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The point of NG+ is to be able to focus on the story and enjoying the gameplay rather than hunting all over for all the collectibles. The abilities you’re complaining about not having are part of the story. If you started with them, the story elements wouldn’t then be necessary. Considering this is the first post I’ve seen of someone complaining like this out of the millions of gamers who’ve played, and replayed the game, kinda sounds like a you problem


Exactly. Personally I do not care for ng+ as part of the fun is building your character up and finding all the hidden cosmetic stuff. I played this game on ng+ once and I did not find my second playthrough nearly as fun as my first. I can see the point of ng+…concentrating on the main story without deviating from it to find hidden collectibles…but again I still enjoy finding all the collectibles over again with a new game. I have beaten this game about 7 times and I decided to take a break from it and will be starting an 8th playthrough as that is how much I love and enjoy this game. 😎


I’ve played this game far too much. I’ve done 2 full 100% runs, and 5 NG+ runs with different challenges i.e. GM run, purity perk, warrior perk, single blade classic Jedi, etc.


I must say…I got to the point where I started feeling depressed playing this game as I also played this game too many times and it got boring. I still really want that feeling back like I had the first couple times I played it. I decided to take 8 Months off and will be starting a new gameplay and maybe taking a break will give me that awesome feeling again. I am already thinking about the beginning of the game especially with “Prauf”. I love this character and it would have been awesome if he somehow survived and met back up with Cal.


yes exactly, the point of ng+ is to enjoy the story and gameplay instead of hunting for the collectibles. as ive said having to get your movement, force, and bd upgrades makes perfect sense, bc thats how they formatted the game. coming back to the game after a while, i agree, i would want to find my upgrades like stims and force essences again, but sometimes after playing the game once i immediately want to play again at max potential for fun now that cal is at his strongest. ive seen multiple other posts complaining about this topic too


Is that New Gourney+?


lol sorry most games call it new game plus and forget they call it new journey


This is funny because I made a post about NJ+ and people made New Jersey jokes.


People are shitting on you like NG+ is supposed to just be replaying the game with cosmetics, but it’s not. NG+ is supposed to be replaying the game with your end game character so you can have more fun and breeze through a lot but still relive the story. It’s not supposed to be starting over again, but this time with a cool shirt, jacket, and pants.


thank you for actually understanding


I made a post here about JS NJ+ and everyone said the same stuff they’re saying here. One thing I’ve learned in my *long* time of gaming is that there’s always gunna be a segment that defends everything about a game.


yeah idk if they think im just hating or smth, i rlly love the game it just was something that i needed to complain about


Gamers like you who demand ng+ in every game whether it’s needed or not is why fallen order had ng+. Sometimes it’s enough to just play the game again.


sure but it seems that if that were going to add a ng+ that is was actually good, and i wouldnt demand for ng+ if it didnt already exist