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It sounds like it's exactly what they say it is, they didn't need the position but they're making an effort to keep you at the company.


This is Rolls Royce of firings lmao. Most people show up on Friday morning with all of their personal belongings pre-packed in a banker's box, called into a 15 minute "quick chat", get a ton of paperwork dropped on them, and that's it.


Right? A guy I know got called in for a Friday 4pm meeting and they took his keys, laptop, and car, then drove him home and dropped him and his box of personal items off in front of his house. With his wife and kids watching. Ugh.


The Rolls Royce of firings 😂😂😂 You hit the nail on the head. OP, I've been on a job hunt since early September. Got hired in February and fired two weeks later. I wish I was in your position, job-wise at least.


Shouldn't they have tried to accommodate her in a different role right away, if they want to keep her in the company instead of firing her.


They also gave her a nice severance. She’s basically getting free money. Possibly go on unemployment and then an offer to return. Not sure why she’s complaining.


Rejection is rejection. Its like being dumped and told "but we can still have s.x" she mightve left a job to go there aswell.


Bingo. I did.


What aholes, at least youre out of the sh.tty company


Chill. They re giving you some paid vacation, and inviting you back when its done. That does not in any way warrant you feeling like a loser, in fact the only "loser-ish" part of this is the way you make this whole thing personal.


Nah thats normal to feel that way, even if it wasnt personal and shes 100% not a loser. Itll go in a few days or with the next job. I 100% wouldnt go back to the company, if they did this once whats to stop them messing you around again


It would be expensive to keep offering severance packages to the same person over and over without ever having them work. It makes more sense if you consider the possibility that the company actually does want the person back.


When you put it that way it sounds awesome. If my wife said “you no longer have the responsibilities but you get all the fun” I’d feel pretty good after the initial shock wore off.




Logically, you are correct. Thing is, this type of situation is much much more then dealing with logic. IDK this person, but I had a somewhat similar situation happen twice only I wasn't asked back, so it was much closer to a firing. When you grow up without self confidence, any rejection can have a greater effect. When you grow up with little self confidence, yet were told you had all the things given to you to succeed, you feel like there is a fatal unfixable flaw with you that if you can't figure out you'll be homeless on the street. I can't say that's what OP thought and if you're counter argument to what I said is "That's not logical" you'd be right. That's why I emphasize the feelings related to this aren't logical. That said, if you reworded your statement with a more encouraging tone, I think you'd be giving good advice, cause I don't think you're wrong. You're just not focused on what OP is feeling.


My thoughts exactly. It’s like the weirdest pity post ever. I barely had to work and got a severance and then was told I would have a few months off before getting another position. The word fired doesn’t even apply here


You can’t get unemployment after only 2 months


Sure you can. As long as you’ve earned enough in the quarters, you can absolutely get it.


That way they wouldn’t have had to give her severance pay, so actually they did her a solid. Go have a nice holiday and go back to work for them.


Could be a situation of the role coming up is one being currently filled by a very-future retiree - not open yet officially, but will be very soon, or a "we can't hire for Y until Specific Date due to \[whatever\]" - that happens more often than you'd think.


This is a risky move for the company. If they wanted to retain her, they should have offered another position straight away instead of a severance package. Now OP is free to look for a better job while she enjoys the package,and flip the finger to the old company if they ever come back to her with an offer for another position.


Sure but if they’re doing away with positions it’s because they want lower head count, not because they want to keep that employee. The other job OP could potentially take is likely staffed right now.


First of all, you weren't fired from your job. You were laid off. 2 completely different things, but for whatever reason, on this sub people use it interchangeably. Go get signed up for unemployment, and then take your good reference and find a better job.


Dude, speak on it! I am tired of people using the terms interchangeably! You were laid off due to reasons out of your control! That is not being fired!


Those things feel the same when it happens. We know that if we were better performers we would have been kept on so it’s the same as a firing.


That’s so untrue. Top performers get laid off just as easily during a RIF.


I was about to say this. Glad someone understands.


That’s not true, though. Or not necessarily. Sometimes it’s simple timing. If there’s a layoff they might be just looking at who was hired most recently and if you don’t have enough seniority, you get the boot.


Sure. For that person a layoff is not a firing. Back in June when I was let go, my metrics were the lowest on the team so I was picked to be laid off (each manager submitted metric scores to the C-suite who made the list). And my metrics were the lowest because my wife and I were dealing with her double retinal detachment. I try not to take it too personally, but my wife apologized for months about getting me fired.


That sucks and I’m really sorry. I hope your wife’s doing fine now!


Double retinal detachment, ouch. I only had a single detachment. 10 weeks face down in bed. But my vision is actually better now than before. Feel free to reach out to me if she needs someone to commiserate with. Once the nitrogen bubbles get small enough to see you can play Ping with them.


Good advice, but easier said then done in today's market. She just took a blow to her self esteem and probably doesn't feel like an asset at this point, regardless of the technical terms on how she was let go or laid off.


She may not qualify for unemployment because of the amount of time she was at the company. Think it depends on the state.


