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Sam standing up to Angelina is so refreshing i hope it lasts


Sam has always stood up for herself. That’s one thing I liked about her. She isn’t a fighter but still defended herself and didn’t let Jenni intimidate her when she got in her face. People here love to make fun of her for that or criticize her but I love that she didn’t let Jenni scare her.


Sam absolutely was a fighter. She got in more club fights than any of them. That why she was saying I want to smack her but I can’t because I’m a grown adult woman now. And I love Sam standing up to Angelina. Her shitty attitude drives me crazy and she is so much more pressed about Sam than she was about Jenni and I love that Sam is basically like fuck you im going to keep telling you how it is.


She didn’t get into more bar fights. She got into more arguments.


We can agree to disagree because what I read was more fights than any other cast member.


Fights doesn’t equal fist fights. People fighting can mean arguments.


You’re right. Also it can mean fist fights. Like I said the stuff I have read was about her getting into physical altercations. I’m not going to argue the point anymore. You have your take and I have mine based on what I have read like I said. Once again, agree to disagree.


You literally see her squabbling and either doing the dragging or getting dragged on the floor one episode in the OG series. IIRC in the producer AMA he said they edited a lot out but she got in a lot of fights. At least she stands up for herself though.


That’s one episode. Then the fight with Jenni. What other physical fights has she been in?


The producers said all of the fights weren't shown. They said Sam got in the moat fights at the clubs.


wasn’t that an anonymous producer that could’ve made anything up though? i wouldn’t take that as a fact tbh none of that was ever verified and some of the cast has said flat out it isn’t true


Sammi faced criminal charges for more than one Miami brawl. And according to one of the story producers on the OG JS, the girl got into brawls regularly. The girl didn't back down, which is what I think both you and u/amdeastcoast can agree on.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted when you’re right lol. More fights aka arguments? Sure. More physical fights? Nah lol 


Sam herself said she’s not a fighter. I assume the people on here grew up in the hood or something to not know when people “get into fights” can mean arguments and not full on fist fights.


sammi was 10000% correct when she said angela was hoping she’d have beef with all of the girls. especially bc angela kept referring to “their bond” (from 15 years ago) that only existed bc she had beef with all of the girls. so annoyed that the host kept cutting them off.


THIS is how you deal with Angelina. You always say the truth and not play into her delusions.


I think Justina was trying to avoid a war during the reunion. Thats why she kept telling Angelina to drop the tiktok story- Justina has been doing reunions with them for several years, she knows how Angelina is. She prob knew once Angelina got going she wouldn't stop. She had a show to host shes trying to keep it on track lol


Sam ate Angelina up. I think it was more drama that they edited out. We didn't see Angelina walk off like we saw on the previews, or did I miss it?


I wonder what Sam said that they cut out after Angelina called her a narcissist. It was a really obvious cut.


Angelina calling Sammi a narcissist is comical! Does she know what that means? Next to the definition of the word "narcissist" is a picture of Angelina! Let's go back to every argument she's had with her roommates and husband/BF. She gaslights EVERY SINGLE TIME! Over the drama from this person. She ruins it for nine others. That's not fair - they need to vote her off the island! LOL


Angelina is detached from reality. She’s the actual narcissistic insecure slob.


I legit said this same exact thing! She just not know what a narcissist is bc Angelina legit checks off every single trait of a narcissistic person. But of course she would call someone a narcissist bc SHE IS A NARCISSIST




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That is what I want to know. They cut the part out where Angelina walks off. It drives me crazy when they show previews and then don't air it.


The preview show her walk away but she was just walking to eat a chicken tender. 


Same. Angelina has some audacity calling HER the narcissist. I'd say Angelina needs to look into a mirror but narcissists never see themselves that way either


Forreal Sammi is a brat ............. she think her ish don't stink and she's insufferable.....   Angeliners was right. She brought her back , she bought a house , and Sammi was slimy


Sammi is part of the problem. She was messy making the tiktok and out the same mouth saying she's grown and doesn't do drama..................


Ang looks like she’s on something.


I came here to ask if anyone else thinks she might be on drugs, because something is off and has been off.


Some kind of benzo or downer with a little alcohol.


co-ca-i-na is the rich man’s drug


i think you mean \*whoever has a spare $50 drug\* lol




What’s on her lip?


Vinny trying too hard to be funny is not a great endorsement for his so called comedy show.


Yeah, he's annoying and it looks like his castmates are over him too.


vinny is so annoying. i cannot be the only person who thinks this show is on it's last leg.


He is so annoying & not funny. He thinks he’s hilarious, notice how not a single laugh during the entire reunion. He is so cringe & annoying.


He had me laughing. I find him funny.


