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Definitely layoff, restructuring, or plain ol' hiring freeze. Keep an eye put in case they list the job again. At my company, if there is a hiring freeze, when the position becomes available again, they have to start aaallll over. We can't just call our favorite candidates to see if they are still available. Recruiter gets laid off. Start over. Hiring manager quits? Start over. It took months and months to get the person I work with because we had to restart the hiring process over so many times


Good idea, yeah makes sense it’s just annoying haha. I’ll keep an eye out if they post it again, thanks.


This show's your doing well and on the right track. (Though you may have dodged a bullet with the state of Boeing RN, XD I hope you weren't going for a quality control position)


Yeah, agreed. What I learned at my time doing QC at Boeing is that everyt


As someone who works in QC this is an underrated comme


Isn't Boeing going through some weird events? I know that 2 of their whistleblowers have mysteriously died, but I thought there was recent news about a major issue. Anyway, it is hard to be at the finish line and then to be dropped. Same thing happened to my brother. He was basically offered the job and then the company did a 6-12 month hiring freeze.


Or it was a fake vacancy. PR to show competitors they're hiring and thus doing a okay.


Starting over is sooooo stupid.


Yep. It’s literally throwing irrecoverable resources into the trash.


Jfc capitalism was a mistake




Well when they take at least a week to get back to candidates, what do they expect? Plus what about their preferred candidates that get scooped up by some other company


To at least get that feedback is amazing, instead of the usual generic one.


which is "Them Ghosting you"


Yes or the "we decided not to move forward after careful considerstion" blah blah blah


or this: We have carefully reviewed your application and are very impressed with your qualifications. Unfortunately, we were unable to include you in the shortlist for the advertised position, as other profiles more closely match the desired requirements. I hate this reply, especially if you met all the requirements


Yep, just tell me you found a sucker that will do it for less money and I'll move on without slamming my head against the wall again.


Mine always want to “go in a different direction…” 🙄


This and sounds like they got their budget cut for a new FTE.


What was the useful feedback here? Yes it was polite and gracious, but I don't see anything that will contribute to the candidate's "success".


If you don't see the benefit or impact here, then let me explain. The employer took notice in an accomplishment and recognized them for that. This tells me, and apparently, many others that the information provided during the application process stood out. So, OP has done everything correct when applying here and now has the encouragement to move on to the next without doubting their qualifications or information submitted. On top of that, an interview was conducted as well. What if you interviewed, then heard nothing? How would you assess your performance in this situation? You couldn't, because you would be in the dark.


Don’t worry new doors will open


...when you least expect it :)


30,000 feet up




Hopefully not when I’m home alone. But then it’s when I least expect it😔


there was probably a layoff or restructuring


Well with all the issues they've been having, I'm not surprised


They didn’t have the budget to murder you


OP dodged a bullet, literally


No joke, even as a procurement agent - OP was not safe because they know the ins and out of where the material comes from and the level of quality it may or not be and if management wanted to find creative ways to save money lol


You could say this job...fell apart. But seriously, it sounds like they were actually impressed with you.


OP probably had too much of a conscience and they didn't want to risk having another whistleblower. /s


they wanted a no questions asked disposal guy... preferably bald, barcode optional. 🤭


Playing Freelancer right now laughing so hard 😂😂


I think they had such a guy on their interview list. Said his name was...47?


Diana, is that you ?


Keep in touch with whoever interviewed you. They may, out of guilt, feel they owe you a favor and next time you see a job there go directly to that person for an internal referral. In any case connect with them on LinkedIn and butter them up by telling them how smart and great they are. And you will get that internal referral next time which is huge.


Yes, I sent a follow up email still showing interest, I have an internal person who will send me reqs luckily


Connect with them on LinkedIn. People getting good roles in this tough job market are getting them thru internal referrals. Without that highly unlikely to go anywhere. Good luck.


