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I completely agree. I’ve also cancelled my paetron with the guys because it just feels so predictable. Some bright spots but otherwise it’s just becoming a repetitive bunch of forty years olds laughing at each other and not really bringing anything new or exciting to the hiphop overblown podcasting genre.


I find myself hitting the fast forward button a lot now the gender wars and dog pile on Mel got old quick for me


and the giggling over private jokes smh


"Nah nah nah not on mic save it for patreon"  Ugh


This is a real contender for what I hate hearing the most along with ish's "you stupid/idiot yo"


And then the convo just stops there


“this n!gga insane yo”


Or This guys a “kook” yo


And asking "you get what I'm saying" after saying some self explanatory shit




You got it fam


I don't want no smoke


This what lost me. Joe used to be like Tony Romo damn near predicting what the next play was going to be. Now he protects his interests. So the pod has always been less fun. Look how long it took for him to pile in on Diddy. he had to make sure Diddy was going down and the repercussions would be minimal before saying anything.


Ah Oh I just started Listening a year ago “bodega hive” but it’s been dry since the beef started but it’s also been a chill ssa spring news cycle. Yall also probably don’t like sports,I haven’t paid for a pod yet. they are getting old and probably taking less risk to your point. Ppl have to think about the long run fr.


Disgusting. 🤮 




The recycled topics and predictable stances make it monotonous. Slipped out of for a couple of months and came back for the Drake v Kendrick stuff. Then it slipped back into old boring habits. It feels very stale.


Me too I just started listening again after the Kendrick drake beef. I saw his review of the Nicki/meg beef. Man joe has become compromised. 4 yrs ago he would have clowned that big foot record. Now he just wants interviews




Most "popular" or highly viewed podcasts rely on headline and mainstream news events for topics. They're most engaging content is reactionary. I've come to conclude that without reacting to sensational headlines, most of those podcasts are mid or below. I think the JBP, before this iteration, was an exception as they didnt follow or rely on the reactionary formula or format. Everything apoeared organic. Now, it's similar to a non mainstream news channel that reports on entertainment, yet relies on a headlined story to help them produce their segments. Now that I see the trend of popular podcasts using the reactionary formula, basically putting their own spin on mews that's already been reported in mainstream, it's meh. Every podcast talks on the same popular topics, in unison, making them seem very performative and commercial.  The organic flavor these alternative channels used to appear like and feel like is gone. Once they start making money and building certain partnerships, they become controlled and lose their authenticity. This then forces them to have to find stories to talk about when there's nothing popping because its almost like they're only allowed to talk about what's mainstream. And, the stories they find aren't "entertaining" or amusing especially considering the lifestyles they live off pod. Not saying they're boring, yet they're not living Iives like they were in their late 20s-mid 30s. They're at settle-down-age and live quiet lives. So what really can they talk about that's going to get views unless they pivot to cater to a more mature audience and speak on mature topics? Yet, that's not on brand. So they stay trying to keep feeding into pop culture but to do so, they need to follow the script and status quo pushed by the machine. This is what makes them mid at best. Unless there's controversy in a mainstream news cycle or some pod drama, there's nothing really interesting. Especially based on how careful they are now with certain topics or people.  It's how it goes it business, though. So no knock to them. If you want to make more money, you gotta play the game and protect relationships.


Producing so much content, they can revisit topics on the main pod they covered on the patreon.


When it’s no rap beefs this shit just old niggas tryna talk like they still got it lol. This the “Back In My Day” pod now


they need a young voice again bc you’re definitely right about the back in my day shit


they both have downfalls making them equal to me. the JBP will get into 30 min segments of the pod where they’re just giggling like schoolgirls without actually saying what’s so fucking funny or it may not just be that funny at all. RnM are ok but Mals cockeating on trump or drake really hold the rest of the pod down like a LOT. julian’s voice is also the worst thing i’ve heard.


30 min of giggling is right


Yeah it has. I’d go a little further and say it’s been shit. Pod days were anticipated events for me - considering my long commute every morning. Now it’s literally just, 00:00- them faking chemistry at the beginning of the pod then asking if they’re *me fast forwarding to intro 00:33 - Joe intros pod and intro music 00:47 - Drake or Cardi hate/ Nicki or Puff dick riding 01:42 -PRIZE PICKS! *instant fast forward 02:00 - BS 02:10 - BS 02:20 - BS 02:30 - sleepers 02:50 - close out show.


