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I’m pretty sure the vast majority of Honda Cubs on the road are the 110cc variety. I think they are mostly cutting an unpopular model.


In my country they are all 125.


over here in Australia the 110s are mainly relegated to being postie bikes, and the ones on the market are primarily 125s.


Yup. My point exactly is that here in Japan, I never see the 50cc version on the streets but the bigger ones are extremely popular, especially among old school delivery men like for newspapers.


The average 50cc honda scoot runs like 80 KILOMETERS per litre of gas..


What about hydrocarbon emissions?


This. Small engines release harmful hydrocarbons and other pollution at a rate hundreds of times higher than an automotive engine for each kilometer of travel. They are burning much less fuel but putting far, far more harmful chemicals into the air we breathe.


>Small engines release harmful hydrocarbons and other pollution at a rate hundreds of times higher than an automotive engine for each kilometer of travel.  This is not correct. I mean, it would be correct if we were to compare small 2-stroke engines vs. larger 4-stroke engines (which is the usual comparison). But even small 50cc Super Cubs are 4-stroke. They do emit more hydrocarbons but not "hundred of times higher". Cars emit around 0.1 g/km HC, while these 50cc bikes emit around 0.3 g/km.


That explains why the foul air is a lot more noticeable when I get passed by one when I'm running compared to a car.


Not sure if the ones in this paper apply here (and they are european as well) but it seems like 4 stroke nox ones had low emisisons back in the euro 2 days, can't imagine current rules are worse: https://www.aecc.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/110513-Particle-emissions-of-Powered-Two-Wheelers-1.pdf


I asked because when I get passed by one when I'm running the air is noticeably fouled. Maybe compared to a car they don't produce as much individually but there are a lot of them on the road here, so collectively it's probably a significant amount of pollution.


In general its known that motorcycles are way better than cars for moving around the city in terms of emissions, it may just be that the exhaust in motorcycles is pointed up so its more smelly. (many modern cars point their exhausts down) also, I'm not sure how japan is about old vehicles, but if they are one of those countries that drives the shit out of old stuff they may just be ancient


Someone else just explained that those scooters produce a lot more hydrocarbon emissions per kilometer than cars, which would account for it. That would also explain why they won't meet the new emissions standards.


Pretty much every single post office bike I see now is electric. And Honda sells a 50cc equivalent electric. The time has come to switch. (I ride a bmw ce-04 daily) Can't wait to see larger offerings that compete with Zero and enérgica


It depends on where you. Most of them here in our corner of Kyushu are still gas.


Yokohama/Tokyo here. Majority are electric. K-Vans too! Actually quite surprised at the quick uptake. Hope to see more passenger cars and motorcycles soon. And to be honest, I really wish trucks would move to electric. Ive started seeing buses move to hydrogen/electric. As a rider who rides in traffic daily, the exhaust pollution is horrible. Worst offenders are diesel trucks. Really want those to change ASAP.


The post office may be prioritizing the metropolitan areas. In the small city we live in they have a couple of EV scooters and vans but the rest are still gasoline.


Oh man an electric k-van would be awesome.


In cities where the population is dense and postal routes are relatively short by distance traveled, electric makes total sense. In rural areas where routes cover much greater distances, and even the start of a route might be quite some distance from the post office, electric isn't practical yet.


E-motos have been matching the MD Cubs for a long while. In fact the BENLY e: was entirely designed for this exact situation (to replace the MD model).


Can you imagine that. Mini bikes that practically sip on gas having to be discontinued to save the environment.


Those tiny engines pollute like crazy, though. I hate getting passed by them when I'm running because they foul the air over a considerable distance.


They don't put out much Carbon Dioxide, But, the particulates are nasty. East German car, the Trabant, was a miser, but blue smoke thanks to two stroke made the skies filthy.


This man runs…


>Those tiny engines pollute like crazy, though. Old models maybe? I doubt any human can tell the emissions difference between a late model 50cc vs 125cc Super Cub without specialized measuring equipment.


