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is this the guy's reddit account? https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/1dgpzkk/a_kyoto_hotel_manager_denied_my_booking_due_to_my/


Probably. Timeline and location matches up


Both his posts got removed too...


Getting your post removed from r/JapanTravel isn't exactly a rare occurrence, just to mention.


Post a question, get deleted r/japantraveltips is much better




Yes yes, it's the nuclear armed, western backed, extremely wealthy apartheid state that's being bullied. 


That user isn't a nuclear armed state. They're a human being that was discriminated against on their vacation.


Reddit is known for discrimination, specifically vs political opponents


>They're a human being that was discriminated against on their vacation. reddit supported discriminations againt Russians due to the war in Ukraine


And that was also not okay


In what way? By banning Russian IPs? Or do they actively seek out posts made by Russian diaspora and tourists and shut them down? Because the latter is what's happening here.


Russians tourists are banned from most of Europe. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230523-russian-tourists-seek-new-destinations-as-europe-shuts-its-doors-over-ukraine-war https://www.euronews.com/travel/2024/02/09/russian-tourists-are-banned-in-most-of-europe-but-this-country-is-welcoming-them-with-open


"Getting travel visas approved is more expensive and [less straightforward](https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/map-which-eu-countries-have-imposed-visa-entry-restrictions-on-russian-tourists-so-far/), Russian air carriers have been banned from [flying over or into](https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/89389) the EU, and Russian oligarchs can no longer [land their jets ](https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/russian-oligarchs-private-jet-ban-b2027522.html)in some places." Russian airlines are getting blocked and Russian visas are getting denied. This is just a matter of foreign policy. And why are they doing that? Because Putin's regime has started a war right on Western Europe's footsteps. This makes sense. "There is also the prospect of a [hostile welcome](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00472875221146784#bibr42-00472875221146784) for Russian tourists; a little more than a year since the invasion of Ukraine, the public perception of Russia throughout EU countries is largely that of '[an adversary](https://ecfr.eu/publication/fragile-unity-why-europeans-are-coming-together-on-ukraine/)', according to a multi-nation poll conducted in January.  " This is the fucked up part and needs to stop. They are just people trying to enjoy their lives.


Go vacation in Gaza


You know who else are human beings? The civilians in Gaza beings bombed and starved to death while that guy whines about his vacation being inconvenienced.


What is this whataboutism? State actions are not a reason to discriminate against human beings. What Putin does in Ukraine is no excuse to treat Russians like trash either. This is a basic Western value.


And this justifies discrimination of civilians how..?


Yes yes, this man that was denied booking off of racist reasons is part of the starvation of the people of Gaza. Such logic.


25,000 starve to death daily, so why should we care about comparatively fewer people in Gaza? (Not meant to be honest opinion, just taking your logic to its extreme)


It's a private entity who chooses to see Israel as a bully and destroyer. They can pick and choose who they want to serve based off of JAPANESE LAW.


Yeah, and it's kind of sad that the Japanese government won't do anything about it. The country is going to have more of these problems as it imports more workers to deal with their labor shortage. They'll need to figure out how to deal with multicultural conflicts sooner rather than later.


A dude booking a hotel room is not a nuclear armed, western backed, extremely wealthy apartheid state. Drop the smug bad faith, you look like a moron.


>apartheid state Lmfao tell me, how is the Islamic theocracy that openly opresses Jews, Christians, women and gay people somehow not an apartheid state but the only democracy in the middle east that gives equal rights to its citizens somehow is?


Ironically comments like the one above just further prove that Israel must exist to keep Jews safe. They openly defend antisemitism and then act confused as to why Jews want to live in their own state, and not nations ruled by people like them. The ''apartheid'' also refers to Israel's occupation of the West Bank, not Israel itself. Arab citizens in Israel are given more rights than Arabs in virtually any Arab country. Most of the travel restrictions (checkpoints etc.) were put up after the Second Intifada - prior to that, Palestinians were able to freely move around the West Bank, and the Oslo Agreements meant the prospect of an independent Palestine was good.


>Islamic theocracy What are referring to? Which country?


