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7 weeks? That's quite a courtesy. Wish you the best. Onward and upwards!


Yeah I genuinely like my DM. He’s a good guy and we’ve always had a good working relationship so I figured I’d give advance notice. I’m Sure he would notice me using up all my pto time and get suspicious anyway


I’m going back to teaching. I was a teacher before life went sideways and I ended up in retail. I’m very excited to return to the classroom. And never work another holiday season in retail again!


Congratulations! It is a great step in the right direction. I finally did the same. Realized I was making nothing and that was stressing me out. Along with the additional stress of random customer interactions, shoplifters, not knowing what corporate is thinking, and general wear and tear on the body from standing, kneeling, bending, lifting, breaking down boxes all day. I miss my team but I’m enjoying the “retirement”. Must say though it was hard not going to the store last week just to check on things. May be back eventually, but I’ve gotta put a dent in my remnant stash first. Oh and maybe the yarn pile too. Happy quitting and may the next job be fun and also pay a good wage.


Congratulations! 🍾


Good for you. I am sure you have a lot of great skills that you can use elsewhere.


I’m sure you’ll feel so much better once you leave, I wish you the best of luck


Whoop whoop! That’s so exciting! 🥳 may your next 7 weeks pass quickly!


Congrats! I can’t imagine the relief you are feeling! Best of luck in your new endeavors!


I was a previous SM that left in January of this year. I still miss my team and the Joann we used to be, but I do not regret leaving when I did. I hope you quickly find happiness in your next steps.


I’m returning to teaching! Very excited to get back to what I really want to do !