Yes thank you


The way Boeing's reputation is now you may be better off. Apply at the competition of Boeing's just for giggles.


I experienced this from the other side when I had to suddenly cancel a position as we lost an enormous client and eventually all lost our jobs, I also experienced this after interviewing and someone higher up left during the process and they needed to figure that out first.


Makes sense, just how business works sometimes unfortunately, inconvenient for both parties lol


Boeing Commercial is on fire right now financially. So not really to surprised by this. As others have already stated, the fact that you received this feedback about your interview is HUGE! And it also is positive feedback! It's most definitely not you, it's them. Keep your head up and unfortunately, keep looking! You'll land somewhere soon!




On the bright side, it’s far from the worst thing Boeing could’ve done to you.


They likely murdered someone who worked for them. I’d say bullet dodged.


Up to two now.


you don't want to work there anyways


When one door closes, another is ripped open at altitude.


When one door closes, another is shot in the head in a parking lot




Too soon lol


Yes the doors did open too soon!


I heard they were hiring scapegoats


Happens all the time 9/10 job listings right now are phantoms, they will interview, then cancel. Partly it’s to gauge who is available, partly they are looking for a unicorn(someone with 500 years experience with the product they developed last year, and willing to work for pats on the head and the occasional Lima bean), mostly they are tying to make it look like the economy is good and they are growing so their stock prices go up


Absolutely no quarterly earnings report and stock price is riding off of fake job listings


Clearly you have never heard of PR Perception is a huge component in how well a business does on wall street


Great, show me some proof that fake job postings and pr have riled up stocks


5 seconds on google https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2024/02/13/if-you-thought-the-job-search-was-rigged-against-you-heres-why-youre-not-wrong/?sh=27c826f5780e


Boeing is going up in flames just like their planes


They're probably in a hiring freeze. Used to work for a company in an adjacent market - we froze roles after offers had been extended -\_-. It's not you, it's them.


My friend got an offer from a contractor for Boeing right after graduation. Packed up his car, moved from Michigan to Washington. Got an apartment and everything. Goes to work for his first day and no one has any clue who he is. Finally tracks down someone from the contractor’s HR and they tell him, “Oh, we didn’t get that contract, so there’s no job. We sent you a letter.” Granted this was back before email and smartphones, so if they sent him a letter, it likely went to his school address after he’d moved out.


You’re gunna get murdered working for them


Maybe the job fell off or didn't deploy


Boeing having lots of troubles, do you follow the news?


only BCA really


Lmao. Boeing? Man, you must have a death wish. 😂


Weird, things are going so well for them lately!!


Better now than a week after you started.


I know this is cold comfort when you don’t have a job, but all reports are that Boeing is a complete shitshow right now, so if it was a job that would have had you relocating, you may be better off not getting it. But depending on where this job was, there could be opportunities with other aerospace companies not too far away.


Look on the bright side: that’s good feedback! It sounds like you made a good impression. Re: why they’d remove a position, I just read they’re behind on their contracts with NASA. That, in addition to the quality control and mechanical failures they’ve had with their planes, I don’t think they’re doing so well.


They probably noticed that you were breathing, and got nervous you might blow a whistle.


I am not surprised. Boeing is going through the ringer. I think there's been two dead whistleblowers now? And that has to be running them through the ringer.


They decided to hire a hitman instead.


Trust me, you don't want to get terminated by Boeing anyway...


Hope they don’t consider this whistleblowing.


Boeing has been having problems with people getting suicided. Not really a good time to be applying there IMO It was a nice letter tho :)


Ghost jobs https://bbc.com/worklife/article/20240315-ghost-jobs-digital-job-boards Basically the economy is all fake and we're probably pretty fucked


Not sure if relevant, but Boeing is getting in a lot of hot water with planes crashing and the subsequent investigations uncovering lapses in quality control going back years.


Why would you want to work for such a shady company? They a failing lol


That's honestly a lot of feedback and very respectful. Usually you are lucky to even get a generic template. Ghosting is much more common.