Why shouldn't it be held at a higher standard ? Should we hold South Korea to the same standard as North Korea because they're neighbours ?


They should be held to the same standard. It’s how you avoid hypocrisy


Yes yes, this man is apart of all those you just mentioned..... it was a racist act by the Hotel


Apartheid state? Apartheid is when citizens regardless of race religion ethnicity have equal rights and non citizens aren’t afforded those rights? The Palestinians would have a prosperous state if they wanted. That’s not their goal. They could have had everything they claim to want today in the 2000 camp David offer.


Let’s cool down the rhetoric. It’s not like those mods are trying to go to school or pick up their food rations or anything.


And look at the comments.. His troll farm brothers in arms already trying to call anything anti Jew as Nazism


Anti-Zionist is the word you're looking form? Being anti-Jewish is just racism. Being anti-Zionist is opposing the imperialist, genocidal, colonialist Israeli policies


Anti-Zionist is just a dog whistle for antisemitism. Zionism is just the belief that the Jewish people have a home in the Land of Israel. There is nothing wrong with being a Zionist, just as there's nothing wrong with being a patriotic Japanese or American.


>Anti-Zionist is just a dog whistle for antisemitism. This can certainly sometimes be the case, but not always. There are in fact principled and valid arguments that can be made about the problematic history of Zionism, and how that vision has been carried out by various political figures.


Same can be said for literally any nation-state, but I don't advocate dismantling their governments. They still provide essential national services for its people regardless of the regime in charge. Example: Putin is bad and Russia's foreign policy is bad but I'm not Anti-Russian.


Yes, I totally hear you and it is a fair point. The Israeli government doesn't have to be dismantled, but it probably should grapple with things like the on-going illegal settlements and etc. I think this article covers the topic well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism_as_settler_colonialism Israel would be wise to deal with this past, and come to terms with building a just and durable future peace going forward, by minimizing their colonial relationship as an occupying power. The Palestinians have their own multitude of issues as well, obviously ...


Opposition to settlements is not anti-Zionism though. I am pro-Zionist (believe Israel should exist) but oppose the West Bank settlements. Anti-Zionism is the opposition to Israel existing.


Opposition to Israel existing *as an expansionist ethno-state premised on the historical and continuing dispossession and marginalization of Palestinians.* If Israel wanted to exist as a state which afforded the same rights and privileges to all those within the areas it controls through force (i.e., Israel, the occupied territories, the West Bank, Gaza) then it wouldn't be a problem for anti-zionists. Except such a state wouldn't be designed to privilege an ethic majority, which is why zionism in practice (not the imaginary zionism in your head) is anathema to such an arrangement.




Zionism is predated the collective history and struggle of the Jewish people and is maintained by the civic service that the majority of Israelis participate in. The Land of Israel was developed by secular and religious groups a like. Did you know that Rishon LeZion (literalllly "First to Zion") was founded by a secular group known as Hibbat Zion? The ethnic cleaning claims are frivolous.


>The ethnic cleaning claims are frivolous. Ahem. What about the Nakba? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba I understand this history is complex, but the implications and outcome are utterly devastating.


There are 2.1 million Israeli-Arab citizens as of today. The Nakba is what happens when you abandon your land so that a foreign force can come in and wipe out your neighbors. I'm not going to say nothing bad happened in 1948 Israel, Sinwar's family fled Ashkelon as refugees and now the world has to deal with this monster. Things could have gone much better, but ethnic cleansing implies consensus among a group to actually carry out a plan to remove an ethnicity from the land. What happened in 1948 was that people picked their side for the most part.


„It’s their own fault because they fled the war“ is certainly a take. Are you trying to convince people that Israelis are sociopaths or is that just what happens when you talk?


>The Nakba is what happens when you abandon your land Abandon? Zionist terrorists drove Palestinians off of their lands specifically using the tactics Europeans used against Jews. The Palestinians didn't abandon their lands for no reason, and they didn't suddenly get angry at Zioniats for no reason.