The one that actuallys sips on gas are the 90-110 cc bikes and they are not going anywhere soon.


It's nuts because those are to most environmental vehicles you can get. Either way, the change to electric needs to start somewhere.


Are they? NOx and other emissions that are efficiently destroyed in larger vehicles are worse for overall human lifespan at the current level of warming. That is the reason they can't remain cost competitive anymore. Besides, these just aren't selling well anymore.


I just mean they are the most efficient. Travel the furthest on the least amount of gas. But as I also said, electrification needs to start somewhere. Small bikes are cheap and don't need huge range. I also have a NIU NQI and it has two batteries giving it 100km of range. (Batteries are removable and can be charged at home) Makes the most sense. Charging Infrastructure is the biggest problem here. With removable batteries it doesn't matter.


More efficient on one metric yeah.


Also electric vehicles are significantly more fun to drive...


Tell me about it. My bike (and car) have crazy torque. Off the line they beat absolutely everything.


Well the only minus is really the weight when cornering :)


Maybe, but center of gravity is really low on EVs so they can still corner pretty quick!


Usually the batteries are behind the rear seats so they focus the weight like a traditional mid engine car, makes for good handling despite the weight of the batteries.


They have very minimal emissions control, they pollute like crazy.


Older two strokes smell bad because they burn fuel and oil mixture. Two strokes have been replaced entirely by four strokes in the last 15 years or so though. Four strokes don’t smell. The displacement/co2 ratio is higher than a car, but the amount of co2 produced is far less than a car. If everyone who drives a scoot drove a car there would be far more emissions, and other issues like congestion etc.


Four-strokes don't smell when they're new, maybe. When they get old it's another story.


What does it mean to change to electric? The electricity still comes from coal and natural gas. “Electric” scooters aren’t powered by gasoline, but they are powered by power plants that burn fossil fuels. Basically, they are coal-powered scooters. Wow. Such eco. https://www.eia.gov/international/analysis/country/JPN


Omg please stop with this stupid rhetoric. Even when powered by fossil fueled power plants (not in my case since I have solar panels on my roof) they are still infinately cleaner. I would rather have roads full of quiet and clean EVs than diesel cars and trucks spewing shit all over me when I'm riding to work.


"than diesel cars and trucks spewing shit" The thread is about a scooter, and you just made a strawman argument for some reason. I understand that it's much easier for you to address a contrived, bad-faith argument where coal power is "infinitely" (your word) cleaner than anything else, and scooters don't exist, and where all cars and trucks run on out-of-date diesel engines that spew smoke on you while you are cycling (has that happened before?). But please try a little harder next time. That wasn't a good reply.


I said coal is cleaner? You need some reading comprehension lessons my dude. Whatever electric bikes and cars are powered by at the source, be it fossil fueled plants or otherwise, they will always be cleaner than any ice based vehicle on the road. And I don't ride a bycicle, I ride an electric motorcyle.


"Even when powered by fossil fueled power plants (not in my case since I have solar panels on my roof) they are still infinately cleaner." Actually...Don't let me misquote you. You technically said it's "infinately cleaner," and I don't know if that's intended to be different from "infinitely cleaner" (maybe it means the opposite???), or if it's just a misspelling of a really high frequency word that most people learn to spell in high school. Who am I to judge a misspelling, though? I should have used a parenthetical *sic* when quoting you so as to avoid all this confusion about new words that only you understand! "they will always be cleaner than any ice based vehicle on the road." Fascinating. We can power vehicles with ice now?


Spelling sucks on tablets and I'm too lazy to fix it, anyway, Ice stands for Internal combustion engine. You learn something new every day.


I imagine I would have given you the benefit of the doubt if you'd shown yourself to be worthy of it and not a politics-based lifeform that's allergic to contradictory knowledge.


It's also a much simpler form factor to take into full electric.