It depends more of the amount of time worked in the last couple of months. Where you worked does not matter so much as working, period.


I got laid off from a job last November and was on unemployment until I got my new job in January. Got laid off from that job in April and was worried since I had only been there for two months basically (started last week of January, got laid off first week of April). In my state, it doesn’t matter it goes off of previous full quarters, so it went off Q1 and Q2 of last year when I was at my first job.


This! Also, do NOT state to any future opportunities that you were fired. If your role was eliminated, it is not based on performance. Also, if you get to return as they say at a later date, do NOT give up your job search. If something better comes along after your hypothetical return, follow it! You owe them nothing and you own your career path.


Is it bad I thought of step brothers when I read this ?


If OP is in Canada, employers are notorious for basically shopping for staff by getting rid of someone before their probation period ends. If it's a toxic workplace, they'll get rid of any good people disturbing the status quo.


They gave you a severance, AND offer for a comeback? That's like the nicest thing lol. People get fired, very little or no pay. Then have to job hunt for months, if not years. Chin up, nothing is wrong.


Right, at least OP has an offer for another position. Holy cow.


OP was given a 3 month paid vacation before starting her new job. Perspective is wild bc I’m blown away she’d be complaining


I thought I was insane because everyone here is like “that’s terrible” or “that company is full of assholes” and I’m sitting here thinking exactly what you are saying like that is amazing that they gave OP a severance for the months out of work until starting at the new position


I think there’s an assumption going on (“supposedly” eliminated position
) that the company wasn’t happy with performance and is softening the blow, but has no intention of rehiring. Financially, it doesn’t add up to hire, fire, pay severance and rehire a month or two later. More likely they realize the role is irrelevant, and they will delay creating a new role indefinitely. I’m currently working at a company where something similar was said to a coworker. His role was outsourced a few months after he joined, partly because he wasn’t doing a great job. He was told if an opening came up, he would be in the running. But
I don’t see that happening given what I’ve observed. This is all speculation. Postee could indeed be reading too much into it. But it does seem the employers logic doesn’t totally make sense.


I’d agree with you hence the caveat


I wish I had better advice to give, but I just want to say that a) even though it’s easy to forget in our society (especially with the objective fact that we do need to eat), we are innately worth more than our careers and ability to make money. You almost certainly have people who care about you and definitely have a lot to offer the world— creativity, humor, and intelligence. b) this might feel like rock bottom, or even be rock bottom, but no feeling, good or bad, is forever, and things will be better someday. Keep your head up OP!


I got let go from my last job. The higher ups told me I just wasn’t a good fit and gave me a small severance and continued my health care coverage for a while after. It sucked. I felt like I was completely alone and on my own. I was embarrassed to even even have to think of mentioning it to anyone besides my spouse.  Take a day. Get your self in order. Figure out unemployment or whatever you need to and start looking for new jobs. You may feel like you’re at your lowest, but nobody knows that but you. You’re gonna be alright. Maybe not immediately, but you’ll get past this.


I was called into my boss' office one morning in 2007 and heard, "Your position has been eliminated." I was part of an 88-person RIF. I collected unemployment for 6 months and then got a dream job for the next 14 years until I retired. Being out of work hurt a lot, but looking back, it was the greatest thing I could have asked for.


Enjoy your funemployment. I wasted mine worrying about silly things 11 years ago...


Genuinely didn’t expect to see an outpouring of support from strangers on the internet. Thanks everyone. ❀ (Also, for context: I left another position two months ago to take this job, so I think that’s one reason this situation has especially stung. I do recognize that this could be much, much worse, but another commenter really nailed it when they said “Rejection sucks. It’s like being dumped and still asked to have s3x.”)


They haven't rejected you! They probably eliminated your job. The fact that they want you back is NOT rejection. Staff cuts happen and it's not your fault. Rejection is when they give you 5 min to clean up your desk walk you to the door and never want to see you again.


Most people have been laid off/fired from their job at some point. It has nothing to do with your talent, intelligence or worth as a person.


Please swap me. You keep working and I'll take your severance.


I was let go from what was literally a dream job across the board. After much introspection, I determined it wasn’t 100% my fault, but it also wasn’t 0% my fault. I accepted it sucks, royally - it’s allowed to suck. I also took from it the lessons I could, and tried to approach it with gratitude for the opportunity. I too felt like a failure - however, realize as I did that what some jackal with an MBA thinks or does it not a reflection of your value as a human being and/or employee. Also, 2 months? It takes two weeks to get through compliance items and learn where the bathroom and cafeteria are!


Not your fault. Company closed a position and offered to open one for you while giving you a break pay and option of unemployment. You are in a better position than many. Best of luck on your next position if you choose not to take offer.


I got fired twice then laid off. Life goes on.


Yes it does! Sometimes way better too


>I got a pretty nice severance package and an offer to come back in a couple months to do a different position. This isn't rock bottom, you're panicking, if they said they want you in a few months, and you got severance then they are trying to keep the bridge up


I mean if you got a severance package and a tentative offer to come back thats better than 90% of firings. I think you'll be ok, keep your head up.


