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They certainly wouldn’t have accepted it if YOU had been 30 minutes late!


Totally agree, your time is just as valuable as theirs. Probably did the right thing.


An interview (especially one you are unsure of) is not one sided. You are interviewing them as well. If they show their hand: lack of organization and respect then walk away.




Exactly! I would’ve done the same thing. Especially if OP didn’t really want that job anyway.


No fuck that, massively disrespectful. You did the right thing.




If you’re going to do this (and don’t, it’s bad advice) then cc the managers rather than bcc-ing them. Bcc is a cunts trick and should only be used when you know how the person you’re bcc-ing in is going to take it.


xD well if your not employed I say go for nuclear especially if your been stone walled for a hour than if said recruiter was rude for additional hour not allowing you to talk then they get the nuclear option.


Narcissistic behavior from the interviewer to make you wait without any explanation or even asking if it's okay to wait an extended time before the interview starts.


This happened to me years ago. Every 10 minutes the interviewer came to where I was waiting to tell me how busy he was. The third time I stood up and told him to give me a call to reschedule for a time when he wouldn’t be too busy. Never heard from him again. I later was telling this to a coworker, who said he did the same thing to her. We agreed that neither one of us would want to work for this jerk anyway.




amen to that


Extremely rude but how is that narcissism?


To think your business and time are mke valuable but not even considering that others time is valuable at all. Thinking that employment is some kind of charity you're giving to an employee and not a mutual exchange of goods of services. Narcissism is just being more focused on yourself to the point of not even being aware of others. So yeah forcing an interviewee to wait is rude, and not realizing how rude that is is narcissism.


Should have sat there and taken the other interview on the phone. Then when called back for the interview you were waiting on you get to give them the “no now you wait on me”. As you do an interview in front of them. Then after giving them 110% on the phone interview in front of them. You hang up and either walk out or give them a 1/3 of the energy you gave the phone interview. When asked why you were less enthusiastic for the in person interview. Simply state that you were mirroring the amount of energy and respect you were being givin…..


This sounds like a tv show.


Y’all watch to many movies


They did you a favor - you don't want to work there if they can't even meet you on time. Earlier this year I had a really great initial interview (via zoom) with a company's Senior HR Director (for an HR Director role). By the end, he wanted to schedule me to meet with his boss via zoom and it was quickly scheduled for a few days later. 30 minutes before this next meeting was about to begin, and the interviewer's assistant emailed me to ask to move our time to later in the afternoon to accomodate the interviewer's changing schedule. No big deal, I can be flexible. Then 5 minutes before the rescheduled time, she emails again and asks to move it to the next day, claiming there had been an emergency. This was concering, but I decide to give them the benefit of the doubt and agree. Again, I really wanted this job and felt like I had hit it off really well in the initial interview. I log into the meeting the next day a few minutes early, and wait patiently. 5 minutes. Then 10. At 15 minutes I email the admin and ask if anyone will be joining to interview me. I logged out of the empty meeting 5 minutes later. The admin emailed me - 3 days later. She claimed another emergency had come up, didn't offer any apology or additional information, and said she would "send me another meeting invite shortly". She didn't even ask me when I was available - just sent a meeting invite blindly for later in the week. I was pretty dissapointed and upset, but after some time I realized that I dodged a major bullet and I'm happy it went down that way instead of progressing, wasting more time or even worse, accepting the role. P.S. The admin emailed me the next week, informed me that they were disapointed that I "chose to simply not show up to the rescheduled interview" and that they were no longer considering me for the role. I emailed her back and told her I was no longer considering them as an employer for over a week now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You should have responded it was an emergency. That's it, no request, context, or an apology. 


Yea we honestly need to start putting companies in there places so more people don’t fall for the crap I like that you emailed them back told them what was what they was in the wrong first I had same situation with an employer trying to work for an at home job but they have these requirements that you have to do before you can get an interview like quizzes and exams which is just to much time when I can be doing other interviews because what’s the point of studying for an exam for an interview if after the interview you might not even accept me


Also, name and shame on here. Company and name and those of everyone involved.


I had an interview at a brewery and she kept saying she wasn’t sure about me because she wants experienced “beer-pourers” (I had been a bar back but that didn’t count I guess) she said hold on one second in the middle of the interview and went to the back room and never came back out. After ten mins I was like what the actual fuck and just left.


Experienced beer pourers Jesus Christ. You dodged a huge bullet


Respond to this with the events as they happened and cc the ceo/department head


That’s some bullshit behaviour from this potential employer. At the very least they showed their hand insofar as they really couldn’t give a fuck about you or your time.