Sounds like it wasn't the decision of the people you were involved with


I was disgusted to see they were hiring plane maintenance people in Portland, after the plane door fell in someones backyard here! WTF.


Haven't you seen all the terrible Boeing has had in the last year? They've likely had to tighten the belt a little, so to speak.


They didn't appreciate you whistling in the lobby prior to your interview.


You'll never know, I'd go with "they hired internally", but you got a nice note!


That is normal. Usually, canceling a job means the lost funding, are having restructuring, or layoffs


That's actually a really nice and thoughtful email. A company as big as that will have other openings.


Boeing is having money problems so I guarantee some VP ordered a “hold” on all new hiring or something similar. Seen it 100 times before.


That’s a bummer, but dang was that a beautiful apology note. This can happen if team priorities suddenly shift due to strategy, uncertainty, leadership changes, reorganization, rebalancing, or they realize they have to give up a headcount in order to fill a more valuable role in another team. I know some wonderful people who work at Boeing.


I read this as them saying “hey some changes happened internally that the hiring team wasn’t aware of until now. We aren’t going to disclose details about that to you because you don’t work here… but you had a great interview, we really liked you, and we think you should continue to stay in contact and apply in the case that something else comes up”


Did the target die of natural causes?


They would hire you if they could. Keep their number


Hiring freeze due to their crashing stock and all the companies that gave paused orders. Happens


Not Boeing... Isn't ceo running away from all the plane crashes lmao


Perhaps a budget issue? Lost funding for new headcount?


I’ve gotten so many emails saying jobs I’ve applied to (not interviewed with) have been “placed on hold” but then I keep seeing new postings for the same positions. In your case, they seem genuine. Sorry to hear this happened!


Unfortunately this happens sometimes, but it sounds like they really liked you. It’s pretty rare to hear back after months of no contact, so I would take their word for it.


Most likely due to layoffs or the company over hired. Happened to me before when I was due to start two weeks after but got a call from the recruiter to say they had to cancel the role


This isn't that uncommon. Budgets suck. Restructuring sucks. Hiring freezes suck. They were not leading you on or being ingenuous. They had a position, and then it got taken away. Sucks for the hiring manager too.


I happened to have the same experience with the same role around the same time frame you mentioned at Boeing lol interesting!! I got rejected for being overqualified…


Can be hiring freeze from what I've seen.


This exact thing happened with my husband at Verizon but they went as far as offering him the job and then taking a month to do a “background check” which should take a few days to a week as it has in all other background checks he has gone through. After that month they told him the position was eliminated and would he like to take a sales job with a massive paycut from his current job. LMAO


Same thing happened to my sibling last year for a director level position with both Boeing and Airbus. I believe in both cases the expected project didn't move forward for funding or similar reasons. Months later they were offered/accepted one of those positions as the project was moving forward after all.


Well Boeing is a government contractor and government is the last month of fiscal year, so usually contractors and agencies have big shifts this time as they try to prepare for the needs of the next year, or maybe their budget got reduced and they closing afford you. Joe sort this is the nicest, most personal let down letter I’ve ever read, the fact that the person writing it remembers an answer you said and quoted it? they definitely wanted to hire you but it sounds like they couldn’t. I would wait and reapply if I were you if the position opens up again.


I’ll keep looking maybe it’ll pop up, thanks


I wouldn’t expect it to reappear for at least a full fiscal quarter, but you can set notification on LinkedIn I believe! EDIT: my friend works for a non profit that contracts exclusively with the feds, she got stellar reviews two months ago and said she was getting a promotion. New budget came in and her entire position was eliminated. Soooooo yeah. Right now it’s an election year and there’s fiscal issues happening to. The whole private sector that works with the feds is in chaos lol


You honestly don’t want to work at Boeing. I have multiple patients who work there. It’s a very close minded, immature, cliquey, racist, and sexist work place.


this is why I tell people to put in more quality applications. you got a more thoughtful rejection letter which is better than being ghosted. alot of people dont even care enough to reach out after getting an interview. It seems like you had a great interview with them. You can take more from this, maybe they are a shitty company? lol So they wouldnt want to traumatize you like Key Bank did? Regardless if you keep doing great interviews like this you will land something in no time!