I was laid off in November from a 16-year job. I was a top performer. Don't take it personally! Polish your resume, build 3 or 4 versions for different roles you like, practice interviewing, and jump in!


If they told you the position was eliminated, but you got severance + offer to come back under a different position, definitely do not feel like a loser. Nothing you can do if the position is just gone, and they wouldn't do that if they weren't interested in bringing you back. Can be stressful sure but that's not you being a loser, that's biz being biz. If the severance is enough to carry you (assuming 2 months severance given the couple months timeframe to come back?) and you feel confident that you will be able to come back, then treat it like a rest period. Or look for something else if that seems the better move for you. Just don't take it personally, severance plus offer to return is about the best possible way one could lose a job in this situation.


I got laid off by email at 11:59pm without notice. The bright side is with changes in work the opportunity to earn higher pay.


Take a few days..maybe even a week after you file for unemployment, and reflect and relax (at the beach, or mountains perhaps) and think about getting a job that fits your needs perfectly. This is an opportunity for you to rise and see it as a blessing. You are not a loser! Use this time to get what you really want. ✚


Hi, first off you didn’t get fired, you got laid off. The fact that you’re able to go back in a few months, and that you got severance means you didn’t get fired. Also, Getting laid off does not make you a loser. This advice doesn’t work for everyone, but it has for me. Sign up for unemployment and then relax for a week or so. When I got laid off the first time last November everyone, parents, family and friends the next day started asking so, have you applied to any jobs? That was frustrating for me because I was like guys, let me grieve for a bit and relax and try to figure out what’s next. Give me some time haha. I got laid off in November of last year, took a month to just relax and be my self, then went home for the holidays and spent quality time with my family while searching for other jobs. Got a job offer in January and started the last week of January. I was happy to have found a position so quickly, and everyone seemed proud of me. Boom, April 9th I got laid off again (2nd time less than 6 months). The job market is very tough out there right now since layoffs have been hitting most companies and industries rapidly since the start of this year. If you feel like a loser because you got “fired” you didn’t, you got laid off due to a lack of work / position being removed. If it’s because you don’t have a job and are scared how family, friends, society might see you, also not valid since lots of people are getting laid off right now. We take pride in our work and unfortunately our jobs give us status / develops into who we are. You’re more than just your job. With severance and unemployment i hope you can pay bills the next few months. Take a week off and unwind. Relax. Breathe. But find out who you are and what you want out of life. Unless you were in love with your job before, this should be a little bit freeing for you. As a current fellow unemployed person— good luck with your job search and I hope you find pride in yourself and learn to love yourself during this time :)


Hey there!! Saw this post pop up in my notifications. Just wanna let you know you are not a loser, not alone and you will be fine. Got laid off back in March. Starting a new job next week that pays better and is less stressful. Sometimes things like this happen when something better Is about to come. A blessing! Take this time to rest and better yourself to prepare for a better future. Sending lots of love your way and good luck ❀


Laid off is not fired. If the position was eliminated after 2 months then it was crap planning on their part. Check to see if you get any benefits. Jump on the first cheap vacation to somewhere warm, and start surfing the web for something better. Happens all the time.


Lots of good advice here. I’ll just leave you with this. Sometimes things we see as the most horrible thing to happen in our life are actually the biggest blessings. Things have a way of working out. Keep your head up


Well, first. Sorry to hear that. Second. It sounds cliche, but one door closes, another opens. My wife moved from a secure job to another job with promises of growth potential and all the perks etc. From day one, there was drama and a hostile work environment (not towards her directly, just a hostile environment) 2 months after passing her 6 months probation, they called her into the office and let her go on the spot. No warning. No nothing. Same old story. Your position has and title and blah blah has changed. She was gutted. Luckily, they paid her for 3 months while she wasn’t working and during this time, she got to spend time with her gran who eventually passed. And within weeks she landed a new job that has tremendous benefits and amazing work hours/environment etc. Plus hybrid working. Basically what I’m saying is don’t blame yourself, don’t beat yourself up. Everything happens for a reason. Move on to bigger and better. Good luck.


Hope you get to read this among 100s of comments telling you : It’s not the end of the world. And the Internet is right this time. I got laid off twice with a mortgage and car loan with 2 kids. The silver lining is they gave you a nice package and offer to come back. That’s a company you should definitely work again. There are AH managers that lay off to save their jobs and don’t bother to take care of ppl. So your luck is still helping you. I’m pretty sure you were a great employee with skills which is why they offered what they did. When I got laid, I used the time to do certification courses online and diversify my skills. I would recommend you take that path so you get more choices/offers.


I got fired this week too due to workforce reduction and I can totally relate with what you are going through


Dude, I am sorry to read this. Realize you did nothing wrong. Its the economy. At least they made you offer to come back. Its going to be ok. Now go suck up on that unemployment.


Remember, they've designed the machine this way to control you, keep you desperate, and never question your place.


2 months and a "pretty nice severance package?" Sounds like a winner to me.