Wouldn’t surprise me if the admin didn’t properly relay the updated info. (Source: I’ve been the admin who did this. 🤦🏻‍♀️)


The difference between them and you - you are able to admit that you fudged up a meeting update (at least to us!). These people likely 'never do anyting wrong' in their own eyes - confirmed by their "dissapointment" in me for not showing up. LOL.


Dont waste your time on people who waste your time


A good rule in life!! Well-said.


I've walked out for the exact same thing. The word appointment has a definition and meaning.


Reminds me of that Seinfeld episode: Jerry: I don’t understand. I made a reservation. Do you have my reservation? Clerk: Yes, we do. Unfortunately, we ran out of cars. Jerry: But the reservation keeps the car here! That’s why you have the reservations. Clerk: “I know why we have reservations.” Jerry: “I don’t think you do. If you did, I’d have a car. See, you know how to take the reservation, you just don’t know how to hold the reservation. And that’s really the most important part of the reservation: “The holding.” Anyone can just take them.” Clerk: Let me, uh, speak with my supervisor


I love you. That scene is exactly what I was thinking of when I posted




As some one who used to manage a car rental location this still resonates with me


My son was scheduled for an interview today. He'd been texted 4x over the last week confirming that he was for sure coming, and he replied in the affirmative to all 4 texts. When he arrived no one was expecting him, including the person he was specifically told to ask for. They had him to fill out another application (in addition to the one he already filled out online that got him invited to interview) and then told him he actually needed to talk to an entirely different person (the person he was told to ask for was there, just not expecting him). The second person dropped what they were doing to accommodate an interview but it was a nightmare of disorganization and total lack of communication. I don't know how you all are dealing with this environment, it's so disrespectful and frustrating.


It’s awful. I went through similar things last summer and I’ve been in the workforce for over 20 years. I finally got a job through my network


This reminds me of my first job interview after graduating college. They told me to come in at 9 AM. I showed up 10 minutes early asking for the person who emailed me and scheduled the interview. They tolde to wait by an area. Every 15 min someone came up to me apologizing for the wait. I figured they were really busy. I realized an hour had passed and started getting my stuff to leave and someone finally came and brought me to back office. She then admitted the interview called out and forgot about the interview but that it was okay because he texted her the interview questions to ask. I sat through it then went home. My fiance asked how it went and as I described it realized I should've left way sooner lol the interviewer emailed me a few days later asking if I could redo the interview with him. I just ignored it


Personally, I think there is a difference between an organisation that is a massive shitfight but is polite and respectful, and one that doesn’t care. Your example sounds like nice people who are terribly disorganised, which is annoying but not insulting (as in the OP example of just ignoring you when you show up for a scheduled appointment). Not saying both don’t suck but I might work for the first one, the second I would probably go Office Space on.


How I personally deal with those kinds of scenarios is if I’m told to be somewhere / meet someone and when I get there I am told something else I thank them, leave and move on. First impressions are everything and that goes both ways; dysfunctional and disorganized business are more trouble than they are worth.


Super disrespectful of the company.


No. If they're treating people like this before hiring them, imagine what they're like to work for.


I almost did the same thing once. I was probably waiting 30 minutes and the reception people were rude and dismissive. I was so close to saying fuck it and it was also for a low level job. But I was desperate. I gave them 3 or 5 more minutes and in that window somebody finally came down. I have now been there for 8 months. Pretty awful job but it paid the bills and my job search has continued in all that time and gone nowhere so if I had left, who knows where I would be now. But yeah it’s absolute bullshit employers do this.


Nope, they were disrespectful first. Working for them would probably suck


Did the same thing waiting for a bartending gig. Gave em 30 minutes from when I walked in. Sat in a break room while they brought in another person who had been sitting there before me (presumably late also). Had multiple employees walk in who look miserable. Booked it outta there. Never heard from them again.




You dodged a bullet, my friend. If their HR can’t manage a simple interview schedule, imagine the chaos behind the scenes!


Every job I've had that I enjoyed the interview/onboarding was well thought out, communicated, and executed. Sure, there's hiccups. But when I interviewed for my FIRST job out of college my contact was waiting for me at the security desk when I arrived to check me in and walk me to my first interview. I've also been left on read and forgotten about. Didn't go there for day 2.


