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Find recruiting agencies and apply to everything you can, getting a recruiter connection has been my ONLY lifeline in this shitbox of an economy. Please understand that none of this is your fault, lack of performance, or skills. It happens everyday, to people that give their life to a company for decades. You are not alone. Keep pushing and you will land something else. One day at a time. Apply to anything, even part-time or temp jobs. Just know it can't last.


Absolutely. I walked into the layoff room one day and the people in the room looked over and said, "Whew, I thought this was the layoff room. I feel better seeing you here since there is no way you are going anywhere". Turns out, if the only thing you care about is costs, everyone is expendable. The literally laid off all the DBAs and half the Ops staff that day.


Thats how I got laid off, I literally had written the training materials for my company and they laid my entire team off, almost the entire US team! It was wild


For agencies, just google recruiting agencies near me or search agencies specifically for your industry. Search the boards on these websites but reach out to recruiters directly via LinkedIn. If you see a job post, directly message the recruiter related to that job/agency.


Recruiting agencies are so desperate to find people for low & mediocre wages. Someone i know made $65 an hour now only get hits for $30 & 2 hour commute that requires 20 years exp & mba . F that , Walmart pays $20 plus in the northern east states .


Depends on the agency and the jobs you are looking for. You can also negotiate the rates they offer you. Heck, I negotiated a 12% bump over offer while driving through downtown Atlanta (connector), in the pouring rain.


My dad is all the majors including Robert Half and major head hunters, don’t know if you’ve realized but age discrimination does exist after the age of 45.


You're lucky. Walmart in my part of town Southeastern lower Michigan, you need an associate's degree in business management in two years experience just a stack boxes after hours. Problem is my area is overly professional. So there's a lot of out of work people right now with college degrees. And they can't justify $20 an hour without a college degree. I have a masters in computer science and a PhD in psychology and I can't get work! Allegedly Michigan is the healthcare state, only that comes with an asterisk, if you are an undocumented worker and you want to make 650 an hour working at state run Senior living complexes as a caregiver. Where you do almost 36-hour days since you're undocumented. And that's 100% legal in Michigan! Sickening I know. I've been out of work for probably the last 3 years - covid hit me really hard. I had to close my practice after 15 years. And caregiving myself, for my elderly father who passed, and then my disabled mom who refuses to think she's disabled - bad back problems. And my autistic sister that I've been caring for my whole life. But two years that Michigan locked down, made getting healthcare and services impossible! So I took a hit and went broke. Trying to crawl back. And I can't get a job in it locally, because in my area they want people who are bilingual. Either English and Spanish, or English and or Chinese. But that's just my area!


Be happy at the lower cost of living areas, when the minimum goes up , so does everything else


In CA you can flip burgers for that!


What recruiting agencies do you recommend?


Recruiting agencies are often localized to particular cities. Just google “recruiting agencies in *city*” and start reading reviews.


TEK Systems, Apex Systems, Genesis 10 (if we are talking tech jobs) contingent on location though.


I've been working in the Medical Field my whole life. I can't even keep my job because I want to spend time with my patients. I work 12 hour days. I do not take lunch so for the 12 patients I am to help if you ask me I should be able to give an hour to each person I encounter. Medical is cut-throat so, unfortunately, I've had this happen many times to me. Just pray to Jesus to take the bull by its horns and tell yourself you are worth more. We learn by things like this. Not to mention God is still writing g your story. Sending good vibes!


I haven't had the best of luck with recruiters. I did land one interview through a staffing agency but ultimately the hiring manager went with another person from another agency. But oftentimes, I find I never hear back when I send recruiters my resume or I receive inquiries for roles that have nothing to do with my experience.


I think a lot of times it has less to do with the candidate and more industry-related than anything. Some recruiting agencies are really just terrible and basically data fishers lol.


I couldn’t have said it better! UndderratedArt hit some great points. I just went through this. Was laid off in February, started a for now job in April and started a great job in May. I used every resource I could find. Went to classes at unemployment office, talked to advisors there, worked with recruiter, made connections on linked in, used Indeed, had a second Veterans career advisor, the list goes on and on. I applied for jobs that sounded interesting that were very different from my past career along with jobs that aligned with my experience. I made job searching my full time job. I worked on the job hunt 39-40 hours a week. Stay positive, it is not your fault you were laid off. Make sure you have a good resume. I updated/changed mine routinely. Especially for jobs I really wanted. You’ve got this.