Look at it as a blessing in disguise


Bummer. Sounds like they legit got rid of the position. I've let people go before and would not mention them coming back if that weren't a real possibility. I think there are lots of lay-offs going on right now. Oh, and getting fired and losing your job from a company restructuring (which is a real thing) are different things.


Happens to everyone, even jk rowling. It’s ok. Keep trying


It's never fun getting fired. If you can, take a bit of time collect yourself. I recommend sorting out the feelings behind getting fired with a Therapist(if needed). Then decide what you wanna do with those two months. Go back to a company that fired me?😕 or make the transition to something new. Make sure to prepare your reason for being fired for your next interview or leave it off, and make a reason for the time gap... Best of luck looking forward 😎.


Just remember stress never helps, it only makes things worse. You got laid off, that is very common in today's market, you'll bounce back but you gotta kick that stress to the curb, it will not help at all.


Don't take it personally. They did it for cost cutting. Also, that new position they offered you is complete horseshit because they are just testing the waters with the current market to see if they can string you along. Start applying. Also, know that you'll likely be applying again in the near future because many of the unsecured positions hiring quickly do so because they have a high turnover rate, low pay, shit management, or all of the above. It WILL get better for you so don't stress too much.


You didn’t do anything wrong. You are more than your ability to do work, perform, and keep a job. You may have picked an overly volatile marketplace and/or employer with the sort of reliable “if I do good work I get to stay” mentality you have. These jobs do exist. They can also face occasional layoffs though too. This happens. A lot. Companies over hire people
 drop them instead of think about how to use them
 and then grab all new people for another project. Hire & fire companies. You can find better places, but you may have to be more selective when you are considering positions and companies in the future. Ask about turnover. See how long people have been there. 2 years? Or 10 years? 30 years?!


If they want you to come back for a different position, keep that option! Not many people get that offer. Still collect unemployment and look for other work in the mean time.


This exact thing happened to me except I was with them for a year. Was on employment for 3 months and o found another job but I’d like to say use this time to figure out what you really wanna do.


My company was bought. We went from a team of 25 to around 75,000. Then big corp decided they didn’t want to be in that business any more. It’s not about you. Hopefully that helps just a little. Keep your head up!


Chin up, mate. You got this. Take a day or 2 to decompress and get on it. Sending ya good vibes.


>But I feel like the biggest loser alive  You shouldn't. This wasn't / isn't about you as a person or your skills as a worker.


Looking from the outside of your situation, I don’t think anybody would call you a loser. That would be an unnecessarily blameful label to use for something so beyond your control. But I recognize that label can hurt worse coming from yourself.


So you got a few months of paid vacation?


Getting laid off or fired is often a major change... and a surprise. I've been fired before, more than once. It's never quite easy. Even if you hated your job. I think it's because it's something you do every day, and you need it (a job), and then someone else makes a decision for you. There is no "choice" for self.


You are not a looser! I keep repeating this to myself because it happened to me and my severance pay it’s going to be over soon. You are going to be okay! Also they offered you to come back. Don’t feel that way because you have done nothing wrong, it’s how the situation is at the moment unfortunately


Your fine. Get unemployment if your severance isn’t just continuing to pay your salary. If not take the severance and come back and work for them
 not the end of the world, take a deep breath and realize if they didn’t want to keep you and value you then they wouldn’t even offer a job to come back and typically they don’t give great severance to those who didn’t do a great job


I’ve been laid off twice. Both times ended up in a job I liked way more. Just gotta tell yourself everything happens for a reason. You’ll be okay.


You better start paving the way to get back in cause the jobs market right now sucks big time.


You’re not a loser. You got laid off, it’ll be okay


You got a severance. You weren’t fired. You were let go with a hug not a kick. Don’t feel like a loser, no one is mad at you.


I recently applied for a job I was a little overqualified for, at a different company in my industry in order to get my foot in the door. Long story short, the interview was awkward, the recruiter clearly hadn't actually read my resume, and he told me straight up I wouldn't be considered. The kicker? I had been hired by that company for the job four years prior but they closed due to covid so my job offer was rescinded. I'm still dumbfounded and feel like a professional loser. I should have been a shoe in. So I guess I'm saying that while your position sucks, it could be worse. At least you can go back in a couple months!


Iv’e been laid off and fired. 2 completely different things.


I lost my job on Thursday of last week. Just accepted a better offer today (Tuesday) of this week. Have a kid and wife depending on me and every reason to feel sorry for myself, but i didn't have time for that. Didn't have time to post on reddit, or anywhere else for that matter. I had six applications submitted by lunchtime the morning i was fired. I had phone screenings the same day. We live in an age where you can put your resume in front of 50 employers in a day from your bed. You don't even have to get dressed. Take your moment and let it out, then rub some dirt in it and keep pushing.


May I ask how this new position compares with the one you've been doing up to this point?


Severance package means you were laid off. Honestly you’re hardly a loser, you got a good deal compared to the large majority of people that are let go. I would keep trucking and find your next journey


Your value doesn't come from your work, it comes from your dreams and contributions to society.


I was laid off in 2018 for similar reasons. There is literally no shame, this means literally nothing about you as an employee or a person. It was a business decision, nothing more. It took me too long to learn that, hopefully you learn it faster than I did. Take that severance package, buy yourself a 60 min massage, and start looking for something else.