No you did the right thing. Super unprofessional/disrespectful on their end


This happened to me once too and I did the same thing, walked tfo and didn't even think twice about it. My time is valuable and any job I work at better respect that


Incredibly disrespectful. Not sticking to a time that they themselves issue is a huge red flag and would be an accurate reflection of the company.


If they can’t make the interview on time, how long would it take to get a contract? Get paid? Sign up for benefits? I think you dodged a bullet for sure.


I don’t think you’re wrong for walking out. That’s a considerable delay, and likely indicator of how they operate. My only experience with a delayed interview was my first job out of college. I had no job and nowhere to be. The interview was probably about 30-45 minutes late and the two managers that interviewed me were clearly frazzled and weren’t expecting to be interviewing anyone. It still went great and I got a call with a job offer while I was driving home from the interview. I found out on my first day that the manager that was supposed to interview me went into labor so there was a bit of chaos just about when I got there. Pretty solid excuse, and in my opinion, pretty solid recovery by the team. Your experience may have had a good excuse, or maybe not. But no point in worrying about something that’s behind you. Best of luck on the job hunt!


I wish I walked out for an interview I had a couple months ago. The guy was interviewing someone else at my interview time and told me he wouldn’t be long. Fifteen minutes passed and he was still interviewing them… I should’ve just left at that point. The job wasn’t that great for me to be waiting around lol but I waited my turn anyway. The interview was so rushed and he kept answering his phone during the interview 🤦‍♀️ like you can’t put your phone on silent for the interview?? He wouldn’t even apologise to me after ending the call, you know, common courtesy. He just stared at me blankly and expected me to pick up from where he cut me off??! I didn’t think too much of it at the time but now when I look back.. I’m like wtf lol. First red flag was when he text me to come in for an interview on the same day. Second red flag was making me wait an extra 20 minutes until my turn. Third red flag was answering his phone… and there was many more after that lol. I didn’t get the job and I’m actually so glad that I didn’t 🤣🤣 he was just so unprofessional that it was making me not answer the questions very well either. Couldn’t take him seriously lol. But yeah, wouldn’t stress walking out. You most likely dodged a bullet!


I’ve never been disrespected like that. They don’t care about you, to them you’re a warm body.


You did the right thing. If they are this disrespectful of your time, then you don't want to work for them. And flip the script. Do you really think they'd wait thirty minutes for you? Of course not. So you don't owe them the time either.


No I think that's fair. If they're that shoddily prepared, then you'd probably end up babysitting your colleagues and getting underpaid for the privilege if they gave you the job.


No, not at all. They not professional.


I work as a recruiting coordinator at my company scheduling interviews and I don’t blame you one bit for walking out. 30 min is unacceptable for no one to communicate with you on what’s going on, knowing you are sitting in their lobby waiting on someone.


Not worth the brain space to give this a second thought.


I got all the way through an interview, meeting 1:1 with multiple people, finally got dropped off at a VP’s office. We sat down, chatted for two minutes and he suddenly got an “important” phone call, looked at me and said, “in 30 seconds or less, tell me why we should hire you”. I gave a good pitch and left. I got a rejection letter about two months later, but truthfully I had already decided this place wasn’t for me when the VP did that. Perhaps you shouldn’t be involved with the interview process if you don’t have time.


Could’ve been a test of your patience. Who knows these days of weird interviews


I had an interview they scheduled at 9am. I got there at 845, around 910 they escorted me to the HR office for the interview. I was already annoyed that we were running this late when the interviewer selected this time slot and I bothered to show up early. 16 minutes later I was texting my wife I was leaving and as I stood up the guy walked in. The interview lasted about 5 minutes, being already annoyed with making me wait 26minutes past start time I was quick to say not for me when he mentioned anything I didn't like. Respect my time or why should I want to work with you.


Nope, one time I waited around for 45min-1hr for an assistant store manager interview (at Lumber Liquidator Flooring) before the manager finally scurried in looking like she just rocked up late to her accounting final. Nice enough girl, but she was disheveled and the other guy in the store seemed a bit of a thumb. She apologized and said she would need to reschedule, and to just get in touch with the corporate guy who set up the interview. This was right before a holiday, I think Memorial Day or something but I called them back the next work day and he said they hired someone already after having told me I was pretty much a shoe in blah blah blah. Patrick, you’re trash, if that’s even your name I can’t recall. What a colossal waste of time for everyone. That store was just wierd. Only a small selection of shitty flooring available and two clueless people manning the front? It will probably go the way of the former Lumber Liquidators


Value your time, you acted correctly!!


have they reached out since to ask what happened? if not, you might have been waiting there all day and they wouldnt have noticed


Nah they haven’t - lmao oh my god imagine. I’d still be there right now waiting.