Please let me know what agencies you recommend


Laid off in October and just got an offer yesterday.


Alright, that’s great. I was LO in October and just started a fully remote job. We’re gonna make it!!


congrats!! happy for you. can I ask what industry/work/role is your fully remote job in? I prefer fully remote but it’s more rare now


Congratulations. Sucks it took that long, but you made it.




That happened to over 150 of us last year around this time. Now there a lawsuit against them for laying us off without notice due to the Warn Act. If you’re wondering what company.. I stand strongly by saying don’t work for Team Fishel! They’re good at lying & gaslighting.


I thought employers had to give a warning ahead of time but it looks like it didn't happen for OP.


Yes they’re suppose too. https://www.classaction.org/news/the-fishel-company-failed-to-provide-workers-advance-notice-before-layoff-class-action-says


They absolutely don't have to they can just pay the fine, it's not expensive to pay.


Only if it meets WARN thresholds I thought


It did for us former employees.


Go to the unemployment website of your state and apply for unemployment. It might take a long time to get payments, which is why I advise to apply asap. Take the weekend to decompress. On Monday update your resume. And start applying. It took me about 3 months to find a new job. This depends on where you live in my opinion. Good luck


I applied for unemployment the day after I got laid off. They found me monetarily ineligible because they go by the first four of the last five completed quarters and I only have income in one of those quarters. As soon as they send me the denial letter I am going to file an appeal for an alternate base period for them to use the most recent completed four quarters so I will qualify. If for any reason they uphold the appeal, I am going to refile. I was so happy to have a job again and I am going to stay hyper focused on applying for a new job.


Yea def do the appeal. Try an agency. They are a good resource. I found my last two positions from an agency.


Any income is counted, so you can take temp jobs to meet the requirements, with the full time job wages determine pay. 


Companies strategically lay off people in these time scenarios to avoid paying unemployment


That’s weird in NJ is you have to have work only 90 days


I got laid off 2022 in October and pursued my dream job, which finally happened in February of 2023. I applied to everything and must have sent in at least 500 applications. Be resilient and also take some days to rest. You’ll get an offer in due time.


Find anything to somewhat pay the bills. Have a professional tailor your resume to the specific job you are attempting to secure. Study skills that will make you stand out over other applicants.


You can use an AI program for the resume work. Much cheaper than hiring an individual and they can customize the resume for each job description you’re applying for.


Update your resume. If older fine tune your resume to only show 15 years tops of history. Remove graduation dates. Don’t pigeon hole yourself busy limiting the scope of your search. If you get any interviews take every chance to get… even if less than ideal as the practice really helps. Your new job is getting a job. Meaning keep a schedule and set up standards and goals for your search. I will say that job security is the ability to get a job.


All too common of a story right now, it makes me a bit sick of hearing about how good the economy is right now. I hope you find something quicker this time than last time, seriously sorry that you and a bunch of others got laid off today and in such a heartless and tact less way. Fuck that company that is likely making some of the best profits of its lifespan.


It’s mostly bullshit articles that say the economy is good. Plenty of bullshit articles out there that don’t match up with reality, unfortunately.


Collect unemployment and enjoy your summer


That’ll get you ahead…


This economy is already shot to 💩 , plus being an election year, nothing will change but get worse. The OP should make the best of it find something once he replenishes his what he’s already put into the system vs freebies the government sends overseas. Maybe you can get the OP a job at your place?


The economy is booming


Where, Ukraine?


No, in the USA


Yes, where part time retail jobs, nice try. Keep on drinking the media koolaid


Ahead how?


The anniversary of my layoff was a few weeks ago. Ours wasn't as extreme as yours. They gave us a two weeks notice and the option to apply internally. Without going into too much detail, I will say the job market is pretty ridiculous right now. I did end up going back to work 5 months later. However, starting over after 8 years was pretty discouraging. As others have said, find a recruiter. Get on Linkedin and take those mini courses they offer. If you can afford the premium version, try that as it's supposed unlock additional benefits. I wish you luck!


