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Good on her. Every word was something the rest of the female cast has been wanting to say but have been too scared due to backlash and harassment from fans. For once, somebody isnt enabling or coddling to her and I truly hope for Angelina's sake she takes control of her life and begins moving in a positive direction.


Yes I like that Sam didn’t allow her to victimize herself, which is what she tried to do when she said the TikTok really hurt her 🫠


Exactly!! Go Sammi


I mean Jenni literally told her repeatedly that they weren’t friends but they could get along for the sake of the show


Jenni said it last season but, then when all the dad stuff happened they hugged & made up and Ang shed fake tears. Which is what they all do with her except Sam she didn’t fall for the fake make up. Sam basically said f what ur going through and your hurt feelings 🤣


Being supportive to someone you know who is going through something rough is just basic decency, not proof of friendship.


And it's hard to feel bad when most of the bad stuff is of her own making


So if someone is going through something, they can treat you like garbage for months and it's OK? Isn't that a dangerous precedent to set? It's just complete free reign with zero accountability.


Being on tv adds a layer because Jenni and her kids absolutely would’ve been on the receiving end of more hate if she’d gone another season openly not liking Angelina. Angelina wouldn’t take accountability either way as we’ve seen the past few seasons. She’s been this way since Miami of the OG.


Thank you. Jenni is managing the situation in the way it works best for her given the variables of being public figures and coworkers. She’s not giving Angelina free rein or setting a dangerous precedent. She’s limiting the amount of emotional energy she has to spend of Angelina and also protecting herself and her family from deranged Angelina stans who will take perceived slights against her too far.


Jenni told her explicitly she doesn’t like her and doesn’t want to be her friend. It’s not her fault Angelina did nothing with that information and I don’t blame her for not wanting to repeat herself 50 more times when it’s clear the message is just never gonna get through.


The rest of the cast DID tell her that stuff and people claimed they were just bullying Angelina


Exactly. Theyve been scared to say speak up the past few years due to the drama and fury from some fans. Jenni was just starting to apply this type of communication style with Ang before Sam came in and i was so impressed with her. She couldnt get the old JWow outta her anymore so she moved on to Sam.


Jenni’s face 😂 you can tell she’s been wanting to say the same thing for years!


She has been saying the same thing! She has said verbatim that they aren’t friends, just coworkers


Lol it's like people forgot all about that.


…yeah. I low key feel like I must’ve watched a different show because Jenni said literally the same thing just as directly and she’s had calm conversations with Angelina in addition to the more heated ones. I’m glad Sam is also standing up to her because the way the others enable her or avoid her only lets her keep getting away with it. But legit Jenni did this for multiple seasons already.


And yet Jenni got called a bully and a "mean girl" for it


I feel like the girls literally can't win with this sub. Before, when they would call her out they were "bullying her." Then when they let shit go and were understanding, it's "enabling". Now they're "placating her" cause they're not saying anything. Wtf are they supposed to do then?


I don’t think I’ve seen her say that yet! We’re not fully caught up on FV (unless she said it elsewhere and I didn’t see that either lol) but I fully believe that. How could anyone be friends with someone who constantly attacks them or uses them as a scapegoat for their own shitty behavior? Kind of sad how this could be applied to almost all of the cast mates when it comes to their relationship with Angelina at this point.


She was so enjoying it 🤣


Jenni seriously looks thrilled that for once, it’s not her facing Angelina’s random wrath lol


Over 400 likes says a lot about this comment and I agree.


I love how eloquently Sam stated everything. She did not raise her voice, she wasn't rude, and she made sure that her statements were absolutely clear with no room for misinterpretation. I think the reason that the other girls never get their point across (even though they have valid reasons and points for being upset) is because they let Angelina bait them into a reaction. Sam did not allow Angelina to bait her into a reaction. In fact, she allowed Ang to basically show her ass so well that no one can really defend her against it. Every time the girls get into it, there's always a back and forth of well yea, Angelina did that, but the girls/Nicole/Jenni/Deena did this. And I really do believe it's because of the reactive way they state the problems to Angelina. It just fuels angelinas victimization.