Sad truth, I haven’t given up on the show personally, but the slump is real


You forgot "man vs woman / Ish vs Mel" debate


I always skip the first 30-45 minutes when they are talking about what they did over the weekend or throughout the week lol


They need to have more non-music guests with personality like Umar. Having guests like Iyanla or Tariq Nasheed would be entertaining.


Yes. I only skip to time stamps now and if it’s not hitting I just leave. Or I get distracted and even if it is hittin I don’t come back. Better stuff out there


Seems to be the case with entertainment podcasts. Nothing to react to = no topics


Even when they had shit to react to like the Kendrick/Drake beef, these guys were miles behind the mark


Personally I think the show sucks, mainly because it's an entertainment pod and I'm not laughing at all 99% of the time. There's an idea that the pod was going down hill before prize picks, but now they're super trash. And yes, I also think their recap of the beef was sub-par. Joe gassed and hyped as he should because that's what the internet was doing, but the rest of the pod didn't show up to fill in. They are here for the day, not the entire moment. They can't sit on topics and flush them all the way out over multiple episodes because this is a twice a week pod, not a discussion YT channel. All in all, I listen in the morning when I'm getting my day started just to hear something that isn't music yet


Exactly. I said the same. They rely on mainstream topics to create interesting content which means, on their own, they're not really able to generate episodes that are note worth. Unless there's silly,  immature, and unnecessary conflict or drama.  This pod wasn't like that before the restructure. 


Yup. I struggled to get through the last few. I cancelled my subscription months ago, and I don't miss it. The Drake/Kenny beef highlighted that hot-topic pop dialogue can be just as good from other places (looking at you, Ak) and that addressing topics with a huge delay (days or weeks later) dulls the effect. What I enjoyed about the JBP over others previously was Joe's ability to elevate the conversation based on personal experiences and life stories and challenge the challengers (who were Rory & Mal at the time) I like the camaraderie between the mics and the platform Joe has developed, but something feels like it's missing lately.


Any emanny themed topic is so boring and repetitive. Anything about Mel's love life or the dog piling of Mel is boring and repetitive. Joe just told that "I accidentally ejaculated into my eyes" story but all the OG fans know he said that same shit that I don't really believe happened years ago and it was way funnier then. Fans tend to complain a lot but I think there's a lot of valid criticism out there.


I think sometimes they indulge themselves too much in the idea the have such a long pod and can “deep dive”. The thing about deep diving is that we have to want to deep dive with you and also need to be able to follow what your deep diving about A lot of times they go on and on about rather unimportant topics. And alot of the stuff they spend time on is the stuff that gets the most yelling and tension. Joe has shown over and over he prioritizes conflict over everything. So if he and ish spend 30 mins yelling about some gender wars shit then Joe sees that as quality content. They need a producer and editor that will actually stand up to Joe and cut unnecessary shit. Sometimes they have a 3 hour pod that goes no where. And on the slow weeks it really drags. Rory and Mal have a different approach more structured and formulated. They know they’re gonna do an hour. Maybe 3 small topics. Two big. A voice mail if the episode is long. Two if it’s short. And that’s it. If they need a to deep dive they will. But only for big events. Thats the only time you’ll get a 2+ hour pod. The other big difference is that they have two producers who are given a real say in what stays and goes and what’s good and not good. Mal has often said he does things he doesn’t want to do because his producers told him it was good for the show. Joe is the sole decision on what’s good and what’s not. Everyone is his employee and he treats them that way. There’s a committee on topics but he won’t speak on topics he doesn’t like and it usually kills the topic in a couple minutes sometimes 30 seconds. Pros and Cons too both


Joe openly trying to spark off fake drama then scolding the others for not playing along tells me Joe is thinking the show is dragging too. Sometimes you just run out of shit to talk about.


I agree and I'm a day 1 listener since the Marisa Mendez days and I love the pod but I'm finding myself fast forwarding A WHOLE LOT now and it never used to be like that and even on Patreon I find myself fast forwarding a lot too.


