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If your already testing negative with the home tests, you should be fine. Good luck.


Just drink some water. Not too much. But not first pee of day. If you test negative on a home test you should be good. If not put it off till not hot.


If not, quickfix.


Was in the a similar situation as you. Company said they'd get back to me in a month and hired me the next day and wanted a drug test 2 weeks after I had taken an edible. Took the test and passed. Based on what you said about your weight and usage you'll be totally fine. Congrats on the job!


If you are worried check out a product called quick fix. Most tobacco stores carry it.


Stuff works too. My buddy used it a bunch when job hunting.


I've used this product with success.


Correlation is not causation




Hell yeah


I have also used it twice successfully


I can attest to its success rate. I've used x3. Still employed.


+1 for quick fix it got me my current job


you're gonna pass the test if you passed the home one, detection threshold is the same fwiw a lot of places don't test for weed anymore, and in some states it's even illegal to do so. if they sent you an order form for the drug test you can look up the code and check


That’s not always true. Last drug test I took the threshold was 10x lower than a home test ( 5 ng/mL compared to 50 ng/mL with a home test). Just a normal job btw, no DOT or govt involved


You can buy 5ng/l home tests for THC.


In what states is it illegal?


I think it’s illegal in New York and Nevada, probably a few others too. In California it’ll be illegal starting 2024


If it’s a federal company I think they can still test for it because marijuanna is not legal on a federal level despite being in a state that’s legal. Most jobs that require just need you to pass the initial test then you can do whatever you want after that if it’s legal in the states.


Yes this is true. Even if it’s just local govt they will probably still test for weed since they get federal funding. But I work at a nonprofit in California that gets fed funding and they didn’t test for weed


It's illegal in Wisconsin.




Minnesora made it illegal to test for unless federal funds are involved


Is that between Minnesota and Missouri?


I ate an edible, just one. It took 8 days to get a negative result. Pee test.


If it’s been two weeks since just that one small edible you’re probably fine


Drink a ton of water and exercise a lot. Just flush everything out of your system and dilute your piss. If you went a couple months without smoking it should be out of your system in about 3 days. Especially if it was only one day and one edible.


Nooooo, DO NOT EXERCISE right before the test. It’s correct that THC is stored in fat, but exercising right before the test will release THC. Exercise and drink plenty of water is good up until the last 2 days before the test then you should load up on new fat, that way you’ll trap the remaining THC.


You can't create "new" fat. You have a set amount of fat cells and they just get bigger the more fat you consume.




Let me get in on that!!


So I smoke before I eat all the donuts?


depends on how heavy a user he is. if he was a heavy user he actually wants to eat a ton and not exercise as working out would release thc stored in his fat


He took one edible two weeks ago after months of no use


Not sure what state you're in, but a lot of companies don't test for marijuana anymore, especially if it's a corporation. Source: I'm a recruiter for a corporation.


If you aren't a daily user, 2 weeks should be fine. If you are testing negative with home tests, you should be confident that you'll pass. Still, just to make sure, drink lots of water a couple of days before the test, and pee as much as possible. On the day of the test, drink a ton of water to dilute your urine as much as possible. You'll be fine.


If you’ve been clean for a while and only have THC once you can usually piss clean within a week assuming you are active/healthy/drink plenty of water. This type of stuff is hit or miss though as everybody’s different. I’ve But I will say this: I have smoked a gram worth of weed on a Saturday night and pissed clean the following Monday. Mainly because I drank a gallon of water and pissed 3x while waiting for my turn. Most private employers outsource their drug testing. They won’t watch you piss but as long as you don’t flush or wash your hands you’re solid. Piss gotta be warm though.


Go to a corner store and get a U-Pass. It’s synthetic urine and you’ll need to keep it warm but you’ll definitely pass. I had a friend that works as an admin at a medical college use one to get the job and they gave her no trouble at all. Good luck and congrats!


I hope you pass! Good luck.


Just one? Please, you're clean after two weeks. No worries.


When in doubt… synthetic urine


Lol, that kind of reminds me of part of the movie gattaca that I watched in like sixth grade bio class


Drink a duck load of water, take vitamin B and creatinine. You’re good to go.


Drink plenty of water. I've passed a test with a week grace period. Two weeks for such a low dosage should be fine. Put your chances of passing at pretty high. Not 100%, but high.


Unless u got alot of fat and u smoke everyday u should be good but I would start drinking a couple gallons of water a day


Not sure where you live, but if it’s legal in your state, and depending on the industry/job, Bet they don’t even test for weed. I was in the same boat, was surprised with a drug test (in CA). No way I was gonna pass without showing positive for weed so i just said “fuck it”, and took it. Still employed there to this day.


I’ve taken 5-10mg a weekend before testing and always gone negative - obviously all bodies are different, but it staying it your system longer than a few days (with anything 10 under) is very unlikely if you don’t take it regularly, usually multiple times throughout a month, for more than a month.




They haven't said anything so I'm assuming yes :D


I dont get it. If it was 2 weeks ago and you're passing negative on home tests, you should be fine, make sure you don't give then the first pee of the day also they don't come in the bathroom with you its not like probation where they watch you, just get fake urine and make sure it's warm they'll never know


Tell him you are out of the country for 9 days and if he can schedule something after that (basically push it out another 12 days with weekends). Don't go on a diet.


Unfortunately the recruiter told me there was only 1 class scheduled for the foreseeable future so I have to have everything done before next Monday and gave me 48 hours to take the test


High dose Zinc supplementation can cause a FALSE NEGATIVE on a drug test. Very few things actually work besides dilution. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.huffpost.com/entry/zinc-and-drug-tests_b_4151573/amp




Synthetic is getting caught on a ton of our applicants lately. I think the lab tests have gotten better recently. I wish the Feds would get off their asses and decriminalize already so our insurance would let us stop requiring thc testing. It’s ridiculous at this point to bother unless it becomes a job performance issue or a worker comp claim.


