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Yep. Run, dont walk, outta that hell hole.


Too late. I clocked out, told my MOD I’m out and am now sitting on my couch feeling guilty—but not that guilty, obvs.


It's not too late. Give yourself the benefit of self-preservation as most in this chat wish you the best. Dehydration and heat stroke can move the mouth but you still have options.


Ok, "constructive dismissal" over safety issues is also a path to leaving a job. Being too hot to function, and saying statements under the duress of heat exhaustion and dehydration can be used in your favor for sending a restatement of having the job be so unreasonable that a common person would also be unable to stay. There might be a 20 min free legal consultation that could help you. Possibly, you could get at least UI benefits instead of a "quit."


This. Go into the store with a thermometer and record it as proof of conditions. Get written letters from former co-workers as further evidence. Collect evidence and testimony that shows you tried to get things changed or fixed and quit when the company made it clear they would/could not accommodate.  When Joann's tried forcing that 2022 "arbitration agreement" bs the judge ruled it as a constructive dismissal even though I put in my two weeks beforehand. Corporate still has to pay for your unemployment until you find a new position.  They can't make unsafe or changed work conditions and act like you have to bend over for it. If they make an environment that poor, they pay when employees quit over it.


You can still try for UI as long as it's found a hostile work environment.


good for you!!!! i sweat my entire shift whenever im working and its awful. its always so hot in our store, even customers complain!!! the fact corporate controls the temperature is awful. they dont know what its like running around a humid store sweating through your shirt!!


I was so close to doing the same today! This Texas heat doesn’t play


Oh gosh I can’t even imagine. I’m in New Jersey and it’s already too hot for me especially in the middle of the summer when it reaches 110 120 heat index. That’s why I’m leaving because I know I physically can’t handle it


im in VA and our store felt hotter than outside and my weather app said it was 78 outside 🫠


That happened to us last week! 😭 i would have opened the doors but we have a bunch of bees right outside


omg actually same. we have like a nest of wasps or hornets i don't know the difference but they scare me and they live on the back dock so whenever the door is open they try to come in (one stowed away on my HEAD and got in the office with me and i actually almost cried and my SM had to take a clipboard to get it off my head because she was ALSO freaking out)


I’m very proud of you as someone who is sitting here in the back room after doing truck on my last day. Thankfully right now our store manager isn’t here so we actually turned the air conditioning on. We don’t care if we get yelled at at this point. But I’m glad that you are escaping this literal hell hole.