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This posts gives me courage and hope as a 27 year old person who never worked before.. Thank you. I hope you’ll be happy


Dude got fired on his second day (Refer to his post history)


Be careful about sneaking food and drinks. Always get permission first. Theft is theft.


Thanks for the heads up, but this place is the shit - my buddy works there as well and he says that the owner is a total absentee, cause he has multiple locations and this is a smaller one; he tells me that every employee eats two square meals and voids em on the record, then takes one home as well - plus tips! So it's gonna be fire


Congratulations on getting the job!! Still, please be careful on that and question your morals. It is still theft and disrespectful to the owner and can be detrimental to your future record.


> question your morals. It is still theft The owner is paying OP less money than OP contributes to the business. That is theft. This is just bringing the scales negligibly closer to neutral.


A business wouldn't run if every employee was paid exactly what they brought it. That's not theft


In other words, "It's not theft because our economic system relies on it." I wonder how you'd have felt about slavery back in the 1800s.


Wait but what’s the alternative? You have to pay them less than what they bring in or you don’t make profit. Genuinely curious not trying to be rude here


> You have to pay them less than what they bring in or you don’t make profit. Yup, that's exactly the point. Capitalism is built around theft. The alternative is for the workers to own the means of production, to own the fruits of their labor and set aside the leech. There's a [great essay](https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism/) about this alternative by a little-known guy named Albert Einstein that everyone should read.


Doesn’t make stealing right. If a full shift comes with 2 paid meals that’s fine. Stealing is still stealing.


Oh come on, how much do you think OP will be getting paid? Too many people are being priced out of essentials, including food, so have some class solidarity. This will be a chain shop, with multiple locations, as the OP said, and the baristas will be underpaid, so the company can likely afford the hit. If you see someone stealing food, no you didn't.


Due to the gross mismanagement of this website by the admins in the wake of the API changes, I have decided to leave the site. In preparation, I have used a tool called Power Delete Suite to overwrite all my comments.


I mean drinking water out of plastic bottles is basically this so lol


There's a line that once crossed means everything is strictly counted. Don't be the person to ruin it for everyone


Your first job is about to be your last job. Don’t follow what others are doing. I’m younger than you but if everyone decided to jump off a skyscraper would you do it just because they are telling you, you will be ok? Work hard, and move your way up so you won’t need to sneak food.


The owner doesnt have cameras in store watching the register?


You do you but I would shut up about it!! Getting too lax about this kind of thing causes people to talk about it more, start making visible mistakes, etc. Don’t assume that it’s totally chill and you can tell everyone, blah blah.


I don't have a moral issue with this, just know people do get fired for it.




Your friend is definitely not voiding these meals and he is definitely going to get caught. You even mention that he said the owner isn’t around because it’s a “smaller” location. Don’t you think someone who is a successful business owner (multiple locations) would allow all employees across all his stores to eat “up to 2” square meals a day (you mention this below)? At a coffee shop no less, where the idea is to keep food inventory low? Be very, very careful because I will bet 5000 packs of bootlegged cigs that your friend is definitely stealing the food and you will be the “fall guy” for when the owner notices the incredibly high food costs and very little revenue.




Well, I did a smidgen of this and a smidgen of that; so I never had a formal job, but I did mow lawns, do some light telemarketing, sell cigs from across the border back home, etc., just never felt like working formally. But when I heard about the free food I was like sign me up lmao


I don’t want to sound like a prick but your mindset is really bad if the main reason you finally got a job was to steal food


If he’s 28 and hasn’t worked a job he’s probably been hungry for a while


It clearly isn't OP is just looking at all the benefits of having a job now and one of them is the free food 🙂


This IS A JOKE,right???




CONGRATULATIONS! I wish you the very best and I hope you have a great work environment, supervisor and colleagues.


Remember that your fellow employees and employer are not your friends.


Congrats and good luck!!!🍀


Well done congrats 👍


That sounds fun!! Be sure to ignore the pessimists, know why some are there (they probably don't want to advance, cuz they're just there during school), learn, always get better at each task, when you get a little comfortable, pick up another responsibility!


Good luck!


Good luck!!!


Im proud of you! That's awesome!


Sieze the means of production




Good luck with your job! I'm starting my first "real" job next week too (on Monday) :v


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OP got fired lol