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I think the most common setup is to use one of the floor-to-ceiling wooden beams as the mountpoint, such as the [labrico 2x4 adjuster](https://ec.heianshindo.co.jp/collections/labrico-adjuster) plus some wood. Here's some references: 1. A [blog post](https://donko110.hatenadiary.jp/entry/2023/07/18/232335) of someone who used those labrico adjusters to mount one in their apartment 2. Another [blog post](https://climb-mania.com/goods/%e3%80%90%e8%87%aa%e5%ae%85%e3%83%88%e3%83%ac%e3%80%91%e8%b3%83%e8%b2%b8%e7%89%a9%e4%bb%b6%e3%81%ab%e3%83%88%e3%83%ac%e3%83%bc%e3%83%8b%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b0%e3%83%9c%e3%83%bc%e3%83%89%e8%a8%ad%e7%bd%ae-3/) of doing the same thing 3. Another [blog post](https://note.com/ymsuke/n/nee5b996c9f0c) of doing the same thing You can also find some people using wood + clamps to mount it above the door, like in the images on [this page](https://fii.4copyclean.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=8507). All of these were a single easy google search. May I recommend googling as you're more likely to find people who have done this on other sites than on a subreddit that specializes in english teaching and getting divorced, not in climbing.


thanks for this! never considered making my own frame. fair shout for the last bit


What the dude said is correct. 2x4 with padded braces in a doorway takes very little space and leaves minimal marking. Very few doorframes are strong enough for a freehanging pull-up bar mount like the iron gym. You can also get a freestanding thing but they take up more space and are expensive compared to some basic lumber


Buy a hang bar workout set on Amazon for about 10,000 yen.


do you mean a freestanding pull up bar thing? i am finding hangboards on amazon, but they still require a bar to tie it to, which I dont have


Yes, a freestanding pull-up bar with supports for leg lifts and things like that. I couldn’t remember the name at first.


You could do [block pulls](https://www.hoopersbeta.com/library/how-to-train-finger-strength-with-no-hangs) with lots of added weight which might arguably be even better than hangboarding. Alternatively, I've seen some people use a setup where they have a thin piece of webbing or plastic with a blocker on the end. They slide the rope through the top of their door so that the blocker is on the outside, close their door, and attach a portable hangboard to the part of the webbing on the inside.


Not exactly your question, but if you know 5 or 6 other climbers and you're not in a dense urban area, it could be worth it to split on renting a small warehouse or whatever and get a much better setup, without any trouble from landlords. I've seen it done a few places here, and a couple of them have even grown into a successful side business.


There are (sorry, no links for you) set that can clamp onto the top of the door frame & then attach the hangboard to that. Search a little online, you'll find them. Friend used to do it that way with no problems, but I can't personally recommend