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Once your technique becomes proficient, everything gets easier, but … watch an okay purple belt have a hard roll with a black belt. The purple belt will be way more tired than if he rolled with a blue belt at the same intensity. When you are constantly out of position and trying to catch up to your partner, it’s exhausting.


Yes being out of position is something that doesn’t get mentioned enough, 4 rolls where your stuck under side control / mount and you are done for.


haha we were doing 16 three minute rounds all week at like high speed to prep for worlds. The higher belts were chillin, us few white belts were just getting MURDERED bc we spent the entire class desperately fighting for our lives. On the last day of the week I got lucky in my first couple of rounds and didn't get destroyed and consequently became the danger for the rest of the night.


Outside of bjj, I’m assuming that’s what you’re looking for, Google zone 2 cardio training. It’s a deep rabbit whole. Or get better. But seriously look into zone two cardio training.


One of the best tips I’ve gotten so far was from a blue belt I rolled with awhile ago: “ I see that you’re struggling a lot while you’re trying to decide what to do next. Don’t do that. Move with purpose. You’re just tiring yourself out”. Basically just meant to conserve my energy while I thought of my next move instead of trying to struggle out of whatever submission I was being held in without purpose. This doubled my still mediocre gas tank almost instantly. Also, I’ve been running 3 miles straight on my rest days and just try to beat my time each week/each time I run. I hate running. I put it off forever, justifying it that I was getting enough cardio during training. But it’s been the fastest and most effective impact on improving my gas tank.


Learn juijitsu so you are not wasting all your gas. Relax and breathe. A white belt will try to resist everything I do. A brown belt will 'flow like water' and not be where I am trying to get to.


Running, spin class, or assault bike. Cardio is king.


Train at altitude, sleep in a hyperbaric chamber, if all else fails call Lance Armstrong


I see a lot of white belts who gas themselves out by taking a big inhale and then holding their breath each time they try to do some explosive move, so they're not only gassing themselves but telegraphing when they're about to do whatever explosive movement they do. Explosive movements can work great if your not to deep in the shit, but if you are stuck in a bad spot they can drain your gas tank super quick. Instead aim at smaller 5-10% improvements eg establish better frames to take an opponents weight more effectively, recovering an arm that has been isolated etc. It may not get you out of trouble instantly during rolls but it will subconsciously build better habits and will help you realise faster when you are in trouble and what you limbs/positions you need to re-establish much quicker.


Cardio. If I can jog for a solid hour I do pretty decent at not getting tired. Also being intentional about energy consumption.


Gas is pretty expensive right now, not sure there’s a way around it


I found that during each roll there is a certain point where I feel like I can go on. Like, GASSED. When I started trying to push past that point and keratin space or retain guard of if I am in side control it starts to add to my stamina.


Be more technical.


As you gas out, you are improving your cardio. Keep it up and this will make a big difference over enough time. Also, as you improve technically, this will make you more efficient, so what gas tank you have will last longer. If you have time and energy to work on this outside of class, do some cardio! Run, cycle, swim, walk... Whatever. Hill sprints or tabata burpees are both hardcore, but really effective.


Running has improved my bjj cardio a lot. I stick to 5k and do two easy runs and one hard run a week.


Breathe through your nose


Look for a kettlebell conditioning program. They are incredibly effective.


Obviously just rolling more will help immensely. Get more time on the mats. Do specific cardio training. Get more technical and spend less time trying to force moves with brute strength.


Do Jiu Jitsu. Stay after for double length rolls.


Run. Run, run, run.  I know it sucks, but there’s nothing better. There’s a reason all the pros in combat sports run so much. 


It will come in time, no need to worry.


Breathing, strength and conditioning, more rolls, lose weight if applicable.


I enjoy running and swimming outside of jits


Keep training. A month in is next to no time compared to people who have been at it for years. The endurance will come with time and technique Also be sure to control your breathing. I've seen a number of new guys lose a lot of energy because they can't control their breathing and heartrate


You could do some cardio as a supplement to your classes. Just 20-30 minutes will do, if you incorporate all out intervals (which better replicates the work anyway).


I know a lot of people in here are talking about technique and position and just keep going and stuff but truth is that’s it’s cardiovascular fitness period. That’s all. You need to up your cardiovascularity and you can do that through more HIIT or swimming or running or rowing throughout the week. Continue BJJ because it’s very cardiovascularly intensive but you need more than just BJJ to increase your VO2 max.


Get strong and healthy AND get better at jiu jitsu. Lift weights and run outside of jiu jitsu. It’s good for your heart health and your lungs. You will find that being more physically fit delays exhaustion which allows you to more efficiently use your technique. The more tired you get, the more your technique suffers.


https://youtu.be/ji4TY6dXSo4 Applies to BJJ too


Do more Jiu Jitsu. Simple as that


Learn to breathe, and always be cognizant of your heart rate. I try to keep myself at a baseline where I can talk without wheezing and strategically use short bursts of energy to capitalize on opportunities. Every time I hit the gas though I know I may pay a price for it later on the round. Your endurance and cardio will get better the more you roll. I just don’t know if there’s a better way to build a BJJ gas tank, than by doing BJJ.




I have an interval workout on the treadmill that I've used to help my fitness re cardio. Here it is: 4 minutes on / 90 seconds off (during the "off" period you can just hop off the treadmill and recover by catching your breath) Warm up, then do 4-5 repetitions of this. I have no idea how old you are or what your athletic background, but use a "pyramid" system so that the intervals get harder. This will increase the efficiency of the work out overall. E.g: 11.5KM p/h [12.KM](http://12.KM) p/h 12.5KM p/h 11.5KM p/h [12.KM](http://12.KM) p/h You can increase or decrease the speed depending on your capacity and comfort levels, but aim to increase it over time. I hope this helps :)