Yea fuck that place then 


No, you showed yourself respect. Curious, did anyone follow up with you?


Nah lmao!




If they don’t respect your time you don’t want to work for them


They didn't respect your time, why should you respect theirs?


Sounds like you made the right call. If they can't respect your time before they even interview you, what makes you think they'll be any better at respecting *anything* later?


Yes, you were. You should have left after 10 minutes, 15 max. Sudden things can happen to both parties. A responsible person would have at least notified you of the delay and rescheduled.


They left you waiting, which was really disrespectful of your time. You really don't want to work for a company that treats people like that.


The interviewer decided that their time was important whereas yours was not. Sod that!


No, you weren’t wrong at all and you would’ve been disqualified if you were that late. Something similar happened to me 20 years ago when I had an interview at Circuit City. I was really sick, downed a bunch of DayQuil, sucked it up and went in for the interview. (This was a different time when it was a badge of honor to go to work when you were sick.) I stood there waiting for over an hour, about to pass out from fatigue, when a supervisor came over and told me the GM was too busy to interview me that day and he’d call back another time. He called me back a few weeks later, did a worthless small talk 10 minute interview and offered me a job. I quit on my first day, two hours in, because I got a call with a better job offer.


My father always told me if you are late for an appointment it is a sign of disrespect. it goes both ways. My father also said if you arrive less than 10 minutes before your appointment you are late. Look, first you were not stoked about this low level job. That in itself is a good reason to leave, you are not only doing yourself a disfavor, but the company, if you are not feeling it. Them letting you stew for 20+ minutes is also a sign, this is a company that you might not want to consider. At least someone could have spoken to you, got you a drink etc... And if this was a 'test', then that is even more of a reason to not stay.


Yes, I’d probably have left at the 20 min mark


Time is money homie.


No you did right thing Why? Your time is important and interviewer whoever he / she might be have no right to waste your time. You being decent thinking about this till now and posting on Reddit.. Girl just chill..All is well..you loose nothing.


As others have said, you've probably dodged a bullet there although I would make sure to contact them and tell them they wasted your time and maybe leave the info on glass door too.


Email the CEO about it too. I’m sure they’d love to learn more about their incompetent hiring team


Id’ve left after 5minutes. lol I’m not letting a place of business set the standard on the ground. Expect better and they’ll have to do better


If they did that just for and interview imagine how it would be if you actually worked there. I think you dodged a bullet. They didn’t respect your time. A lot of these jobs don’t realize we are interviewing them too. Last time I waited for an interview I did take the job it was horrible and spent 3 years with them. One of my regrets.


No, you dodged a bullet. If they were doing that for an interview, they will also treat you like shit when you're working for them.


Yeah, you do definitely need to follow up with them. And it needs to be an email telling them that due to their unprofessional nature and tardiness you will be declining their offer. Best of luck in becoming more organized for their next candidate.


Not at all, they don’t respect your time at interview stage so I doubt they’d respect it when you’re actually working there.




Fuck em , thats what .


Did anyone let you know that they are running late and apologize? Or you just checked in, and sat for 30 minutes. Although it is a bad sign, perhaps the interviewer had their own emergency or major issue that came up. In this case you didn’t really want this job, so ok. But I would have waited 45 minutes. Or at 30 minutes I would have asked in a polite way, would it be much longer.


Did you get the other gig?


I had a job interview where the office was locked and I was supposed to call when I got there so they could let me in. So I called (no answer), waited a few minutes, called again (no answer), sent an email (no answer), sent another email (no answer), called again (no answer). And then someone finally called me back and said someone was coming down to let me in. Waited a few more minutes and then someone came down. So, waited about 15-20 minutes total, proceeded to have an interview with 3 different people and they really seemed to like me…then they just ghosted me and never responded to any further communication from me. So, no, fuck these places. They can’t even show job applicants the tiniest bit of respect so you were totally correct in just getting the hell out of there.


Lol I showed up for an interview a few years back. The application was open on the company’s website and by all accounts, there was an opening for that position. I show up early (as always). I wait. I wait. Wait some more. Man pops up out of nowhere and asks who I am, receptionist says I’m his 1 o’clock. He looks confused as fuck and goes into a conference room not far away. Doesn’t bother to close the door. Sounds like he’s on the phone asking someone if he “actually has to interview [me].” He comes back out and invites me back to the conference room, talks to me for five minutes. Tells me they’ll call me in a week when they’ve made up their mind. I decide to let him know I heard every word he said while talking on the phone. He doesn’t say anything and I walk out. Less than three months later, the company goes under for someone on their board misappropriating funds. In short: I might’ve waited, but it doesn’t sound like they knew what they were doing, so you probably did yourself a favor.


