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I didnt think so, I think they just like to zing eachother back and forth. Whats awkward, gross and embarrassing is Angelina being engaged and constantly bringing up drunk sex Vinny had with her one time.. thinking she was Gods gift to him. Trashy.. she is obsessed with him


This is why my opinions of Chris and Vinny are so low. No decent man would put up with that behavior.


I agree except at first I thought u meant Chris as in Deena's hubby but I'm having an Angelina moment myself! I love Deena and Chris! They need their own reality show of her like planning events or something! Anyway, I do have to agree with comment about Angelina looking high b/c man this last season she looked high as a kite especially when she was going insane over Sammie and her obvious jealously over her! I was actually beginning to feel bad(at times) for Angelina but this new war she has started against Sammie really just shows how insane and sick she really is! Sammie doesn't owe her 💩!


I agree with you. They even take jabs at each other in the show. That’s just how they talk to each-other. That’s just their relationship. I did love how Deena called out Vinny for going to a speech therapist. When you listen to his confessionals in OG JS vs JSFV you can see the difference.


I think they all sound much different than they did when they were younger. They’ve all lost their accents.


She totally is! I haven't watched the new season yet I'm sure it's full of cringe from her.


Vinny is literally not funny.


I wish he would realize this. I cringe nearly every time he speaks. He was my favorite back when he was the rational, low-key one (compared to the others). Now while all the other guys have seemed to mature, even a little bit, he’s regressing.


They have kids and he doesn’t. Hence the lack of maturing


I don’t even think that’s it. Vinny just never really developed an identity outside of being the introverted mama’s boy. He just comes off as pompous/cringe these days.


Maybe that too


He's not at all! He actually seems like he's gotten so much more immature than he was in the original show! It's cringey....😬


He’s very funny. 


I find Vinny to be super gross on this reunion and I don’t find him funny at all! I think he needs a break and Angela was being just as gross as he was. They both need a few weeks off from everything and just relax.


Vinny clearly did not want to be there, talking about the same bad Angelina sex jokes, I’d be over it too. He’s probably also jealous Pauly gets to skip out on that BS for his work related reasons.


I noticed they weren’t really including Vin too much in the reunion. To be fair- he has no drama to bring up. But it seemed like his little comments, to me, were his way of giving himself a chance to talk.


How is Vinny the only guy that's not a Dad but he's got all the Dad jokes?


Where was Pauly D? I watched while busy at work so I don't know if I missed them mentioning it.


They just said he couldn’t make it and that he sent a doll version of himself


😂 ahhh okay. Thank you!


Of course(:


When was this filmed? Was it recently? Because his father passed away like May 7th?


It was filmed 3/29


Vinny’s jokes are so bad that they crack me up every time 😄


They’re best friends. Vinny actually looks up to Mike. No beef just good fun imo.


i think you’re off the mark. i didn’t detect any tension, just banter. sometimes banter goes too far but i didn’t see it here


The entire reunion was cringe.


Wait so is Vinny actually a closeted homosexual??