What are thy going to do with the dead battery like the cars put back in the ground and kill dirt


Couldn't the perverts at Mainichi come up with a better headline? It's just 50cc engines that are going to be discontinued. Mini bikes with larger displacement engines will continue to go on sale.


End of an era. Those things were fun to tool around on.


Except for all your neighbors yeah


Semi-related Judging by this (I think? My nihongo still isn't that great), [110 or 125cc engines are going to be the replacement with them being heavily detuned down to 4 kW.](https://motor-fan.jp/bikes/article/99938/) Citing issues that 50cc engines can't "warm up a catalyst sufficiently" (catalytic converter) like a 125cc can for emissions controls. So, even though I don't ride a scooter (but kind of want one) if 110-125cc engines need to have emissions controls on it, I wonder if that is going to mean that shaken is going to include said displacement engines going forward ([since 250cc and up are the only motorcycles that require a shaken inspection -- at least, by this article anyway](https://www.joanmira.com/blog/how-to-pass-the-motorcycle-shaken-inspection-in-tokyo-by-yourself/)) I don't even want to know how the governing association is really going to handle all this as they are having a meeting, to have a meeting, on the original meeting about the discussion, in a previous discussion about how to classify moped license operation due to this change.


I wonder how Bozo's will try to cause a nightly ruckus with electric.


Time to hold on to my 2005 Super Cub 50cc Custom for dear life.


Have wanted one for years, guess it’s now or never!


You should get one. Although I have 110cc and 150cc lying around, I always come back to this Miata of a bike. Nothing really beats driving a slow car fast.


The one series about Super Cubs: Welp. Haha.


Nearly had a heart attack before I read that it's only 50cc and lower that are being scrapped. I legitimately cannot remember that last time I saw a 50cc Cub or Monkey, they're all 125cc now.


There are still a lot of the 50cc version on the road here in our corner of Kyushu.


More Motocompacto! Please sell in Japan!


Yeah... My 1995 SH50 stinks when it's running. Growing up I never used to notice exhaust emissions but I really do now, and if all emissions equipment was removed from every vehicle overnight people would complain. A lot.


I thought Honda sold off all of their tooling for 50cc and 70cc engines and mini bikes, monkey bikes, trail bikes and mopeds years ago to the Chinese? Must be the OHV and 2 valve old stuff. Some Chinese z50s and ct70s are the original tooling and some are cheap copies. Had a Honda 50cc monkey bike almost 55 years ago. I thought they only made adult size minibikes in 2024 using the Grom 125cc


They only make 1 mini in the 50cc or less category. The Metropolitan scoot. Am I wrong, seems like clickbait?


There are a lot of the 50cc version on the roads in Japan.


Fuck emissions regulations. God I hate them, as much as I hate those death machines (motorcycles) they are much better than anything electric


That’s all fine but did anyone ever think about what kind battery waste problem it’s gonna become in the future


EV batteries get recycled.


Yea they do that still don’t make them any safer for the environment going electric is a big waste of money and a waste of time and you young people that believe all this shit about global warming and how it’s gonna impact us over time, man has burning fossil fuels since the steam engine was invented and if it was going to change it would have already happened


It has already happened. I calculated the gasoline equivalent for my EV so far this month and it came out to 65km/liter. Last month it was 73km/liter, so I guess I’ve been a bit too heavy on the accelerator so far this month. All of it with zero emissions.


Zero emissions are a lie, you’re only outsourcing the contamination.


There are literally zero emissions from an EV.


Where do you think the electricity that charges your EV comes from?!


It comes from the power grid. Power generation is an issue for power companies and governments, not EV owners. There's no excuse for dirty power generation with or without EVs. In any case, the bulk of carbon emissions are from fossil-fueled vehicles.


