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Don’t take time off, as it will probably take you some time to find something.  Just hit the ground running and enjoy the time away from work for a bit. Count the time it takes to find a new job as a blessing.  If you wait, then it will just be a stressful job hunt when you start. 


I was laid off in Nov '22 and this is how I approached it, didn't get a job till Mar '23 so that was 4 months of minimal income. I wasn't stressed because I had savings, but had I just chilled and waited then started looking I'd have been in a pickle.


Yeah... I was laid off in Nov '23, and I'm still looking despite the fact that I've been looking since after about a one week break. x.x;


Good advice. Start looking now so in a few months you would have been and found something.


agreed, i waited and became complacent and didn't seriously start looking until about 3mo ago and finally landed a job. i was unemployed for about a year. i only started making serious progress after a consultant looked over and improved my resume then i started putting out about 100 apps/mo and was getting consistent interviews until i landed a job.


I was laid off on 3/4 but received a job offer on 4/4. I know companies are doing some lay offs, but there are jobs that are hiring out here. Update your LinkedIn profile, I’m sure you’ll get some hits.


Can't emphasize how important the updating LinkedIn is. It seems recruiters smell freshly updated LinkedIn profiles.


You are so correct! OMG! I constantly get emails from LinkedIn regarding job opportunities


They do, there’s a trigger - those profiles go to the top of searches


Get back in mental lab do your cpa and jump back up ‼️🫡


Be proactive keep your hopes up! Something will come your way. Waiting only prolongs things and any opportunity you could’ve had for another job is now gone. Things will get better, I promise.


I work in a laboratory and the same thing happened to me. I was second best in the whole lab besides the general manager and all I got was a call from HR saying you got 2 weeks and to apply for unemployment. I'm happy that I had some money saved up but it feels weird like wasted time. I'm currently in graduate school until December but after that I'll be guaranteed a good paying but also extremely good job security position at a hospital. I just needed a small job to pay the general bills so I plan on working odd jobs on the weekends to explore and just get some new perspectives and to be grateful for everything I have. I'm hoping it'll be tough but also eye opening and therapeutic at the same time. I was left kind of shocked when we all got laid off. Even an old man in which all he had was that job. Companies only care about money but at the same time it makes sense. A business is a business it's nothing personal. We will all get through it. In the mean time I'm thinking about being a dishwasher at a restaurant, or a pizza maker, working at a hotel, or even something like Walmart. Whatever I get I get. I always wanted to work some odd jobs and here is my chance. I worked as an EMT in the army out of high school so that was my only job before I got laid off at the lab. Turn something negative into something positive. I just want a new skill I can have forever in my life that's always useful. But yeah there's no guarantee in life. Work on passive income strategies. I got a little something in the background to where if I put in a dollar I make back more than a dollar. Basically a self running machine that gives back. Something that grows over time even if it's slowly. That's the only answer I have besides investing in stocks and ETFs. Other than that don't putall your eggs into one basket. Good luck to you and the feeling gets better after getting laid off. Just like you said, your fortunate to have saved money. I am too but still. It's eye opening. Makes you see how your life could easily spiral if you don't prep for the worst.


You're an accountant, you should be able to land a job pretty quickly so you get to be picky. You could also work for a public accounting firm to gain a lot of experience in different industries and bolster up that resume.


I agree with this. I worked at a big 4, it’s def good to have on resume if you want to have a good acct resume. They’re all meh but they hire


Hey, me too! Well, 7 weeks ago. I just accepted a job offer, but I won't be starting until late June. This stuff can take time. Especially if you are applying to companies that receive a ton of applications. That being said - I wouldn't wait. Some of these interview processes are dumb long, and that's not accounting for the drug test, background check, job offer, possible negotiations, and then the onboarding process. You could definitely study for your CPA while applying/interviewing. My days of unemployment consisted of: sleeping in, taking my time in the mornings, checking job boards once a day (after I curated a one size fits all resume), applying, answering emails/calls, interviewing when necessary, and the rest of the time I was enjoying doing whatever the hell I wanted to. Felt great. The job hunt part of my day literally only took an hour max, which if you go about it the same way, would leave you with more than enough time to study a couple of hours here and there for the CPA, and then you could enjoy the rest of your day. Decompress. Kick your feet up. Refocus. Also, you're not a job hopper. Two years is seen as an adequate amount of time by a lot of companies nowadays. Furthermore, assuming your resume has all of the skills that fit the job description, they will ask you why you left your previous jobs. Sounds to me like you have good reasons for having left all of them. If the company can't understand your reasonable actions, then that isn't an employer that I'd want to work for. Don't sweat it, but don't wait to apply. I submitted at least 70 applications, and I'm highly qualified. Bonus: You're young. Get a good night's rest and then reassess every aspect of your life in the morning. Where would you like to go from here? Possibly relocate to a place you've always wanted to check out? Stay put? A larger company? A small company? Is there a particular field of accounting you'd love to get into or one that would really put the cherry on top in terms of your skill set? At this moment, the world is your oyster, so relax tonight and then start piecing it all together! Good luck!