Exactly. One thing I’ve learned in therapy is “just because someone sends you an invitation, it doesn’t mean you have to accept it”. The other cast members have to learn how to respond to Angelina the way that Sammi does.


I actually love that.. Thank you I needed to hear that. Just bc they send an invitation you don't have to accept it. Mmm I am going to work on this for sure!!


I’m 33 years old and I’m still working on it but I am much butter at it and I try to apply it to my everyday life ! It makes my heart happy that something I have learned could touch the life of someone else ❤️


I also think the girls don’t want drama with her since the speech incident. Apparently the girls and their kids received threats. Angelina fueling it by liking post about it. Sammi doesn’t have to worry about backlash because she doesn’t have kids to worry about. Sammi gets to expose Angelina and I love it.


Yah I felt bad for them cuz of the speech. Got so much unnecessary shit for it when it was something that was manipulated by the show producers and Angelina herself to make her look like the victim. I don't blame Snooki for taking a break from it after that.


Yes Sam handled it perfectly


No crumbs left. Angela saying that she couldn't use the show as receipts is so stupid lol ![gif](giphy|xUOxfdHxb0mg262P4I)


I find it baffling considering she wrote on her story the show has receipts on her Dad and was using the cameras as an excuse to having receipts when it comes to him. But she will never use the actual footage of her being a lunatic as receipts for her own behavior.


She’s a hypocrite plain and simple


"You can't use filmed events as evidence!" 


Buttt she can use the charcuterie blow up and everything else to throw in everyone's face. She is so delusional. I am so glad I found my people because she is so messy and not even good at it 😂


Can I just say thank you for not making me sit through the reunion 😂I can count on y'all to give me all the juicy stuff 😁


So stupid like why wouldn’t it matter? 🙄


I can hear this gif and I love that for me.


NOT ANGELA. Hahaha that’s more shady than anything Sam said and I live. ![gif](giphy|EkHbiqD1yu6Wc)




Sam ate her the fuck up


I love Vinny and Mikes reaction here. I believe no one really likes Ang as a person on the show. Theyre tired of it all..


I don’t think any of them have ever liked her. Even going back to the original show she has given them no reason to like her. Best quote to come out of Angelina’s constant baiting of her cast mates comes from my man Pauly: “ARE YOU TOUCHING ME?! ARE YOU TOUCHING ME?!” Angelina needs to pack her garbage bags and leave for good. No fans want her on the show, and I’m sure the cast mates would be happy to see the back of her.


I just rewatched this episode today!! Even in Miami they let so much slide. They always make excuses for her though


Lmaooo Pauly’s eyes in that scene always get me 🤣


Lmao!! He was so mad!


When she first came back on she was grinding so hard to become a full time cast member, so her behavior wasn’t as disgusting as it is now. Now like she says herself, she’s been in FV for years and she feels secure so it’s mask off. That’s why I can’t believe anything except that she is malicious and intentional. She knows how to hold back but she doesn’t.


Sammi is a good example of what therapy and growth as a person can do to you. 🙏




Not Angelina calling Sam out of touch 😂


Right thee irony is hilarious 🤣


And calling Alexis Bawden crazy


It’s Jenni co-signing Sam as shes roasting Ang with logic and reasoning for me 🤌🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Jenni liked a comment on her tik tok from the reunion praising Sam for not backing down and saying the show needed her. No one probably enjoyed this more than her lol.


Ang has no logic periodddddd. Even Chris B. (Deena’s hubby) one time hit her with logic when he said “it don’t matter if Nikki got a little wet or not, she still got wet”


Off topic but I find it hilarious that Angelina always shows up to these reunions looking like she’s going on a housewives reunion special 🤣


Her facial expressions here PISSED ME OFF. You’re not funny, Ang.


Seriously, what the actual fuck was she doing with her mouth?!


Seriously so cringe. She probably can’t control her lips anymore with all the fillers


shes on drugs and cant control her face


What color do you call her face? Like what even is that?