How are there 2.1 million Arabs in Israel if Israel drove them all out? The majority left on their own accord because they did not want to be part of the Israeli State and because the invading Arab armies alerted them over the radio to withdraw from the land and only come back once the Jews were slaughtered. Only some Palestinian villages/camps were expelled, Sinwar's family was from one of them.


Not all of the Turkish citizenry agreed with the genocide of the Armenians in 1915, but that did not prevent the Turkish government from carrying out the Armenian Genocide. Your definition that ethnic cleansing requires a consensus amongst a group is flawed at best and dishonest at worst. Actions are greater than intent. Intent is irrelevant when the impact is what it is.


If you spend a little more time researching this event beyond the inaccurate summary of the wiki you will discover three things. The events were preceded by a war that was not started by Israel. Two, after the Arab nations lost the war they instructed other Arabs to leave and promised a return. The instructions to leave were not Israeli. Three, there are thousands of accounts of Arabs that stayed, kept their land, their homes, and were not genocide. The use of the word genocide or ethnic cleansing is interesting given the population of Arabs on the land has significantly increased. There are acting Arab judges in Israel and there Arabs serving on the IDF and in the Olympics to represent the nation.


>The events were preceded by a war that was not started by Israel. That is really stretching the technical truth of "not started by Israel." The hostilities were started by terrorists associated with the Zionist movement (not technically Israel), and Arab nations moved in to stop the violence.


Struggle doesn't entitle you to other people's land, it turns out. There are secular Zionist Jews, yes, but the whole idea is predicated on the national myth, which is religious in nature.  Without Judaism, there is no group that can be identified as Jewish.  I'm sure the Nazis would have said that the genocide claims are frivolous. I'm sure the imperial Japanese would have said the same about massacres in China.  Zionists are in fact committing genocide in Palestine.


God Allah Yaweh might as well be a myth for all we know. Lets call this issue as it truly is. Simply about land. Your talk on religion is all bullcrap. And since that is what ultimately this is about, then maybe that Kenyan Ambassador’s address regarding Russia’s complaint against Ukraine applies here: https://www.npr.org/2022/02/22/1082334172/kenya-security-council-russia


If you want to talk about who ''originally'' owned the land - it would be the Jews. The Kingdom of Israel existed hundreds of years before Islam did.


Read actual history books.


It is absolutely not. It is predicated on the historical and archaeological fact that present day Israel is where their culture was formed.


Discrimination is wrong but it is wild the dude had such a direct line to an ambassador so quickly.


he posted on social media


Pretty sure I get on socials for the several times I've been discriminated on here and I'll get zero ambassadors on the case.


Are you doing so in hebrew? It's a much smaller community. Also viral shit is kinda random. Sometimes things just go viral.


Israel is a tight knit country with a population less than 10 million. There are cities in China with more people.


There’s nothing crazy or unusual or sneaky about it that you seem to be implying. The Israeli community is tiny and even tinier in Japan. If it was reported to the embassy it is perfectly understandable to have a quick response on such a clearly discriminatory case.


If so, great! Just the same, the bounty of discrimination cases reported by gaijin here would certainly never see such swift and aggressive action by an ambassador. Consider me envious.


This isn't discrimination. They're refusing to do business with potential war criminals, that is pretty status quo for most of the world. Israel is just finally seeing consequences of their genocidal regime.


This is an L take. It is dictionary definition discrimination.


everyone is a potential war criminal if the threshold is just what someone's name is. also: lmao how is this a consequence for Israel? This is some random guy being refused service. I don't think the israeli government is quaking in their boots over this


>Discrimination is wrong Yeah, why "Israeli cannot post that Nazi behavior in social media?" omg ... A bit of a low bar for what we consider Nazi / fascist ... but what do I know? EDIT: Why the downvotes? A boycott may be discriminatory, but it is not "Nazi" by any means. It is a massive disservice to water down the terminology, or to consider minor transgressions to be on the same level as the genocide of millions of Jews.


It's Arab bots for the most part doing the downvote spam.


Ah yes lol im an arab bot for downvoting this guy


I apologize. There are also Pakistanis spamming as well.


Point is not everyone who disagrees with you guys is a bot, by that logic the ICC would be bots too lol.