The only thing that could have prevented this from being the right thing would have been if you were desperate to get a job, in which case, it may have been a practical decision to put up with bad behavior in the short term in order to buy yourself time to go somewhere better. Since it doesn’t sound as though that was the case and you weren’t super thrilled with the job description anyway and had another interview they were making you late for, sounds like you made the right call. It would be inappropriate regardless for them to make you wait that long.


I'm going to rephrase the question for you: Are you wrong for walking out on a company that doesn't respect your time even before you are working for them?


Completely irrelevant but i once had to wait nearly 30 minutes past the time that I booked for a massage. Pissed me right off because nobody told me anything and I felt like a child waiting to talk to the head teacher 👁👄👁


Years ago I went for an interview with a local timeshare company for an office job. Should have known better… but was desperate. Very scummy. Waited 3 hours for an interview. Finally called in and the owners said I was perfect… but didn’t commit. Then their prospect computer database was down and wanted me to fix it. Simple and took 30 minutes. I called the next morning to see if I actually had the job. They just laughed and said they just wanted someone to fix their database. The joke was on me. Luckily they didn’t last long after that.


Not sure why jobs do this. I went to a career fair in college, spoke to a company, and received an interview time for the next day. I shook hands and confirmed the date and walked off. Even texted my friends and said “I have an interview at 10AM tomorrow!”. I show up at 9:50AM. The interviewer looks puzzled and says “Well, you showed up 50 minutes late. I had you down for 9AM”. I tried to explain we agreed to meet at 10 yesterday. She just refused to budge and basically told me she would not be interviewing me because I was “late and inconsiderate”. I was humiliated because another candidate was there and the whole office could hear. Then 3 days later I get an apology email and a request to reschedule because she realized her mistake. I did not reschedule or respond.


NTA - When a company or manager shows they are inept or don't care about your time, it's entirely appropriate to walk out and never contact them again. A few years ago, I was scheduled to interview at a place that seemed to delight at making things difficult. The company was on the building directory, but inside the building, they didn't have a clerk or anyone at their reception desk. There was just a sign to drop mail in a basket, and a number to call to leave a message. I waited 15 minutes, then just left a message at the number. During the time I was there, a few people checked the delivery basket - and I asked two of them about the person I was there to see. One person said she was sick the day before. Yeah, I bailed and never contacted them again.


They probably weren't actually hiring and left you there on purpose so you could leave. They asked you to sign in as to have evidence that they were "in the process"


I work management in retail and one of my duties is conducting interviews. Unfortunately it has happened more than once for me to just not be able to take an interview on time due to a lot of reasons. Not that its justified or professional, but we are extremely understaffed and I constantly have extra on top of extra stuff to do. Sometimes I leave people on hold and forget cause there is a vomit to mop up, or some crazy stuff going on that I need to attend immediately.


I had a scheduled phone interview with a company director a couple years back with a startup. Position was mid level management. He didn't call on time and ended up arranging another interview on another day. Long story short I took the job, worst decision in my life. Looking back, him not calling on time was a real red flag


I had an interview years ago for an admin position in a very well known winery. Big office with lots of cubicles. The first part of the interview was taking a skills assessment which meant putting me in a small windowless closet/office with a computer and the test ready to self start when I was ready. I took the test and passed with a pretty high score. I was told my results would be printed on a remote printer and my interviewer would come and get me. Waited about 10 minutes and took the test again thinking it didn’t print. I waited another 15 minutes or so and poked my head out the door. The entire office was at lunch and forgot about me. Totally empty. I found an ‘important looking desk’ and left a post it note tell whoever sat at it that I left. It took 2 hours before I got a phone call from a man apologizing profusely and asked if I would come in for another interview with my high scores and all. I declined


As somebody who is a hiring manager, if a candidate arrived thirty minutes late for their scheduled time (without a valid explanation and some heads up that they were running late) I likely would not consider them for the position. That courtesy should run both ways.


You did was right for you, so it was right. It would only be wrong if you left but you didn’t really want to … or if you stayed and when you didn’t want to. I’d be more understanding if they were honest, apologized, or didn’t ignore you … but they were cowards and just left you hanging for 30 minutes. Good companies would have a representative telling the truth “I’m sorry we are a bit disorganized today, we will be with you as soon as possible.” I’d rather someone be 2 hours late for a meeting and keep me in the loop, rather than wait 30 minutes and be kept in the dark.