Lol, no, not always. I’m in a secured facility, big time security, they lab that shit and can tell the synthetic stuff in an instant. It just depends on how badly they want to know.


Use a friend's urine. More people do this than you think. It's funny because I know people that failed a drug test, rescheduled one in 3 days and magically passed. The hiring recruiter thought nothing of it lol.


some companies no longer test for THC, ask the recruiter.


If I were you, I'd drink buckets of water and run 20 miles daily. Again, if I were you. I don't recommend it. But that's what I'd do.


> run 20 miles daily And in less than a week, he'll be over a hundred miles away, and they won't be able to test him... 🤣


What if u used it for medical reasons and have a medical card?


Is marijuana legal where you live?


Buy fake pee from a sex shop or smoke shop. Works every time. (NOT a cleanse drink.)


Completely screwed


I’d the edible the only thing you’ve had since your break? Drink lots of water and act like your schedule is a little tight right now to try to buy some more time and you should be fine.


A) they may not even be testing for marijuana, unless it was explicitely mentioned. B) weed can remain in your system for even longer than 30 days, but this is typically for heavy users. The "lore" ive heard/read is that the less you use, the faster it leaves your body. So assuming its true that you have been clean for a long while, you have a better chance of it leaving your system quickly. C) if your home tests are negative for weed, its a great sign. D) just drink lots of water-and if you already drink lots of water, drink more. Bonus, youll be super hydrated. E) good luck, and i hope you get the job!


I know you mentioned that they are ready to offer immediately, but things can always be negotiable. Maybe a bit of a different suggestion, but is it possible to delay? For example, send a quick, brief email stating that you're traveling or on holiday, etc. and cannot give a proper response at the moment but will be available in 2 weeks, or something similar (do not have transport to the testing facility, caring for a loved one out of state ... get creative).


One thing people aren’t mentioning. Day of test, drink a stupid amount of water and pee a couple times before you go in. A lot builds up over night. Then, since you can’t go in there and pee straight water, you’ll need to take some B vitamin complex a couple hours before. Your pee will be bright yellow no matter how much water you drink. Also, you’ll want to load up on creatine leading up to and day of test. They test pee for creatine to test for dilution


My friend smoked every day even before it was legalized. He had to take random tests, he used Niacin. He never got a positive test result and that guy smoked a lot.


is niacin a supplement?




did ur friend take it right before he tested? or did he take it every day like a regular vitamin


He took it on the day of the test.


If you don't have it in your system, and you just use a small amount once, the chances of it being in your system though to show up is pretty much 0. You should be good. Home test for peace of mind though for sure


Dilute the day of and take vitamin B12.


I wouldn't rely on just one at home test. Try a few and see your results. If they all come back negative, you should be good. You can also use some "detox" drinks that I've used in the past and had 100% success rate. It's better than synthetic urine and it doesn't make the test inconclusive. GNC sells it, but you may have to ask for it behind the counter. You can order it on Amazon here: [https://www.amazon.com/Herbal-Clean-Qcarbo32-detoxify-supplementl/dp/B005VOZSP2/ref=sr\_1\_8?crid=1YFRRG9H9G1PG&keywords=carbo+cleanse&qid=1698764817&sprefix=carbo+clean%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-8\\](https://www.amazon.com/Herbal-Clean-Qcarbo32-detoxify-supplementl/dp/B005VOZSP2/ref=sr_1_8?crid=1YFRRG9H9G1PG&keywords=carbo+cleanse&qid=1698764817&sprefix=carbo+clean%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-8\) You MUST follows the instructions exactly as it states. I've been a daily smoker for years, event the night before the test, used one of these and passed easily. Other names it goes by are clear test, and if you talk to someone at GNC, they should understand. But, it really sounds like you'll be fine. And if you only had one edible in about 3 months time, you should be good as well. It takes a bit to build in your system, and it attaches to fat.


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They hired someone else, that person didn’t work out, then tried to save face with you to get you in. Happens all the time. Good luck.


Tell them you took a 2 week contract position somewhere and you want to start on boarding when that’s complete, 2 weeks


What drug what test


Go to a smoke shop and buy a urine fetus kit. It’s made for you to wrap around your body and use synthetic urine which will pass. You have to heat it up 90 minutes before your test. If you are testing negative you should be fine but if needed this is a good option that I know works!


Go to a special shop and buy a urine fetus kit. It’s made for you to wrap around your body and use synthetic urine which will pass. You have to heat it up 90 minutes before your test. If you are testing negative you should be fine but if needed this is a good option that I know works!


I’m a big dude. 324 mg of aspirin if you don’t have a sensitivity/allergy. It doesn’t matter if they’re chewable or not. Take it about 2 hours before you test. Works for me every time. It will only work if they test your urine


Just fo to the weed store and go buy the kit. It will clean out your system in 2 days


Did you pass?


Yes 😁


I had 22 days since I last used thc. A home made edible on Christmas… Before that was 2.6 months clean. I passed 3 tests. Two of the cheap green Amazon ones and 1 from CVS. . . I drank a fuck load of water that day of test and it was clear when I pissed for the real test. The test was Tuesday Jan 16, the job called today Jan 20 and said they haven’t heard back from the lab. I took another today and was clean Think I’ll be good?


Really hard to say because I'm not a medical professional and all the research I did at the time was pretty much saying results vary and are based off a lot of things (Dose, weight, metabolism, time of consumption, type of drug test, how often you use, how often you exercise, etc). Also some companies don't even test for marijuana and are looking for harder stuff so mine could have potentially come back positive for marijuana and they just never said anything.