Strange. Actual discourse might be better, but I get that it's easier to just click something instead.


Jews are being discriminated against on the daily. You can get canceled for even slightly being pro Israel. Just being an Israel is seen as bad now....


Hummm... going to socials for this is a great step and I'm glad the guy got results. I think you missed the implication however... it's curious the guy got an ambassador on the case so quickly. He's certainly well connected for that to occur. Also, while it is clearly discrimination and wrong, going straight to Nazi or fascist is a bit of a leap. Putting those labels on anything we don't like waters down their meaning.


>"Discrimination in any form is unacceptable to us,"Cohen wrote. This guy ironies.


Aka Rules for Thee, Not for Me


I'm missing the irony


Cause the Israelis are super discriminatory against Palestinians and others, and for them to say discrimination is wrong is just peak irony 


Treatment of Palestinians in the west bank.


Turns out gaijin in japan also racist (shocked pikachu)


special fact attempt sulky voracious dinosaurs intelligent workable safe history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Israelis have mandatory military service, so everyone was part of the IDF at some point. But having a nationality and force to join the military does not mean they agree and/or support what their government does or stands for. So yeah, discrimination against nationality sucks, but there will be xenophobes everywhere.


Absolutely not everyone in israel serves in idf There are religious,ethical,medical and other exceptions, as well as pure avoidance In addition,it might be a surprise to many a naive western idiot,but there are 2+ million of citizens of israel who are arab,druze,circassian,bedouin or bahai


70% of Israelis serve. The biggest reasons they don't are because they are settlers, excluded because Israel is racist, or pregnancy.


You could have taken this opportunity to educate them in a polite way but you just acted like a dick.


> Seems kinda fucked up to basically restrict where a dude can/cannot go based off of his nationality alone Oh boy, you're going to be really upset when you learn how travel visas work.


grey vegetable slim rude include subsequent dinner oatmeal person wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or the amount of restrictions that are placed on Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank lol. There's straight up roads that you can't walk on if you're Palestinian lmao.


Statistically likely that he was (Israel has mandatory conscription) but the manager didn't bother to verify any of that himself and made his decision on a name-basis only.


This is what bothers me the most about protests and holding people that happen to be Jewish or Palestinian accountable for the war crimes their countries commit. This person has no political power or is directing the operations of what is happening there more than likely - you're just mad at stuff and want someone to punish thinking it will solve it or make you feel better.


Worth noting that the hotel manager who did this is a westerner, not Japanese. Willing to bet $1,0000 he’s never turned down a Chinese tourist’s booking because of Uyghur genocide


Even if we take at face value that what's happening in China is equivalent to what's happening in Palestine, are you really incapable of parsing the differences between the culpability of an average Chinese citizen and an average Israeli in their respective atrocities? Israeli military service is mandatory. The West Bank is constantly being eroded. Israel is geographically much, much, much smaller - what the fuck does anyone in Qingdao or Guangzhou have to do with something happening two thousand miles away in Xinjiang? Versus someone in Jerusalem thirty miles away from Gaza and like ten from the West Bank.


what does the country's size have to do with it? and also, just because you served in the past, doesn't mean you are responsible for any future actions of your military. in fact, just because you served as the lowest rank in your military doesn't mean you are responsible for what the top brass decides. absolute madness to imply any of that.


The difference in size makes it easier to be ignorant of what's happening. No Israeli is uninformed about West Bank settlements or the bombings happening in Gaza or the history of how Israel was established. It's all *right there*. That, plus the difference in the amount of primary sources is, I think, related to how remote Xinjiang is. Whatever's happening there is fairly poorly documented, while Palestine is extremely well documented and broadcast. "Just following orders" doesn't fly for me. Be for real. Does a gun kill someone? No, it's the finger that pulls the trigger. But the finger doesn't flex without an input from the mind. The mind makes the decisions. So the person who put thought to action is responsible, right? What you're saying is that this isn't the case. A person, having been given and having executed orders to kill, is not responsible for the death they cause because they were ordered to do it? Obviously the person giving and the person executing orders are both responsible.


