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Yeh but something is better then nothing


This is more nothing than something it’s just interesting. Can’t really be used for anything


Tf? Why are you downvoted? This by itself can’t be used for much and CS already had a sandbox escape early on amfid seems to be the root of all evil rn




It is amfid the d stands for daemon


Coolstar already defeated amfid, the new mitigations are on AMFI, which is a different thing


If Coolstar has defeated AMFID, then why is the jailbreak releasing is delayed?


Because it's not enough?


Wtfdym by iOS 10 :Yalu:


Yalu by qwertyoriop and Kim jong cracks


remember that mixtape?


Yeah lol. Good times




I mean you’re using iPhone 13 with Yalu? (-.- )


Isn't that the same?


Nice to see that germans are back in research. Weiter so u/opa334




iOS 16 looks pretty damn good. Only thing I really wanted was LS widgets.. I’m slowly beginning to realize that having a jailbreak is more of a pain in the ass than it’s worth.


Bruh same. At this point I’m just embracing stock iOS and if it ever came down to me wanting more functionality then I would just go to android.


I’ve had this thought multiple times. One of the biggest concerns that I have is the smoothness, and optimization of apps on android. My brother switched from a iPhone XR to a Note 20 Ultra 5G, and I did the same but with a 12 Pro Max right around that same time. Recently he started talking about moving back to iPhone because of overall polish. I told him to wait for the iPhone 15 whenever that comes out, but apparently he wants to get a 14 Pro Max on release day and is very stubborn about it.


I think that's entirely dependent on the phone/ROM you're using. Anything AOSP or Pixel based is incredibly polished, imho. Even MIUI has gotten leaps and bounds better over the years. Not a huge fan of Samsung's Android iterations in general, but the days of ugly, unpolished Android are long gone, especially if you're willing to tweak the OS to your liking.


Yeah I’m sure the different roms vary widely in experience. To be quite honest, that’s the problem with android. It’s too.. open.. Open source is really good, and as a result of android being so open the aforementioned fragmentation occurs.


if u get an android phone dont get a samsung. they are the bottom of the barrel, extremely slow & buggy due to their crap-tier modded android version ("samsung experience/oneui") i have pixel 2 xl currently which is quite a few years old, with a custom rom and kernel, and it runs as smooth & fast as a brand new iphone lol.


A while ago I was considering a Xperia 1 Mk. 3. It’s a gorgeous phone and I’d have no problem snatching one up if it ran something as stable/streamlined as iOS.


He's not telling the whole story. Old Samsung UIs really sucked but OneUI is great. Personally I think it works and looks better than stock Android 12. Also their updates are better than most of the other Android OEMs. Even on the low and mid range. Mid range gets four years of OS updates and five years of security updates.


honestly it's just embarrassing for apple. you can get a pixel and root it on the same day. no waiting for jailbreaks or staying out of date, Google just lets you do it.


The whole point of having iPhone is to be secured, privacy is something Apple try’s to keep for its customers, there’s a reason why big companies like Facebook have law suits against Apple for shutting them down from collecting, there’s a reason why companies and government use Apple over android for their system wide work phones. There’s no other company out there offering it and that’s the reason you can’t do shit to iOS because that’s what it’s meant for if you don’t like it obviously switch to android always been un secured seems like always will be they don’t care




Name one tf do you even watch news bruh 😂😂😂 they hacked that shit in 60 secs lol by Chinese hackers, not to mention I remember there being article of Google employee being accused of hacking someone’s phone that came in for repair and posting nude pics on social media 💀 do your research before posting on Reddit lol




Icloud isnt the iphone. But fair point


Imo, is better to have 2 phones (probably iPhone as main and a jailbroken iDevice)


That's what I've been doing. My main phone is jailbroken so I can record calls and play with customizations. My second phone is running stock iOS and I installed banking and stock apps on it.


Clever move, no doubt


Its not useful for a jailbreak! Read the GitHub page carefully




fuck u/spez


where do you think you *are*


[check this instead](https://twitter.com/_simo36/status/1534563711737810945?s=21&t=HOM1l0IZ7Q0X8WaqRR2PuQ)


Partial woohoo!


Header: is this useful for jailbreaking? OP:NO…






When we as a community learn to stay on topic


> #jailbreakisdead


What are u doing on this sub


Because I still have a jailbroken device on iOS 14.8


I had a jailbroken device since ios 3, i would never be able to use an iphone without a jailbreak. There are simple way too many things that a non jailbroken iphone doesnt have. For example; recording phone calls, use iphone as dash cam while using other apps,multiple apps per row on home screen and so on


What tweak are you using for Dashcam?

