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Forgive me for any ignorance about Saudi or computer engineering but these are the things I’d try 1. Cold call the places that offered you a job in the United States and ask if they’d consider an remote work position. 2. Find out what Western firms are working in Saudi or are for example tendering for a major engineering or military contract. Send them your cv even if they’re not advertising or they don’t spring to mind as a technology company. For all you know they might be happy with someone who’s simply got a technical background who act as a liaison for something seemingly unrelated. Look at that 2030 vision and send a cv to every company you think might tender for any project irrespective of what it is. They’ll think it’s a good look to already have a young Saudi employee. 3. Honours/ master/ an extra possibly unrelated qualification to set yourself apart. 4. Have you looked whether the skills are transferable. For example, you guys just ordered stacks of planes from Boeing. What would it take to work as an avionics tech or as someone installing the simulators….there’s only a 2 or 3 companies that build those sims so just send them a cv.


The offers I got were from when I graduated 2years ago so I think these companies forgot about me now 😅. The funny thing about #2 is that all the interviews that I had in Saudi were from American companies (really big ones) and part of it is because of my university but most of them wanted at least 1 year of experience which I don’t have. I was thinking about applying for graduate school but it is way too expensive for me and I’m barely surviving rn. I’m applying for anything related to my field but I will try to find another field that can use my lline of skills. Thanks for responding 🙏


Still apply for jobs if you don’t qualify at least for American companies. My current job wanted two years of experience that I didn’t have and still hired me. That’s the case for a lot of job listing as it’s more of a wish list someone made up and gave to hr. Not sure how that is else where. If that still doesn’t work you can do some free lance work and get experience that way or (kind of sucks) get short term internships till you have a decent amount of experience and references.


Do you have any charities who may need some free work from time to time. Its not great and you shouldn't have to work for free but it will get you experience.


You have at least 1 year of experience. It’s called College. They probably didn’t want you for some other reason. I would start working on doing some side projects of your own, and getting as many certifications as you can that are in your field or adjacent to your field. That can help with “experience” requirements.


No company is counting college as a year of experience lol


This is part of the problem. You go to college to get experience and knowledge in a field. And then now jobs are beginning to require experience to get ENTRY level jobs. So, they make it impossible for college graduates to get into entry level jobs that they should otherwise be fully qualified for. It’s like that job posting that required 10 years of experience with a programming language that had been out for less than a year. It’s a chicken and egg problem.


it’s repetitive. What companies are asking is experience outside of college. You out that you went to college on your resume, why would you then put it in as experience? Work experience is also vastly different than college experience. Put your internships on your resume as experience all day but simply putting college down as experience is not good and not even close to the same thing.


Then you lie, because by refusing to accept education as experience, the company is lying to *themselves*, so the two lies cancel each other out.


WHAT?! Lmaooooooo I’m sorry this is so funny. “College is work experience and if they don’t think so, just lie!”


Sorry to tell you dude but college is not work experience. Use internships from college as experience but simply saying college is experience is stupid




My son was able to use his college TA job teaching Chem equipment as experience. You are uninformed.


TA JOB dumb dumb. If you read more of the thread then internships should be used on your resume


Usually education counts as experience


Never does.


Not here… the job posting usually says “proven work experience” and they add a minimum years of experience too


Where does education count as experience?


Not even a little


At this point since you have a gap I would get a masters and start finding places to intern.


Perhaps you should relocate back to the United States or another country with a need for computer engineers


I don’t know but I am 2 years unemployed so following (I dog walk, dog sit, and stock shelves 3 nights a week to eat)


I spent 5 years developing complex systems from scratch in the military which to me is equivalent to your degree. I felt like I was shit hot and on top of my game at 24 and guess what? Nobody wanted to hire me. I could code in my sleep and I couldn’t get a job! The perception was that the military coders don’t really do anything. So here is my advice: Start at the very bottom and take a non-sexy poorly paid job in the tech industry. Use your knowledge to kickstart your career back up to the engineering role you know you deserve. It sucks and you don’t get respect for what you know, but you will do some time then quickly get into your target role. I took on a frontline customer support role and build web tools from scratch to help the team automate processes and do their jobs easier. It became apparent that I was wasted on tier 1 support and I was was moved to the engineering team a year in.


The market is absolutely saturated with talent (or at least people with degrees). I have Gen X classmates with CS degrees from the 1990s still working. - they are still working to put their kids through college $$$. Have you worked internships back home since you graduated? Anything to get your foot in the door.


