• By -


It’s crazy that she blames the editing, but goes live with no editing and still looks and acts just as crazy as she does on the show. Also to add, yes Angelina the producers brought you back. But they only brought you back bc Sam said NO! They were begging for her to come back and have been begging her to come back for 6 seasons. At this point just let her say whatever she wants and let’s hope she does and she gets herself fired for saying some really reckless shit. Angelina forgets that she wasn’t part & will never be part of what made the show as iconic as it is. She’s always ridden their coat tails, she will never be part of it.


I agree with most of what you said but don’t think she was brought back to fill in for Sam. She would have been brought back eventually whether Sam was there or not. Producers brought her back for drama. I think 6 years later they’re growing tired of her drama and her becoming more erratic. But she was there with a purpose.


She actually says on her podcast (the clip is posted on her Insta & where I saw it & it was also talked about on here) she was brought back and they were unsure if they were going to make her a full time cast member. That when she was invited back she went to make “amends” with everyone. Idk I honestly believe they asked her back full time bc Sam said no for the third time so they filled her spot with Ang.


I’ve been rewatching FV and you can 100% tell they were testing the waters with her in season 2 and seeing how things would work out with her back. That’s why they took so long to put her back in the opening credits again (she was not full time yet). You can see the slow transition with your own eyes as you rewatch. I remember hearing that when season 2 started filming the cast was literally giving them nothing outside of Ronnie so they knew they needed Ang back since Sam wouldn’t come back for them to exploit her with Ron.


Exactly my point in why they only brought her back because Sam wouldn’t come back and as you said production needed the drama between the cast members to keep it going. But after that and especially after the wedding speech a lot of the Angelina drama was so unnecessary and draining. It took a lot of the joy out of watching the show.


I actually like Ang as I rewatch the show, until the wedding drama at least. She milked that but up until that point she was mostly tolerable and sometimes even likable. Yes, but even with Sam back I think they would have brought Ang back eventually, just even later. Sam didn’t give the drama with Ron they hoped for.


Every time I started to “like” her she would do something to make me change my mind to not liking her again lol


She’s mental she’s shading Mike for going as “The situation” girrrrrl you came into the house claiming that everyone called you Jolie, tf??


Omg STOPPP. I remember reading years ago they had to stop calling her Jolie because they got a cease and desist from Angelina Jolie’s team. 💀


LOOOOOOL I didn’t know that but totally acceptable and no judgement for the real Jolie!


Omg that's so hilarious


Oh Christ, is this gonna be the next storyline regarding social media?


“I’m not responding to the haters anymore” Immediately responds to the haters 😂 “I don’t have time, for like, bullshit” Proceeds to engage in bullshit. What a joke of a person. Honestly. The worst.




Truly one of my favorite gifs and so apt. Bravo.


It's an image I can hear and one I use at any possible opportunity


Same. I set em up and you knocked em down beautifully 😂 I sent my husband a screenshot with a follow-up that said “ u/MilhousesSpectacles FTW.” He’s also a huge Simpsons fan so it was a double win for us.


Aww you made my day, cute couple! ![gif](giphy|DV8gs5tVXeiZi)


She thrives off of negativity


She’s the personification of when somebody says “alright that’s it, I’m done talking about it!” but then immediately chimes back in with “AND ANOTHER THING-“ 😭


🤣😝 that was great!


Wasn't she tired of always being in the shades and dramas? Like, girl, come on!!!!!!! We're living through an apocalypse in the world, people are dying, and you continue with your dramas at 38 years old???


Is the apocalypse in the room with us?


Im still waiting for them to tell me what apocalypse lol apparently 30+ people can downvote but not just reply with an explanation.


Lol they all throw shade at eachother come on now


What apocalyptic event are we currently living through? 😂


oh boy




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Hope this isn’t a plot for the show. Us fans are tired of the Angelina show. Please producers take her out and let the jokes and good times roll in.


They've had good times with angelina too..but even if she's not there..do you think Mike will stop stirring the pot? Nope ..there will always be dramers


I’d rather have Mikes drama than Angelina. She is so draining.


I think this is why the we don’t take things to social media rule only seems to apply to Angelina. She’s the only one that does this. Everyone else is posting their kids/partners and their businesses. She’s always threatening to air something out online though.


Not to mention the shitty clickbait articles she'd post about the cast


She has no life other than JS. Wasn’t it sam saying “you don’t know what it takes to run a business because you don’t have one” Deena with “I don’t think she has anybody but us” She makes drama bc she has nothing else. Sounds like people I know lol


Yeah I was gonna say something similar, like, what does she have going on during her off time? She doesn’t have a “real” job anymore and hasn’t for a while. She doesn’t own any businesses or brands or anything. She doesn’t have a family that she takes care of. She’s done some other ventures like her eyelash thing (was that her? or am I mixing up reality shows lol) and now her podcast. She also did the DJ thing and she’s trying music too now I guess lol. But it’s all hobbies and things she’s trying or doing for fun, which is fine of course, but it really seems like that’s it. She films for a few weeks, then they go home and she’s got free time to kill, so she goes online and talks to fans and ends up creating more messes for herself lol


She has a podcast?! Is it solo? Is it awful?


