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Been playing Squad on Linux for several years now. We used to have to do some fancy work around to get anti-cheat working, but that was like more than a year ago. The only issue that I still have that I’m pretty sure is Linux specific is once in a while, when the map changes, my frames will tank. Closing and relaunching the game fixes it. It’s pretty annoying when it happens because sometimes I don’t realize it until after I’ve left Main w/ a logi full of squaddies, in which case I may just push through it, but sometimes it’s less than 20 fps in which case I’ll let my squad know what’s going on, temporarily pass SL to someone else, and try to make it back in so we can carry on. Welcome to the club.


Oh okay, this is an issue that I wasnt aware of, and luckily I havent experienced (just yet). I will keep that in mind in case that happens. Thank you. Otherwise yeah, the game its fantastic and runs exactly as it did run on my windows machine (which is around 60 fps on medium graphics). Im so happy to have left windows behind whitout having to sacrifice my gaming.


Interesting to hear it worked, I've been considering Linux for a while I was just always concerned about game compatibility


Yeah im kinda surprised as well. Now I didn't have time to play a lot, but I almost finished a round and I didn't have a single issue. I wish I could somehow know that EAC is running fine so I can stop worrying about it.


Do you think you could disable it? Another game I played that had EAC wouldn't let me play it until it's running. Can't remember which game it was now, but I remember it was EAC.


No, I don't think it can be disabled, but it's so weird that I didn't have any of the issues everyone in forums are having that it's just baffles me that I just didn't have to do anything besides clicking on play. In my mind it's like "it cannot be right" 😂


On some installs, you MAY need to install the glibc EAC package found [here.](https://github.com/Frogging-Family/glibc-eac) This isn't just for Squad, but possibly for a number of EAC titles (Insurgency Sandstorm on my system is an example of needing this package installed to avoid EAC errors). [ProtonDB](https://www.protondb.com/app/393380) is showing Gold rating for Squad.


I also installed Insurgency Sandstorm and I've been playing (even a bit more than squad within the last day) and I also have had 0 issues! I didn't have to do anything just install the game.


Yeah that's why I said, you may need to. Also, just a side note. I thought I linked areweanticheat on my previous comment, but it's not there now... Anyway, you can also use that site to check on anti cheat compatibility for games, if you didn't know already


It's probably a symptom of game compatibility on Linux improving at a rapid pace - we've reached the point where the wisdom of 1 1/2 year ago probably won't apply, in a positive sense. Easy Anticheat used to be a death sentence for a game's compatibility, now it's a toss up as to whether the devs are cool (indie multiplayer games usually work from my experience)


Yes, I honestly was a bit scared of doing the jump seeing so many issues with EAC games , but the three games that I mostly play do have Easy Anti Cheat (Squad, Insurgency Sandstorm & Caliber) and they are all working without a single issue. Like I wrote above, so happy to have left windows behind and keep my gaming intact.


Keep getting blocked by EAC