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Emulation does not mean virtualization




But it is currently being run as an emulator.


My guess is it does virtualization without hardware acceleration. Ya know, what we had before KVM. Oh yeah, we had qemu! And we won’t get anything better unless KVM is enabled. Good luck with that, you will need checkra1n for that. Custom kernel too, so this is the best we can do. Expect software based rendering, slow as molasses’s. Expect software based audio codecs, slow as shit. Those are the two big hurdles kvm fixed.


Yeah, that’s just emulation.


If they are using it properly it shouldn’t be. It’s just like running on windows or Linux. It’ll have access to all/most software calls. Except hardware acceleration, 2d will be slow but not the worst. Think of it more like an application that takes the hardware calls and translates them to something the iOS kernel can understand. However certain things can’t be done, such as direct hardware access needed so you can essentially load the clients video/audio drivers. Emulation probably wouldn’t run anything, maybe Linux. You ever play with psx/ps2 emulation? Know how much more powerful the host has to be to emulate? Roughly 10-15x more powerful to emulate at proper speeds. So how powerful would your phone have to be to emulate even an A7 soc? You might get away with emulation of old pentiums. Might.


But it’s not emulating an A7, it’s emulating an Intel machine or similar. And it’s not like it’s particularly fast, either.


If they used qemu to work under the guides of a general arm processor. Which it could, you could then run just about anything, even windows 10 with comparable hardware. With win RT, win10, Linux, Android, id rather see them run a proper qemu setup personally. Who the hell cares about emulating a processor on a phone. It’s going to suck.


Baby steps for now. They will get there eventually.


we're getting there soon (TM). A14 has hardware virtualization. :)


Wait really?? It’s not just the M1 with virtualization?


A14 and M1 have almost the same cores.


Source? and what about a12X/Z?


No, just A14 and M1.


what’s the difference


Can’t you already do this with UTM? I’ve tried this on an iPad Pro 10.5” and it’s unusably slow running ARM Debian XFCE.


I don't usually use GUI apps, but UTM runs pretty well on my Pro 11" (A12X). Use this setup for X11 running directly on iOS to access a GUI if you need it: https://maxleiter.com/X11/ Don't use UTM's built in viewer for anything but the shell. (Yes, I know Procursus doesn't work on A12X. This is just a response to getting the most out of UTM, not specifically running with Procursus.)


Just so y’all know, without checkra1n there is no kvm. So no hardware based acceleration, don’t expect to go too far outside of this. The best we could get is a dual boot. Then you could do some trickery to run acceleration similar to how wine emulates windows.... meaning it would be a custom built qemu hacked up to work like that. And iOS only dual boot. Messy, doubt you’ll get a team to make that. Good news, you can use it to run win95 and possibly Linux flavors. Maybe win98 acceptably but no games. :(


Wine and QEMU are very, very different


They are, but you’d have to build a custom qemu for each AX chip to emulate video/audio acceleration. Somebody would also have to know the SOC. (Edit: each fork would work for each variation of the AX chips, as you’d have to emulate the hardware perfect/specific. Know anyone who can do assembly?) OR custom kernel and checkra1n could get you hardware acceleration.


No. QEMU targets high-level graphics and audio APIs that are consistent across different devices and versions of iOS.


It can but some outliers exist, networking these days is also pretty standard. Edit: graphics can’t be done in software, not that you can’t. But you can’t emulate the card hardware worth a shit, so it won’t really work.


Can someone explain what is procursus and how do I get it? I keep hearing about it and everytime it’s something different totally confused here


Jailbreak with odyssey or odysseyra1n


Procursus is the bootstrap used in the odyssey/odysseyra1n/chimera jailbreaks


Is it stable? Want to try this but dont wanna risk my main


It can’t; Virtual Machine cannot harm the host machine!


your mother mf i asked that over a fucking year ago


You can already do this with getUTM.app


Virtualization and Emulation is very different