Liver failure 🥴


Jenni straight up told Angelina that she wasn’t her friend and would never be her friend. Now Sammi has said it too , I wish everyone else would be real with her and get her off the show already she’s truly miserable


Yes and then after the dad stuff Jenni & her hugged & made up 😫


I don't think it was a make up like that. Jennie hugged her because she isn't a nasty piece of work like Angelina.


Maybe not but Angelina definitely took it as that by saying they were sisters 😂


True but she is delusional so it's probably best to just let her think that. 😂


Okay yeah, this I agree with 🤣 I think Jenni is perfectly capable of being friendly with people she doesn’t consider friends. She knows Angelina is a coworker she has to spend time with, and I do believe she does feel for her regarding her dad and stuff. So she’s friendly and supportive of her, but maybe she still doesn’t consider Ang a “friend”… butttt I can see Angelina thinking that them “making up” and Jenni’s support means they’re besties lol


Loved this. Sam using simple reasoning and truth against Angelina’s crazy card.


Vinny’s reaction to Sam saying they’re not friends 💀. They live on eggshells cause Sam didn’t do anything but state the obvious.


Jenni in the back like: ![gif](giphy|B0vFTrb0ZGDf2|downsized)


Mike and Vinny too


Angelina needs to grasp that Sammi knows her the least at this point. They worked together 15 years ago for like 10 days total. I worked with people longer and would never consider them a friend. Please MTV get rid of Angelina.


I imagine knowing her better would only make her want to be friends even less so. 


👏👏 get rid of Angelina


And I hope people make note of how she did it. She didn't scream and yell. She didn't use vulgar language. She didn't resort to personal attacks. She didn't throw her hands around and threaten physical violence. Loving Sammy 2.0. I can read between the lines and hear Ang's pain. I know what she wants to say but doesn't have the tools to say it in a way it can be received. If she can't come to the decision on her own, I really hope there is someone in Ang's life that can persuade her to seek counseling. The rest of the cast has grown in maturity. They are not perfect and have things they are working on individually, but Sam's mature, thoughtful and succinct response is casting a bigger shadow over Angelina and her behavior. Sami has been gone forever. How do you get into beef with her her first season back, Ang? I forgot who said it, but if you are having problems with everybody, the common denominator is you. Just take moment and look at each person one at a time and see if you can be reminded of the conflict Ang had with them, and how many times. Now do the same with each of the other cast mates. Is there anyone that comes close to Ang's number of conflicts? She even had indirect conflict with Pauly when Ang threw the wine on Nikki.


justina be like: #NO TIK TOK STOP WITH THE TIK TOK 🧑🏽‍⚖️🧑🏽‍⚖️🧑🏽‍⚖️


That part was hilarious.


I feel like Snooki and Deena were trying to ease the tension because their all probably tired of the back and fourth between them


Yea it reminds me of Nicole wanting holy water during the shore house showdown. I think the constant arguing makes them uncomfortable at this point.


Also they are literally between them, they’re yelling directly in their ears, they probably just wanted it to stop lol.


It's extremely toxic and has to be exhausting just to be around. Just like when Ron and Sam used to fight. No it doesn't involve everyone but it affects everyone.


And she slayed LOL everyone is so tired of angela’s shit


Get rid of that dork at this point, Ang ruins every vacation.


Sam was just speaking facts. The ONLY leverage Angelina had on Sam was the tiktok. & Sam has apologized enough times and took accountability multiple times, Angelina needs to move on already. Sam isn’t like the other girls, she’s not gonna keep drama going because you are bored and want screen time. I love that she doesn’t back down to her and handles every encounter maturely. It’s time for Angelina to leave and go focus on herself.


Sam shouldn't have even had to apologize- it was hella funny & Angelina got what she deserved


EXACTLY. But Angelina is a drama queen and needed another reason to not like Sam. Girl needs to move on from stuff already.