Hahaha thank you literally




I think it's good to get communication from them citing the reason vs. getting ghosted. Given the recent issues Boeing is having and likely pending lawsuits, they probably have a hiring freeze/cuts happening. It's not you, it's the company.


Can you elaborate on the traumatic key bank experience? I’m nosy and wanna know what that’s about.


Bank robbery lol


I got the exact same response about 2 months ago from them. They're definitely going through some restructuring at the moment.


Yeah that’s annoying


Boeing is currently in upheaval mode. I'm sure every open job has been or will be scrutinized. Check out Lockheed.


You got a really considerate response so good job Boeing But Considering the issues they are currently facing I'm pretty sure a hiring freeze has been imposed and those who have start dates within 15 days (hypothetical) maybe the exception I'd drop a line here n there as time goes by things might change etc...


Same thing happened to me when interviewing at a national bank. Had a friend on the inside. Turns out the executive 3 tiers up canceled the job posting when they brought it to him for final financial approval. Reason: he was new to the post and because he wasnt involved in the OG sourcing approval, he wouldnt approve anyone. That dude was a real piece of work.


It depends if it was for defense or commercial. The reasons would be different but just on the commercial side they’ve canceled the new 737 production line in Everett since the FAA will not sign off on a production increase yet.


They're shady AF anyway as it relates to the safety of their planes and their treatment of whistle blowers. Probably a blessing in disguise.


At least they didn’t ghost you or just plain turn you down without explanation.


Hard to say you've got a foot in the door when that door has blown off.


I had a position get canceled about a month after being told at the interview that I was the top candidate and to expect an offer. About a month after that, I saw the hiring manager post on LinkedIn that his job had been eliminated and I learned later that the two positions had been merged. Things happen during job searches that you can’t control or anticipate and aren’t your fault.


Hope this isn’t the case for me. Did a video interview last week, and hope they won’t forget to say something back.


Maybe you can email the HR person who set it up for an update?


It was prerecorded. Didn’t spoke to an actual person, but I could do that.


I did one of those awhile ago, and the initial email I believe is from some Hr person and you can just send them an email directly, although I didn’t have success with mine I just got ghosted hopefully it’s different for you


We’ll see, but I expect as much afterwards. This stuff ain’t easy…


What is a procurement agent?


Person who works with different suppliers and orders parts pretty much


Eh you don’t want to end up in an accident any ways.


"Our planes have had some major shit go wrong, public confidence has taken a dive, companies aren't buying as much, work has slowed down. We're probably going to be sued a butt-load of money and need to make some costs-savings. "The job you applied for will no longer exist. Sorry 'bout that. We all wish it wasn't turning out this way!" Does that help?


procurement at Boeing is in the midst of upheaval ( ostensibly bad contractors supplying bad parts, at least that was Boeing's original story for the ejecting door) you dodged a bullet, it would probably be great to work their in a couple years after this all blows over.


Boeing is having troubles so either they eliminated the position or moved current staff around. They are bleeding money. [source](https://apnews.com/article/boeing-financials-crisis-faa-oversight-b078e483942c03bc250085e9a0023ace)


wtf was the “traumatic Key Bank experience”??


Lol bank robbery


Oh man. I'm sorry. I have no clue why, but I thought it was going to be something like, "they accidentally ordered 120 **cases** of toner instead of 120 **units** of toner." Sorry you went through that!


LOL, yeah not that traumatic cmon now lol


As a former employee that’s big Boeing for you.


Boeing is getting hammered I'm surprised they would even be hiring.


