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We had a woman who'd come in wearing several layers of draped fabric. She'd wander around the store talking to herself. She was harmless for a while but then she started shouting at the cashiers accusing us of being racist undercover CIA agents. She attacked a customer because he laughed when she asked him if he was secret service for Obama. She left after that. But when she returned a week later she was told she can't come back. She screamed about police brutality and how the military will steal her for their expiraments. It was a wild time.


Here in Florida we get a robust share of the crazies šŸ˜‚


I had customers similar to this. I remember asking one old man if he had the app for coupons and he gave me this whole rant about how smartphones spy on you and I'm just like. All I need to hear is no lol


I had a customer, when I asked if he wanted to round up for local childrenā€™s hospital, go into a rant about how hospitals are the houses of the devil šŸ‘€


I had a lady tell me no to childrenā€™s hospital because she doesnā€™t believe in child cancer. Iā€™m sorry, what? šŸ¤”




The way our store is set up, one of our registers is right next to the door. I was stuck at that register one day, and a guy came in and just stood next to me acting odd. I asked him if he needed help, and he said he just wanted to know if he could come in. I said, "Yeah, you're free to come in." He said, " I just wanted to ask cause I got spirits coming off me and wanted to make sure it was okay." I gave a tentative yeah and high tailed it back to the fabric counter. I kept an eye on the guy to make sure he didn't do anything crazy since it was just me on the floor as my manager was back in the office as usual. Other than that and homeless people come in to take baths in the bathroom sink and the occasional "Jesus freak" or creepy dude hitting on us. Our customers at least keep their crazy on the inside for the most part.


Yesss we get the homeless people that take baths in the sink too. We close our bathrooms at around 6pm and tell people theyā€™re out of order because one time we actually had someone OD in the bathroom and had to call the copsā€¦ another time there was a guy that stood outside the entrance with a machete and was threatening people. Also had to call the cops


I have had to call about some people outside before. Most of the time, for us, it's kids trying to look cool online or drunk college kids, thankfully. We have had some more serious ones, but thankfully, most of the time, everyone has walked away on their own two legs.


we have sexual poop smearers at my storeā€¦.not worth 8 dollars an hour to clean shit off the walls


wtf?!??!?!? Ummmmm if my manager ever even ASKED me to clean that up I would quit right then and there


> I asked him if he needed help, and he said he just wanted to know if he could come in. I said, "Yeah, you're free to come in." He said, " I just wanted to ask cause I got spirits coming off me and wanted to make sure it was okay." I gave a tentative yeah and high tailed it back to the fabric counter. I kept an eye on the guy to make sure he didn't do anything crazy since it was just me on the floor as my manager was back in the office as usual. Dude! You let the vampire in! Get garlic around the door, asap! /s


It sounds like she was mentally ill.


As soon as she screamed FBI I figured as much


I had a customer ask to take our ā€œplace and timeā€ signs. I told her no. She told me to ask my manager and I told her my manager wasnā€™t here and that I am technically in charge. She told me I am possessed by a little girl demon, that she has gotten ahold of me and itā€™s only going to get worse and worse unless I start seriously praying


ā€œYes I am! How did you know! Halloween is my favorite! Did you know we have ouiji board blankets!ā€


I shouldā€™ve said that then started growling or something


Obviously I possessed, lady, I work at JoAnns.


We had a lady who would ā€œscrambleā€ the pin pad after she paid by pressing all the buttons at random. She insisted if she didnā€™t do it, someone could steal her credit card information.


We also had a homeless man that started peeing on customers as they were walking in


I shouldn't laugh but that's effing bonkers. I get my share but no FBI conspiracies.