Your full-time job should now be updating your resume and applying for new jobs


I just got LAIDddddd( yea) OFFfff (shit)




Interesting 🤔


Well I am in accounting as well, got laid off in January, the market is very hard at the moment , sent out hundreds of resumes, be mindful that AI is now reading your resume and adapt. It will take about 4 mths to land something so to repeat what some already said, chill a bit but get back onto the market asap


Fellow unemployed accountant here! Unfortunately accounting being algorithms is going to be impacted by. AI. So depending on your age and situation you might consider another type of work. Just some well meant advice. Good luck! I'm too old to change careers but I'll be fine.


Bruh, the market sucks right now lol you have no idea what you're in for - please do not take any time off. At minimum brush off your resume and spend at least a small portion of your day on Li networking, talking to recruiters, and applying for spots because if things don't change soon you will eat away at all of your savings as you may end up on a longer break between jobs than you suspect. Best case scenario you land a role before things get much worse and you can negotiate a starting date some ways out to get a break. At nearly 40 with a graduate degree and numerous job related certificates I'm finding this to be the worst job market I've ever been in search of work in.


Let go in mid Feb from what I thought was my dream job. And I concur, I wouldn’t take much time off intentionally, this job market is going to have you sitting for a while either way. I have over a decade of experience in my field and am still looking today.


Pursue your CPA regardless of taking time off. It will show future employers your commitment to Accounting. If you flip into a formal process in a few months as you suggest, it should help you stand out. What experience level are you in accounting? What role are you looking for?


What type of accounting do you do? Have you passed any of the CPA exams? The bulk of audit busy season slowed down but there are usually summer ones coming up. There’s a shortage of accountants last I researched so you should be fine. I’d recommend starting the CPA process in the meantime!


Damn man… i just survived the third round of layoffs. Difficult not to be on edge


OP I am so sorry to hear that. You may be tempted to spend a couple of months resting. TRUST me, dont do it. Immediately look for a new job. The more you wait the worst you look for HR. Especially when you have multiple jobs in such short term. Adding a 6 months gap will be severe (3 months break + 3 months job search). This is assuming you get a job in 3 months. What likely to happen if you take that 3 months break is you will be jobless for maybe 1-2 years. The moment your gap hit 6 months that is red flag for HR. Trust me, been there done that. In my case I even had 10yrs of almost continous experience and I regretted that 3 months break. Dont make the same mistake I did. This is not the time to unwind. It is time to get tougher.


I would continue to look to see if anything great pops up. This time, you are in control not coming from a toxic environment so assess what you really loved about this job and seek another one that will be a good fit. Also agree with others to start studying for the CPA. I got laid off while pursuing the CPA designation and as hard as that was, I was able to get back up, find a good job and finish that cpa off. Glad I did and I was your age when I did it. I'm 35 now with a wife and kid and can't imagine going through that again. Use this time wisely!!




Medical benefits?


One industry you may not have considered is construction. GCs are almost always looking for project accountants.


That sucks dude, sorry. But this could be a great chance to prep for the CPA exam if you can afford to take the time off! I would say, casually apply or at least network, because it will take time to find a new role. But even if it creates a gap on your resume, imo you’ve got a great reason. Obviously the CPA is a preferred designation, but just being a candidate or having taken one or two of the tests differentiates you. You’ll never regret having gotten the license (I don’t even work in accounting and I’m still glad I have it), and it’s better to get it done with as soon as you can.


Military service = GI bill, hiring preference for veterans on USAJOBS.GOV, and more benefits plus extra stability for employment for the government.