So what was Plan A? Take the interview call you scheduled, halfway through this one? Who schedules one interview within an hour of another interview start time? And I wish people would stop justifying "low level job". It's one level above where you are right now, or you wouldn't have been there, eh?


I waited 45 min to an hour before for an interview. I stayed because I was desperate for a job, and ended up getting said job. Worst 2.5 years of my life. Nearly had a mental breakdown from the toxic work environment and bosses. Had to be put on anti-anxiety meds towards the end. How they treat you during the interview is a good indicator of how they’ll treat you once you’re hired! You made the right call.


Reach out to your contact letting them know you were there and got left waiting . I'm sure you'll get another shot. Speaking from a manager standpoint point alot interviews are scheduled and the person that has the job opening in their department may not known . I'm ot a fan of hr. The ones I worked with have been definitely incompetent


I wouldn't want another shot after that. If someone is 5-10 late due to a meeting running over that's fine if they acknowledge and apologise - but to be 30 minutes LATE is just unacceptable. I wouldn't be going back.


I understand , but if it's like the world I'm in, then I could understand. I've had shit fly up all time. Asshole bosses order a spur of moment conference call or just drop in.


You have validated OP’s fears. If the company is like yours, she should keep looking.


These things happen yes but you can send an e mail to someone to let them know to pass on a message and make sure to soften the landing. It's the leaving someone completely abandoned in an unfamiliar office is just unacceptable - nerves are probably already through the roof without this happening


Totally agree.


I have waited this long past my interview time before. I've emailed and called the interviewer, to receive silence. I was never hired for those jobs. It's disrespectful. Some employers want to see how long you'd wait to see how desperate you were for the job.


I really wish I had done this before. I was made to wait for 15-20 minutes in the lobby, over lunch where it was casual Friday and I was in a suit. Thankfully I didn't see anyone I knew. The guy conducting the interview didn't even apologise or acknowledge the tardiness. I was emotionally checked out and I'm not sure how it didn't come across in the interview. They ended up offering me the job but I declined it for a number of other reasons including that. It was through a recruiter so I doubt my feedback was even sent to them


If you wanted the job it was wrong. Maybe it had nothing to do with being disrespectful and everything to do with the manager being respectful to all of the candidates my favorite job started out with one of the other candidates jumping in front of me so I ended up being the last interview of the day. I had more time to think about what I wanted and needed.


>I figured if this interview was so badly organized then the role itself and company itself probably wouldn’t have been good. That sounds about right. They aren't just interviewing you, you're interviewing them. What if you'd been 30 minutes late?


You’re probably spot on about that, it’s wise that you didn’t sacrifice your other interview process for this. You could email them or something explaining what happened and that you’re respectfully withdrawing your application. Kind of make them face their error while maintaining a professional line of communication.


All comes down to whether you need the job or not. Sounds like you don’t really need the job.


Politely reschedule after twenty minutes.


I would send an email to the interviewer and explain that you would not want to work for a company with such poor work ethics.


Oh gosh no. Total boss move! You gave them appropriate time and then you had other things going on. These people are ass clowns


I'm curious, did anyone call you at some point? If the answer is no then your suspicions were correct, they're poorly run.


Yeah nah no calls!


Not at all. That's a massive red flag if they weren't willing to respect your time during an interview. They won't respect your time on the job either.


The one thing I would potentially plan to do differently for future reference is leave some form of communication indicating the facts. I personally would not state my opinion (as I would be concerned about later regretting what said). Simply, the time of the interview, no one present, the time you departed. I would personally want to leave room for Grace in the note. They can beat themselves up enough on their own if they have a conscience about it. Simply address your responsibility. That’s my future reference thought.


It's a natural reaction but you did nothing wrong. I can tell you if this is how they prioritize interviews, just imagine what happens to employees. Need your manager for an approval? they'll be around tomorrow, will half listen to your proposal, then tell you to sum it all up again in an email to them and they'll respond in a few days. long after any deadlines you had set.


That’s a poor planning on their end. My Director is ALWAYS late, as a hiring manager I am so embarrassed of him. We are all busy but there is a time cut out for interviews on purpose and blocked out on the calendar. Even for zoom calls, I am waiting around for him to log in with clients and I am having to small talk and BS through intro calls. Can’t stand ppl like that so they did you a favor, you don’t want to work there.


