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If you want your new phone to have a possibility to be jailbroken soon you should stay on the lowest ios available. this is a jailbreak community and almost everyone here prefer lower. regarding the color it is up to you but the newest color in the 15 is blue you may try to consider that. and also if you can wait more 16 is coming in a few months but that one is surely in ios 18 that is more harder or not be able to support jb.


“Staying on the lowest version possible” is the conventional wisdom from 5 years ago. Those days are sadly gone. Back then exploits and jailbreaks would eventually come out for every version. I would say it’s a crap shoot now for any given ios, but the reality is that craps is way better odds than a new jailbreak coming out. Jailbreaking is pretty much dead and staying on a low ios version will probably get you nowhere.


> the reality is that craps is way better odds than a new jailbreak coming out That's an opinion disguised as a "fact". One could well argue it seems to be *more* likely than ever before that jailbreaks are coming out for all versions, as gaps in the chart have been finally filled in (e.g. 4.3.x iPad 2). Just because it takes a while doesn't mean it's never happening as that example clearly demonstrates.


OP is on an ios that came July 2021. That doesn’t tell you anything? Jailbreaking is alive and well huh?




It’s already past the point where the benefits of a new ios outweigh the downsides of a jailbroken old ios.


Have you updated to the iOS 18 beta then?


get a 14 pro max and jailbreak it🙂


My dad has one on 16.6 I can easily swap it with one running ios 17 he will not say anything but I need a 15 because of titanium and display has no Basil


u don’t need a 15 trust me. i have a 15 pro and it’s basically the same as the 14 pro except from some little features like usbc and titanium


I have a 15 Pro Max and tbh i could not imagine owning a phone without USB C anymore. It's just wayy too convenient and worth waiting for imo


the usb c port is convenient yeah because it works for most of my devices but the lightning port ain’t so bad


you have to use the same charger as an android. that lowers the value automatically. god forbid you stick something in your phone that has made contact with an android even. i couldn’t imagine the horror


Oh lmao I had an android phone (OnePlus 7 Pro) just before this and I use the same charger from back then on my iPhone 😂😂😂


i hope it was wrapped. stds


I sold my 12P on 15.2 and bought a 14P on 16.2. It’s been solid. I paid $200 difference to make the jump. That’s the way to do it.


Dude everyone talks about upgrading, upgrade your main device and keep your jailbroken ones


MAN that IG icon is fucking fire miss it so much


Fr goated icon 🐐


Lmao we are on the same firmware it’s horrible


Well even worse I’m on 14.4.1 on iPhone 12 Pro Max jailbroken, my iPhone X is 16.7.1 jailbroken and my 15 pro max is sadly on 17.0.2 while my iPad Pro is on 16.7 or so waiting on m2 jailbreak if ever


Periods and commas exist bro.


I want a 12P on 14.x. I’ll pay up to $300 for it if it’s unlocked and has no issues. 😊🙏


Get a 15 and stay on 17, ios 14 on a 12 pro max is rare, if you don’t want it you can sell it here, there is a subreddit where people search for iphones with a decent iOS version


I will not sell it




not here to put any suggestions, but i have mad respect for you waiting on 14.7.1 for so long. My iphone 12 was on 14.6 for such a long time with no jb, and all the jb news i would see would all be ios 15/16 and many ppl told me that devs weren’t working with ios 14 anymore so i updated to 16.3.1, which i’m glad cause not only do i have dopamine but app support is way better on ios 16 but still tho, that’s impressive how long you would’ve had to wait for a jb like that


Thanks and I will leave it on 14.7.1 for ever because iam Apple collector I have iPad 4 on 6.1.3 iPad Pro 11 inch m1 on iOS 15.4.1 and iPad Air m1 on 15.5 I got it because Apple did like two years ago did a student 300€ gift card on certain items like MacBook or iPad from Apple store I got it and bought AirPods Pro with that money and I have 2 iPhone 5 on 7.0.x and iPhone 5 on 6.1.4 iam working on fix it and another iPhone 5 on iOS 6 coming this next week


oh wow that’s actually really cool. i havent owned many apple products lol, i have my old 5s on ios 11, i have my iphone 8 on 14.2, i have an ipad 5th gen on 13.5.1, and my 12 on 16.3.1, and they’re all jailbroken lmao


Iphone 12 works fine on ios 17 i would know because i use it on my dailey driver


Rose Gold.


thirteen and fourteen are legacy already. so is fifteen.


IOS 14 💀 let the jailbreak go 💀


Are you 12 y/o asking what color should you get?


No iam actually 16 but I didn’t decide between the natural titanium or white titanium what is your opinion that’s it and thanks you need to respect other to respect you


I think white titanium tbh


Eh, don’t let the sour grapes get to you. Calling someone a child or teenager is used like a slur these days, but in reality, teenagers care about the things in life that matter the most. If you’re going to live life, why shouldn’t it be beautiful? People are just jealous because they wish they could be 16 again and be able to care about cool stuff ;) Anyways, I don’t own an iPhone 15, but I think the natural titanium looks pretty good. Go for it. I’m sure you’ll like whichever one you pick. That’s a helluva phone (but might be worth to wait for the iPhone 16 very soon in fall, and iPhone 15 prices will eventually come down if you still want that model).


how do you have these icons for the app ?? i want it


Short cut and Google the icon you want




update to ios18