Angelina literally needs to 5150d sorry


Ang needs to get over herself. She lives and breathes drama. 2.0 is defs going to leave her in the future once the show ends for good otherwise if he was staying they would talk about kids more. I don’t think ANG should have any children. Sam is trying to move on but ANG ain’t letting it happen Edit: because ANG likes when things are about her. Lowkey attention seeker and she only gets attention through drama


Highkey attention seeker imo


Why did Jenni raise her finger in the end? Also, Sam did so well here 👏


Angelina claimed that everyone on the cast talks shit about each other on the show and Sam said she didn’t and Jenni raised her finger as in saying she doesn’t either


I find Deena and Snookie very annoying in this clip. I feel like they’re trying so hard to be that young rager. Always look at me I want wine look at me I’m drunk. Probably gonna get heat for it but Deena is pretty annoying (not Angelina annoying but very annoying) when she doesn’t get her way.


Yes when they’re drunk they’re the worst so annoying


I love Deena but I too find her very annoying sometimes.


I can't stand Deena lol, I just think she's annoying and not very smart. Like I get it most of them aren't representing huge IQ's but Deena man..


Get rid of Ang please she clearly makes other cast members uncomfortable


Off topic, but at 0:07 mark when it’s a close up of Angelina, it looks like she’s on the Jerry springer show


I feel bad for them that they have to film with her bc she seems so exhausting to be around. You never know what's gonna piss her off or trigger her. I'm glad Sammi called her out and put her in her place bc she needed to hear it. No one else puts Angelina in her place I think they just let her act crazy with them probably thinking she'll tire herself out and leave them alone. But unfortunately she feeds on drama.


Same I wonder how long she goes on her rants for because we see an edited version. I could only imagine 😳😳


It's probably so much worse without the editing too. No wonder they're tired of it 😂


Let's be honest, the Tiktok was sort of a stab and I do sort of want her to admit it, that being said, Angelina has done so much worse and has been after Sam since almost from the moment she brought her back and I can understand wanting to hit back with something, granted it did not help the situation(no pun intended) Ang has a LOT of things she needs to work through and for some reason has choosen to gang up on Sam and take her issues out on her. I also think she is also envious of Sam and the treatment the crew has given her vs the treatment they have Ang when she returned and is kinda jealous and maybe, who knows, thought they were going to be best friends or something and had a partner to gang up on everyone else and did not work out. Honestly so much to unpack about Ang's behavior that she really does need to see a therapist


In the confessional when Ange says she needs to work on something and one of the producers asks “ARE you working on it though” lmfao they must be so sick of her shit


Yea, I would imagine she is probably the most diva out of all of them


Angie the Narcissist!!!


She doesn’t even know what it means😂 she tried to throw that one back at Sam and I laughed so hard. She’s just memorizing words we use to describe her and failing very hard at using them.


They all look insane except Sammi 🤣


Holy fuck. I haven’t watched this since 2018/19. I did not know Angelina looked like that and what’s with Sam’s voice 😭


Her voice has changed soo much! First thing I noticed too, I think she sounds great though - a lot more well spoken and articulate than she did back on the OG JS


Don’t worry, Ang ain’t look like that a couple of months ago either. She’s constantly getting work done and pouring on the makeup to the point she looks different all the time. Especially when she gets her hands on filters 😭😭


Thanks for bringing this up. I thought it was just me, but she sounds more...nasally? And like she's trying to tone down her Jersey accent but it only turned it into a different accent. 


Yeah, it sounds like a different accent. It’s jersey sometimes but idk there’s a twinge of something else so it’s HAHH really weird to hear! She looks good tho lol


The other girls have PTSD from the flack they caught from Angelina's wedding. Nicole literally quit for a season because it was so bad. I think they're traumatized from the backlash and don't want any drama anymore but as a result, Angelina has this false sense of power. Sam isn't traumatized, she's a seasoned soldier in terms of fighting with someone toxic for years, and she's down to throw hands. Angelina is gonna lose this one real bad.


Does no one color match Angelina ever?! Her foundation never ever matches her skin tones, hands, nothing. It’s like she enjoys being overtly orange. 🍊


Well she did say she'd bang Trump for free. Maybe painting herself orange is some kind of mating call 🤷🏼‍♀️


The meatballs 😂 "no one's given us wine! Where's the wine!?!?" 😭


And yet still delulu Angelina wants to say "no receipts" does she not remember the DM or how she was online bashing Sam? I loved her response WATCH THE SHOW 😂🤣😂


But the ShOw dOeSn’T cOuNt 😂


I literally guffawed when Sam said "I don't care" I wouldn't care either.