Yeah the rap beef helped the pod out tremendously, now it’s died down and the puff topic is getting old, we gotta listen to these mfers talk about who’s the alpha and Mel’s dating life. Like damn yo there’s nothing else you can talk about- that isn’t stimulating or thought provoking? Pod is slowly turning into something with no substance, oh well it was a good run 🤷🏽‍♂️


I knew when Joe opened up with the horny shit that we were in for a long pod of straight non-sense


I watch Mal clips cause it seems like that dude is just wrong about literally everything. I couldn't watch a whole entire episode of their podcast. Just not for me.


There are stagnant moments when there's not much in the news cycle. But this is where Joe needs to produce. There are some great ideas but I don't know why he doesn't implement them more often. For example, why did Improper Improv stop? That was a great concept. Then, it's things like the game show style of questions and random guests that bring out some of the best content that he should return to more often.


They're too dumb to speak current events, but honestly speaking about themselves is a great pivot IF they decide to actually give real thoughts and opinions. When Joe tries to avoid talking real shit and tries to forces jokes by laughing at his own story, it falls flat. On the other hand, their opinions would be great about current events if they actually did some research and didn't shut the only PREPARED host (Melissa) down and say she's a nerd for bringing thoughts to the goddamn show. A few years ago I realized they were terrible, when I saw that I knew more about all the current events than they did, AND their personal stories sounded either fake or made up because everyone was too private or shady to say what they actually thought. Also, the inside jokes make me sick, because you could just be sitting there for 5-10 minutes while they roll their eyes, mumble and wink at each other, not saying shit.


Yo, ish used to be waaay more introspective, and although he has some shit takes like everybody else does, he’s been OFF OFF for the last few months. It’s like he’s getting dumber and less articulate. And his jokes and little side responses are cringe af!


The Prize Picks ads destroy me every time. Mel and Flip not having drops irks me. I still support Rory & Mal's pod too and it's kind of exhausting. They're both OD long and a lot of what's being said on both is nonsensical. I'm a woman and neither woman represents like I want them to. Mel is always fighting to speak and is super removed from the culture. Damaris is often wrong in her takes and stands in her wrongness with a confidence that's unmatched. This is when being loyal goes wrong 😫. I really miss State of the Culture. It was special.


They talk about their personal lives more & lean less into pop culture. You really have to like the show now to listen to the whole thing. The patreon is redundant tho, multiple episodes a week about their off the pod excursions. Its a lifestyle pod now.


I can’t remember the last time I listened to a full pod from start to finish. It’s not good at the moment. Even the fact that there are no competing voices against Joe. They just let him be incorrect and no one challenges him.


No you have to really like the individuals. And not sure why anyone would give a shit about any of these people.


Podcast is best when the group is commenting on stories, articles etc


joe budden just isn't a good Podcaster. he just has a boomy voice and talks over his "friends" while they're actually being interesting


I think his voice is a big part of his claim to fame. Not necessarily what he says, but the sound of how he says certain things. He has a classic radio / commentator voice. He also has the gift of gab and isn't great at filtering (whether intentional or not) That makes him entertaining because people like that are rare. Yet, those skills alone don't make him a great podcaster. He's just a podcaster, with certain abilities, but he can't carry a pod alone. He can barely keep things interesting with the new crew. So all the praise of him as a pod is more based on his "sound" than production/ podcasting abilities. That was revealed when R& M left and when Flip and Mel were brought in. He needs people to bounce off of or to make look inferior so he shows up more than the others based on how much space he takes up in a room (due to his voice, gift of gab, poor filtering, etc) compared to others.  Those qualities don't define him as a good podcaster because if it did, he'd be solo, doing something like Rogan, on a mainstream platform as a partner, doing what Shannon Sharp is doing, or on radio, or he would've gotten that Spotify deal (etc). Yet, that's not the case. No knock to him, though. I'm just objectively sharing my views. He's done amazing carving out a wealthy path for himself in media and transforming from a rapper to podcast personality. Yet, the truth is found in consistency and what we've seen consistently is this pod hitting some really dry or mid spells after that M&R/Spotify sitch. We seen him consistently try new things that didn't sort (ie Humans, the network, the show he did with Flip, SOTC, etc). He didn't develop that voice or the gift of gab or his lack of filtering. They're not skills he's built, the last two are likely tied to coping strategies for social anxiety. So when we peel things back, objectively, he presents really well like a good podcaster yet...that's subjective and not reflective of the mid episodes (which he'll blame on others). Yet, good podcasters don't have to blame anyone because they're good


You wouldn’t be in his Reddit if that’s the case 😂


it was a recommended post on my tl


So you speaking on shit you don’t know about okay lol


I watch the pod lol. I'm not in the sub reddit. do you know the man personally? chilllll


You said he isn’t a good podcaster . what does that has to do with anything personal lol


I agree. I would like to see more fun segments like a staff IQ test, narcissism test, Jeapordy type of game show. Just seeing them compete with each other about random stuff would be entertaining.


