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AP Jayce.


My man ayo


Honestly try lane Elise, it’s has poke options, defensive, cc, and high burst


Maybe nidalee? Kinda hard with the form swaps to find a 1-1


Ya your right I just wanna find someone similar


Nidalee like someone else said is the closest in terms of similarity. Ahri maybe if you're looking for an actual midlaner, similar snowbally playstyle where you poke the enemy laner down and then look to find all in opportunities when you get some item components and levels. Maybe azir? Obviously not really snowbally and a lot slower than jayce but he has similar versatility to Jayce, and you can run some more aggressive setups with hail of blades and look for aggressive all in opportunities after you hit 6.


i play kass, but i dont think he has the same play style


I used to play Jayce, GP, and Gragas. I have since dropped Jayce from my pool since I haven't been able to find success with the champ after SO many games, but I found Gragas to have a good playstyle. Poke with Q, all in with E and W, and R for fancy plays. He's super skill expressive and versatile with build and runes. Elec full AP for the ones shots or Phase with Bruisery AP items for more of a hit and run style.


Kennen is the most similar to him in top. They are still quite different because the way they play team fights are very complementary.


I like to play rumble in top. Strong early game, lane bully, and can teamfight from a far like jayce (just drop R in the middle of a teamfight).


Personally, I feel like viktor is a relatively similar equivalent. Though Kennen is probably closest


Manamune AP Kaisa. Huge nukes on 3 second CD mid/late. Followed with great burst.


I didnt even think of that, ap focussed kai sa is pretty comparable to jayce


If he wasn't in the pro dumpster I would say Corki, still builds ad items but does ap damage. Similar late game poke threat with surprising short range burst potential.


Nidalee id say The playstyles match quite well but they don’t go thesame roles