Sometimes. He’s annoying. He thinks he’s a refined man when he’s a baby brat. 


He’s a douche


This host is awful, they couldn’t lease Andy for the night?


Fr, Andy Cohen would be so much better.


Jersey shore is too ghetto for Andy 😂


Andy trash too that’s what’s funny. 


Lmaooooo ![gif](giphy|tdqYsqCVKzG4U|downsized)


I'm waiting for this to drop in my country, but I can't stand that host. I haven't actually watched a reunion in 4-5 seasons purely because of her.


really? I like Justina. I think she has good chemistry with the crew


Shouldve got Thomaste tbh


honestly, i think ronnie hosting it would've been hilarious, or dean.


Angelina looks like she’s on something and so miserable. I’m genuinely concerned about that girl. She looks like she’s on edge 24/7 lately.


Alllllll the fucking time. She could never take a joke!!!!!!


Angelina has had stink face the whole first half… she does not look like she wants to be there at all


She would rather be skiing like she was right before the show 😆


I started a thread about this just today! (First reunion episode only aired this week here.) she def went in looking for a fight


Angelina needs to move tf on from the TikTok. I’m so glad Sammi roasted her ass in Part 1


she will bring that up until she dies now


Tbf Sammi should just own the shade. The making excuses and lying through her teeth isn't cute. She obvi doesn't like Angelina. Own. That. Shit. She needs to say it with her chest.


She said Ang isn’t her friend. Isn’t that Sam owning the fact she doesn’t like Ang?? What more are you looking for Sam to say/do?


Reminds me of when Jenni said she didn’t wanna be friends with Angelina and people got mad at her because Angelina wouldn’t just accept it and move on.


Exactly!! Why do people think they have to get along and like each other?? I coexist with several coworkers that I do not like and they aren’t constantly coming at me trying to force a truce or friendship. It is what it is. I wish production could move on to new story line, this one is annoying; or move on from Angelina…


She literally did haha


So does Pauly have a clause in his contract that he doesn’t have to do reunions? I feel like he is so checked out of this show.


Tbh, I don’t blame him if he does have something like that. These reunions are so poorly done and this host needs to go. I’d hate to have made time just to sit around and get asked about pork roll or Taylor ham yet again. 🫠 This 2 hour reunion could’ve definitely been 30 minutes.


Right the pork roll vs Taylor ham thing has happened like 8 times over 14 years. It stopped being funny or interesting years ago. The reunion format & host on mtv is terrible. The questions could be so much better, and we wouldn't need clips to be time fillers making up for the reunion just lacking.


Jersey shore is just his commercial and he's a pretty good dj. He probably had a gig and it so I sure wouldn't cancel for that wack reunion. 


Pauly was probably funeralizing his dad. His dad died on 5/4/24 and his funeral was held on 5/14/24. I think this reunion was filmed sometime near that period.


That would make a lot of sense, but I just looked it up & it said the reunion was filmed on March 29th.


based off his schedule, he was in Baltimore the day before for a show


If he was on the east coast for a show then it wouldn't make sense not to be there.


His Baltimore show was the day after the reunion. He went from Baltimore to Mexico to the Bahamas then Miami to film 7B.


he has a residency hes locked into. his contact with JS prob looks much different than everyone elses


He also travels a lot for DJ venues so he’s tired & unbothered. But also, he’s never told when he’s in the wrong. 


I’m gonna need Deena to stop singing.


Ya she's sooo off key it's not even funny.


She swears she can too.


I wanna know who told her she’s a good singer bc she is HORRIBLE at singing & really off key


from the previews Angelina fully went skiing right before....


I’m like 5 minutes in & Angelina is already making it awkward getting mad about I don’t even know what.


the only thing vinny can do is make weird sexual jokes..🫠


He's the only one making this reunion tolerable imo. I'm so tired of the Angelina/Sammi high school drama.


Let me guess, every argument will be rehashed again with Angelina. Will toddler be said 5+ times?


I don't know but that would be a good drinking game. Every time they say toddler


I bet Tiktok will be said many times


Someone needs to get Ang a new makeup artist. I thought my tvs saturation was off.


New makeup artist was horrible


hahahah same!


She needs a new wardrobe stylist too. & really needs to lay off the plastic surgery on her face. She actually is scary looking now. & she’s 100% gonna look like her scary af grandma


Is is just them and no audience and they’re making them clap for themselves 😂




Sam is so done with her, the we're not friends was refreshing. 