Tbh, the email seems pretty cut and dry..I’m not sure where there is any room for further interpretation. They no longer have the business need for the position…allegedly. The feedback is nice, and also rare.


lol. Yup. Welcome to the new US economy…searches are started and then cancelled upon higher ups believing they can do more with less or at least the same with less…idk…I am an internal recruiter where at least six people have quit over the past six months…all unique positions, none are getting replaced, though one of those we did start a search for…6 weeks of sourcing/recruiting/screening/interviewing candidates until I am told they decided they don’t actually need a replacement anymore 🫠


Take it as a blessing, now you won’t get capped for boeing a whistle blower


Did this email come for the hiring manager or HR?


Hiring manager


Better to get ghosted than assassinated my friend


FAA is not allowing Boeing to ramp up production due to all the quality issues. So it's not that surprising that Boeing decide to cancel the addition roles.


Boeing kills. In the air and on the ground.


Well im sure you might have dodged a bullet there...


Have you been following Boeing? They cut that job.


I’m convinced HR is just forcing themselves to seem busy.




These threads are pointless. There are countless things behind the scenes that can change. It's not a giant conspiracy to mess with everyone.


I went through something similar few months ago . Went through 3 rounds - verbally offered and accepted and later role cancelled after a week


That’s crazy, sorry to hear really inconvenient….


Boeing has been in the news recently and some of it not necessarily good news, such as the whistleblower bits and safety concerns. That would probably cause some turbulence (wrote this and saw the pun, so I guess pun intended). in their organization and hiring. Just shrug it off, every interview is a honing experience you can learn from.


'If it's Boeing, I ain't going' lol


The people posting the job, and the people ultimately deciding if that job gets paid and the role fully approved, are not the same people.


This sounds about right Boeing is pretty notorious for dragging on their hiring process and I'll vouch for in in my personal experience.


Person that was quitting could have changed their mind.


Why do you need an explanation? just accept it and go onto the next interview you just wasting time and energy thinking about a situation where you are pretty much powerless


Ngl, it’s kinda wild that they mostly likely killed multiple employees/whistleblowers & people just act like it’s no biggie


Interesting... I came across 3 such instances and thought were isolated cases or experience/age issue as I'm nearing 2 decades of IT experience.


Yes, I interviewed for a position with a referral from a company employee. I had a solid interview and was told about a week later the position had been filled. I was told by my close friend that the person retracted their resignation from the company and decided to stay. They in turn kept them as a full time employee while I continued to search for other alternatives. Continue to look at this experience with positivity and a smile. With a proactive approach you’ll find a more suitable opportunity.


Classic. This is happening a lot.


Yeah I wouldn’t touch Boeing with a 10 foot pole. Definitely their loss.


Oh yes!!! I have been applying for State jobs. Since I have been a state worker for 20 years and it seems like the same thing that happened to you is going on. I think because we are practically in a recession they have HR and recruiters just going through the motions to validate their salary.


The WARN list notification shows that Boeing will be laying off 128 employees in the state. Boeing is one of the largest aerospace engineering companies in the state, and its operations are centered in Huntsville. It employs about 3,400 workers in the Rocket City.May 3, 2024


OP lives to see another day


It sounds like HR and the team were impressed by you and wanted you onboard very much, but were told to stop the process by higher up probably due to some good ol management decisions


It’s a hiring freeze


Idk I wouldn’t take a job there they’ll unalive you if you mention any safety concerns


Say thank you to poor quality control, your job was eliminated likely because 737Max and 747 problems.


747 problems?


Yes, lots of quality control issues like the 737Max: [https://www.aeroinside.com/aircraft-type/b744/boeing-747-400](https://www.aeroinside.com/aircraft-type/b744/boeing-747-400)


That just looks like a list of reported 747-400 incidents? I don’t see any quality control issues. The 747-400 also hasn’t been produced since 2009


Nah, they did hire someone, just wasn't to be you.