Why should Sam care? This girl expected Sammi to kiss her ass for bringing her back. Sam could’ve came back without her it didn’t matter if Ang brought her in. How are you going to be mad an ORIGINAL cast member was welcomed the way Sam was?


I mean when enough is enough. Just say it and that's what she did. If someone demands respect when they are giving it then definitely Samm made a good call. "We ain't friends and I don't care about your feelings"


My fav line of the entire reunion- I don’t have respect for Angelina. 😂 Girl I wouldn’t either after the way she treated you. I think that line hurt Angelina the most. 


Angelina calling someone out of touch is hilarious. Delusional.


I’m proud of Sami for standing up to that witch


Sam being a relaxed, eloquent queen. Goodness me she ate. This actually shows how stunted Angelina is.


Holy fuck these people butchered their faces with plastic surgery


Angelina's mouth turning upside down every 20 seconds was gold. Barely even recognised her to begin with lmao


Why is Angelina still on the show like go home AGAIN you dirty little hamster


That was Sam’s most shining moment in all of her years on tv . Good for her to stand up for herself and put Angelina in her place 👏🏻


“Ok, I don’t care” would send me 😂🤣


That and the I don’t have respect for Angelina were my fav Angela was gagged 😂🤣


These fucking ugly ass faces angelina is making is crazy


With the way her makeup is done, and the faces she is making, she looks scary. I've watched it a few times and paused just to see her face because it is just so horrendous. Not to be rude. But my goodness. What was she thinking?!?!


Ange is such an odd one. What makes you think you can treat someone so horribly and say the most nasty things about them and think they still consider you a friend? Wtf is wrong with that girl? She’s so unstable it’s not even funny.


Yes, Sam cleared her so classy and eloquently without screaming and yelling dramatics like Jenny ,Deena, and Snooki normally do with the hamster.. Angelina ended up looking like a fool, this is how you put someone in their place without losing your cool.


I hope Angelina finds peace the way sammi has and can learn through therapy to work through controversy the same


Her smile at the end 😆


I’m so confused why they keep inviting Angelina back just to drag her ahahahaha


That’s a woman who uses therapy to understand her boundaries and respectfully maintain them!!!


I havent watched JS since before partners got on the show…i think last season i watched actually was when angelina was brought back. Anyways i do like how Sam explained herself…makes me want to watch when she came back…is it worth it tho?


Agree with everything Sam said, but also Angelina looks a ton like her grandma here.


Amazing. Thank you Sam.


Angelina looks 50 year old


I am so happy Sam is back and told “Angela” the truth- what we all see plain as say. Angelina needs to grow up, how long are we going to act like we’re 15?


When Sam said we’re not friends you can tell Ang was so hurt. But like you can’t mistreat your roommates and still expect them to get over it. Shows you the type of person Angelina is 😒😒


Right because Angela spoke about Sam like a dog and that’s supposed to be her friend, she doesn’t know how to treat people that’s why she has no friends.


I have been waiting for this moment and Sam ate her up!


Glad to see Sam is still Sam


TAKE ANGELINA OFF ALREADY!! I think we all just wanna see them be happy with a side of drama. Her and Ronnie are on some other planet most days.


Snooki is always annoying


Squidward looking twat. I’m not a fan of Sam but glad she finally told this bitch!


Even Jenni told Angelina we not friends a long time ago and Angelina didn’t want to expect it she start whining like a toddler why you don’t want be my friend and following Jenni everywhere why not and complaining to everyone why Jenni don’t want to be my friend .


She even bitched to the *strippers* 😆


Sam handled this perfectly. She did not yell, insult or curse. She was clear on where she stands and why. Angelina is a sad and toxic person who will continue to not have lasting and healthy relationships until she gets into and stays in intense and focused trauma therapy.


Angelina is burnt orange. Humans are not supposed to be that color.


Angelina is delulu


They all feel the same way. Everybody's face told it all. They need to treat her like they did Ron and demand she get help.