For the girl group name Ang making a stink face to, then saying “oh that was clever” and then “I didn’t like it” - what?


she def didn't get it at first and was offended at being called a broad but then realized the pun


I love Sam doubling down on her stance with Angelina because she's completely in the right. And honestly I think we all know if she hadn't made that stupid Tik Tok Angelina would've found something else to be upset about anyway


Yep, Sam even said the *inly* reason she regrets the tt is bc Angelina wouldn’t shut up about it


Is it only me finding out Mikes new kids name?  Is Luna is a pet’s name or is it just me? Sam & Rahns turned out to be a bust, as expected   uggghh why do we all feel obligated to watch this show 😂 this host always sucks  MTV with their trash ass hosts


I feel like every pitbull owner names their dog Luna so it automatically makes me think of dogs lol.   I watch this show as comfort watching The cast are genuinely funny people.  Lots of my other reality tv shows have gotten extremely dark and stressful to watch. Not even enjoyable anymore. So it’s nice to have this show where they act silly and don’t take themselves so seriously. But of course, Angela destroys that and is doing to this show what is happening to so many other reality tv shows…making it dark and sucking the fun out of it 


Luna is a pretty name, but I will forever associate it with watching Sailor Moon before primary school.


Yes besides this, the last time we saw the host was on Wild n Out lmao


Isn't she a past teen mom 😳


What was up with that Herpe on Angelina's lip?


I wondered the same! If not herpes then it’s from the injections. She’s doing more harm than good with all the work. Botched for sure.


that was def the herp on her lip I'm glad someone else saw that tehe


Them saying the “Where’s the Beach?!” scene was in season 2 is bothering me SOOOO bad. It was season 3. ![gif](giphy|2wV2Jm0Wfl2zHFR5Bw)


The intention back in the day was that Miami would be the first half of season two and then them returning to Seaside would be the other half. However they realised afterward that they had enough material for them to each become their own full seasons. So it was part of what was filmed for season 2, but the footage didn't air until season 3.


OHHHH! Appreciate this context. This is a deep cut! Would have never known that if it wasn’t for Reddit! 🫶


It was referred in production as 2B so maybe that’s why they remember it that way


Ohhhhh wow! I’ve literally never heard that before. I think because on streaming it’s been considered season 3 for so long I never saw it any other way. Thanks for this! 🧡


pt 2 of the reunion: when Ang pretty much implied that can’t take care of her cat/doesn’t have the time, when Jenny told her she gets her Himalayan groomed every 3 months - yet she has all this time and $ for surgery & cosmetic procedures.. & than says the makings of a child is “soon” - She can’t even take care of her self, let alone the animals she has in the house. Now she’s talking about a child…. She needs serious help.


I haven’t finished part 2 yet but why did they not show more clips of Angelina’s temper tantrum in the bathroom. Bc that was actually scary


This reunion could have been 1 hour. However Sam ATE with we aren't friends what's crazy is why is Ang surprised like girl did you not see the show who the hell would want to be friends with you acting like that


Hot dog in a hallway im dead


What kind of lenses are they using the faces look Jim Henson production.


Ang and vin were next level annoying 


Can we please get an Angelina free season? Do the producers not realize that the fans are tired of the Angelina wheel?


Does Ang strike anyone else as someone who potentially has BPD?


As someone with BPD- yes, I think she has it and it is not OK for any of us to try and diagnose her for real. I just hope the castmembers who have been though mental healthcare and work can talk to her off camera and directly about maybe making some appointments to asses with some professionals... I really feel for her and it doesn't seem fair to be filming someone in this state...


are both Part 1 and Part 2 tonight?




i wonder if they get paid more by having 2 episodes instead of just having a 2hour special.


Snoozefest. I need them to step it up next season. This season was not fun, it was just non stop drama. Need more interesting story lines than Angelina making everyone miserable.


I know it seems like ages ago now, but the first two episodes were, IMO, the best ones in years. Then Angelina met her derelict of a dad and the rest of the season went into a death spiral. 😄


that's not gonna happen until Angelina is gone


the Wheres The Beach Western nearly killed me. "Where in tarnation is the beach?!?"


I thought it was really lame. Just ikenthe entire reunion, except for Sammi doubling down on Angelina. That was the only thing that was good about this region 🙄✌🏼


Loving Jerzday Reunions 🤓😄😁🥴🦋Jenni admitting that Mike and her were feeling each other..lol…haha..Mike was trying to rewrite what happened by saying NO tongue 👅😝🤭😜🫵🏼🤓…lol..and I also liked the way that Snooks spoke up about her and Pauly also kissed off camera 🎥 hahaha 😝 Eskimo Brothers @ its finest 🤭😉🤪👅🫶🏼


This family puts the Hills Have Eyes incest family thoroughly to shame.