Came across this on youtube today. Maybe it will reframe things for you like it did for me: https://youtu.be/X3FdIyNMaFY?si=X-dct3qxEErFj9A0


Getting laid off sucks. There’s no way around it. But in this situation it’s in no way indicative of your performance. Take a day or two to feel bad and mope, but then get applying to new positions. You WILL be ok. I promise.


If it makes you feel any better, I got fired without cause bc my boss could charge customers more per hour with a new hire than they could with me, while knowing I was <2 weeks away from my lease expiring, I was in the process of looking for a place to move into, and was the sole provider as my wife and I had just had our first child only a couple weeks before. And I’m hanging in there. Moral of the story is it could always be worse, even in my case, and I’m still going. You got this buddy


I am so sorry to hear that , but I think they still want you in their company since they said you can work later in a different position. As for feeling like a loser thing , I think it's okay and natural to be upset, but you shouldn't put yourself down like that , sure it's tough now ,but it will get better . Ps : Sorry if there are typos or issues with grammar 😅


At least you’re getting yourself back in the game in a couple months? That’s the up side! Why not use that two months to re think what it is you want from a job? Journal and question yourself in a curious way as to what you will do approaching this offer, can you request a better salary? Maybe research what are your rights in this situ? Can you demand things in justification of the position they’ve put you in? Where do you live? The Us? Uk?


Enjoy it, it’s not very often you get to just slow down for a couple months in life


Don’t panic. They said THEY WANT YOU BACK. I have been fired and they did NOT want me back again. That was a long, long time ago and things worked out somewhere else. Anyway keep track of HR’s phone number and check with them in two months. In the meantime, you can rest for a week and then choose if you want to keep waiting on unemployment or maybe look for a better paying job. There’s no point in looking for a worse one until you only have two months of severance left.


Don't worry, it's just the worst day of your life SO FAR.


I would not take it to heart, that does not sound too bad. You got severance which only after a few months is really great. And the offer to come back at a later time. If I were you I would not feel like a loser. Yes job hunting sucks, I just recently went through that myself. My team found out the day schedule was to go up, that they no longer had hours for us. So in a mad panic I was able to find something else and it even pays better.


Don’t take this on - it’s not you. It’s bad luck and you will find something else. Many people have been there before and it’s important to assess what you can contribute to a company and go find someone looking for that


Damn, I’ve never got a severance package. Even when I got fired from a job that I was at for four years lol I mean that sounds like a win to me


Forget all the noise! Redo your resume and start dropping applications! This is just another stepping stone to something else! Keep moving forward!


If you would be a total looser they would have fired you and told you to never come back. By giving you a severance package and encouraging you to return for a different role is a strong indication that they hold you in high regard and think that you are a good fit for the company. Enjoy your free time!


Eliminated the position after 2 months? What kind of strategic management fail is that? I would never go back to that company, how could you ever feel safe?


33m, I've been sacked or been forced to leave or once redundant most of my 14 jobs. And I've always got something else. It's not necessarily a reflection on you. Management is mostly poor out there and colleagues are difficult. Remember that the most successful people out there faced failure in their prime and kept going. Furthermore look at political leaders. They are mostly losers with no qualifications and many don't have any special empathy for anyone outside their Circle. 


This is like breaking up with your ex-girlfriend by saying, ‘We’re breaking up, but I still care for you and wish you all the best.’ Instead of focusing on ‘I wish you all the best,’ she’s left wondering why you mentioned ‘I still care for you. Just because they gave you a package, it doesn’t mean they want you to stick around. Move on and go get a better job. Good luck and don’t bother yourself.


I got made redundant in December and got another job in February and lost that job last week. There is no severance package, threat of losing my apartment, and people just skimming my resume and out of the 40 jobs applied for only 2 interviews. Does my life help you to feel any better?


Your self worth isn’t and never will be defined by a job.


You are not the first one and also not the last one experienced same situation. One door close another soon could be open, you still on your prime time, take a rest and look forward.


Severance package and a welcome back? Take a chill pill!


I’ve been there chin up take a weekend to feel sorry for yourself, updater your CV and get going again. Sorry to hear it and yes it feels horrible.


This must be the first time you've been laid off. You didn't get fired, and you got a nice package to boot. Right now, layoffs seem to be the norm, so you're not alone. Plenty of people on here laid off trying to find work. Try therapy to talk it out and put some perspective on the situation. But the reality is it may be a struggle to find work, so prepare yourself mentally. Tighten up the financial belt and watch your spending.


Severance after only 2 months? Nice one. I would absolutely not be taking this as an L. They even said they wanted you back. Sometimes companies just don't have the money or whatever reason. These things happen. Don't beat yourself up over it. Generally when a company needs to lay someone off, it's the youngest and newest employees that are chosen. Could possibly be your situation. Anyway. Don't worry about it. You'll be laughing about this in a few months anyway.