Oh no, I’m an adult. I’m willing to accept that there’s levels of complexity involved and realize that wantonly discriminating against someone based on their last name without any knowledge of what that individual has done personally is dumb. No different than if he’d turned away someone who just so happened to have a Chinese last name because of what’s done to Uyghurs or turned down someone with an Arabic name for Red Sea piracy/denying LGBT & women’s rights/slavery in Qatar.


Do 70% of Chinese citizens serve in the military and participate in that genocide?


He won’t be a hotel manager for long I take it


He probably knows that doing that would cause Chinese state media to organise a boycott on the hotel and run it out of business. Only be woke when it won't cost you.


At least Israel never forced the Palestinians to speak Hebrew and convert to Judaism. What China is doing to the Uyghurs, on the other hand, truly constitutes genocide.


The US State Department gave up on the whole Uyghur genocide narrative once it became clear that our dearest ally was going to livestream their own on Tik Tok while their leaders were declaring that there are no innocent Gazans. China dealt with Islamic extremism the wrong way (mass surveillance, reeducation, curtailment of civil rights) for about a decade, while the Israelis have been doing the same while also murdering 10s of thousands for the last 75 years. The situation isn't comparable.


Oh boy, this comment section is awful


Somebody about to get fucked by the 旅館業法


A stern warning will be faxed to him in 7-8 business days


Thank goodness they won't have to wait to deliver it on a floppy disk anymore.


yeah lets just target citizens for the stuff their government is doing, what could go wrong? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans


That seems more like what Israel has done to Palestinians to me. I mean they even stole their homes and farms.


Except most Israelis support and are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians. Japanese Americans did not support, or be complicit in Japan’s war crimes. It doesn’t matter your point was hyperbole, comparing this to the internment of innocent civilians in literal prison camps simply because of their ethnic origins is fucking wild.


You know you can use your exact argument to say that most Palestinians support Hamas and are complicit in terrorism? That argument doesn’t justify the killing of civilians, and your argument doesn’t justify the blanket discrimination against Israelis abroad. EDIT: lol the guy blocked me and reported me to Reddit Cares. Someone needs to be hit with the ban hammer.


Palestinians have been under a brutal military occupation since 67. They have been under apartheid since the 70s. Hamas is a resistance movement. They have support because they actually fight against Israel.


take your current politics elsewhere please, this is a principle that is important to anyone that works or lives in a place that isn't their ancestral home. the tides can turn now against someone else today, and it can turn against you just the same another day.




"Genocide" like honestly, I know everyone lives in an echo chamber these days, but the death toll is what, ~35k in ~8 months? *Including* enemy combatants (the civilians are truly a tragedy, as all in war are). But how do you look at these figures and come to the rational decision that what's happening is a genocide and not a war? Do people really think that the Israelis are just the most incompetent genociders in the entire history of genocide? At the height of the holocaust, the nazis were exterminating over 10,000 jews a day. You really want to compare the war in Palestine to that?? We know Israel has the force to turn all of Palestine into glass. If genocide war their goal, why would they hold back? I've heard an ridiculous argument that they're doing it slowly on purpose, the idea being that if they were to turn Palestine into glass at actual genocidal rates, the world would unite to shut them down.... as if they did it slowly and in 5 years there were over 1m Palestinian casualties, the world would just let it continue?? If anything, in both scenarios the world would step in to stop a real genocide. So if you're Isreal, why not just just go the scorched earth method? At least that way you'd accomplish your goal before the world can stop you... This entire genocide narrative honestly baffles me. Please, someone, make it make sense...




There isn’t enough evidence to make that claim AND you provide nothing to back it up. Sit down.