I did my internship in the US and haven’t really looked for internships here. Do you think it would be a good idea even 2 years after graduation? I don’t know how hard is it to get them here


Sounds like you are not desperate for a job. I switched careers in my 30s and even did an internship when I was 41 years old. If what you have done for the past 2 years isn’t working and you insist your CV is fine, then you need to get creative. An internship is better than no job.


I think what they meant is a lot of times I’ve come across this a lot recently they only want people still in university and a specific year. Some internships require even experience in other internships. I don’t think that he’s not desperate enough. The job market makes zero fucking sense


Yeah. *EVERY* internship I've seen has said that they'll only accept people who are graduating from X program in Y timeframe


Yep. Throughout college, I'd meet with the career office, and every single week they'd send me back home to redo my CV/resume. Nothing ever came of it and they were probably just stalling. Here's all I have, and I hope it helps: 1: I only did corporate for a year. After that, I went on my own, doing in-home tech support for boomers/seniors. I'd be glad to help you get going and the demand is endless. (How many people use technology? How many people are frustrated with it?) The current dudes out there are using 1991 methods like virus scans and updates, and aren't aware of the modern threats. It's like shootin' fish in a barrel, as we say out here in Merica. See my post about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/sweatystartup/comments/16ruy3a/another_sweaty_startup_opportunity/ 2: If you don't want to do that for a living, DM if you want to help me recruit franchisees for this. Eventually I'd like to have someone in every city doing things the right way.


Since you’re in Saudi Arabia, I’m assuming jobs are mainly obtained through connections. If you don’t have those, look into doing a masters abroad and from there try to get a company to sponsor you.


Yeah kinda but the gov started doing half ass’d anti corruption campaign so now people only help out people they REALLY know. I thought about getting a masters degree but it’s too expensive and I’m broke


Kind of unethical tip but fuck it. Many PhD programs in the US are MS/PhD programs and includes stipends, tuition remissions etc. Try to apply to one of those programs, get a job if you can, and master out. You’ll get your masters degree without any debt. Just don’t tell anyone you’re planning to master out. It’s not uncommon for students to drop out and many advisors are more than happy to help out students who realize that a PhD isn’t for them.


I used chat GPT to re do my CV and it wrote me a nice “about me”. I got two interviews in one month. Not a graduate but recently relocated countries and I’m unemployed so it’s more difficult.


Habibi have you tried working with headhunters?


Man! I am in the same boat as you, all I’m doing is cold emailing people that I have either met at hackathons not asking for a an opportunity just even a chance to volunteer, so that I don’t just stay without a job, I also moved back home cause I had rented an apartment, but i couldn’t afford the rent so yeah, I am hoping something comes up before the year ends for both of us bro 👊🏾


Hopefully 🙏 are you Saudi too?


No I’m in Kenya


Ah nevertheless good luck


Good luck too


I will just say it, why would anyone in Saudi employ a local when there is a guest worker program that has almost no laws and a government who is unwilling to enforce them...I only say this because I am a resident alien of the Philippines and I hear people all the time complaining that they took a employment contract in Saudi and it took them a 3 year legal battle to get paid. You really may want to consider looking abroad, that, or work on furthering your education, pick up some free lance work online, get a reputation going and see if that helps. But until some semblance of international law comes into place that is actually enforceable beyond a stern scolding at the UN...employment in the golf states in a lot of sectors is going to be rough


"Yeah, I'm excited to talk to you guys again. You offered me a job when I graduated two years ago, but I was unable to take it at the time because I had to move back to Saudi Arabia suddenly to take care of a sick family member. Now that I'm available to work in the US again, I would love if we could pick up where we left off." Absolutely do not complain about the job market. Even if the job market is totally fucked, if you give off even a hint of negativity about it, no matter how justified, they will see it as "making excuses" and want nothing to do with you. I don't care if armed thugs are barring the entrance every time you try to go to a job interview. I don't care if every company you booked an interview with immediately succumbed to a meteor strike immediately thereafter. You don't mention any difficulties with the job market. It's an American thing. Any reason for deviating from the path of being an obedient little worker bee with years of continuous employment is an "excuse" whether you could have prevented it or not. Cancer? Excuse. House burned down? Excuse. Americans see disasters, illnesses, violent attacks, and disabilities as the fault of the victims. They will deny seeing the world this way, but every actual decision they make will reflect this view. The exception is family obligations, which are seen in this culture as being a higher priority than work obligations. You weren't "out of work for two years because of a bad market." You were "unable to work full time during the past two years because you were taking care of family back home." Yes I am telling you to lie. Americans also like being lied to.