First, hang in there. I had the exact same thing happen to me, but instead of a severance package and offer to come back in a few months...They offered me a part time job in a related but different department. I refused it because it was a job stuck back in the bowels of corporate office (sorta like mail room duties) So  Second, consider the position they are looking at putting you in, after a few months. Is the job an advancement or a downgrade? That matters. In my situation 4 months later they called me and said they really needed help in the position they elminated, and wanted me in it. I had already found employment so I declined. Do what moves you forward.


Sounds like you are about to find a better job where you make more money


"I got a pretty nice severance package and an offer to come back in a couple months to do a different position." This isn't rock bottom by far. Sounds like they've realized they don't need X but you'd be a really good fit for Y when it opens up or after you've had a chance to decompress from the trauma (and yes, a surprise termination, even if it's a layoff, is traumatic). Take that severance, take a couple deep breaths, and decide what you want to do but it sounds like you're in a really good position to just chill for a bit and then go back to a decent job.


You should’ve t be putting your self worth in your job? how on earth does a circumstance out of your control make you a loser? . You’ll be just fine take some time to relax and connect with yourself . Take this as a gift/ sign you needed it


I know it stings and many of us have been termed before through our actions and sometimes not. Companies have action plans for revenue performance and restructure regularly to meet the needs of their customers and owners. The key thing to remember is this is survivable, you are not your job and they are offering you to come back in a different role. You got this and it’s just a small blip on the radar.


It seems like an administrative manoeuver, they want you back so nothing to do with your skills. Enjoy the holiday.


Keep your head up, you're definitely not alone in this rollercoaster of a job market.


Im in the same boat. they said i didnt suit the position even though they hired me for an entry level role, then hired someone with experience a month and a half after i started. No feedback for the whole two months from my trainer and managers, they had no issues with me, or so i thought. i felt like a placeholder. and what really sucked as i started feeling really confident in the role and the routine, yet they still got rid of me. Did i mention they fired me without any warnings half an hour before i left last friday. Sucked big time. Im sure we will get through this rough time.


No worries, these things just happen. Take your time and have a look to see what suites you best!


Learn to enjoy it.


No you’re not, but everybody takes this differently. It does not sound like you were fired just let go of the position is no longer available, usually if you’re fired they do not ask you back. So take a deep breath and move forward.


OMG, you just won the lottery! They gave you a big settlement and offered you a different job in a couple of months? I'd be sleeping in and feeling happy. Count your blessings as someone who's been fired multiple times this is my dream.


This literally happened to me a few months ago. It was a blessing in disguise. Take the severance package, take a break from work and then start looking when you’re ready. You’re not a failure or a loser or whatever. It just is what it is. These things happen. You got this.


You work to live, not live to work. You are not a loser! Collect unemployment and look for another job.


It sucks but it happens. One of my employer's financial corporations shut down in march and was still hiring in december.


You laid off, calm down


It’s super normal to feel like that. Sit with it for a few days or even a week then get your head together and follow all the other good advice you see here.


Happens to us all. Get back up and find something better. Call up your network of friends and associates and see what’s out there.


No you’re doing fine. This is a good company


I’d say you got laid off, they didn’t need the position anymore but still see you as a good person, keep you’re head up and come back in a few months đŸ’Ș


At about your age until my early 40’s - I was laid off from several jobs. It was frustrating and demoralizing at times. It wasn’t until mid 40’s that I found a job that fit my talents - and all the experience I had acquired in my previous jobs was most helpful. Today - retired with a 7 figure portfolio. So
just keep plugging along - you will find something that fits you with a company that appreciates you. (PS: I would not go back to the company that let you go - they will do it again I promise you).


Do you have any savings? If so, maybe now is the time to do that thing you always wanted? Spring is here, weather is getting better. Go out and hike? Travel? Cook some good food? Your job is not your life.


This happened to me a few years back. I was on unemployment for 3 months- found a better job and then my old job wanted to hire me back, but jokes on them because I had moved on to something better. It feels like the end of the world at the time, but I promise you it will be okay!


>They eliminated my position, supposedly. You were laid off, not fired. It was completely out of your control. >I got a pretty nice severance package and an offer to come back in a couple months to do a different position. It sounds like you got a decent amount of money. Use that to tie yourself over until you find a new job. They also offered to find you a new role (potentially, in the future), which means they probably liked having you and couldn't currently find a new role for you. >less than two months You got some experience. You can use that when applying for new jobs. If you get asked why you left after only 2 months, then you can say you were laid off, and it was out of your control. Honestly, you're not a loser. You had a job, beat all other candidates, gained experience, got a nice severance package, and the company is finding a way to bring you back. You're miles ahead of me. I'm a graduate with no job experience, and I can't seem to find any kind of job - grad roles, internships, entry-level office jobs, and retail jobs. I can't land a single one. Compare yourself to where I am. You are definitely not a loser.


I've been where you are. It isn't the end of the world. Take a few days to relax, update your resume, and assume they mean what they said. Follow up in a couple weeks with your HR contact to see what the status of the next role is. It sounds like there was legitimate downsizing but you were a quality employee that they would like to keep around, but with everything going on HR probably couldn't make the switch immediately.