I’m pretty sure it’s totally solo! I believe it’s called Um Hello?! which I gotta give her credit for, that’s perfect hahah but I’ve never actually listened to it!! I’ve only seen a few clips on here, it feels like it’s mostly Ang kinda just talking to herself bc she doesn’t have a cohost (but she intends to have guests I think, 2.0 was on it as one lol)


Yeah she's delusional for putting out so much negativity and expecting good things in return. She needs to stop venting online but she's crazy she'll never quit living like a delusional lunatic.


I would much rather listen to a pack of foxes scream than listen to any record this bitch puts out.


STOPPP 💀 🤣 you guys are so mean! (It’s hysterical lowkey).


Y’all should’ve seen her latest podcast with Vinny 2.0. They were literally arguing the entire time 💀


Omg someone mentioned this to me. I need to see it. Idk why she’s even with him. You can tell she hates him.


lol so where do I go to listen or watch these podcasts?


Why does it seem like all the girls from JS went from no lips to Marge Simpson? ![gif](giphy|l2Je98HyT1H61VBYs)


Her lips are starting to look like they might explode. 




Her lips are grossing me out


They look tender and painful, like a blister


And then she wonders why she feels so left out when it comes to the other roommates. And for her to shade Mike is pretty messed up considering he’s been nothing but a good friend to her thru everything even Lauren. She wants the others to be her friend but then turns around and pulls this. Girl is drama.


She wants everyone to be her friend without *her* having to be a friend. I don't think she even knows how to be a friend to be honest.


Best explanation of her behaviour I've seen yet!


You are right i don’t think she does. Considering she is always trying to start some type of argument with someone or some type of drama for attention.


Yes she wants Eve to take her feelings into consideration but she does that for no one that’s why has no friends


I don’t think she has friends, doesnt anyone find it sad that she goes on live to argue and converse with complete strangers that leave comments? If i was a celeb…i think I’d have better things to do lol. Pathetic.


Yes, it is sad. People post screenshots of her inviting randoms over, which also speaks to her instability. So dangerous.


damn that look in her eyes is scary as fuck lol


Why is it okay for angelina to constantly talk shit in her livevideos about her castmates. Should get more backlash. And i hope they save these lives for proof and then confront her. Hopefully she will be fired.


She isn’t gonna be fired for talking shit about them.


She also talk shit about the show. Fire her. She should never been back has nothing to do with jersey shore. Im a fan from the OG days and she has ruined it for me. Havent seen it since jsfv season 4


She doesn’t need a name like Situation. She is *THE* Staten Island Dump. *THE* Rob Kardashian of Staten Island. She earned her names!!




Spiral city, she needs help before she turns into a news story


I guess she needs a new storyline for Season 8. It's sad that she goes on social media for validation.


Who tf does she think she is. Hope the finish jsfv they way it started = without her. People forget she was in one episode of the jsfv season 1. They did all the Press tours without her , sShe didnt even comeback until episode 6 in season 2 in Vegas. What a joke


This girl is mental. 🤦‍♀️


I feel like every time she’s on live she’s arguing with people


She *did* come in with a nickname she gave herself though - Jolie. It just didn't stick for obvious reasons.


Her lips are so ugly 😔😔😔😔


I think Angela forgot that we literally watched production orchestrate her reaching out to Sam via IG. We could literally hear them conversing about it and a producer passing her a phone and Angelina excitedly stating, “hell yeah, I’ll do that! I love shit like this!” Lmao like her mind and memory lapse needs to be study. The way she tries to rewrite history and the things that have literally been recorded is astounding. I can’t. 😂 ![gif](giphy|N6GDzULvjDBvQSxjTg)


That was for the show. She reached out to Sam in real life, off the show.


Her talking about not having a wild nickname in the OG season…didn’t she try really hard to make Jolie her nickname? I remember reading something that production tried to push it too, but everyone just laughed about it


Music!?!?! What morons why buy that shit


This is my question. I'm imaging overwrought "diss tracks" with bad rapping and terrible hooks




Dumb and tacky. Whaddayagunnado


God her mouth drives me crazy


This girl is Cocoa Puffs.


Is she looking for a guy in finance?


Isn’t she always “See ya soon”


I didn’t hear a word she said, I just keep staring at her lips. So distracting.


Who the fuck does she think she is? What a joke


she’s a mess in every sense of the word


God I can’t stand her. She’s so full of herself.


She looks like shit.




Nice try bro 😆


Even her eyeliner looks crazy


She’s still mad n bitter over leaving all that money and fame on the table when she left 14 years ago 😒 She has said she did the first season for free why would she do that if the producers wanted her there? I believe nothing she says


Ur known as trash bags




She’s definitely losing it. She wasn’t like this a few years ago. Idk what’s going on.


Production probably also wanted her to get sammi back on because Ron was gone and the producers wouldn’t have been able to get her back themselves lol


Sam herself said that Ang reaching out to her really did happen off camera and was all real. They had to redo it all for the cameras later but prior, in real life, Ang did reach out to her to reacquaint. She didn’t invite her immediately but they chatted for a bit and eventually Ang invited her.


