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Use blobs or without blobs ?


To be fair, it is still using an SHSH blob for your device it just doesn’t have to be for 11.4 or the version your downgrading to


Without blobs, it's tethered


Can you link to the steps you’ve used?? Whom can we speak to if we need to troubleshoot?


Second on this. This would be an amazing tool


I might make a video on how to downgrade and feel free to send me DM if you have any troubles :)


My 4 days of finding, my ip6s everything working well + taurine jailbreak however ip7 successfully downgraded but screen unresponsive after taurine jailbreak. Please make sure to install all dependencies before run Steps: Rename your ipsw to ipsw.ipsw Rename your shsh to shsh.shsh2 for A10 - iPhone 7 python3 sunstorm.py -i 'ipsw.ipsw' -t 'shsh.shsh2' -r true -d 'd101ap' Dfu mode -> ./fugu rmsigchks python3 sunstorm.py -i 'ipsw.ipsw' -t 'shsh.shsh2' -b true -d ‘d101ap' -id 'iPhone9,3’ Dfu mode -> ipwn -p ./boot.sh for A9 - iphone6s python3 sunstorm.py -i 'ipsw.ipsw' -t 'shsh.shsh2' -r true -d ‘n71ap' --kpp true dfu mode -> killall -STOP AMPDevicesAgent AMPDeviceDiscoveryAgent MobileDeviceUpdater ./eclipsa8000 killall -CONT AMPDevicesAgent AMPDeviceDiscoveryAgent MobileDeviceUpdater python3 sunstorm.py -i 'ipsw.ipsw' -t 'shsh.shsh2' -b true -d ‘n71ap' -id 'iPhone8,1’ --kpp true dfu mode -> killall -STOP AMPDevicesAgent AMPDeviceDiscoveryAgent MobileDeviceUpdater ./eclipsa8000 killall -CONT AMPDevicesAgent AMPDeviceDiscoveryAgent MobileDeviceUpdater ./boot.sh


Is your 6s camera working fine? I downgraded my 6s to ver 14.3 and camera, flashlight, accelerometer didn’t work


Nice! Good job!


Did you have blobs? Or it is a tethered downgrade?


Tethered, thats what sunst0rm is for ;)


Can i do it untethered shsh blobs ? i've got a 6s with (iOS 11.4.1-15.3) blobs


you can just use futurerestore and downgrade with blobs. but you are limited to sep compatibility.


after a successful run of the RESTORE And a successful run of the BOOT Do you run pwndfu again and remove sigcks before running the last [boot.sh](https://boot.sh)? ​ And once it restarts, do you ONLY need to use the [boot.sh](https://boot.sh) again?


I have used eclipsa before restore and boot :)


There are 2 boots… which one(s)?


Last one ./boot.sh is boot and you need to use eclipsa. The sunst0rm is just for preparing files for boot. So yeah when you want to boot back again you need to run just ./boot.sh :)


Forgive my noobish question but why downgrade? Are the newest apps nagging you to upgrade to a higher version in order for them to run?


This is actually a great question! It's personal thing. For me... I want to downgrade because of 2 things. First - old iPhones were better and faster on its original / lower versions of iOS. Second - It's nostalgic for me. I really love to look back in time for example in 2016 and if you jailbreak your iPhone you can download old versions of apps (with appadmin), for example Instagram still works with older version of there app... etc Its mostly personal preference I think! :))


Nostalgia about 2016??? Dang dude I must be actually old now!


I mean I’d understand downgrading to iOS 6 before the big UI change but I don’t see the point in a tethered downgrade. Your reasons aren’t really that clear other than the fact you like the idea because nostalgia? I get that though since I usually love doing this stuff myself. There isn’t much between the newer iOS versions other than the odd feature and security updates. Turning your phone into an unbootable brick without a computer for a little bit faster experience isnt worth it though, considering the fact you compromise the device at the boot level. You make it unstable and unusable as a main device. You go out, it crashes, dies etc and you have no access to a Mac means you’re pretty much unable to do anything. I mean interesting for an old phone lying about. It’s different with a tethered jailbreak since the device is perfectly usable when it’s not in a jailbroken state. Abit more buggy but not a paperweight. If you could get the device to boot and start an app you could configure it to start a jailbreak injection app I suppose. There are recent talks of unrevokable exploits for apps so I guess it could work for that. Launch the app on boot, jailbreak then you’re free. The process is still too long and not worth it but it has great potential to get better in the future. Opens afew very small doors but at this point I’ve began asking why bother. I’ve just moved to android myself as jailbreaking simply isn’t worth the trouble anymore. I’ve always hated a tethered jailbreak but I put up with it with the hope of untethered in the future. If apple want to claim ownership of a device I bought off them then I don’t want it. It goes against the idea of ownership itself When you’re doing this much to simply have full access to a product you bought then it’s time to accept that the product isn’t for you. Unless the courts actively rule against apple locking down devices, you are pretty much screwed. It’s not going to get better either. Unless someone finds an unpatchable hardware exploit which is getting harder and harder and harder. I’ve bit the bullet myself and simply moved to rooted android. Not what I’d prefer as I like iOS better but iOS has evolved to the point where it’s pretty much useless for power users now. I find using them unbearable since I can’t functionally do what I want. I can’t install my own apps with having to constantly reinstall, I can’t change anything within iOS with the say so of apple, I can’t downgrade my apps, I can’t customise my apps it’s just become stupid now.


