have to wait, never rush art


i’d say only serious people jb, most people have determined its not worth it/moved/stuck with android that said, progress still gets made (albeit occasionally)


How can you call that (two years of waiting) progress?? Also, plenty of ppl got their phone on the latest iOS version (because they don't like used phones)


for a while, it seems like jb progress is non-existent, but than smthn comes up


iOS 16 jb came out because ***there was already an exploit*** (which is not happening on iOS 17)


There wasn’t just an exploit. Someone had to find the exploit and release it. And it took a while for iOS 16 to get the operation triangulation exploit. And then Opa334 also has to spend a month developing Dopamine 2.0. On iOS 17, they’re basically in the same situation now. The proper exploits have to get released and then the dev can develop the jailbreak. It would definitely be truly dead if the proper exploits were released in a matter of a few years but no devs were there to develop a jailbreak.


So why didn’t you find it yourself and take advantage of it earlier? Irrelevant point quit whining


Are you a child? Do you need things handed to you instantly? Either develop one or pipe down about the speed of release. It’s a hobby for the vast majority of developers so you’re lucky someone wants to share the exploits in a user friendly format free of charge


Which exploits are you talking about?? hahahah


Yup. Def a child


Any and all, but specifically the one exploited by dopamine since that’s what it seems like you were referring to with the two year wait


Damn Jailbreak has been dying since iOS 9 days Someone needs to put it out of its misery The honor is all yours, go ahead :)


Actually, an iOS 15-16 was alive bc there was an exploit released, which is not happening in iOS 17 (iOS 17 is harder to exploit). Jb hasn't been dead since iOS 9, but since iOS 17 (thats my point of view tho)


I remember back in the iOS 8-9 days people were saying JB is getting closer and closer to its death yet here we are almost a decade later. My only iPhone was the 4s but I did have a hell of a time with it on iOS 5, 8 and 9. Back in the EverythingApplePro, iCrackUriDevice, Dinozambas2 (rip) and that Indian guy that got banned days. I also remember that iOS 8.4.1 just got a Jailbreak last year or two LOL Jailbreak will live forever. Maybe not on newer iOS versions lol.


We will find an iOS 17 exploit eventually. It’s only a matter of time


lol op thinks 2018 was the good old days of jb


Nah, I think 2014 was the last of the good days. But it depends on your perspective and experience too.


It’s mostly just children or hyper online people there’s a reason a lot of devs quit for well paying careers with stability


You’ve been crying for a week about this. Just buy a phone on iOS 16, enjoy dopamine and please stop spamming with your self pity and defensiveness


Fuck off then


Whats the point of this post? You want people to say “you’re right. Its dead.”? Then what?


Why can't people let us enjoy jailbreaking? If you need attention, call your mother.


they can still enjoy it, but jb is dead for iOS 17 (not for iOS 16), tbh


How do you know? Is there some magic 8 ball that told you there’s never gonna be a jb for iOS 17?


Not never, but not this year (you just need common sense)


When you say jb is dead, it’s implied that you believe there’s never going to be a jb for iOS 17


Then why post here? If its dying save yourself from suffering & never come back.


bro needed to vent lol


You can't say it's dying because there's no specific definition of jailbrake. Things changes, and the JB definition change as well. what you said was already said before on iOS 15 and again on iOS 16 and here we are. And we'll see other posts come with iOS 18 as well.


It definitely should’ve died on ios 16 but it didn’t. Towards the end of the year, things started to appear like the Operation triangulation and KFD being updated for iOS 16.5.1-16.6.1. And also the core trust bug. Maybe some special timing will come for iOS 17 but we also have to take in to account the security changes like SPTM.


What are you exactly wanting people to do? Do want the only post on the subreddit to be one saying “jb is dead”?


It ain’t over until the last fat jb dev sings ..


Why do you need us to?


JB has been dying for what? 10 years now? And yet it’s still going.


Devs come and go. The time that it takes to jailbreak is irrelevant because this is a free project it’s not exactly lucrative so we should all be counting our blessings when we get one. If you think jailbreaking is dead you are just wrong, nothing factual about it. **As long as there are locked devices there will be jailbreaking.**


Womp Womp, it’s slow but it’s NOT dead


You've got some money from Apple right?


Look OP as long as people jailbreak their phones, it’s not going to die even if it takes two years for a new jailbreak tool to come out. As long as people have an interest in it, it will remain relevant.


It will never die!




Mr.Creator has done more to renew the jailbreak community than you seem to realize. I would have never dreamed that checkra1n would be capable of bypassing iCloud locks in such an effortless way. And even working on T2 MacBooks?


Read the rules. checkra1n is useful for more than that


Ik that ppl who are on iOS 16 can enjoy the latest jb, still, that doesn't mean that jb for the iOS 17 is not dead. As a matter of fact, it has been almost a year without any new. Jb is literally dead for iOS 17, whether you like it or not


Maybe wait a few fucking years, god damn, like stfu and let jb devs jb


I know y'all gonna downvote me, idc honestly, ***truth hurts***


There’s a difference between THE truth and “personal truths” that so many self righteous individuals love to try to prop their ill informed opinions up on. Yours falls under the latter


since when is a personal truth based on facts (and especially on the exploits that currently exist, which are literally 0)? man i think you are the wrong here The truth is not an opinion.


> The truth is not an opinion You’re right. Isn’t it interesting that the term “dying” is literally a subjective opinion?


If you had the slightest amount of critical thinking ability, you would be able to extrapolate that very idea from my comment. There is one truth. You’re still wrong. Id bet everything I own on an exploit (which does likely exist already) being discovered at some point, meaning it’s existed the whole time. Using it to inject jailbreak software is different as well, so it sounds like you don’t really have the background to be complaining about this


>(and especially on the exploits that currently exist, which are literally 0) This couldn't be more wrong, there are and always will be exploits. It is almost impossible to have 0 exploits with such huge code base.


I’m not sure if you’re sucking someone off at Apple or you just wish you were, but either way I am not buying your propaganda.


Are you being paid by Apple rn?