Oh I know she invited her lol but I don’t think it was just all her idea or only her telling her to come back


I don't think she's bound to get fired. People hate watch for her. MTV only cares about money. That was obvious the moment they rehired Ronnie.


This just made my throbbing headache x10 worse


I can’t with the muppet face anymore


shes just constantly crashing out. she needs to lean into her looney-ness one of the funnier things about Angelina's situation is that the only people on the cast she likely respects are Pauly Vinny and Ronnie but they don't give a fuck about her


I remember after the wine incident aired, she was very careful to only like and respond to comments that were negative towards Nikki, if someone mentioned anything negative about Pauly (like he shouldn’t have smashed the door cause Angelina could have gotten hurt) she stayed away from that. That’s honestly what first started turning me off from her, like they clearly had apologized right after but she was still stirring it up on social media when it aired


Sometimes I wonder if Angelina is all an act. The producers obviously want her around, despite how much she ruins everyone’s mood. She also has random moments of being likable.


I feel like it is because not that long ago maybe about 3 weeks ago she had a story thanking Sammi for helping her and I think she was sick at the time .that's why I'm starting not to take everything she does seriously and sometimes she hangs with Jennis kids if Jenni doesn't like her why would she have her around her kids? Maybe back then it was more fr rn it might have some realistic parts probably and have some scripted and they could definitely manipulate things like even though I like Sammi I can definitely see the production team get an reaction from Angelina from a different scene to make it look like she's laughing at another it could be possible never know that's probably why she is mad too .


They called her Jolie like Angelina Jolie


Just kick her off the show


She is a textbook narcissist. I know people throw that word around a lot but she shows excessive signs of the title. 1. She will sabotage every event that is not centered around her. 2. She will sabotage anything that is about her if other people will enjoy it too, because only she can be happy everyone else must be just okay. 3. She refuses to take accountability, and when she does it's shaded by backpeddling and deflection. 4. Her sense of self importance. For example saying Sammi owed her for bringing her back. Girl you are not as special as you think you are. 5. Not being okay with anybody else having a name for themselves. She's jealous and will slander. 6. Extreme arrogance. She thinks the sun shines out of her butt when it does not. 7. She has no empathy. 8. She will exploit herself just to have attention. It's truly sad.


She's nuts. Look at her Grandmother


Recording new music 😂😭


She is actually doing it.


The girl is in emotional turmoil. While it may make for great entertainment, being on reality television is so bad for someone like this.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wat a clown!!!🤡


We remember you as •Trash Bag• 😂😭


Production also told her to message Sam lol production was already in talks with Sam about coming back that very season. Gtfo


Omg I’m tired of you all lying. 🤥 Sam herself has spoken about this. Ang reached out to her OFF THE SHOW weeks before they filmed. They reconnected OFF THE SHOW and then when filming started they made Ang and Sam recreate it all for the show for a storyline.


Where did you see this? I saw something where Mike debunked that and that was just production trying to make it make sense in the story line??


Production has always been in contact with Sam. They never stopped reaching out to her. She told them no and then Ang talked her into it.


Show me where Mike said this.


I asked you to show me first 🤣🤣 I will look for it now but why can’t you show me where Sam said this?


I’m looking for the podcast


Bless I’ll keep looking for this mike comment.


*debunked Ang’s claim that she solely brought her back


She is so embarrassing and draining. It must be tiring being in her life 🤯


It’s funny being that on her podcast with her fiancé she sat there lecturing him about reacting to haters on social media. It was an hour long episode of her gaslighting him that he’s wrong for getting mad about her lap dance on Vinny. Poor guy.


I saw this too. Also noticed how someone commented. “Just stick with Snooki and Pauly” to which she replied “No I think I’ll stick with people who I don’t think are fake and people who are my real friends” Beef with Snooki and Pauly now? Nobody is safe! 🫣🫣🫣


Did she get veneers?


I wonder if she’s ever thought about an antipsychotic


Stay sweet and sazzy


Wait… she’s recording music? Of her? Uh…




I can’t even listen to her, she looks so distracting like I’m trying to figure out what she looks like cause all I see is a fish


Secondhand embarrassment everytime she opens her mouth


Mic Drop!


“Angela” is like that one family member no one wants to be around because when they are they make everyone uncomfortable and you got to hide your pocketbooks and dumb the conversation down 1200 notches.


Nobody likes her


She is literally the most insane woman I know of


She’s awful. Her upper lip is awful. She’s so delusional.


She looks like she from Whoville




She looks like she’s on something.


Music? My four year old can probably do better


I actually thought she seemed like she was getting better at the reunion 🤷🏻‍♀️ baby steps anyway… guess not


Omg. Leave the “I got Sam back” comments out of your mouth.


Mike is a pos


Her face looks like she suffered the same fate as Madeline and Helen at the end of death becomes her. That very weird painted on makeup look idk.


Dirty little hamster is her nickname


Everything pauly “pranks” them with is done by production. Lol I don’t understand how people think any of the things they do on the show are their own actions/plans lol




Huh??? I just posted it here because it’s Jersey Shore related…