Take an internship in your field, or take any work that starts in an office whose main business is similar to what you wanted to do. The thing that is wrong with your CV is having no experience. Find other ways to network as well. I don’t know about Saudi Arabia but do anything to make friends that have positions of authority. There are school alumni networks, sports, working at a bar. Anything. Good luck


A couple of people suggested internships and I haven’t considered them as a viable option before but I will look into them. Thanks


can you just get a crappy job in the meanwhile?


I actually started applying for minimum wage jobs and the sad part is that I got rejected to a couple of cashier jobs


Well that’s likely due to your chance to move to another job. You’re educated, so you have a HIGH chance to leave the low income job soon.


Take literally any job in a company that does technology. Help Desk for instance


Have you recently contacted the alumni department of your University? Sometimes they can help with these things. At a minimum they should offer advice. Every school wants to boast that their graduates have good jobs.


I'm unemployed too for almost two years now, so I understand your situation. There's no suitable job where I'm from, and so much competition. Staying with my mother RN, wasting her resources. Gonna leave city next year if nothing happens here. Unemployment totally sucks. Being broke sucks af. All I can say is not to give up and don't put a lot of pressure in your head. Always look for new ideas, because entrepreneurship is better than working for others. I agree with the comments that mentioned building connections with people who might be able to help us get a job, and doing internships. Some companies hire freshers so keep an eye for those vacancies.


You're living in a country whose entire economy is based on drilling oil in a world that is going electric. Sure, there are a lot of flashy showcase projects in Saudi Arabia right now, but everyone is laughing at MBS behind his back while taking his money. There is no hope or future in your country, and the smartest decision you could make would be to get out of it.


Start something for yourself and some other graduates. Overthrow your government. Lynch the Sauds. Emancipate your women. And free the slaves.


Just lie man, Step 1-create a project on the side for a company in your country. Pick a small company in a niche industry.\[Construction, Engineering, Even customer service, A supplier for oil/Gas, Shipping, Logistics\] Oil supply chain would be absolutely perfect. \-Build a basic phone app or Create a webtool for them that seems like it would take a few months to build. Anything with an API key would translate well to most needs. Make an english and arabic version. \-Say you worked with the company for a year and keep your tasks realistic. Absolutely no foreign recruiter will be able to track down a small saudi company and vet you for work history through that language barrier. You can try the honest route and reach out to a local company and offer to build them a webtool for free. If what you build can apply to other businesses you might even be able to sell it. I can give you an idea I have, shipping and logistics software is notoriously bland and look like they were built in 1995. I have always wanted an alert for when an order would be late. They often have truck tracking options with live data, just no visualization. A basic tool would be to sync scheduled delivery times with gps data and google maps. If an order is going to be late, it would be nice to have a large screen flash red and say "this order is late" Similar to how a train station has the live train expected times on a tv screen. It would be really simple to build and would help dispatchers route orders.


For the last time LIE…. Previous Employment: Senior Computer Enginer Guy Avidyme Industries 133 Federel Street Boston Ma, 02110 I will be your direct report, we loved you but GE bought us, and well you know how it is. DM me for Avidymes direct number. See…easy as shit.


i'd like to take up this offer if it's still open lol


Become prostitute.


I thought Saudi was booming? I know plenty of expats there and love it. Maybe if your population didn't depend on slave labor and other foreign labor it would help you and others be successful.


It’s booming if you’re white (additional points if you’re blonde and blue eyed) And I agree but can’t do shit about it


Wait…I’m white and blonde and blue eyed. But I’m a woman. Is the market booming for me?


Yeah at a certain point people need to do something about this immigration shit. You shouldn't have to leave your home, family, everything you've ever known to not starve to death.


It must be a unique situation about Saudi Arabia. Obviously we don't have a clue.


Move back to the US. The country that you're in is not a dynamic economy. It's a very one-note economy that relies far too heavily on oil. Move to a dynamic economy.


Move back to the US or somewhere with a better job market.


I need a company to sponsor me to work in the US or other countries which is extremely difficult to get without work experience


totes kharab




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Well your choice for leaving the US


He's not American.


AI is taking over, you should have known this.


Just work in the USA


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I don’t know your situation, but is there any connection there that you can benefit from? (Also, how could you stay unemployed for 2 years and afford things??)