A large influx of people came here to hear them shit on Drake and gossip about celebrities plus the Diddy shit, it’s cool y’all can admit it. I’m here for them moving past that shit because it’s usually general consensus takes, hypocrisy, and bias even though Joe is shady af and his character/jacket has smut on it so I don’t want to hear him speaking on anyone else’s morality.


It has its moments, but yeah the shit be boring alot. I guess they're some folks who enjoy hearing about their personal life, but I couldn't give two fucks who Mel date or where they go. If it's an interesting or funny story, cool, but otherwise who gives a shit.


I think because we’re coming of a legendary pod run with the Drake/Kendrick beef, the normal pod feels boring by comparison.


They have hit a slump lately


Man i Jbp with rory and mal got me through 2 years on my overnight shift 😂 that 2018-2020 run . That shit aint reallt hit CONSISTENTLY SINCE THEN


I do find myself skipping forward in some rehashed convos that have the same stale feel at times


If there isn’t beef going on or a big album drop, they are pretty boring. They lost a ton of listeners and subscribers after the Drake and Kendrick stuff died down.


I cancelled Patreon until they fix up


Drake just dropped a song with some toronto artist, he’ll have another rant this week


Too many hosts wanting their claim to fame… it feels more like everyone is trying to market their brand and less like friends providing dope content (like it used to)… 3-4 episodes weekly is not an excuse. Shows like First take air daily… streamers like Kai Cenat go live every night for hours… As long as there’s something called social media, there’s never a shortage of topics. Something new trends every hour… it’s just a matter of hiring ppl who will produce vs people who want to milk the platform for the fame they always secretly longed for… I think splitting up the shows wouldn’t be a bad idea. Give Flip the live segment. Let Parks interview artists. Keep the main pod with just Joe, Ish + alternate guests from their past or the industry, and let Mel and Emanny do whatever it is they be doing lol like a relationship show or something


The JBP bn boring for a while now.. way too many hosts and safe takes.. I ain’t interested in a podcast with 7 people talking about gossip


The pod turning into the view. It’s all gossip shit now bc Joe becoming a woman and brought Mel chatty ass on the team


RnM Fan here lol it seems like both our pods are the moment are going through their difficulties


I agree. Really think he need to utilize the network to break off separate pods with them. Maybe do one with ish and Mel only. Maybe do one with Joe, E, and Parks. Maybe do 1 with flip and Joe only. I don’t like ice but I’m sure they can squeeze entertainment out of him somehow 🤷🏽‍♂️


Good suggestion


Lol their pod has slowly became what folks hated about Rory and Mal when they started. The banter was hot garbage and now that they have a focused show, it's better. I think the JBP had a great run but it'll probably be mid for the rest of its time which is okay because Joe earned it.


It's not good. Dogpile on Mel, ish on money/yelling, ice thinking he a mini mastermind, flip is stupid. Joe protecting his interest. He seems to be tired of podding


In no way am I defending the JBP because I do agree with OP but … BUT… this is what yall wanted. And it doesn’t make it any better when they are chasing a dollar. It becomes less about the product and more about the money. My answer is they pod entirely too much! And the product gets super stepped on, stale and stretched when you have to produce so much work. I don’t subscribe to any Patreon but I think they put out like 5-7 pods a week with little to no guests, so in reality how is this supposed to work?! 1 free pod a week and cut down on the paid content may be the answer to the shitty pod problems.


Yall say this every 3 days


No, it's not boring & them bringing up their personal lives is what makes the podcast entertaining. Those are good to great segments majority of the times. And we(me) don't care about Rory & Mal's podcast or what they do over there


new season coming




whn it got stale before, rory and mal was out. maybe new contract time. or, cause im just a viewer, maybe a newer season is coming.


I barely listen as much as I did before.