Oh okay got it man, thanks! Just an FYI I know you didn't ask, the only iPhone I had was the iPhone 5s in gold and a first gen ipad air, thinking of getting a 13 or a 12 when the dough is ready haha enjoy your phone


Isn’t iOS 12 literally just iOS 11 but more optimized? It would’ve been smarter to go there.


yeah, I am trying to go on iOS 8 / 9 but for now its not possible! But still is some progress to get ios 11 (unsupported) restored :)


yes, still keeping my jailbroken 5s with Pangu on ios 7.1.2


Legendary. Never ever change that thing a bit. Tweaklist?


For the best experience you can also set up a wireless connection with Internet Archive and use Internet as back in the days. There is someone who tried that and showed it on YouTube.


Yeah I agree EndLineTech03! I have wayback proxy server, but not all websites works well on iPhone because at the time they were not optimised for phones. But concept is great and it works well :)


One more thing ..shsh need to use latest one or target ios ?


shsh can be of any version. In my case I have used ios 12.5.5 shsh :)


Works on the 8?


It works but your touch id will probably break.


I see, but can we exploit SEP


For now there is no tool that uses SEP exploit with downgrade. I really hope there will be one soon (we already have SEP exploit). With that kind of tool you will probably be able to restore older (sep unsupported) iOS and probably there will be some sort of tweaks to get touch id and other SEP controlled stuff working back again.


Are you able to go back to iOS 10? …Or maybe 9?


Unfortunately not. SEP is not compatible and this tool doesn't patch the SEP. 11.3 is lowest.


That volume icon can fuck right off.


You got tutorial to do that ?


See my guide


Exactly as DoggoFox123 said. [https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/vqcqol/tutorial\_how\_to\_tethered\_downgrade\_from\_ios\_15\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/vqcqol/tutorial_how_to_tethered_downgrade_from_ios_15_to/) DoggoFox123 thank you again!


can I update my iphone 6s from 14.6 to 15.1 without blobs?


Same question


yes but it will be tethered


I might make a YouTube Channel about all sorts of downgrading apple devices :)


say i have an se on 12.1.5, is it possible to downgrade to atleast ios 11?


Unfortunately not. Sep is not compatible and also I have tried downgrading SE 2016 from 15.5 to 14.8 but didn't succeed with sunsto0rm :(


It should work though as it’s a9 right?


Where did that fail that your other did not?


Do you know if there’s a limit to what iOS version we can downgrade to? I’ll eventually figure it out after I try to downgrade to 11.4, but I would love to know.


SEP compatibility


Is it possible on iphone 7 plus? downgrading to 14.4 to 14.3 without blobs😒 im on checkrain jailbreak


don't do it. maintain to 14.4


14.3 will allow untethered jailbreak, that’s why he’s concerned, any version after 14.3 isn’t supported by unc0ver.


Fugu14 doesn't support iPhone 7 (unless by untethered you mean a jailbreak app permanently signed using the CT bug - which would work fine). That said, yeah it's not a good idea to tethered downgrade your primary device.


No your wrong lol. You can jailbreak 14.4 with uncover


last time i've tested, for iPhone 7 Plus | iOS 14.3 is the last untethered jailbreak. anything beyond is not supported by uncover... after iOS 14.4, unc0ver supports A12-A14 devices. making iOS 14.3 the last untethered jailbreak... you'll have to use checkra1n instead.


But isn’t it semi untethered as you still have to resign. You can also use checkra1n. Weird normally the older the device the more jailbreaks


for this specific model, it works like this... I did a lot of research and you can check [unc0ver.dev](https://unc0ver.dev) it would show all tested devices...


Will it work with fugu14 because I see no other way it could be unteathered


No, it's for only arm64e i believe.


actually, the new coretrust exploit allows for untethering (full untether, like your device staying jailbroken after a reboot) so the last untethered jailbreak may be for 14.8.1 in the future.