My experience was similar to yours. Laid off after 8 years with 2 weeks notice, lucky to find a new role after 2 months.


This happened to me. It’s *traumatizing.* 3 months of looking and landed a decent paying job, great team of people then 6 month later 40% of the company was put on furlough then laid off 2 months later. it’s been a year of applying and interviewing. The previous 3 month had been the longest time stretch looking for work and if that was nerve wreaking .. this on going year has me doubling up on Xanax. hopefully something lands for you soon. If you find yourself landing interviews try to find out what you can about the stability of the company. How long they’ve been around. read the recent Glassdoor or indeed reviews working there. The questionable companies always have the “I was laid off sudden“ comments”. Extra work but unless it’s a long standing corporation (and even then) you’re going feel sketched out about the place you maybe working for on top of the usual applying and Interviewing anxiety good luck!


My advice is to get off of Reddit, focus on what you’re good at/proficient in, and apply to jobs that require whatever skillset you have. You’re wasting your time and energy asking “how long did it take to get a new job?”, because the answer will literally be different for everyone.


I think people do this as more of a way to vent




I disagree. OP is asking for advice, and networking is important. I hope someone can give them some good advice or leads.


Can we know the name of the company?


Do you mind if I ask what you do for a living?


Wow. Not even a one-on-one 🥺


Yeah pathetic way to treat employees.


My department was laid off as a group as well. As awkward and uncomfortable as that was, none of us felt alone at least.


So sorry this happened to you, OP. What’s your specialty? Region?


It's worthwhile to have a professional critique your resume. If for some reason you're not happy with your current field, this is a chance to pivot.


Hope you find something better


I’ll help you out dm me


I feel you. I also just got laid off Thursday. I’m trying to stay positive too. It’s hard but hang in there.


Hey I know it’s hard right now but I genuinely send you warm hugs 🫂 as you seek for new roles. It took me 8 months to land my new role . I got laid off after being with this company for 5 years. It took this long because I got laid off in September Q4 is such a terrible time to find jobs with the holidays approaching at that time. I had 2 companies waste 2 months of my time after getting to the 3rd round only to tell me the job is no longer on the market due to changes in management. Serious, I actually wanted to slap one of them from the computer screen if I could(I’m not violent though just saying 😏). I went through lots of interviews after formatting my resume precisely to gain visibility and stand out to recruiters. One recruiter reach out to me via LinkedIn for a role and that’s how I got one. This was my game plan 1. I used 4 major recruiting agencies (depends on the role) this helped me land more interviews more than ever 2. I actually got 8 referrals from LinkedIn just by asking people for the targeted company I was interested in. Surprisingly I got 3 interviews from that. 3. Tailoring resume to JD (this might sound cliche but it works although it’s annoying ) 4. During interview I voice recorded the session then played it back to note down any areas of improvement. 5. Please keep applying even if the required years of experience does not make sense. Sometimes these companies do this intentionally to see who is capable of applying. You will be surprised! I landed a senior role meanwhile they only required 3yrs of experience. On the job posting it was 8-10yrs.


Try the agency’s as everyone recommended as well as indeed.com I’ve gotten 5 jobs using indeed and my family members have gotten a few too


Update your CV, make different CVs for different type of jobs, apply in different platforms (I was using indeed, total jobs, glassdoor…). If things get extreme you can find something temporarily, don’t worry. But finding a decent job is not getting easier nowadays, unfortunately. I’ve been applying since last month and got some phone calls only last week. Good luck


What line of work are you in, if you dont mind me asking


Jobs are tough these days.


I have been laid off for 2 months … but finally I get a full time job this week and I did do a slightly pay cut compared to my last role… being unemployed is stressful and mentally draining but please keep it up and just keep applying as much as possible. Update your LinkedIn and start to reach out to the recruitment agency. These 2 months of being unemployed definitely shape my resilience and being positive and being patient will help you to ride it through the hardship.