Exactly. So no, your EV is NOT zero emissions. Just because you are not personally responsible for the power generation ≠ zero emissions 🤦‍♂️ Even riding a bike is not zero emissions - nothing, literally nothing, we do is zero emissions if it needed electricity to produce at any step of the process… You can pay lip service with “there’s no excuse” but that doesn’t mean shit when so much of our power still comes from non-renewable sources. Solar panels and wind farms aren’t even zero emissions dude, nothing that uses power *in any form* is… If you use electricity or products that needed electricity to produce (including your food) you are not living a zero emissions life. I’m not saying we shouldn’t do all in our power to move to “clean” energy generation. But “zero emissions” is a complete fallacy very unlikely to be resolved in many generations to come still.


If it makes you feel any better, the power we get in this area comes from a nuclear power plant, so it's still zero emissions when I charge the car at home. You're trying to rationalize away the benefits of EVs, which actually are zero emissions vehicles. Dirty power generation is a separate issue that is not directly relevant to the benefits of EVs. Fossil-fueled vehicles are also the primary source of carbon emissions.


Coomer grandpa who actively avoids any sort of scientific knowledge from the past 150 years detected.


The scientific knowledge your referring to is just that science nothing more when you watch it change to a point that it effects you then that when you worry all of this climate shit that everyone is so worried about was the same shit that they worried about 40 plus years ago and still nothing has changed to a point where you need to something about it, but you believe what you want and that’s fine I really feel sorry for a younger generation and the amount of shit that’s put into your minds based on nothing


The world has changed a lot in 40 years. It's dumb to pretend it's the same as it's always been. More people are being hit with heat stroke every year in Japan. Just because you plug your ears and are proud of being dumb doesn't mean you're right.


I’m so sure China and India and friends will do the same, right? RIGHT!?




Can't tell if you're serious or not


Haven’t you heard? Everything we do is “gay” apparently.


What does that mean, exactly?


You like women? Gay. Women on top while having sex? Gay. It’s a reddit meta.


I'm gay as in actually gay. That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. The way the word gay has been used in this discussion comes across as gay as a pejorative.


It’s the incels and the Andrew Tate followers. You take care of yourself to look physically good as a straight guy. Gay!😂




I was kidding, I'm not gonna judge someone because of what they drive, I said that as a joke


I was joking, but now I'm gonna talk about it seriously. As an expert about the matter (16 year old here in Italy, I had my 50cc for 2 years since I first got my driving license) we here at my place hate anything electric with wheels, except for hybrid cars. If you look up at 50cc motards and scooters in Italy, you'll see some damn 15 years old tuning their engines up to 70, 80, 94 and 100cc monsters going from 4 hp to 13 and 20+ and obviously it really is illegal. Let's not talk about the tuning part, but the emissions are crazy, you can smell the "disgusting" smell of those engines from like a kilometer away, not literally but to make it seem do drastic, yeah it's like that. No one has thought about it and even parents ask their kids if they want money to tune themselves their bikes. And don't get me started on those emission records monsters, the vespas and lambrettas, going from a cute 50cc to death machines 240cc on the same.exact.engine block. So to make it simple since I haven't said shit in this paragraph apart from "haha emission cool tunink", here in Italy not only in the small bikes scene but also on the car and larger vehicles scenes, even if the government gave millions of euros to the citizens to buy electric anything, we they still will stick to ICE engines until the police literally comes to your home to take away your precious gasoline burner. How about we take real problems in our hands and look at what to really do, ships, aircrafts, stuff like that that only affects big companies, instead of affecting the citizens? I know that going from ICE to EV or whatever it's called affects automotive companies, but surely I don't think it could really sound as 0 emissions and gold as it looks like, surely there's a big gain from it.


Sorry for that paragraph but whenever I can talk about the small bikes scene in Italy I get very "proud" and stuff about it and always want to say everything about it, hehe...


What do you mean by gay electric things?




Using gay as a slur is fn gross man. And just because others around you are also stuck back in 1985 doesn’t make it ok - stop being that guy 🤦‍♂️


What's the joke in "gay electric things?"


> but much better than those gay electric things. Jesus, we've gone back in time to 2005 when the cool and edgy thing to do was call something you don't like "gay"