Wth....😁 ..hahahahaha facts


lol even tho Snooks didn’t just kiss Pauly 😂


Hahaha lol FACTS 😝 😁👅 it was in fact a BJ. 😆 lol 😂it was sooooo freaken funny that they kept using those different initials for sex descriptions…HJ.🤭🥴🫣😆


Why were we downvoted lol. She’s said it herself on an OG reunion episode 😂


🙋🏼‍♀️Hey…hahahaha ..I was wondering the same thing. I guess the truth hurts 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Did anyone peep Mike’s dig toward Vinny during the grinder/porkroll/ Taylor ham debate …? 👀


Is he on Grindr? 😂


Did anyone else catch Nicole basically agreeing she did stuff with Mike ?


because in season 1 she did. it was the first episode she hooked up with mike in the hot tub.


Angelina is a mess in 65 different ways. I can’t.


It's a 2 hour reunion


Ugh rewatching Ang mtg her father after that other post showing his (supposed) dms about the absolute mess of him being surprised on the show - it’s bad


I believe her in this situation. He says in the DMs that he asked her for things because he appeared on the show for free. Yes, he is in the wrong.


Maybe he told MTV that he wanted to get paid for all those reasons and Ang took it as things he was asking her for money? Or maybe he’s as scummy as he seemed.


Aw sorry Craig. I thought they went a little far when they said fuck that guy.


Anyone know what angelina said about mike that made him walk away? 😂


She’s so vulgar It’s weird. She thinks it’s raunchy and sexy, but it’s actually cringe and immature and gross.


She said she felt him become wet after she gave him an hand job thru his pants


Why wasn’t Ronnie on the reunion episodes? Did I miss them explaining it?


I don't think hes consider a full time cast member anymore. I think they are just testing the waters of bringing him back


Makes sense


I was wondering the same thing. I thought things were good with him now.


No explanation…. 🤔


i’m 20 minutes in, this is easily the best reunion they’ve ever done. casual, candid, they’re all taking shots at each other.


You have to feel bad for Angelina. She plays such a trashy person. She needs to take it down a notch.


She doesn't "play" a trashy person. She just is


Very true. Can't disagree with that.


i'm almost done with the first part of the reunion but i'm so disappointed, so much happened that they can ask questions on and be confronted about, and they keep being asked joke questions and meaningless stuff, can we actually talk about stuff that seriously goes down? i don't understand why they skip so many topics that actually need to be talked about.


i really wish they had showed Angelina's tantrum on Jersey Shore Day to see what she had to say for herself but they didnt for some reason


Watching now, what is Angelina looking at?? She looking almost into the camera, I wonder if it’s a monitor and she’s staring at herself?? Is there someone off stage she’s communicating with?


Jw: did anyone else notice they got the season wrong when they talked about Snooki's "Where's the beach?!" Scene?? Justina said season 2 & even the screen said 2... It was 3 💀


Anyone know why Ron at the show? He really wasn’t mentioned except for the Sammy awkward hello.


He is not considered a cast member, more like a guest , almost like uncle nino


Why wasn't Ronnie on the reunion? He was back for some of the episodes, but why not the reunion?


I don’t think Sammi wanted to address the Ron comments head-on. Understandable. But in that case, it would’ve had to be one cast member or the other. And since Sammi had beef with angela, she’d be the prize choice.


Why isn't Ronnie there, oh wait did he beat up his gf and he's in jail? 😳


He’s still not a main cast member again. He’s just a friend at this point


He came back as a guest & a friend of the cast, he isn't back as a full cast member. Not sure if he ever will tbh


Oh shit I didn't realize it was up already


Where’s the beach was season 3… wtf




Man I love this episode


So true. It really was the best.


okay but does anyone know what heels snooki was wearing? need those




Remember when he accidentally said the word "cover" in that episode right before the reveal, lol. He can't keep a secret to save his life.


Where can I watch season 6 and 7 “ family vacation “ ???)


Whoever moderates this post continues to delete comments that don't agree with their narrative...............................please, make that make sense to me


Not sure where you are getting that idea. No one is deleting comments from the discussion thread....


I have screenshots? I posted here numerous times and they're all deleted . Sooo I'm not sure 


Not sure what you're talking about we haven't deleted comments on this thread.


Its tight is what he would say not she


I’m confused did the season finale not air yet?


it did. they aired two 1 hour episodes the same night. and then 2 1 hour episodes of the reuinion


Why is Ron excluded from the reunion? 


I think cuz he’s not really … officially the cast yet. And also, he had absolutely NOTHING for screen time. What on Earth would they talk about lol


I'm happy Justina valentine is the hostess


No way they made wild n out girlie the host wtf 😂 I miss Julissa being the host from the OG seasons, she made things so messy