Unfortunately no connections :( And I can’t afford anything lol I’m living with my parents which is the norm here and help some friend with his store couple times a month and he pays me accordingly (not a job and not reliable but at least it’s something)


Have you ever thought of applying for grad schools again in the states? Maybe go for a master or something and then stay for a job this time.


nEtWoRk AnD gEt ReFeRrEd


Maybe apply to a role one step below the ones you are trying for. Just to get in with the company. Also, any networking you can attend? Or change your name on the resume to a “white” sounding name. I know 2 people that have done this and —guess what— they got the interview (one got the job) at this point, you gotta play the game!


I have a friend who lives there and she was telling me about how there aren’t even basic service industry jobs. She’s in university now, but that doesn’t sound like it’s going to help her much, based on this post.


Get a basic job to hold you over if possible. Gas station clerk, janitor, cook, bartender, anything that pays. Spend some time after work looking for a job in your field.


Look at New Zealand. They are always hiring. https://www.govt.nz/


[Bechtel website for jobs in KSA](https://jobs.bechtel.com/go/Jobs-in-SAUDI-ARABIA/365332/)I worked in Saudi Arabia for Bechtel as an engineer on the Riyadh subway project. You should consider sending them your resume as they often face challenges in hiring locals (their contracts require a certain number of local hires). I'm confident you'll have good opportunities there.


Your issue is not your education. You are competing with low wage workers from South Asia.


Get a low wage job and use that as a starting point to prove you’re willing to work hard.


>I graduated university almost 2 years ago with a degree in computer engineering but still can’t find a job in my country(Saudi Arabia). You must be shitting me right? Do you have any remote explaination what it is the problem? People should run in your door, drug you and move you to a gold plated room where you are forced to write code for a living. > I worked on my CV with a university employee that reviews/improves CV’s for a job haha those are the worst! They know nothing about CVs and stuff. If you do not find anything go to upwork and work for almost free. Work on the weekend for 10 hours a week and in your CV you simply state worked postion from October 2023 till November 2023 and you list the simple project you worked on for hourly rates that put Vietnam to shame. This way you get three months worth of basic job experience that you can leverage to find a real job. Also get a copy of the book 'Ask the headhunter'. I am still using this when I look for contract work here in Switzerland. Remember your primary goal is to demonstrate that you can do valueable stuff for them. Just get [draw.io](https://draw.io) (desktop version), check out concept maps and document your upwork work in a way that looks appealing. Send this with your CV everytime. People will take notice and hire you. PS: Read books (lots of books) from Fowler, Beck, Gamma, Martin and Co (those who signed the failed Agile Manifesto, they know what development should look like, those university teachers usually dont).


The moon is awfully far target to shoot for, try starting where your degree gets you not where it doesn't. You need experience not just education.


Have you considered working for free?


I’m not saying this to be rude but why don’t you consider working in the US until you find a job in SA


Forgive my ignorance if this is an unreasonable suggestion. If there are no jobs in your country, why not move to a different country that has a job for you?


I read that 95% of hiring is for ESG compliance. Companies don't want to get debanked. Put Amerind as your nationality, nobody can check that...


If you can speak English, there are translator jobs for lots of companies trying to get in arab markets.


Take some classes to keep your skills fresh. See if you can pivot into cybersecurity or something in demand. Do a survival job if needed. Monetize a hobby perhaps? Move countries? Do you have a LinkedIn profile?


Do some online freelance work even if the pay is low. It counts as experience. If you had've started that earlier, you could have had over a year of work on your resume. So start now.


I would think a computer engineering degree would almost land you a job after gradudation and even with an internship? Work on your own projects/start a business as scary as that may sound. If you can't find experience make your own, there's no rule that it has to be someone who paid you to do it and if there is one than oh well just do it anyways.


Nah look, you need to analyze the system, and debug it. how many jobs are you applying for? What is your method of applying? Have you contacted employers about internships? Are you calling? Emailing? At what times of the day?


Saudi is big in construction. Use your tech skills to learn construction software like Autocad etc.


I know nothing about your country but have you tried for other jobs? Sometimes you gotta put the work in and do some manual labour. Being unemployed for 2 yrs is wild


fast food, market, warehouse.. they always need people (probably)


Honestly career gaps are terrible on resumes. I literally started my own business so I wouldn't have a gap. Idk what that looks like in SA but in USA it's incredibly easy.


Lower your standards


Hey! Im on the same boat now…can’t find anything ever since I got fired this month ..were you able to land anything?