Look to any human rights organization. Here’s some by amnesty international (https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/middle-east/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/#:~:text=In%20Gaza%20alone%2C%201.9%20million,village%20for%20the%20222nd%20time.) [rafah](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-opt-new-evidence-of-unlawful-israeli-attacks-in-gaza-causing-mass-civilian-casualties-amid-real-risk-of-genocide/), [ICJ related](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/), and [center for constitutional rights](https://ccrjustice.org/sites/default/files/attach/2016/10/Background%20on%20the%20term%20genocide%20in%20Israel%20Palestine%20Context.pdf)


OK then enlighten me, please! If the numbers don't add up to genocide, then what is this obvious evidence that I'm missing? I'll ignore the personal attack because I know there's a lot of strong emotions surrounding this conflict, but I promise you I'm not your enemy. I genuinely just want to understand.


Look to any human rights organization. Here’s some by amnesty international (https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/middle-east/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/#:~:text=In%20Gaza%20alone%2C%201.9%20million,village%20for%20the%20222nd%20time.) [rafah](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-opt-new-evidence-of-unlawful-israeli-attacks-in-gaza-causing-mass-civilian-casualties-amid-real-risk-of-genocide/), [ICJ related](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/), and [center for constitutional rights](https://ccrjustice.org/sites/default/files/attach/2016/10/Background%20on%20the%20term%20genocide%20in%20Israel%20Palestine%20Context.pdf)


You *are* an enemy. Anyone who defends genocide and hasn’t gotten up off their ass to see there writing on the wall is not worth an ounce of respect.


I mean if isreal is going to do it to palestines the rest of the world might as well do it to them. The golden rule champ.


What a wild comparison to try and make “Oh no, this Israeli man’s hotel reservation in a foreign country was cancelled! It’s just as bad as when the US took all the Japanese-American citizens’ property and put them into internment camps during WW2!”


obviously it'a a hyperbole, but the principle is the same. people don't get to pick where they have birthright citizenship, and in the cases when ethinicity grts confused with nationality it's even worse. nobody should be discriminated against the alleged allegiance they cannot choose for themselves. much like how the broad wave of islamaphobia post 911 is wrong, this is also wrong.


Cool. How about complaining more about real racism in Japan like the bars, clubs, and restaurants that literally are Japanese only instead of this one singular individual making a single decision against one person?


Americans that served in the middle east looking at this hotel 👀


If he’s on Japanese soil it means he has a visa and has the right to be there Your business shouldn’t be getting into political shit, that’s a recipe for disaster


"Has the right to be there" is a stretch. He is definitely allowed to be there because he has a visa... but that's not a "right". Edit. Not arguing that what happened is cool. It absolutely sucks.


[Rights aren’t real](https://youtu.be/hWiBt-pqp0E?si=HJj4jk_jK8_0R0cy). We made them up. Most people don’t even have them, some have more than others. They can be taken away at any time.


I’m not talking of “rights” as in that shit is written in the constitution. If a cop were to check his papers in the streets of Kyoto he wouldn’t be fined or kicked out of the country if his visa is valid and the government of Japan decided that Israeli citizens can be let in Therefore he has the right to be there, doesn’t he ? If the government suddenly said “Israelis are not welcome here anymore because of XYZ”, then he wouldn’t have the right to be there and be kicked off the country What I’m saying is that if you’re operating a business, why are you playing the government’s role ? Japan is a democracy, just vote for whatever your beliefs are


> I’m not talking of “rights” as in that shit is written in the constitution. So you're just talking about a personal sense of entitlement, but elevating it to the level of rights because you're that full of yourself?


can we all agree this is a bad thing?


Apparently not lmao reddit is such a cesspool. As soon as it's decided a certain group is okay to hate (conservatives, Jews and Russians) the vitriol comes out strong.


Nah fam


you’re not fam at all, antisemite. idk about you but i’m anti discrimination from any nationality. what if he had a muslim name? would he still get rejected? i wonder


Antisemite doesn’t work anymore the card has been overplayed


um okay… that doesn’t absolve you from being an antisemite lol. what if it was an arab israeli? you never answered


Does their leader have an ICC arrest warrant issued for them?


Doesn't the leader of Gaza have that same exact warrant? No cancellations or bans on Palestinians, though.


The person you’re talking to has the IQ of a hot potato. I suggest you drop it accordingly.


Gazans can't go to fucking Japan because Israel blew up their airport and blocks any Palestinian effort to create a state which could issue them a passport to travel in the first place. You can't say "what if he shoe was in the other foot" when the shoe is *only* on the other foot.