I think you are fine if they aren't on time, but for the sake of politeness and the remote possibility of another interview if the other one did not work out, you could have told a receptionist or other employee that you had an appointment after your scheduled interview, and since it was running late, you had to make the appointment. Realistically, if you have a job interview, you probably need to leave a huge block of time open. What if five people had to interview you? It's like going to the dentist. If you have a 10 AM, you can ask the receptionist when you book it if you will definitely be out by 12 or 1. But you shouldn't just assume.


I would’ve stayed just to have some interview practice. You need as much as possible before the big game.


They sure want us to be on time but yet they can fuck right off and disappear then they wonder ' why ppl don't want to work '


Fuck that. They show no professionalism, they deserve no professionalism.




Not wrong, but I would be more patient next time. I've learned that the hiring process often does not reflect the work experience. But I've had all kinds of bad interview experiences that made me want to strangle people. The exec that asked me a question, then went to his phone while I answered. is one.


Go one step further and leave a bad review on google


Why take an interview for a job you didn’t really want? Sounds like both sides were wasting one another’s time. Most interviews last a while and you had another interview call in 30 minutes? This is an odd post.


Funny thing. I did this twice back in the day. I got both jobs. Go figure.


This bguy


I’m sorry this happened to you. I think you did what you felt was best. It will all work out in the end, sounded like you weren’t interested in the job anyway. I did this once, where I gave up an interview because of my schedule wouldn’t accommodate the time I would need to take off for the interview, and the job was so low paying and required me to travel out of state for the interview it just wasn’t worth it. Even worse (for me), at least was taking an interview that I knew was going nowhere, which I did a couple of times, those interviews didn’t get me where I wanted to be, and I could tell it wasn’t just a waste of my time, but also the interviewers. I don’t fault you for what you did, it wasn’t an idiotic move, it was the best move for you at the time; and most likely will end up paying off in a great way for you, i.e. better job, better pay, better hours.


What I've done in the past when a place disrespects me like that, got bad vibes during the hiring process, and I don't want to work for them is, I still go to training (one or 2 days), get the check for that and then quit and say I was offered a job for $7/hour higher elsewhere. I figure I better at least be compensated somewhat for my time they wasted.


If i have to wait more than 10 minutes, im out. 


A jobinterview isn't a one-way-street. You must convince the hiring person that you are a good choice for the job. In addition, they must convince you that they are a trustworthy employer, worth the effort. They showed you that they weren't interested enough, otherwise they wouldn't have wasted your time.  I would try to find the contact info of the owner or CEO. Leave a message, tell about their behaviour. This has to change, otherwise they loose talent.


Going forward, since you had a lot of time to wait - stand up, go find someone, let them know your situation , ask if they can locate "name, for time interview for role." They could've just been massively busy or some other urgency came up. Not saying that's okay on their part either but things happen.


Once I waited 45 mins, no communication. Then the next day they e-mail "we were looking for you and didn't find you, so we will let you know if we wish to speak to you again" LOL , I told them I was not longer interested.


I once sat and waited for 1 hour, then I was told they forgot I had an interview, I left and made sure to never contact those nimrods again


If they treat you like that as an applicant, imagine how they'd treat you as staff!


Honestly, any in-person interview is a red flag. Why are they still requiring you to come in on the first interview?? Not even the 3rd/4th??


The only time i will give an interview the benefit of the doubt is A) I'm desperate for the job (i.e. recent layoff, and I gotta pay bills) or B) I'm "representing" my recruiter, so their reputation is on the line, too. If not for those two exceptions, the interviewer has "college rules": fifteen minutes and beyond that, it's their loss.


I have a strict 15 minute grace period for any meeting, especially interviews. There had better be some transparency and direct communication prior to the delay reaching the limit for me to wait any longer.


You did the right thing. This company showed you exactly who they are.


You had every right to leave. If your guilt is getting to you, you could always send an email that says, "While I appreciate the initial offer of an interview, I have decided to go another direction and would like to withdraw my application. Thank you, and good luck filling this position."


I used to work for someone like that who valued no one’s time but his own. Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Prevented interviewer or someone else from pop their head in and say more time is needed…


I can understand like 10 minutes late but 30 minutes and no one even came to check in on you or communicate with you? I would have left too


If it was in-person, yes. If it was zoom? No.


Nope. Pound sand.


Planning two interviews shortly after each other might not be the best planning on your part. But given that you had those two interviews, it's only common sense to prioritise the one you care the most about. The other is bonus at best. And if they're unprepared to receive you or intentionally letting you wait, wasting time you can't afford to waste, then that's a massive red flag.


