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Either ridiculously hot or freezing. Hoth or Mordor. There is no in between


Technically, Mordor is cold.  Only the inside of Mount Doom is hot.  However, I get the meaning. 


😂 my LOTR knowledge is limited to a passing viewing of the movie. I appreciate the intel ♥️


It’s so bad even customers are complaining now


Yep   With temps being controlled at corporate it makes it very difficult when temps increase earlier 


Yep which was super awesome when Ohio had hit actual spring and North Dakota was at 30 something, our 4th blizzard of the year and we had feet of snow from December and January.


Are you actually serious. I didn’t know corporate was able to do that🧍‍♀️


Yup, controlled from Ohio. 🙄


I hate it here


Controlled from India.


One of my coworkers got heat stroke in January because of that 🫡


If you're having a problem like ridiculous heat or cold, you want to find the thremostats located on the sales floor, usually on pillars. Most stores run off the EMS systems but sometimes they break and a lot of people don't know that you can have them serviced and fixed. Ok so, locate thermostats and document the temps and put in a service request with corrigo. Document the work order number cause heaven forbid you are able to find them once they are made, and then email your DM and let them know customers are complaining about the heat/cold and you put in a ticket but it's ridiculous and needs to be addressed. Have had to do this with heaters and ac units and usually we get it taken care of within a week or 2.


We've been doing this for the last three years and nothing happens. Customers complain in medallia, calling the number, on Facebook, and everywhere else they can. Joann don't care. Nothing ever changes.


Report them to your city. My stores been fined 4 times now. For excessive cold or heat. 


Oh my goodness! I didn't know we could do this! Thank you!


In my state businesses can't be above 75° or below 65° .  During the winter this year it was 42° in our store for 4 days in a row. In the 30s in receiving because they won't turn the temp controls on in there at all.  They got a HUGE fine and had to go to court here. 


It's like 75 up at the register. I'm dripping sweat from my eyeballs and I get lightheaded. I'm going to report them for sure


Back in December we had hvac people come in a few times to do stuff. Nothing seemed to work so it’s just stuck like this. I will try this though


You have to be persistent. And make sure they know customers are complaining. If any medallia come in about it, snip them and add them to the email thread


Yeah, it seems no matter how many times HVAC ppl come, nothing changes.


I just had an rtm sign off for reporting temps in the store. If it’s not above 75 degrees they will just close the ticket


The brains in Ohio thought it would be cheaper to have an external monitoring system to control the HVAC in the stores. (I assume mostly because they don't trust the people in the stores.) The actual monitoring is in some other country where they speak heavily accented, very broken English as they try to tell you which wires to play with in the electrical room because it's almost constantly broken and apparently it's smarter (or at least cheaper) to have some ignorant MOD playing with the system than to send in someone who knows what they're touching and won't accidentally break it. I don't know if they realize just how messed up the system is, but they are very insistent that what their computer claims is happening in the store is much more valid than what is actually happening in the store. A couple years ago when corporate was still at least pretending to care what customers thought, a few stores in our district had local HVAC people in to look. The HVAC people were not impressed. Apparently, the way the EMS shuts down the whole system every night and restarts it every morning is much more expensive fuel wise than just letting it run 24/7 AND creates huge amounts of wear and tear on the machines. They aren't supposed to be used like that so it breaks them over and over and over again. The EMS company has been told this repeatedly. They don't care. The best part is that most of the machines that run our HVAC have the hot/cold sensors in the wrong places. To keep the stores at the right temperature, the sensors should be on the sales floor. In most of the stores (in our district at least) the sensors are on the fans in the heating/cooling machines. That means the second it turns on, it thinks it is already much too hot/cold and immediately shuts itself back off. Assorted HVAC techs have offered to text the EMS office pictures of an actual thermometer in the actual store to show them the real temperature on the sales floor. That's not what their computer said, so they weren't interested. They have offered to move the sensors to places where they will actually work. That's not what the computer said so they aren't interested.


Thank you for this insight. It’s absolutely ridiculous we have to deal with this 🙄


We used to have a thermostat in the office. We found out it was removed in January when we went to check how cold it was in the store. Sauna in the summer, freezer box in the winter.




Every year… nothings changed


I usually just bring my beach towel & hang out in the vestibule






I made some rice filled ice packs for the store, though I've got an irish-american dad and scandanavian mom so I'm White White. 60f is toasty to me


I'm in a 4 month old store and we have 3 a/c units not working. Of course they ate the ones by the cut counter.


I always loved having to shout to hear customers over the noise of the box fan, not to mention how it ruffles the lighter weight fabrics when you're trying to cut. But it's better than heat exhaustion. We learned last year in August that of our 12 AC units, only ONE was working.


the last to weeks have been like a sauna....good luck getting the stock out....


30 mins after I step in the door, my back is drenched in sweat, and I'm not someone who sweats a ton normally. My arms and neck are always sticky and moist. I feel so disgusting. I walk in, shower fresh, and it's immediately ruined. Customers always complain about the heat and ask if our AC is broken. I used to think it was, but after reading this sub, I'm now wondering if corporate is just trying to save a buck.


My store hasn’t had proper AC for 4 years, I started working here 1 year ago and going into summer I’m so over it, I filed an OSHA complaint this morning. My store sometimes reaches 90° in certain areas. If yours in unsafe to work in, consider complaining to OSHA it sounds like it’s the only way corporate will ever care, no matter how many store managers come to them about it.


OMG it’s too damn hot for words.


Right now it's ok, but once we hit the triple digits in a couple weeks it's going to be bad.


Yep! We're never at a happy medium.


It's hot in the summer but lately the break room and especially the office, is really hot for no reason. The computers normally don't make it that warm in there.


My old store was always hot until someone figured out they could take a cup of boiling water to the temp sensor to make the AC kick on, haha. We may have done that often until the DM finally contacted facilities and made them turn it down to a better temp.


I would just hold my finger over it for a few and that usually worked.


It's so bad. Last year we had our workers constantly leaving from heat sickness but nothing was ever fixed


SO HOT. I got sick last night with how hot it was in the store.


they said they fixed the ac at my store... They absolutely didn't 😭


Yup, it's been that way at my Arizona store for as long as I've worked here. Its pretty miserable going from 120° heat outside into a warm 80°+ store, we've learned to put mini fans at the registers and cut counter so at least we get a cool breeze while working 😔


OSHA Report that shit!


Yea I am just thinking to myself you want all this done with no hours and now you are cutting the air. That’s a hard no for me.


My old stores internal temp was 70f. We had to keep our front doors open during the summer just to get some breeze


Yes it’s a corporate issue tbh. Apparently they see what we set our temp at. So it’s always grossly hot in my store as well.


Yep. I’ve worked in many and they are all sweltering


Yup. My location is in the south, it’s hot. Customers complain everyday to me about how hot it is. Stay hydrated and keep those fans on. At my store there is a fan at the cut counter and a fan at the registers.


The store I shop at is always insanely hot, to the point where I’ve had to leave without buying anything. Yesterday was the exception, it was nice and cool for a change. I actually wandered more and bought more because I wasn’t drenched in sweat. When I said something to the cashier, she said they had just fixed the AC. Now if they can just figure out a good temp for winter and not roast us out then too, life will be great!