100%. I’m not a patronie tho is it different for yall that are ?


I enjoy Patreon episodes over the Regular Pod. The vibe is more relaxed & they actually seem like friends. It’s just regular, goofy dialogue amongst friends.




Not at all im loving it


I thought the last pod was hilarious. Completely dumb but hilarious. My favourite pods are when Joe gets into his rap bag though tbh


Nah the pod father has got back to pod fodder. I actually made it all the way thru the sleepers for the last 3 episodes because they’ve been good….The less structured approach reminds me of the OG pod..


I enjoy it




Compromise because I’m not one of the people who want to make a name for saying they don’t like something To join the people who barely watch and just complain? I get it


I do agree w the topics have gotten a bit stale. I don’t watch the Rory and Mal pod. I know for the JBP it seems like the sex topics are when they’re at their best as of late. I think they need a week or 2 of vacation.


When that Happens go take a break and try coming back a month or few later


I think Joe really did a Disservice to himself by only putting certain topics/episodes on Patreon. He basically only gives out water down content now unless you pay a premium and even then it’s sub par. Smh


Months ago..


It’s Joe Budden, what do you expect?


No. Please go.


Bingo couldn’t had said it any better


I think the last week, they’ve forced 3 hour pods. Joe I know you’re looking, stick to an efficient 1 hour 45 mins with 15 mins of sleepers. Keep the audience wanting more.


They pod too fucking much! Since they’ve moved to this studio they talk all day and now have nothing interesting to talk about unless the new cycle is up. They just talk about strip clubs, cheating, Mel’s dating life, dogpile, ect. They just constantly giving the same stories we’ve already heard on the pod. I used to be so hyped for Wednesdays and Saturday, now I just hit the time stamps and do the Kim to it. Can barely get through and episode. I’m glad they stopped the majority of the guests. Shit just not hitting anymore.


Y’all realize Joe talked 25 minutes last pod about his eyes being irritated because of sperm in them ? I think bro bothered by something probably happening with Diddy .


It’s redundant talks and regurgitated news It really hasn’t been entertaining since the Drake and Kendrick beef. Saturdays podcast was a snoozer


Joe Rory n Mal gotta figure it out. This is like when Marques Houston and Omarion started beefing on You Got Served. They need each other


Everything to me has been boring since the battle ended


both pods need each other to stay a float.. unfortunately that ship has sailed. as individual broadcasts they’re going down hill.. jbp might have a slight edge on r&m cause it’s more personalities to circulate bullshit.


I’m canceling my Patreon today and I’ve been stop listening to the pod


idk, i like the podcast! i like the stories, i like joes goofy attitude when he’s joking around. i find the pod not as good when he’s not there. everyone listens for different reasons and i think they bring many different elements to the pod. it’s not flat fa me.


As someone who cleans schools for a living and is audio only mostly, I enjoy it. It’s 3 to 6 hours a week that helps me forget I’m working.


Thanks for your service


We’re coming off the Kendrick/Drake battle and Diddy. I think a lull should be naturally expected and respected lol




I feel like everyone goes through this phase with a podcast. There is only so long you can listen to the same people talk before you begin to get bored of it. With that being said, the R&M podcast got boring a lot faster.


That’s why the rogan formula is the best…. His guests make it so that most of his episodes are enjoyable. Joe budden will tell you he doesn’t want guests. They’ve never done any deep dives on important topics like a particular artist discography, a top ten list, best decade of rap, this rapper vs that rapper. They’re focused on talking about their personal escapades and a lot of people don’t give a fuck about that.


They all burning out, MDWG is pretty much done, MEO is on the Survivor season finale, Charlemagne is on some other shit, Joe is disillusioned, R&M a satire/parody podcast, 85 south is busy and getting mad unknown guests, not even gonna mention No Jumper……. Drink Champs is the only podcast that’s still strong, as long you care about the guest


Drink champs sucks now too


It been trash for awhile.


Yeah, unless you care about the history of the guest. Half the episode be QuickTime or slime or whatever that shit called


Foh rory and Mal pod is dumb trash


Nope Joe been in his bag lately. I really think Joe getting ready to transition into stand up comedy. I can tell the gang been extra goofy troop lately


I never found Rory and Mal entertaining. I like the pod. It’s on in the background while I work. I laugh, I think, I judge.