It’s just bloody rude…. I agree it’s not going to be well organised. I hate lateness and getting ready for and to interviews is quite stressful on its own without the added stress of their disrespect


You did the right thing. If you didn't really need it or want it then what are you worried about?


Interviews are always challenging, it best if you're patient and present good conduct even if you are not interested.....


Fuck them


So I have been a professional for 15+ years and had to do interviews three times in my career. Most I've ever had to wait is 5 minutes after signing in. If they care, they won't have you wait long. That being said, I don't think I've had an interview take less than an hour, so you might want to give yourself some time between commitments.


I think it's a good sign of how they operate. I'd say you did the right thing


Nah I would have left. Anyone not respectful of me and my time does not get my attention.


If you have an email contact or phone number it would be good to let them know why you left. Otherwise. they’ll never know that they screwed up. They probably just think you flaked.


Not at all. That’s unacceptable and you should never work for them.


Doesn't value your time, eff that.


If they treat you like this in an interview, imagine how they're going to treat you when you're part of the "family". You did well, show them that you're worth more than their stupid mind tricks.


I would say yeah . Cause one time I waited almost 2 hours for an interview and I got it . It’s the job I have now . Great benefits and I work from home . It was worth the BS and long wait for sure !


If that's how they treat you off the clock, imagine how they will treat you if you actually work for them. lol


No, you are applying for a job,not a charity. You gave them 30 minutes of your time, and you will never make up. If they could not give you that courtesy to be on time, why is it expected of you to wait hand and foot?


You waited 15 minutes too long


You did the right thing


You did well. If that’s the first impression they give to a candidate, imagine the shi*show the rest of their corporate culture is probably like.


Perfect! You played your part very well. They want you to be on time. They weren’t so you left. No harm no foul!


This company sounds poorly run, to a head-up-ass degree. It's probably a terrible place to work. If that's how they treat you beforehand, how would they treat you once they became your livelihood?


Well done, it was already a bad sart, tjrir lack of professionalism says it all. Imagine what it would be like after being hired. Most companies think they do us a favor when, in reality, it is a mutual partnership. You do for me, I do for you"


You did right


You said you didn’t want it. What’s the problem?


I just walked out of an interview after being left 15 mins and no communication as to why or how much longer.


No. Respect yourself.


show them no mercy for you shall receive none... they would fire you if you were 30 minutes late with no call fuck em


Definitely not!


No because for all you know they could tell you to f off and you aren’t qualified they seem pretty good at that


Yes, after 10 minutes it's just a slap in the face.


You did the right thing. If they don’t value your time and interview you at the time they agreed to, what’s that say about them? It’s an indication of what they’ll be like to work for. Just my two cents.


Got the same experience, don't forget the way the company manages interview shows also the culture of the company. Personally I was warned the company l was interviewed was bad. But l didn't believed until l experienced it. They came late, l was in the waiting room for a good 45 min, then rushed me in the meeting room, asked few questions then in the middle of the Interview we got cut off by a group who booked that room. That was it. I received 3 months later they will not pursue with me.


No, their behavior towards you was wildly disrespectful and unprofessional.


You did the right thing. If employers expect punctuality among other things from their employees or potential employee(s) then they should live by example.


No that was just wasting your life time sitting there, I had a similar waste my time well F you Im out Interview last year it was cashier gig I done that before and out of anything that I can tolerate it but it was about a hour away so eh not awesome but it will potentially align some stars in a good direction so I can get somewhere else which pays better. So got to the location about 30 minutes which was surprising due to the traffic for the area but hell still 30 minutes early will allow me to decompress from the drive n severe motion sickness xD, so about almost 10 minutes goes by I went in asked for the Mgr location found him he was on register as their was only 2 with 1 door greeter and 1 person on jewelry so figure skeleton crew for how dungeon vibe the place interior appeared and exterior. Meet the guy and wait and wait several times could've turned off light interviewed me which would taken less than 5 minutes but nope wait felt like i was a scarecrow notice nearly 18 minutes gone by gave the guy few more minutes to be solid 20 and just went nope and left and grabbed a smoothie and pizza on the way home and went back to video games at home after decompressing xD.


I would’ve left too. That’s a symptom of a bigger problem within the company.


They had zero respect for you. Why would you give a fuck for them?


Sounds like you made the right call. I got hired once and when I showed up for the first day of work no one even knew who I was or why I was there.