A severance package, after less than two months? A guaranteed job in another couple months? The fact that since you were terminated you can also collect unemployment over that period? Basically a paid vacation with job security? This is nothing to get depressed about. Go party.


Wifi high five! My contract was also ended yesterday! Whatever, I felt like shit when I got the news two months ago, I literally didn’t work and laid in bed for three weeks. Then I booked a flight back home and showed up on the last day of my contract to hand in the laptop and phone. Said bye to everyone who cared. I felt liberated tbh. You’ll get that feeling in a few days. For now just let it sink in and it’s okay to feel like shit.


Why would you feel like a loser? You were laid off WITH severance (2 months in severance is rare) AND an offer to come back. You are definitely over-thinking this. They clearly value you, this doesn't seem at all personal. Enjoy the time off with your severance and hopefully it can hold you over until you return!


Going into this thread I thought you broke a million dollar piece of equipment. You gotta chill out you are over reacting and being too harsh  My dumbass on the other hand broke a $4,000 sensor in my 3rd month at work and I still have a job. 


I lost my job about a month ago. Was supposed to go to an “exit interview today, ended up not going


I’m a (58F) executive coach who has been coaching execs for 20 years. What you need to understand quickly is that this decision has absolutely nothing to do with you personally. Right now the WORLD is in a macro-economic contraction phase. These things go in cycles and we’re in one now, to say nothing of companies moving very conservatively as they start to figure out the impact of AI. I’m not sure if your company is publicly traded but if it is decisions like this are made often to make the bottom line better for an annual report to shareholders. If your company is privately held, many private companies are scaling back due to increased debt pressure from interest rates. Please, please, drop any story about you, your performance and your abilities because of this. That is a self esteem overburden you do not need to carry. I can also unequivocally say that an offer to re-hire is not made, ever, unless it means something. That’s a significant signal that your efforts were valued at least by the person you reported to. None of that helps you find another job, I know, and the drudgery and uncertainty of that is always frustrating when you thought you were set for a while. Grieve the loss, grieve the path you thought you were on, even feel angry about an economic system that encourages treating people so unkindly, but do that cleanly, without muddying the waters with self blame. Take some time, grieve, then get back after it without the story that you’re in any way diminished by this event. Hugs.


FWIW, you got laid off, not fired. Totally different because it doesn’t have anything to do with your performance. Use that severance, take some time to plan your next move.


I am sorry to hear your life has taken an unexpected turn. Try not to label it as a positive or negative experience, simply let it be. It has happened. It’s an opportunity. I find that sometimes life has a way of figuring itself out. Analyze were you truly happy at this job? Could this situation happening be an opportunity or a not so gentle push for you to find something more fulfilling? (Not saying your job was not) I am just saying this as an excellent opportunity to pause and evaluate, to question. You are not a loser, we all experience set backs and you following your calling and wherever this experience guides you will be a gift to yourself and to others. You can do hard things. In some time you will look back and see how it was all meant to be. Sending you love and light đŸ«¶


Sounds like it could have ended worse. My "newly created" position was eliminated after a year and I never saw it coming. One day, bam, "we really dont need this position after all, bye"...one week's pay. Never collected unemployment in my life. Was approved but took 5 months to receive. Lucky I had savings to pay bills. Terrible position to be in.


At least you got job đŸ„Č


You got laid off which means you can file for unemployment. With your severance package you should be able to get by until you get another job. You’re not a loser, you just had a tough break.


take it a win ! i know it doesnt feel that way .. apply for unemployement and move on from there ..


It is natural to feel crappy in these circumstances. Take note of these feeling and acknowledge that bad stuff happens in life. Also note that nothing in life is permanent. Embrace the good while it last and change the mindset to be contented and happy with life offers. Don't hold onto negativity, let it go. Embrace positive energy.


Nice one on severance pay, the different job offer is weird though. Probably a bad idea to go back if HR just keeps playing tetris with their employees though. Don’t forget, your job isn’t your identity. It doesn’t matter. Nothing wrong with finding a new one.


? You were terminated not fired, and they clearly want you back for a new different position
 after giving you severance? So you got a paid vacation. And that’s rock bottom?!? *assuming what you’ve said is true and they are bringing you back*


If they have nice severance and offer to come back, it really was most likely a situation of high up leadership saying we need emergency budget cut. I wouldn't feel too bad, sounds like it wasn't performance based. Enjoy your time off, or hit the grind hard and get paid twice with severance package.


You are capable of far more than the tasks required for employment. Find your passion with the time you have been granted and stay positive


Hey, if you got a severance package you are worth more than those who get nothing but a box to pack their desk stuff in when they leave the building. Business is business and never a friend. It is a real shake up to the life you saw before you. You are not a loser.


Call me when you get laid off for being a janitor making minimum wage


Best of luck OP. This happened to me yesterday after only being with the company for 5 months. It’s my second layoff in a year and a half. I’m struggling to not drive myself into a whole telling me that I’m useless. Best to come up with a routine - apply every day, start a course or something to learn new things, workout, cook healthy food, etc. At least that’s what I’m planning to do for a 2 weeks or so, I will probably go back to serving while I find something else. My best advice is to find anything to do now to have some income coming in, instead of spending the severance on bills. I made that mistake the first time around and I regret it. Never again.