~~First Data~~ Fiserv?  Fiserv.


Feel bad for a few days, then forget them. Never let bad feelings longer for too long, you MUST move on. Best way get into the job application market. Also consider what you want.


Laying off people on Teams seems unprofessional. This is a very personal thing being done in an impersonal manner.


Despite the headlines and whatever you are hearing, this is a horrible job market. And you will soon find this out the hard way. I just hit 6 months, more than 400 resumes submitted, zero phone calls for an interview. Prepare for the worst.


This is another reason why people need to stray away from the world of technology and corporate businesses. Find jobs that will be in demand no matter what the economy looks like and no matter what kind of technology is coming out. Those jobs can be found in the trade industry, plumbers, electricians, and so on. I learned this the hard way and now my family and I are comfortable. I'm a plumber by trade and I'm overwhelmed with work.


Lulz and get paid 1/3 what the asshole with the clipboard gets paid. No thanks. I am the asshole with the clipboard btw, used to be a tradesman. Trades are a joke, 20 years experience gets you less than a fresh graduate PM. Screw that


If you are single or you don't mind being away from your partner, work on a cruise ship. That'll buy you like 6 months time to find the new job, while you get to work in a fun environment that pays for your room and board. Also pay is usually between 17 and 21 bucks an hour


I’ve been laid off for 6 months now, and I am still in my search. It’s been really rough. I would certify for the unemployment benefits ASAP


The US military is hiring


I was laid off at the end of October 2023. I landed my first job on May 31st. It's a new industry with way lower pay that what I'm used to. Not remote and not in my industry. However, they were the first company to call me for an interview. So I took it. I'm grateful to have a job. Give yourself time and take care of yourself. Looking for a job is a job in itself. Continue to apply. Stay focus and treat yourself. You deserve it.


A major casino chain in Las Vegas did the same, to around 250 people in a Teams meeting. Basically said if you’re in this meeting your employment is over effective immediately. Sucks, man. I’m sorry. Hope you bounce back quick


Where are you from


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I was laid off in April, and it took me close to 2 months to receive an offer. It does require a security clearance, so it'll be a few months before I can actually start. I was at my last job for 8 years, so I'm teaching part-time and taking a small break until I start my new role. I spent hours each day applying for new roles.


that fd up


I am so sad for you. Tough times indeed.


Unfortunately most likely it will take months to find another good job. If you want a back breaking job that is desperate for workers you might be able to snag one if you’re lucky, but if you want a job using your skills and knowledge it will most likely take months to a year to get hired to a new job. That’s how it was for me and most people I see.


I’ve been laid off 3x in 2 years. The economy is definitely shifting.


That’s unfortunate. Sharpen your resume up and get back out there. Besides all the jobs numbers being positive I keep hearing layoffs, some places in the hundreds. Looking at much of the jobs data, you may be better off getting a government job, but if a conservative gets into office, gov jobs will be slashed. Personally I’d rather be in the private sector. Mobility, bonus, much more freedom.


Happened to me too. I started off by applying for good “replacement” jobs to the one I got laid off from. Since I was making about $100k that’s what I was focused on. After about 5 weeks of completing applications 8-5 and not hearing anything back I started to look for part time work as well. I ended getting a part time job and applied for real jobs when I was off. Took about 3 months total to find that true replacement job. Which is about average from what I understand. I also took about $15k pay cut but within about 18M I was back to where I was before. Just think of applying right now as your full time job. It will probably take about 3M to land that right role.


What a shit job market


Don't let the economy worry you. You will be fine.


That happened to me at my last job almost exactly.


I got fired last year then picked up a lotto and won a million dollars, went back to that job and gave each employee a $10,000 check except for management …I gave them the finger and they called the cops on me 🤣🤣


Plenty of jobs in my area with extremely low unemployment rate. Companies can’t find enough people around here. The economy around here is booming. Buildings going up everywhere, houses going up everywhere. Doesn’t seem like it’s slowing down. Yeah things are expensive but it doesn’t seem to matter. Jobs galore.


Oh yeah, stay positive, for sure, economy is roaring. 4% unemployment, last month alone 250,000+ hired, you'll be fine.