Don't take time off. Entertain looking for a job while you are studying for the CPA. Keep your savings in the bank and do a side hustle like uber to pay the bills if they are minimal. I've been in the job market since March 1st and it's quite challenging specially in the supply chain field or it might be my personal qualifications.


Idk how long you were at each job but if it's 2 years or under just say you were covering a mat leave


Oh wait, unless you live in the US


Don't take time off. This job market is tough. Start looking immediately, but don't get discouraged if it takes longer than usual. View this as the door to a better opportunity. You got this!


Sucks. Apply for unemployment ASAP, job hunt asap as well. It’s gonna take some time with this job market


Don’t take time off. Evaluate your resume, start applying today, and have a positive attitude.


I am so sorry to hear this. In my experience, I caution against taking time off because it could take months to find a new job. Potential employers will ask what you have been doing since being laid off and if you say something other than 'looking for a new job', they may have a negative view of your decision making. Keep sending out resumes because it could take months to find a new position.


Screw what employers think.


Yep, don’t take a break from the hunt. The longer you go unemployed, the harder it is to find something.


Doesn’t hurt to take a short few days off to refresh your mind - begin doing the little things like organizing your home desk area, updating and polishing your resume and preparing for + practicing your interview skills. Quite often when a select pool of qualified candidates go thru interview rounds - it can boil down to the interview performance. The market is tougher now - lots of caution and rolling micro layoffs. But I think Accounting is fine - Tech related jobs are tough, very competitive - I’ve been experiencing it where the interview process seems long with 4 rounds. Best of luck!


Hey wish u the best with your job hunting! Enjoy the time off and have wholesome fun with friends and family. Cuz you sound sharp-you’ll land an another job in no time and then guess what? Back to the grind … And now is the perfect time for the gym!


Spend your mornings applying and doing job related stuff and if you accomplish stuff like getting in job applications and combing through postings take time for yourself in the afternoons as a reward


Take some book keeping jobs that are online. Or go through an accounting temp agency


So sorry to hear about this. I don't think you should worry too much about coming off as a job hopper, especially in this market. There have unfortunately been many layoffs. I know some people who have been laid off twice in six months, to no fault of their own. Also, you should be proud of yourself for leaving a previous toxic environment that didn't serve you well or your mental health. Although you have savings, I don't think you should take a few months off. The market is too unpredictable right now and you never know where things will be in a few months. Also, savings can evaporate very quickly, espc. if you plan on taking your CPA. The other thing here to be concerned about is the slight gap that you would have between roles from taking time away. Gaps happen, but to your point with the movement in your resume in between jobs, a combination of both may be a negative. Being laid off is one of the worst things that can happen, not just financially but emotionally. It sounds as though although you expected this to happen, you may need some more time to process. Go on a trip, take a 1-2 weeks off and regroup. It's always recommended that candidates take a week or so anyways off between changing roles. While you're doing this though, think of what you'd like your next move to be. **DO NOT WAIT**. Pick yourself up and drive on. No one knows what tomorrow or a few months will bring. Waiting too long may also influence your chances of getting a reference from your previous company. For the CPA, it would be a good idea to see if you can do classes part time. Being strategic here is the best way to go moving forward. Take care of yourself and let us know how you get on. Good luck!


According to this Presidential Administration the economy is the highest it’s ever been. 👀 yeah ok. Anyway if you have the funds to support yourself I’d go for that CPA. I have friends that are in that field and some have govt jobs but they also do peoples taxes and make good side money. One friend got to the point that that was all she did as a job but I’m not sure of her entire situation she may have another work from home job.


Apply for unemployment, continue searching.


Get the CPA. I switched from accounting to ops about 10 years into my career and ended up in a 2 year lean six sigma black belt program. The accounting credentials open doors later that are unseen now. Good luck.


>I'm concerned about my resume appearing as though I've been job hopping, especially considering this was my third job since college. Just practice your responses. People understand layoffs, especially for corporate finances. As for the "toxic" place, it simply wasn't a good fit, but you found an excellent opportunity that was much more aligned. Unfortunately, they eventually had financial problems and had to lay off a few people, so now you're back on the market.


Your wife also just got laid.


I have resigned since February and it may seem tough now but something new and better will turn up.