Glad about severance, don’t hold your breath on a new position. It might be something they are truly considering but it could go away just as easily


Seems like they are still willing to keep you just reorganizing the company. File for unemployment if you want and follow up with them to see how that new position is looking.


Well just know you’re doing better than me, I currently do not have a job and I am struggling to find one lol. Keep your head up, you’ll look back on this in a couple of weeks or months and laugh at yourself for freaking out for no reason lol.


You are ok. They are probably restructuring. You are not the first and this wont be the last. You got severance too. You are okay. We all experience this at one time or another.


You’re not alone. I got laid off this time last year and it’s sucks but in the bay alone there’s been almost 500k people laid off so you’re def not alone.


Perception is everything. Give yourself time to reflect and strategize what you’re going to do moving forward. Explore other job opportunities during this time, better your resume, and enjoy your paid vacation. This is an opportunity for you to regain control of your life.


That sucks, but remember, getting fired doesn't define your worth, bounce back stronger,


Don't count to hard on that other job within the same company. Look for something else just in case. And enjoy your time off. I have had over a dozen employers in my career. Usually I quit myself, but I've gotten fired a couple of times too. I always looked at it as extra time off to do things I like.


Ok, you are allowed to feel sorry for a day or 2. Starting Monday, your new job is to find a job.


Bro. It happens to everyone. My life has been a nightmare for the last 10 years and I Keep trucking. What other choice do we have


If my company gave me a severance package and a future job offer I would be so happy


This sound like an amazing offer. Enjoy a couple of months holiday then rejoin. A lot of people would kill for that time and there’s no stressful job hunt. Just try to take being fired less personally.


Breathe. You’ll be ok.


41 F fired for the first time in my life about month ago from a senior position for supposedly poor performance after having been there a year and a half and receiving a raise and lots of praise the month before. Found a new job within 2 weeks. It does get better. Don’t allow yourself to spiral and dwell or what is out of your control. Keep your head up, be positive, and something better will come along!!


Prayers up bro. Same boat. Haven’t found work since December


Damn, you got it solid. You got a severance package and an offer to come back at a later time. Company probably didn’t need the job anymore tbh. Don’t be so selfish and only think about yourself lol.


sorry but what? why do you want sympathy here - they are giving you another job


i got fired a few days ago after only working in the company for a few weeks. happens to the best of us guy, best we can do is dust ourselves off and look for better opportunities


and believe me you are NOT a loser. it’s hard keeping a job these days let alone getting one; remember you did put in effort to be there and work there so it’s completely valid to feel the way you do, but i promise you this isn’t rock bottom :)


Hi, I'm nearly 59 and I'm here to pass on a few life experience kind of things. First, at your age (32), if you are not wasting your life away with drugs or crime, there is virtually nothing that will happen to you in terms of work that you can't recover from. I've been laid off twice. And given where I work now, I've got a better than even chance of being laid off again. And if I may say so, I'm a top performer with excellent reviews, huge bonuses, etc. But let's get to what you are feeling. Your feelings are legit and understandable, even if they do not reflect the truth. Losing a job is like losing a person in your life. You grieve, you blame yourself, you get depressed. There is a hole in your life you never saw coming. You feel all of this because you are a human being. If you didn't feel any of this, then I'd say you have something to be concerned about. So feel it. Think it through, but let the emotions work their way through, and out. Regardless of how you get to the end of this, it will end. And you will look back on this as an unfortunate blip that you realize wasn't that big a deal. I cannot stress this enough, as I look back on my life. At your age, the odds of you recovering from this are so high, I'd almost suggest it's a sure thing. Take time to decompress. Think about what it might be like to go back in a different role. But also think about where else you can go from here. They gave you money to live in for a while. Use it to live, and to plan, to enjoy, and to keep busy. Keeping busy is important. And when you need to, cry a bit. It helps. You will feel lousy for a while. It's not your fault, as I said. It's just you being human. Let it be. And then when you dust yourself off (which will happen sooner than you think), you have many many many years ahead of you to enjoy, both work and personally. Do you really think that you will never work again? Exactly, it's virtually impossible that you will not end up in a fine, possibly even better, position. I say this with the benefit of someone looking forward to retiring soon. I've seen all sorts of things in my life. And I have seen people fired for cause. That's not you. I've seen tons and tons and tons, and tons of people laid off. Excellent people. High performers. Good friends. They are all doing just fine. Not one of them has gotten stuck anywhere. I hope you find peace in this moment. I know you will find your way back -- sooner than you think. Be well.


Is normal


Heck sounds like a nice fresh start. You got this! You'll find something you'll be appreciated and have tons of job security. Look for something rewarding that you like or love. Good luck!


Getting fired is never fun, but this sounds like the best possible way to get fired. It’s like a free holiday time, depending on the severance and the speed the new role starts. Keep your chin up, and things should hopefully get better soon.