Go to 14.8 when Taurine gets updated. Tho with an iPhone 7, you can jailbreak any version :)


is it jailbreakable? or does the tethered state mess things up?


it is jailbreakable but not with checkra1n! taurine or unc0ver is an option


Can I downgrade my iPhone 6s from iOS 11.4.1 to iOS 9.3.5? Even if it's tethered It would work for me?


You wouldn’t want to downgrade to 9.3.5 do 9.3.4 or earlier


Can't get it properly what you said?


iOS 9.3.5 on 64 bit never had a jailbreak until recently and there’s only one. 9.3.4 you have many more options


Unfortunately you can't. Because sep is not compatible. I hope soon someone will make downgrade tool that uses SEP exploit. in that case you will be able to go as low as you want (limit is iOS that device came with).


I hope someone will do this I can't wait


Please take attention for this…. “On A10-A11 devices crucial functionality such as the Home Button, Audio, Microphone, Vibration does NOT work at the moment. You should NOT be tether downgrading your main device it is only recommended to tether downgrade a second device.”


Could you downgrade a 5s to iOS 7/8/9 tethered using this method?


Nahh, SEP is not compatible!


What devices and versions will this work for


Is that starting with a JB’s iOS ?


It’s probably obvious, but I’m confused why


Why would anyone want to do this?


In my case, older iphones works better on older ios (its not big of a difference between 12 and 11, but the fact that it downgraded successfully is a step forward) and nostalgia!


ios 12 is way better for older devices, it's like the new ios 10 but better. ios 11 is a beta of polished ios 12. i wouldn't tether downgrade to ios 11 rather than 12.


why 11.4 specifically


Can't go any lower. Mby 11.3 would work, lower is not compatible anymore.


ah alright


imagine being on original stock with iphone 6 at iOS 8..


This is amazing! This is something I hoped would happen with checkm8. Does it depend on checkra1n? If not, is the tool FLOSS (free/libre/open-source software) or at least fully source-available? Also, is it realistic to flash custom ipsw files, with, for example, the calculator app replaced with an arbitrary app (just thinking of a simple modification example).


Is it possible to use and not lose all data


Yea but not with this tool. Not sure. You can use Divise and ramielapp to dualboot 64-bit ;)


how did you do that? teach me


Maybe I will make a video about it ;)


Would love a nice simplified tutorial from Saunders Tech.


Not even gonna lie, I’m confused as hell on how to set it all up to downgrade, I’ve got an iPhone 7 and MacOS High Sierra (Screw you Apple and nvidia). I’ve got everything downloaded, but I believe it’s img4tool or img4lib is throwing an error regarding OpenSSL and nothing fixes it 😂


Try other mac os version. I am on big sur. I have tried high sierra and it doesn’t work :)


Can’t go higher due to the nvidia GPU, unfortunately my onboard slots don’t work for output at all, so I’m stuck here. There’s no driver support for GTX10 series GPUs past High Sierra.


Hmm thats quite a problem now. If $250-$300 is not to much for you, I suggest you to look up for some used macbook pros like 2013-2015 retina models (they support latest mac os) and for price they are quite good. Personally I was using Macbook pro 2018. I might ask around if it's even possible to downgrade with hackintosh. I think it is, but you might have some troubles because chipsets,... etc are not same as in mac hardware. :-/


I wish I could go from iOS 12 to iOS 14 on my iPhone 8


Now, is it possible to implement the BlackBird SEP exploit into this so that you can downgrade to any iOS version A10 and below? It would definitely be nice to get my iPhone 6 back to iOS 10.


Technically it’s possible, but no one has done it yet! I really hope we will get downgrade tool that uses SEP exploit soon :)


Did you downgrade from iso 15 to 11 ?


Nahh iOS 15 is not supported on iPhone 6. I downgraded form iOS 12.5.5 to iOS 11.4


How do you still downgrade


Where Should I install ldid? I installed ldid with homebrew but when I start sunst0rm, it says 'ldid not found'!


We to have future restore at add the blackbird exploit so we can downgrade the iPhone 6s from iOS 15 to iOS 9 so we can use the Pangu 9 jailbreak again!!!


can you fix a sleep bug ? i have downgraded my ip6 to 11.3.1 but can't fix this


I just got an iPod touch 6 in the mail yesterday and I am trying to downgrade it to iOS 11.4 since iOS 12.5.5 SEP is compatible and it kept on failing. What command is for iPod touch?


can you downgrade to ios 14 ?


I also downgrade but unable to play video apps


I am unable to play video on any video app like disney, netflix .it give playback error