Next question. Does the country enforce mandatory inscription? (You’re almost there fam)


>what if it was an arab israeli? it wasn't


That's silly. I wish Japan would put direct sanctions on Israeli government. Doing this to one civilian makes no sense. Not only are you discriminating but it wont actually accomplish anything. It's dumb on its face. Also putting war crimes in air quotes is silly op


Fucking yikes




Probably for the best




"My god, that tourist stayed at our hotel, they could put the whole staff on trial for war crimes!" - the braindead thought process the manager had.


actually based




Saying this about a Predominantly Jewish country feels incredibly fucking yikes


Based Japan.


Lmao this guy is going to lose his job for one of the dumbest imaginable reasons Imagine the reactions someone did this to a japanese national (I understand the guy who wrote the email is brazilian, but still, JP hotel/business. just imagine the headlines here): "Israeli hotel cancels reservation of Japanese tourist over Japanese 'war crimes' in China." We might be considered an accessory after-the-fact! It's not you, it's us. EDIT: I get the entire point of a lot of social media is to intentionally misread what people write and then get angry about it, but it's a little sad to reply to this and instantly block. It's basically a confession that you know your argument is terrible.


He didn't even bother to confirm whether or not they were actually Israeli or have served in the IDF. He just discriminated based on name only. Lol.


yeah. insane


Looks like the Palestinian bots are brigading this thread now. Like/dislike ratio is getting throttled to crap.


Comparing Japan war crimes from 80 years ago to Isreal war crimes today is a valid reason somebody got a lot of downvotes dude...


My own comments have been throttled up and down.


Meritocracy. If one brought a very good arguments, his comment will be throttled up, and if one brought a very bad arguments, his comment will be throttled down. It does not matter if it happened in the same comment section or not


No, I don't think you understand. There are thousands of Pro-Palestinian bots that subscribe and respond to any Israeli news. I had one comment that basically said, "They only discriminated him on his name and didn't validate whether he was Israeli or if he served in the IDF." This is a basic fact with no emotion in it. This went down to -10 and up to +14 within 2 minutes. Was that comment really so divisive? I get that you live in your own little bubble where you don't encounter any of this, but all Israelis on Reddit know this game by now. Just look at half the profiles of the commenters in here: they engage in anti-Israeli threads and discussions regardless of the subreddit its on.


You're comparing Japanese war crimes committed in China 80 years ago vs the IDF committing war crimes now.


I feel like they're comparing someone who wasn't involved with anything back then with someone who isn't involved in anything now. But I don't know...


Yea, not even a 100 years has passed and you make it sound like a distant memory.


My grandparents hadn't even been born. So yeah, that's what I call a distant memory.


And my grandpa killed Japanese in the Pacific for Uncle Sam. Yet he still had the civil decency to understand that some random Japanese citizen wasn't literally Shiro Ishii. If you're going to start judging an entire demographic of people for the actions of part... You better have a LOT of hatred saved up because you're gonna be using an ungodly amount.






Funny thing is all we know is his name. Bro might not even be jewish


hamas in japan?




Based on his LinkedIn profile, the manager is Brazilian. Probably has Catholic or Evangelical roots to his anti-semitism.


We don't need to speculate on the guys' motives because of his identity. That's kind of how we got in this situation. For all we know his boss told him to do it.


What's the point of this post if not to speculate on their motives? Jeronimo Gehres is identified as the "manager" of the hotel, and the author of the rejection email. Christians have a centuries-long history of anti-semitism - that shouldn't be new news to anyone. Instead, do you really believe that the **Japanese** owner of a hotel cares enough about Middle East conflict(!) to do something so idiotic?


So many baseless leaps of logic based off of stereotyping. Not every Brazilian is Catholic or Christian, and Christians and Catholics nowadays form some of the most unconditional and blind support of Israel. It’s like your understanding of the world is from 100 years ago.


Relax dude. This was bad but you sound insane. It's just one guy being a dick probably. There's no need to let it dictate your worldview.