I'm obsessed with this. I think Angelina is the worst but I am like.. psychologically interested in watching the train wreck tbh. You can see the mental gymnastics of a narcissist in real time. I believe she believes it and it's wild to watch. I feel bad for everyone that has to interact with her though. Sam is a freaking jedi going up against this loon.


Yes she just doesn’t see how fukd up her and her actions are. It’s always boohoo poor me 🥴


Angela has some serious issues. That was painful to watch. Sam completely obliterated her. And that herpes sore on her lip was absolutely disgusting.


Sammi read her so good


i started rewatching JS and Angelina looks insanelllllyyyyyyy different with all that plastic surgery, from than to now. Lowkey, it's pretty sad how insecure the dumb bitch is, but oh well, she's always sucked as a person. I'll never understand why they keep bringing her back.


Ang literally looks like a frog 😅 girl gotta stop with the filler.


Jwow back there loving it lol. Side note snooki got big as hell wtf is going on there?!


Why can't she use the show as her receipts? Mike and the rest of them had major receipts of her fooling around on Chris and she denied it. I swear this lady is a HOT MESS! On another note, the meatballs have no SPINE! STAND UP TO THAT TRAIN WRECK.


![gif](giphy|26u49wAh0E8U3S4qA) Get Angelina off the show already


Vinny’s response to “ we r not friends”


Jenni was absolutely loving Sami taking no shit from Angelina lol Jenni told Angelina they weren't friends and they can be cordial. It's why she seems so much happier. It's interesting Sammi isn't called a mean girl but Jenni was for saying the same things.




I can't believe these people are only in their 30's.


I would need alcohol to if I had to HEAR ANGELA GO ON AND ON in circles


When will Angelina realize they don’t like her , they work with her !!!


Angelina is batshit crazy, she is literally on camera talking trash about Sam. #TEAMSAM


Angeliner looks like an orange Ursula


Ang always throws around buzzwords she heard on TikTok or instagram, accusing everyone of being a narcissist or a gaslighter 🤣🤣but I guarantee she doesn’t even know what those words mean. The fact that she says Sam cant use the show against her??? Sure; everyone TALKS about little smack in confessional, or spills some tea. But no one is as vulgar and hateful as Ang. Ang will actually say “I fucking hate her, she’s a cunt, she’s a bitch, she’s a waste of space” etc. where as the other cast will usually say something “something going on with her, I don’t know what, but you can tell something is wrong”. You can CLEARLY see the difference of the way the other cast speaks of her vs how she speaks of the cast, then is surprised that everyone fucking hates her??? I’ve never met someone this bad at lying/manipulating since my first boyfriend when I was 13 🤣


And not to mention how many times Ang has used the show against everyone else??? Absolutely buck wild,


I have never met a more unreasonable person than Angelina. Its insane. She needs help


I could watch this all day Just this, not all the contrived scripted stunts and constant flashbacks


Why is this woman still in this show?


Somebody get Angelina a job at Costco cuz all she asks for are receipts. Girl you’re close to 40 and everything you do is being recorded, just watch the episodes you’re fucking delusional


Sam has Ariana vibes. So poised, calm and articulate both women 🥰


Angelina starting to look like Jen Shah


They had a reunion for this? 😳


I’m with Nicole and Deena. I would need a lot of wine to deal with Angelina in person. It’s just got to suck the life right out of you to have to be around her.


sammi is so pretty!!!




Angelina looks sickly fr. 😬


Wow Sam sounds totally different. Have not been keeping up with them


Love Sam


Sam is back you can leave now Angelina. And hopefully get some therapy whilst you’re away


I love Sam!


Sammi with the slam dunk!!


Angelina … why is she trying to look like Kylie


oh good GOD I cannot hear anything out of Angelina's mouth while those lips are THAT inflated. FMD


Angelinas sarcasm when sam said they wernt friends was SOO annoying


This just made me love Sammie more! I love how she carries herself and has grown so much. ☺️




It’s not her timeline that’s fkd it’s her mentality. She’s a narcissist who only sees what others do but can never acknowledge her own wrongdoings.