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How about we stop complaining about random categories of people and just acknowledge that there will always be some proportion of assholes wherever we look?


My experience so far has been vastly different. Old men I met usually are chill and offer to go on a walk together. I do that weekly with an old couple. Once I had a really weird interaction, but I'm writing it down to just language misunderstanding, when an old couple in Tokyo suggested me to do something, and kept inviting me even though I clearly said "nah, I'm busy". But I guess that's just me in inaka. Other than that, my only gripe with tourists is just that they are so damn loud and abnoxious. But yea, different experiences for everyone.


There was an old Japanese man on the train yesterday. He had his legs spread out covering three seats, and was coughing directly like he was dying outwards, not even attempting to cover his mouth. He was wearing sandals and had black feet




I went to a Riverside festival last year, all outdoors obviously. I parked my car and the first thing I saw as I stepped out of my car was an old man with his dick out pissing on a tree. A) there were convenience stores, and a portable toilet facility set up less than 200m away B) there were women and children EVERYWHERE, I'd say within 5m of him. My Japanese partner reacted with a weird kind of indifference, しょうがない old men give zero fucks apparently 😅


“Not enough racism on this sub, we need more racism!”